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Fan Fiction

The Alliance by pooman

The Alliance: Part One
Date: 14 August 2003, 9:01 PM

This is a diffrent series, Microsoft word dosent work so im writing on a note pad, sorry.the year is 5,610 you guys might enjoy this more than my other one. But I am still writing the Sarge.This series has the same charcters as the Sarge.This chapter might be a little boring.Remember im only 13, enjoy :)

"Some people think War is Hell, some people think War is God's way of killing people, I think diffrently, War is nessary, and so are alliances. This my story."

Milltary Outpost12 is a Moon base on a mountain. The mountain is 12 miles high and 6 miles wide. the base was big, it was 5 miles wide (it looks like the base on Blood Gulch only bigger, only without the walls at the top) The bases defenses were 4 mounted 200Caliber automatic MG's with 360 degree rotation, and could move straight up, or straight down.The only way to get up to the base was by either hellicopter or dropship.If anyone tried to climb the mountain, they would die, by mines planted under the mountain. The base had 3'000 Marines, who lived and worked at the base.

Master Sergeant Ben Mayfield looked out of the cafteria window at Earth, it was all normal on earth, but in an estimated 25 days the Covenant Fleet would reach Earth. The USNC put out 70 Neuclear Mine's(the mine's float in space) in frount of the Moon. The Moon was Earth's last defense. The entire USNC Fleet was behind the Moon guarding Earth. the UNSC Fleet had 759 ships, and the Covenant Fleet had 789 ships.

"God im hungry."Ben wispered to hiself. Ben went over to the vending mechines and ordered a turkey dinner and a lemonade drink.He sat down to eat, and heard someone yell his name. He looked up and saw his friend, Staff Sergeant Konor Gleeson.
"Konor is that you?!"
"Yes sir it sure is!"

Konor and Ben went to Westpoint Millatry School together. But right after graduation they were sent to diffrent Planet's to fight the Covenant.After 14 years they reunited.
"So how has life been treatin you?" Asked Ben.
"Good I married a girl named Anna' here'se her picture." Ben took the picture, Anna was a young pretty blonde in her late 20's.
"So how has your life been?"Konor asked. "Really good im living my life long dream."
"Cool." Konor said.

Ben and Konor finished dinner,and said goodby. Ben went to the top of the landing pad, he was assigned to guard the landing pad with 59 other Marines.He saw a ship hese nevere seen before about to land on the pad.
"Identify your ship id number." a Marine talked into the raido. the 200Calibers were fixed on the unknown ship.
"Once again identify your ship number, or we will open fire." the same marine said.
"This is Forerunner peaceship number 9,086." The ship landed and a door opened, and stairs came out, then a hooded figure came out.

All the Marine's stared at the figure untill Ben spoke up.
"Hold your fire."
"Are you the leader of your people?"the hooded figure asked.
"No but up here I am, what do you want with us?"
"We want to form an alliance with your people."
"Ok, we will escort you to our leader."

The General and the figure had a long 2 hour conversation. The new species calls themself The Forunner, and they wish to form an alliance with the humans.The Forunners have 2 million soliders. They have a new type of gun it fires a laser shot with deadly accuracy(just like the sentinals.) The guns could cut through a Hunters armor in 16 seconds and kill him in 1 second without armor, and could kill a Grunt in 2 seconds, and could cut through a Jackles shield in 14 secounds and kill him in 2,destroy an Elites shield in 5 seconds and kill him in 6 seconds. The Forunners had enough guns to supply for the entire UNSC force.

The Forunners hated the Covenant, they have been waging war since the year 1,324. At the time the Covenant hade better weapons and the Forunners numbers were to few. The Forunners evacuated thier home planet and went in to hiding. The Covenant thought they wiped out the Forunners and didint bother to look for them becuse they thought they took them out. But they were wrong.The Covenant killed the Forunners leader and it made them pissed.Now after 1,285 years (i think) now they want revenge on the Covenant and they want it now.

