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Fan Fiction

Stories Of The Legendary Hell Jumper by Lam

Stories Of The Legendary Hell Jumper
Date: 9 January 2006, 10:54 pm

Ever since the covenant/human war started, thousands of young people joined the Navy. Some to have honour, others to prove themselves worthy, but one.

'Hi, my name is Lt. Mackay, and I want to tell you about my first recruit, Jeremy; a Hell Jumper. The Bravest, the smartest, and the youngest.' Mackay began to tell the story to her new Hell Jumpers.

(Eradinus VI, Ogre Forest)

'Pilot, you can touch down here, the covenant will see us if you go any further.'Lt.Mackay commanded.'Aye, sir!' The pilot answered back. Mackay nodded and gave out a signal to his squad to be ready. Everyone else nodded and switched their weapons safeties off. Mackay counted 6 ODST's and grinned. He expected more troops to infiltrate the covenant camp. With only 7 including him agains't about a thousand armed aliens, their chances were very slim.'Ok ladies, I know we weren't able to use our old transportation, but we'll have a chance next time. Now we go on feet to the bastards camp and then we blow the crap out of them...Hell Jumper style. Am I right?!?!' He screamed.'Sir! Yes Sir!'They all shouted back.'Good, Let's move out! Double time.'All the ODSTs exited the dropship's hatch and moved into the forest. One Hell Jumper, Private Jeremy slowed down and thought he should've never joined in all this crap. He should've just stayed home with his ma and go out with his friends.'The hell with that.' He whispered to himself, not thinking anyone would hear. Mackay heard and walked over to him and patted him on the back and said,'you going to be find son, don't worry.' Jeremy turned and starred ar her for a moment. Then he nodded and walked up with the rest of the squad.

(Eradinus VI, Covenant camp)

As the Mackay and her squad surged closer toward the covenant camp, they saw hundreds of welled armed grunts, and jackals. No sign of elites, that was good. Mackay had been wrong. There weren't thousands of covenant forces. She was glad she was wrong.'This is gonna be a piece of cake boys.' She said happily to her squad. They didn't laugh or look at her. She knew they were still scared. It was their first mission. Who wouldn't be scared on their first mission?'Ok, Jeremy and Ken, you get left platoon. Mary and George, you get right. The rest follow me.' When they were at the edge of the camp, Mackay threw 2 fragmentation grenades at a couple of grunts. There were screams where she had thrown the grenades and followed by a pair of explosions. The surrounding grunts and jackals looked everywhere, confused, just eager to seek a target before something else bad happens. It was too late, more explosions shook the ground under their feets and blood flew everywhere. Now the grunts started running wildly everywhere bumping into one another and getting trampled.
The jackals turned their backs to the squad trying to calm them down. That was a wrong move. The ODSTs appeared out of their covers and started firing their MA5B's. Controlled burst ripped through the jackals backs and splattered purple blood everywhere. That was when the massacre began.

After 5 minutes of continuous fire, the ODSTs already took out half of the camp. Finally the the grunts recovered and hid behind supply boxes, waiting for the squad to come. The ODST's were busy finishing off several jackals when Jeremy shouted out,'This is too easy Eltee! Haha take this.'Mackay who dived from a plasma bolt and used up the rest of her clip on a grunt said,'Don't get cocky boy! you never know what'll hit ya next!' Jeremy smiled and continued firing.

After finishing off the wave of jackals, they continued to search the base for survivors. As they moved to the uncleared section of the base, the grunts as well as a few elites eager to get a kill. Mary and George walked over to a pile of cargo boxes and George started talking to her.'So, wanna go out with me? you know after we mop out the rest of them. Wait you're a virgin right? You don't want to be a virgin for the rest of your life do you?' Mary starred over at the ODST and rolled her eyes.'Back off boy, don't mess with me.' He grinned and moved closer toward her.'You get any closer and I'll pop my rifle up your ass!'He chuckled and moved closer until he turned pale and froze. Mary moved away and saw that he was hit in the neck by a plasma beam. Blood dripped down his back and he fell, motionless. Mary panicked and called for back-up.She searched for where the plasma came and was struck in the torso. She yelped and grabbed her mid-s, coughing blood. She looked up and saw an elite pointing a plasma rifle at her head. It was the last thing she ever saw...

