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Fan Fiction

The Defense Of The Outer Colonies by Ferelar

Defebse Of The Outer Colonies- Part I Defense Of Seridan IV
Date: 12 November 2004, 1:36 AM

Seridan IV system 1634 military hours

"No! Get off me!" screamed a sergeant as a jackal with a spent plasma weapon bit into his arm. In panic, the sergeant opened fire, taking not only the head of the jackal off, but also his other hand with it. " ARGH! My hand! Damn carnivorous things..." he said through gritted teeth to a marine next to him "I wish that the covenant would just leave them behind once in a while!". "Well sarge, I think I would be fine with that!" the marine yelled back. The marines were trying to hold seridan IV, but were getting mobbed by covenant forces.
"Damn! Were gettin slammed!" said the sergeant with a bloody stump for a hand. "This is Sergeant Jackson and I need reinforcements! Do you copy me?" "Roger that. This is Echo 257 already on it. Looks like captain Adil already put in the order! The Captian wanted you to get a special package for this big battle!" A pelican started to approach the hastily erected LZ nearby the sergeant's position. The pilot yelled over the channel " These are our little package... the Spartans!". "Hot Damn!" said the sergeant. "Thank you god! He thought. We can really use them, can't we now. The Spartans ain't never lost a ground engagement! Right sir?" asked a marine. " I don't think they have" said the sergeant back. "Lets hope they haven't.......... we'll need God on our side to win this."

Outskirts of city of Coran Ne Levear 1748 military hours

Hundreds of marines were armed with sniper rifles on the edge of the battlefield. The rest were in warthogs, and were doing their best to take out as many of the small targets. They knew the snipers could kill most of the elites in one volley. Which they did very effectively, once the order was given to open fire. 22 elites survived the volley, however, and 19 of them hopped in their ghost light reconnaissance vehicles, and charged the 46 warthogs that charged towards the city, which the covenant now held. The elites intelligently aimed mostly for the drivers of the 'hogs, after a 32 second stream of fire from both sides of the battle, 7 ghosts remained with drivers that could still move. However, only 24 of the original 46 'hogs remained. The snipers effectively reduced the number of remaining ghosts to 0.
The remaining elites had called in for reinforcements, though, and that was going to b e a real problem to the unknowing humans. Many of them cursed as 8 wraiths floated into view. 8 ghastly balls of deadly plasma hurled towards the warthogs. As the dust cleared... 2 warthogs remained. A sniper was aiming for the far left wraith as a charred leg that hit him in the back and burned him threw his aim. He screamed not because of the pain, but because of the horror of a marine's severed leg hitting him. Suddenly, 5 of the wraiths burst into flames. The marines looked around in wonder, and soon found the source of the lifesaving explosions. They found it: Spartans. Many marines thanked god with all their hearts as twelve Spartans walked down a hill into the fray, and, charging the rest of the wraiths with Jackhammers, took them out. They then turned their eyes to the amassing cloud of dust. Only one thing could have created that... thousands of Grunts.

4 kilometers from Decimated Outskirts of city of Coran Ne Levear 1957 military hours

The grunts had trampled almost all of the marines, leaving only the Spartans and 129 of the marines to escape. Out of the almost 700 that the battle had begun with, most of the marines had been decimated in the attack by the grunts. They had trampled, shot, ripped, tore, killed, killed, and killed. The marines had retreated to a base that had been prepared. It was the safest place to be on seridan IV. The morale was in the deep negatives. They knew they were living on borrowed time. They knew the covenant would wipe them out. The only thing that kept them from killing themselves was the fact that the five Spartans were there. They knew know that they weren't invincible. They did know however, that they were very powerful. The twelve Spartans had not slept after their big battle for four hours. The fact that the Covenant hadn't attacked by then frightened all of the people staying in the new "Alpha Base". Then they saw it. The largest cloud of dust ever created on Seridan IV. Hundreds of ghosts rushed toward Alpha Base. The Spartans opened fire with the two rockets that were in the chambers of their Jackhammer launchers. 10 ghosts burst into flame, but were avoided by the other hundreds. Then, John, the leader of the Spartans... knew they couldn't win that way. Knew that there was simply too many. Knew that if they continued fighting like this, every single human at Alpha Base would die. As a last resort, he armed the only working military EMP on Seridan. He used a secure frequency to broadcast his idea to the rest of his team. It would take out their shields, the ghosts, and the elites shields. He activated the EMP, and all of the ghosts lurched and spun, but did not continue at Alpha base the chief felt the armor go off, then its secondary anti EMP hummed into action. His shields were still out however, so he ducked. He opened a COM channel to the marines "save your ammo, but not your grenade... use every single grenade in sight. 36 grenades flew out of alpha base. Two slipped out of their masters hands, or detonated prematurely. 14 marines were blown apart. However, hundreds of elites were two. The chief called for evac. If the enemy had that many ghosts at their disposal, then Seridan IV was already lost. The enemy was set up too well. There were other worlds to try to save. Like Jercon VII, their next target. Hopefully, Earth would never end up on the potential list for "Needs to be saved". Hopefully.