The Alliance: Part two
Date: 1 September 2003, 12:31 AM

Authors note: Hello guys, this is my 2nd chapter of The Alliance, I hope you enjoy it. In my first chapter I forgot to mention that the marines at the base are all ODST's.I want to say thanks to Konor for editing this series. Cheers!

Master Sergeant Ben Mayfield looked out of the window, recalling all that happened today. The human race formed an alliance with a race called the Forunners, and everything was going great. It was 12:32PM, so Ben went back to his quarters for some well deserved rest.

Ben was wakened by a alarm going off, and a voice yelling over the intercom: All personnel to battelstations. Ben put on his armor and got his gun. He was running to his station and was greeted by Konor, "Hey man what the hell is going on?" Konor yelled over the alarms."I dont know but lets find out." Ben ran over to the caferitia window and saw about 1,234 Covenant spaceships."Holy crapp." Ben muttered.

Onboard the UNSC cruiser Cortez. 21 miles outside of the moons orbit.

Colonel Mychal Beam looked out the windows of his command deck."Report." Mychal calmley said as he took another puff of his cigar. The ships AI Lancelot paused before awnsering."The Covenant have 1,234 Ships, and we have 987, including 10 Super Mac Guns." "Ok alert all ships to battlestations, I don't want them to fire untill on my mark." Mychal said as he took another puff. "Aye, aye sir." Lancelot camley said

Mychal looked out of the windows to see the Covenant Fleet moving closer in, a small grin formed across Mychal's mouth. He liked the fact that the Covies didn't know about the mines."3,2,1." Mychal said as he saw some Covenant ships explode, and others get badley damaged. "Report." Beam asked Lancelot. "6 ships destroyed, 11 damaged sir." "Good." Mychal said happly as he took another puff.

The Covenant ship's were now shooting the mines out. Now the Covenant ships were close enough to fire. "Tell all ships to open fire." Beam said, as sweat trickled down his forehead. "Aye, aye, sir." Lancelot calmley said. Beam looked out the window and saw ships on both sides exchange fire. "Crapp." Beam yelled. "Thier deploying Serfs, tell all ships to deploy all thier Longsoards. "Aye, aye, sir." Lancelot said, with a hint of worry in his voice.

Corporal Alex Valienti hopped into his Longsoard and took off. Thier were over 67'998 Serf's, and about 68,123 Longsoard's "This is Corporal Alex Valenti, Londsoard's deployed." "Acnoleged Corpral, good luck" Beam said. Alex looked onto his missle lock system and fired. thier was a explosion by a Serf that his missle hit. Alex smiled. but his smile didn't last long. A Serf was about 4 feet away from hitting him, Alex prayed, then set off all of his missles. He took down the rest of the Serfs with him.

Mychal looked out of his window his ship was the last ship left. mychal made the dicesion to run into the rest of the Covenant ships. "Lancelot tell all personnel to evac to the moon. And put engins to 100%." Lancelot nodded without saying a word. Soon after, everybody was off the ship, except the crew and Mychal. mychal felt the ship accelarte, the ship landed in the middle of the Covenant Fleet. Beam looked at the self destruct button and pressed it.

Ben saw a white flash from space, and herd the explosion, and saw that four Covenant ships blew up. But 13 remained. He saw a lot of purple dropships fly out of the remaning Covenant ships.(About 111,000,009.) Ben saw a beam come down from a Covenant ship And felt it hit the planet, but they werent glassing it, they were making a landing area for a Covenant ship, not a dropship but a spaceship. ( the spaceship is the smallest out of them all, but it was still huge.) Ben saw it accelrate towards the planet and land, 98 miles from his base.

Konor took his sniper rifle and scoped it to 10x, but the ship was to far away, he couldent see anything excpt the ship. So he asked for bonnuclears, and zoom them in 50x, he could see perfectly. The Covenant were making a base camp. Thier were 40 Wraths, about 5,000 Ghosts, but only 123 Banshees. 10,000 Elites, 1,500 Hunters, 40,000 Jackles, and 100 Grunts. He saw a Prophet. "Jackpot." Konor muttered as he put the bonnuclears back. And walked slowly out of the cafetira.

