
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Tales of Beta Squad by Dylan Monk

Tales of Beta Squad Chapter 1 Part 1
Date: 23 April 2005, 1:59 AM

Tales of Beta Squad

Beta Squad. Some thought they were a myth. Others thought they were a legend. They were a group of Halo addicts, who were becoming well know throughout X-Box Live. And to be well known throughout something that huge is a pretty big achievement. Their geeky name was becoming feared and respected. Their skills were becoming renowned.

It is at this point they face one of their toughest challenges. A large group of outsiders had formed a temporary allegiance. This allegiance had the seven Beta Squad members trapped in the blue base of Curogulation. This free-for-all Slayer was fast turning into one of their hardest battles. The members of the team were Smiley Mage, Tough Love, Scream Scene, Blue-K-Wolf, Oddball, Hack Lock and Glitch Safe. Despite their weird and almost funny names, these were hardcore players. Spartans to the bone. They all had the Spartan skin, and all were white. Hack Lock and Glitch Safe were the same person, controlled by an immensely rich kid with two super fast computers. He had long practised controlling two computers at once, and his characters were always in perfect synchronisation.

"Regular formation, people" said Oddball. "Three bottom, one each side and two on top. Work together. Hack Lock and Glitch Safe, you on the sides. Smiley Mage and Tough Love, topside. The rest stay here with me." All obeyed with unmatched speed and fluency.
"I'm ducking out for a second to open a safe link with Smiley Mage" said Oddball. His Spartan body just stood still. Every now and then it would check it's weapons, as programmed by Bungie. Oddball was opening an audio conversation with Smiley Mage through MSN Messenger. This way he'd know quickly if they spotted something through the sniper scopes. He opened up what they liked to call a 'Secure Broadcast Link'. He checked it was working and Smiley mage was aware of it, and then brought up the X-Box Live screen on his computer. Oddball suddenly spun around in a circle, to show he was back in the game. There was the sound of a frag grenade exploding just outside Hack Lock's post. It was followed by the sound of Hack Locks plasma rifle spraying the intruder. Blue-K-Wolf ran out and saw Hack Lock was attacking a player in a blue and white Elite skin with the name Fords Ruul 107. He Fords Ruul 107 screamed "DIE FAGGOTS!" and pulled out a rocket launcher. Hack Lock and Blue-K-Wolf ran around the wall and took cover as the idiot fired and blew himself up.
"Classic freak teenager lingo" commented Blue-K-Wolf. "'Die faggots'. What a loser."
"He tried a kamikaze too" added Hack Lock. "Ah, well. Get back to your post Blue-K-Wolf. And thanks for the backup."
"No probs."

