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Fan Fiction

The Fallen Place by Darth Lord

Halo- The Fallen Place pt1
Date: 10 August 2003, 4:40 PM

"Move your ass", I said in a rush. Excitement and fear came upan me as we crested the top of the street. We saw two covenant shades up in front of us. "Get down", I yelled as the shade opened fire on the street in front of us. "Sir the covenant patrol we spotted earlier well its about 500 yds down behind. We gotta take cover for them not to see us", said private Steve Filler. "Okay men you heard what the man said and I agree move it or be killed by the fuckin covies", I replied my tounge dry. We ran into a old store and hid. As time passed we waited then a group of about 10 grunts and 3 elites walked by on patrol. "Sir I can't stand the perfect oppourtunity", said Private Josef Hall. He stood up and ran at the group. At first they did not notice him but 1 millasecond later they got what was happening and immediatly an Elite chucked a grenade and it landed square on the young private. "AHHHH', he screamed as he ran at them the Elites ran as far away as they could from him but four of those grunts were not so luckey. "He's dead", one of the men screamed. Then my whole platoon of 7 got up and started to fire. Bullets pinged left and right off the elites armor. The grunts went down very fast but the elites would not comply finally their sheilds were gone and we jumped out at them two of my men went down in this fire fight but they will be avenged we jumped at them and smacked them with our rifles. The screams the Elites made was enough to satisfy my thirst for blood.

We walked away ammo less and not wanting to use cove guns we went and took out our combat knives and sharpened them. The battle against the patrol would not be the last. I did have a bandolier of grenades strapped to me and a knife. A man name private Tom Brown Had a pistol he got from his house which we were in right now. The pistol was one his fater gave him and his fater before that it was a baretta and it was crude and not fast but it might come in handy. I stood and looked out the window and saw what I will probably never forget a dropship filled with civilans was taking off from a abandoned hospital and as it was leaving two banshees flagged it on its tail shooting their plasma cannons rapidly and just as the pelican was going to speed up to evade the banshees it exploded. I was thinking about the wemon and children on that pelican and how they will never live to see another sunrise or sunset again. I got angry with life with everything and with this war. Life takes so long to progress and the covenant take it away like it is nothing. I got up and signaled the men it was time to go. We walked down the stairs and were set on one thing. To kill more covenant. I walked out into the sun light. It was glaring down upan me. We ran across the street looking for a fight. Private Henry Wood and I too point looking out for a covie patrol tryin to find a fight. We found it a covenant group was laid in a park a few elites an lots of grunts. We did a recon and saw that there was a ghost sittin there. I thought ,"We could use that". We ran for the area. Wood dissappered I was going to call it off but we did not have the time so we kept running. Tom Brown opened fire with all 12 shots enede a grunts life only three grunts stood. we got there but just as that happened grunts and elites jumped out of the trees. We were surrounded. As their guns leveled on us Private Wood jumped out and stole the ghost. I yelled,"Wood thank god youre here". Wood turned and replied,"Sorry sir gotta look out for number one". He flew off. I looked up at the sky for help wondering if I would see the girl I love again or my friends back home. Then over the horizon a pelican flew over and laid the area with fire. It killed one of the elites and the banshee lowered and let out 12 men who opened fire and beat the rest to death and also brought supplies guns and tents. I looked at the leader of that force and started to talk , " We thought we might be a part of the fallen". He replied ,"No seargent you and your men were just lost and need help".....
