
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Covenant Prequal by Ed R.

Humanity's Gambit, Chapter 1
Date: 28 November 2004, 1:43 AM

The Planetary Sytem of Reach,
The UNSC Military Complex of Camp Hathcock
The year 2530

Lieutenant Commander Mik Nekker paced nervously, "So, why are we here, sir?" Commander Veredi sat in a padded chair, massaging his temples. "Because we lost contact with Harvest." Nekker stopped pacing. "I know that, but why are WE HERE? What is the purpose for our prescence?" Veredi sat up straight, with great posture. "Now, if I knew that, why the hell would I have been called here as well?" A man walked through a titanium door, and faced Nekker and Veredi. "Sirs, the ONI meeting will begin now, please follow me." He led them into a room, where several people sat in chairs, looking very official. "Please, sit." A man said, looking in their direction. "We will start off by saying that you are not obligated to do anything, but please, listen to all that we say." "Oh crap..." Nekker said, quietly. "As you must have already heard, contact with Harvest was lost very recently." A woman began to say, "Before Harvest was lost, we recieved a transmition from the station that was set in its atmosphere." A recording played. A man's voice could be heard, although the recording was staticy. "Report: Our probes have picked up a large mass reading. We sent thmem out for a second look, but nothing was there. The next day, they once again picked up the mass, closer this time, but again it dissapeared. We thought the probes were malfuntioning, so we sent them to maitenence, and broke out the spares. Today, we caught the mass once again. About to send out the probes for a secondary check,, Stand by... Dear God.. What the hell-" The recording stopped. "What happened to the recording?" said the Lieutenant Commander, slouching in very un-official fasion. "That is what we want you to find out, Lieutenant Commander. Please, go to Harvest, find out what the hell happened, and give us a full report." "Can you give us a few hours to decide, ma'am?" Veredi asked. "Yes, we will give you as long as you need." She answered...

Aboard the destroyer, Heracles

"Damnit, why do we get picked for the suicide mission?" Nekker said, as he flung himself into a metal chair. "Because we are the crew of a destoyer, and because we will be backed by two frigates." Veredi said, patiently. "Shouldn't the rest of the crew know?" The Lieutenant Commander asked, "I mean, we aren't the only ones who will be aboard." "They thought tat for now only the ranking officer and his second in command need to know." Veredi answer again, swiftly. Nekker sat up, looking bewildered, "And just how the hell do you know all of this?" He asked, curiously. "I have...sources in ONI." The Commander responded hesitantly. "...Sources? What kind of sources?" Nekker questioned. "... A cousin." The Commander responded, bowing his head, "And why is my secondary officer interrogating me?" "Just...Curious." Nekker said, choosing his words carefully. He had been speaking candidly, and had not realised it. It was a wonder he had not been thrown off the destroyer for that. "Well, then, I have one question for you." Veredi said. "Is the Heracles past its prime?" "Sir...It is working as well as it did when we recieved it." Mik Nekker replied. "Then I think we have found our answer."

Camp Hathcock,
Meeting with ONI Brass

"Have you made a decision, Commander?" The woman said, when they returned, two hours later. "Yes, ma'am, we have decided to take your mission." Commander Veredi said. "And your First Mate, is he up to it?" Nekker stood, "Ma'am, It would be my honor." "Then it is settled. In one year, we shall begin this mission. We are trying to get you support. The only ones that have signed on are the frigates Arabia and Vostok." "Ma'am, we are still up to it, Ma'am" Veredi answered. "Then... Go, and ready yourselves. Return here in exactly one year." "Yes ma'am." Nekker said, and left. Veredi was about to leave, when the woman stopped him. "And Commander, there was a Captain aboard that Station orbiting Reach. Even if he is Alive, your actions have shown Valor, and Courage. I herby name you Captain Veredi." "Yes Ma'am." Veredi said, and left the room, slowly.

In the bar, Reach's Finest

"Hear hear!" Nekker shouted, sitting on a stool. "So they finnally made you a captain, eh? About time, sir!" Veredi sat opposite Nekker, smiling. "Yeah, finnally. Suddenly, I am glad that I voulenteered us, I got promoted, and it will probably a blue-milk run, maybe a meteor." Nekker was more sboer than Veredi, so he still had his common sense. "I don't think so. Why would he Curse in front of ONI brass for a METEOR?" "I don't know, but lets wait a year to find out. For now, lets drink to our health." And thats what they did, unknowing the dangers that lied in wait for them upon this "Blue-Milk Run."