There was one down out of the many that lurked outside, waiting to see this dream team that called themselves Beta Squad, and then crush them. They were becoming a whole new game themselves. Harder than Legendary by far, the one to defeat them would claim an awesome title throughout Live. Fords Ruul 107 had been too easy. The idiot killed himself. But his attack and taken some of Hack Locks health, and showed that the opposition was moving in. Oddball suddenly heard a gasp on his speaker. It must be Smiley Mage. He looked up. The others followed suite. They saw plasma rifle fire leaping everywhere. A plasma grenade fell down the hole. They all scarpered. Breaking ranks was a big mistake. An internet punk by the name of Pussys Rock 225 jumped down, an Assault Rifle in his hands. He started firing at Blue-K-Wolf, who only had a plasma pistol. Blue-K-Wolf dodged in the small space as he charged a plasma bolt. He let it fire. The bolt missed, splashing over the wall. Scream Scene came up behind Pussys Rock 225 and hit him over the back with his shotgun. He couldn't fire, for risk of hitting an ally at close range. He also would wate ammo were a smack on the back would suffice. Oddball spoke to Smiley Mage over hi microphone. "Are you guys alright?" He heard Smiley Mage sigh and respond. "Yes, we both lost a little health, but there's a pack up here. We wont use it 'till we need it. Hey wait... I got someone coming in from the hill. They're going for the Banshee hold under you. You might not have to fight him if I snipe him down." There was silence, then the whole team heard a crack of a sniper rifle. "Yes, I got him! Oh, no... wait... There's a 'hog of people coming down." They all heard another crack as Oddball filled them in on what was happening. "It's okay", said Smiley Mage, "Tough Love got the driver. They're just at the top of the hill. The Warthog's flipped. They're coming down now. Three of 'em. Looks like... they've all got plasma pistols, so no probs there. Wait... Shit, one's got a rocket, I'm gonna try take him out." Oddball informed the squad what was happening. They heard yet another crack, followed by an explosion. Oddball heard Smiley Mage say "Crap" to himself as the rocket hit the top of the base. "Are you okay?" asked Oddball.
"Nearly dead. I'll grab the health pack. I missed them. Tough Love jumped out of the way and went into the portal by mistake. It may turn out well if she can flank them."
"Understood" replied Oddball. He said to the squad "there's three people coming down that hill. They may make it down. So everybody, prepare. Get ammo of the floor, switch weapons, reload, whatever." They all got themselves ready for an attack. Even though it was a video game and none of them were actually near each other, there was a feeling of tension. Glitch Safe suddenly shouted "Breach!" and through a frag grenade at the floor in front of him. He then ran around the corner. The intruder must not have been to bright, because, as Glitch Safe had planned, he walked right onto the grenade as it exploded. He flew into the air, it the roof and came back down. There was silence. Then the crack of Smiley Mage's sniper rifle. Smiley Mage said to Oddball "I got him!" Oddball relayed that message to the team. Scream Scene said "I've had enough. I'm goin' out there and I'm gonna kill that jerk."
"You can't go out!" Blue-K-Wolf cried, "you'll be killed! And then we'll have to defend this base on our own, and lose a point because of you. And you'll probably die on the way back too."
"I don't care, it's just a game. Jeez, you guys suck." Oddball turned around and shot him three times in the head with a Magnum. His character fell to his knees, then dropped forward.
"I told you it was a bad idea to recruit an outsider" said Oddball. "We need to make it known he is no longer part of the team."
"Oddball, the other dude's up here!" cried Smiley Mage. They all heard a crack as Smiley Mage tried to fire a sniper rifle close range. Then they heard a dull and faint whack.
"Smiley mage, what happened?"
"Tough Love came up behind him and hit him over the back."

Tales of Beta Squad Chapter 1 Part 2
Date: 15 July 2005, 7:11 am

"I think we should move out. There's a 'hog and two Ghosts out here. We should drive off to red base and storm 'em."
"I'll inform the others. Get in the side seat with your sniper." Oddball turned to the rest of the team. "We're taking a Warthog. Glitch Safe and Hack Lock, you take a Ghost each. I'll gun. Smiley Mage is in the passenger side, and Tough Love will drive."
"What about me?" asked Blue-K-Wolf.
"Go under, and grab the Banshee. You'll fly overhead. Go now." They all went to their posts. They kept together, but not too bunched up. Up ahead they spotted a Scorpion tank. "Crap" they all said in unison. The Ghosts made a beeline up to the tank, and both started to fire as they both made a circle around the tank, one clockwise, one anti-clockwise. The tank driver, overwhelmed, bailed and was consequently hit by one of the Ghosts. A second tank came up from behind them.
"There must've been a colony in that base in the hills. They've hijacked our tank" said Oddball. "Turn this formation around!" The group of vehicles came around to face the new threat. The tank had four pink Spartans running behind it, each armed with plasma rifles. Oddball began gunning them down. They broke their ranks, running in different directions. They began to open fire on the Warthog. The Tough Love manoeuvred the 'hog out of the way of the barrage, and ran down one of the offenders. The Ghosts started their circling around the tank. The tank followed Glitch Safe's Ghost with it's turret and machine gunned it. It fired it's rocket and Glitch safes Ghost flipped, throwing him out. This was too much. They couldn't both be controlled at once. Hack Lock flew his Ghost away and then remained still. Glitch Safe jumped onto the tank and started to board it. Glitch Safe threw a frag down the hatch and jumped off. The grenade detonated. The tank's turret blew off and the pink Spartan inside died. Meanwhile, the others were getting gunned down by Oddball in the Warthog. The last one was sniped by Smiley Mage. They regrouped, Glitch Safe got into his Ghost, and they moved up to the hill.