The Alliance: Part Three
Date: 10 September 2003, 8:06 PM

Authors note: this is the first Part of The Alliance, part 3, to be co-written by Conor (a.k.a.) coviekiller and in the story, Konor. In the last chapter Mychal Beam was looked upon as somewhat of a hero. Well actually he was picked for the suicide mission secretly by the commanding officers for because he was gay. He was normal until he was 8, then when he was raped by a polar bear at the zoo, things took a turn for the worst. He was kicked out of his all male school for un-necessary touching in the showers. ENJOY THE STORY

The last of the covenant were headed towards the moon base. 13 of the covies finest vessels completely surrounded in plasma defense. The ships all were equipped with plasma blast-cannons capable of that of a nuke. The atomic generators inside the ships hull were powering the weapons and communications, and in the docks were drop ships being fueled up with their escorts.


After the emergency EVAC from the ships the moon was overcrowded with makeshift bunkers, medical tents, fighting vehicles, and strategically placed teams of shock troops and convoys. "What the hell is that!", yelled an angry Sergeant pointing at a centerfold of playboy hanging in the HELLJUMPERS bunker. "Hey Serge lighten up, at least it isn't playgirl like it is in the officers bunkers.", said Ben. "Ill have you know that is the bunker I reside in", answered the Serge matter-of-factly. "Your point?", said the sniper Konor. All of the guys started laughing as the red-faced Sergeant walked out. But what happened next shut them all up really quick. A plasma round came whistling into the bunker and the concrete ceiling caved in on top of all of them. After the crawled out of the rubble the leader of the unit , Master Sergeant Ben Mayfield, yelled for a casualties check. No one was injured besides a bruise or too. "ALL ARMED PERSONEL TO YOUR POSTS A.S.A.P., THIS IS NOT A DRILL" boomed an urgent voice over the PA's on the base, and an alarm was raised and the foot-marines mobilized onto drop ships, warthogs, scorpions, and the rest were put on standby. "Ok the covies are closing in and we will be the tip of the spear ,take down the heavy stuff like elites, hunters, any vehicles or turrets and try to save the recon and foot-marines asses, the last thing we need is a boat-load of newbies sent back to there crying mommas" said Ben in an easy tone as if this type of thing occurred on a daily basis. The team went out on foot to a strategic point of contact, or as the marines would say "the hell hole". Konor and Ben were racking up kills the second they saw the covies get off the ships. Konor sniped them as Ben used his fast hands with the AR and anyone stupid enough get come up to us was wasted with a click-click-boom from his shotgun. "Sanchez, you see that group of them over?" said Konor to demo expert Miguel Sanchez "Yeah what about the bastards" "frag them to hell!" three fragmentation pins were pulled within the next 5 seconds and bloody bodies cluttered the area. But in return a spray of needler rounds hit Sanchez and corporal Watson tried to pull them out but the both of them exploded and blood sprayed the remaining 4 of them "You guys let that be a lesson, you'd have thought a HELLJUMPER would know not to try and pull out needler rounds", Said Ben to the squad in an angry but solemn voice. The battle raged on and was looking bleak for the squad. With ammo low and 2 casualties, the HELLJUMPERS were about ready to throw in the towel. The covies were still going strong down in the river valley, until a long sword attack run came. Missiles took out turrets, groups of them and vehicles. The covie force was weakened but there were still more. The drop ships returned back to the fleet and the SERPHS stopped attacking the base. The marines were sent back to the base to help rebuild what wasn't too badly damaged. I guess you could say the marines won, but it was a lose-lose situation. The covies lose vital troops while we lose part of the base and our men. Ben was debriefed and had hid dinner with Konor as usual. No one slept easy, because what happened that day, was only the beginning of all out hell. If the marines and the fore runner work together, this might not be too bad. But there wasn't as much support as needed today.
