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Fan Fiction

The Elite Wars by Elitehunter676

The Elite Wars: In the Beginning
Date: 23 October 2004, 9:23 PM

Authors note
You hopefully all remeber me, and no I didn't quit writing I just, well, took a brake, yeah, that's it. Well anyway this is my new story(Rites of Passage is being worked on, it will return soon.) I think this should be good, hope you like it.


      Long ago, before time itself some say, the Great Ones, came forth and wrought the land to fire and ash. And from this ash was born the desendents of the blood. Their true identities are a mystery to everyone, some say even they themselve do not know. But what is known is that after their birth, they waged an unholy struggle against one another, why? When? No one truely knows.
      But to this day, they stand forth, the strength of the gods flowing through them. And now, they shall burn.
The Elite Prophecy,
Dated at the Second Coming.

      Sor'ee looked up at the pale sky, as the gigantic ship sailed over head, it's massive outstretched wings making it look like some kind of exotic bird or fish. As it faded into the distance Sor'ee visably shook himself, then turned to address his second.
      "Man'staa," his voice was a soft rumble, not threating, but one which demanded attention.
      "Yes, excellency." the other creature quickly lowered into deep bow, his face nearly brushing the rain soaked grass beneath him. He also had been watching the massive jo-wing and had been clearly caught off guard by his superiors sudden speech.
      "Gather the men, I wish to address them myself." Sor'ee gestured to the valley of bright armoured troops beneath him, then calmly turned back to the sky above.
      "Yes, of course my lord." Man'staa quickly raised from his bow and hurried off down the hill without another word.
      Sor'ee continued to watch the sky from where he stood, atop a large crested hill that overlooked the outstretched, almost treeless, plains around it. His ears ####### at a distant rumble, but he quickly dismissed it as another jo-wing or possibly a jumper landing troops in the distance.
      Sor'ee continued to gaze at the sky above, not really searching, but admiring. How, how could it remain so peacful, so beatiful with so much horrer and death beneath it? Perhaps the old stories were true, the stories of how the Great Ones smote everything but the sky, because it was the only place that had not been touched by evil. For not the first time Sor'ee wished he could be their, amongst the clouds, not apart of this bloody conflict from which only pain and death and sorrow came.
      There was a rustle of armour behind him, and suddenly he was returned to this world, and not the one he dreamed of. Sor'ee took a deep breath, preparing to deliver his men a cunning speech of how the Great Ones had blessed their cause and how victory was near. But as he turned only to face his men, the air caught in his throat.
      In front of him stood creatures identical to him, but instead of wearing the bright silver armour of the Knight's of Truth they wore the dead black armour of the Death's Hand.
      His hand quickly darted for his weapon, but before he could retreive his sword from his belt their was a bright flash of blue light, and a terrible burning scalded his chest. Sor'ees mouth gaped open as his eyes fell to his chest, where a bright blue plasma blade had pierced his armour, and chest.
      Sor'ees vision blurred as he looked back up, coming face to face with the sword holder. The creatures face contorted into an evil smile.
      "It's over light-caster," the creature said in a deep rough voice, "You and the rest of your kind will bow before the Dark Caste even if you must do it in death." and with that the creature gave a fatal twist to the blade and Sor'ee, blessed one of the Knights of Truth finally knew peace.

      And so it was and shall be, that as the darkness extends it's hands over the land, that those of the truth shall be ready. Ready to stand and ready to die.
Taken from
The Prophecies of Truth

Date unknown

Well that's it, hope you enjoyed this first part, and I hope you'll like the whole story. And don't worry your not really supposed to understand what light-casters and what not are supposed to be yet. That will be explained in dew time.