They drove up the side of the hill closest to the edge of the map. There were about ten more pink Spartans waiting inside. There were enemies all over this map. The Warthog hit three just as it entered. This set of the other seven, who also had plasma rifles. They Fired upon the 'hog. Oddball gunned down a further two, and the Ghosts hit four. There was only one left. He jumped off the hill and started to run. Tough Love Turned the 'hog around so that Smiley Mage could snipe him. The little pink figure fell down just in front of Blue base. The vehicles got backed out. Outside Blue-K-Wolf was flying around, preforming Banshee tricks to satisfy his boredom.
"I've done pretty much nothing!" he complained.

Beta Squad started to proceed towards Red base again, when a Spectre came over the hill. "The fun never ends" commented Tough Love. Before anyone could do anything, Banshee fire rained down upon the Spectre. The Elite in the turret lined up his gun, and fired a quick few bolts before dying. Blue-K-Wolf dodged them all. The remaining two Elites got out. They were holding shotguns. Tough Love tried to ram them, but the jumped over the Warthog and evaded. Oddball spun around and shot one as it was in the air. It fell, still alive, and had a further barrage of bullets fly upon it. The other one attempted to board the 'hog. Tough Love drove accelerated, and then spun the car around as they came up a hill, deliberately flipping it. They all fell out, including the Elite. Tough Love stuck a plasma grenade to it's face. She got in the 'hog and picked up the others as the Elite exploded. They continued their trip to red base.

The base had randomly placed soldiers all around it. The Banshee fired it's plasma turrets in a merciless barrage, taking out three men at once. The 'hog ran over two more and Smiley Mage sniped two at once. Oddball spun around on his turret, constantly firing. The Ghost rounded up the few survivors at the front and either ran them down or shot them. Two of the three Elites on the top of the base were gunned down by the Banshee. The remaining one hurled a plasma grenade at it, sticking it. Blue-K-Wolf flew his Banshee downwards and bailed, just as it exploded. He had aimed it so that it would fly right into the Elite, which it did. Blue-K-Wolf jumped into the portal and headed back to Blue base. The two Ghosts squeezed through each side of the base and fired upon those remaining. The people in the Warthog got out, just in time to see a group of black Elites clamber into a Spectre and ride off. Just after that, the Banshee under Red base took off and flew into the sky, heading for Blue. They saw a rocket fire up from the hill and chase the Banshee around. The pilot was a magnificent flier, but the rocket was locked on and eventually it hit home and sent the Banshee tumbling down. Up on the hill they spotted Blue-K-Wolf with a rocket launcher. He ran over and said "I got the Spectre too. They're all gone. It's a one life mode setting, so we win. And about time, too. My girlfriend just came over." They all laughed and signed out of X-Box live. They had won once more.

Tales of Beta Squad Chapter 2 Part 1
Date: 15 July 2005, 7:15 am

Oddball stood on the windmill of Zanzibar observing the beach. There was a lot of activity. It was quite dangerous here. He was perfectly open to attack. He knew that he shouldn't be here. According to the team's rules, he wasn't meant to be in a game without them, especially when none of them knew about it. He thought he might get in a bit of training before they were all due to meet for a game of capture the flag on Curogulation with the team of pink Spartans they had defeated on their last venture into the game. He now had found out by talking to some of the people that he was a wanted man. There was a serious gamer on this map who wanted to capture Oddball, leader of Beta Squad, and parade him around before killing him. He went by the name of Dark Hawk of Dawn. One of the people Oddball had talked to had ran off, probably to in form this Dark Hawk of Dawn of his arrival on the map. He could just sign out of the game, but he had his reputation to think about. His whole team's reputation. They all took this game very seriously and would probably expel him from the team if he let them down.

A barrage of needles flew up to meet him, breaking his thought. The person who fired them was quite stupid, because they had fired them from such a distance that they exploded in the air before they could even reach Oddball. This was more than the warning he needed. He jumped down, and ran towards the beach, away from the needles. There he saw no salvation. There were three Elites, each with dual needlers. Two other Elites with shotguns came up behind him. Of course, he thought. Random weapons and vehicles. And one life Slayer. Two Scorpion tanks, a Ghost and a Gauss Warthog were there, piloted by more Elites. One stood on top of on of the Scorpion's turrets and said "Well, well, looky here boys. What have we here? The leader of the legendary Beta Squad, perhaps? I think so."
"Shut up, jerk."
"Ooooh, manners Oddball. I am Dark Hawk of Dawn. I am, how say, your worst nightmare."
"Drop the fancy act. It's really annoying me." Oddball surveyed his captor's armoury. "You've got yourself quite a bit of weaponry here. Needlers, shotguns, two tanks, a Gauss, and Ghost. Must've taken a lot of collecting. And I thought your men were stupid. A very well orchestrated trap. And done quickly and efficiently too."
"Yes, we did our job well. It was worth it. We have you!"
"I'm flattered."
"Ha ha. Now I will show them all that you are not invincible. You are just a good player, nothing more. I shall crush you. But not after I show them all how you can be defeated!"
"Monologging? In a game like Halo? God, you must be nuts. Listen, cyber-punk, I'm gonna kill you all and get going. Okay?"

Dark Hawk of Dawn Stood there. "Fine." Oddball whipped out his rocket launcher and fired it. The Elites all jumped right out of the way. These were skilled players. He ducked and spun around. The shotgun Elites behind him fired and missed, seemingly because he ducked. Oddball switched to a Brute plasma rifle on the ground and fried them both. The tanks fired and, for some reason, missed. The Ghost flew past him. Oddball started firing at it but it was too nimble, and dodged aside. He aimed his last rocket at one Ghost. He made sure it locked onto his target, and then fired. The Ghost's driver seemed prepared for this, and expertly dodged, and then boosted towards a little window in the hill. He quickly made a swerve into it and then curved back around, causing the rocket to hit the edge of the window in the rocks. At home, Oddball gawped at his computer screen. "That's impossible" he said.
"No, just improbable" replied Dark Hawk of Dawn. "Impossible for you to pull off, perhaps, but not us. We are more dedicated to this game then you could ever be."

The tanks took aim and fired. Once again they missed, the explosion only downing Oddball's shields. "Not to good at aiming" he snorted. He switched to his first weapon, a plasma pistol. Often over looked, when used properly they were quite amazing. He charged up a full plasma bolt. He aimed next to one Elite and fired. The Elite, almost instinctively, jumped to one side, right into the bolts actual path. Now that his enemy's shields were down, Oddball moved in for the kill. He rapidly shot small plasma bolts at him, circling him. The Elite fell to the ground, unmoving. The Ghost came back around, firing. It's shots all missed. Oddball charged up another full bolt and fired it at the Ghost. The Ghost was out of the way in no time.
"Fool" accused Dark Hawk of Dawn. "Your homing rocket couldn't even hit it. Why should that? How could that?!"
"I've had enough of this shit" said Oddball. He charged up his final bolt and fired it at Dark Hawk of Dawn. The tank Dark Hawk of Dawn was on moved out of the way enough for the plasma bolt to just miss.
"Did you not wonder why the tank did not hit you, or the Ghost, or the three men with needlers? Notice you have wasted all your ammo. You are defenceless and have no choice but to come with me and be paraded around for all on Zanzibar to see." Dark Hawk of Dawn paused. He seemed to be savouring the moment. Wow, he must be pretty obsessive, thought Oddball.

Oddball ran the situation over in his head. "No one will believe you if you don't show me around. So you can't kill me. I, on the other hand, have no problems with killing your men. And in order to achieve what you want to achieve, you can't kill me." Oddball could just imagine Dark Hawk of Dawn laughing evilly at his computer screen at home, even though no one could hear him. He seemed very much like that kind of bastard.
"Correction, what I would prefer to achieve. To kill you would be enough. I would know I have done it. If you struggle, I will kill you. You obviously won't believe this, but that is your mistake to make. Or, if you do believe it, you will undoubtedly play along thinking that you will wait until the perfect escape moment. Unfortunately for you, there will be none. You are mine."