'Mary! George! Do you copy! Hello?!?!' Mackay screamed as she heard a scream behind multiple cargo boxes. She aimed her MA5B at the area and started walking forward. The remaining squad members followed. When Mackay was 2 feet from the boxes, the elite that was hiding there appeared and fired plasma beams right at her. Mackay saw and used her rifle as a shield just in time. One plasma collided with the MA5B and melted part or the rifle. The other beam hit her in the shoulder pad, knocking her down relatively saving her life from the last plasma beam which soared right pass her hitting an ODST right in the thigh. He fell down holding on to his leg. Mackay who recovered from the fall holstered her sidearm and shot the elite in the head. It's energy shields flickered as the rounds impacted on it's armour. The elite groaned and tried to side step to the side, but the other ODSTs fired as well, depleting it's shield and tearing through it's flesh.'Hold your fire.'Mackay ordered when she saw the elite was already dead. Everyone stopped instantly. Mackay looked at her disfigured MA5B and knew it was no longer functioning. Jeremy kneeled beside his shot friend and checked his pulse. When Jeremy finished he shook his head and backed away.'Sarge, he's gone.'Jeremy said in a low voice. Mackay shook her head when she found two more bodies behind the cargo boxes. There were only 4 Hell Jumpers left and Mackay knew there were more covenant hiding.'Ken get that body behind the the cover. Jeremy...' She stopped and held a hand on her injured shoulder, groaning with pain. Jeremy saw and injected bio-foam on the wound. Mackay looked up and nodded. He did the same and turned away to the others. Just as Ken started picking up the dead ally, more covenant appeared from their hiding places and started firing plasma at the ODSTs. The Hell Jumpers were caught by surprise...

A plasma bolt flew right past Jeremy's head and he felt the intense heat from it. It was painful, but he ignored it to fire at two grunts behind him. Beside him was Ken who was covering him got hit square in the chest by a plasma beam and moaned. Jeremy saw his friend got hit and when on front of him covering Ken when he was retreating behind the cargo. Jeremy fired 3 round bursts at a party of grunts and took them down swiftly. He turned to his right and saw another wave of Jackals covered by their shields. There was no way he could get them with his AR so straffed to the side, dodging a dozen of plasma bolts and chucked a grenade behind the the advancing jackals. They didn't notice and was caught by surprise when they were shredded to pieces by an explosion behind them. Just then a pair of elites 3 meters behind Jeremy appeared and started throwing plasma grenades. An ODST warned him in time and he rolled out of the way barely missing the grenades from attaching to him. The plasma grenades arked past him and stuck 2 grunts who were trying to ambush Jeremy, on the head. The screamed and ran toward another flock of covenant and they were engulfed by multiple exlposions of plasma. Bits of burnt flesh flew in different dirrections as they smoke cleared and there was nothing left but a 6 inch crater where they covenant were. Mackay and the rest of the squad made the last 2 elites eat continuous amounts of armour piercing rounds before they can fire at Jeremy. They were dead before they even fell...Mackay watched the whole thing and stared at Jeremy with impression.'Looks like we have ourselves a new hero.'She whispered, watching Jeremy take care of 'his' squad. She walked over and gave him a compliment he never expected.'You did good boy, maybe you'll get a promotion once we get the hell outta here.' Jeremy smiled, showing his bare teeth and gained control over his body again. He can't believe he was getting promoted on his first mission. He joined the army just to travel through the universe, flying with the stars, and discovering new things he could never imagine. He stared back at his comrades and saw they were staring at him back with awe. After Ken finished getting treated he walked over to Jeremy and patted him on the back.'You deserved it. You saved me and most of us. You should be proud man. But don't worrry next time it'll be my turn.'he said sarcastically. Jeremy smiled and nudged Ken on his helmet.
'Ok, Ken call for back-up. we'll send in the mop up crew to finish up the work. We did a helluva job today. The injured can't fight anymore, they'll need medical attention back at H.Q. Do it, on the double!' Mackay suddenly commanded. Ken saluted her and got to his business.

After a few minutes, the pelican dropship"Bravo 11" arrived and picked up the Mackay and her squad, dropping off more units on to the ground. As they soared off, Jeremy looked back at the covenant camp and saw mostly bodies and dust everywhere of covenant. They did do a pretty good job after all and most of all,he couldn't wait to meet the C.O. sergeant for the first time. Maybe he can learn a few things from the sergeant. Maybe even the secrets of the universe...nah what was he thinking?

(Reach, ONI facility, Marine camp)

'And that's only the beginning of the great adventures of Jeremy...The proud ODST with nerves of steel. Hah! Ok boys get back to the training I gave you. Oh yea! Was it 500 push-ups and 1000 sets of suicides. Get to it! And maybe if you do good, I'll continue the series.'Blabbered Mackay. Her new squad sighed and started her crazy training except one who frowned and asked her,'Aww come on El Tee! Who wants to hear that bull anyways. I can do better than him. Just wait until you see me in action. Haha!' Mackay laughed her head off and was finally able to pull out a few words.'Ok Johnson, you get to stay out of the next mission if you don't hear the ODST history. But now just do what I'm telling ya to do or you'll do double of that! Hahaha!' Johnson frowned and walked off joining the rest of his team...humiliated by his team's giggling.

Stories Of The Legendary Hell Jumper 2
Date: 29 January 2006, 9:10 pm

This is the story continuing the series of the legendary Hell jumper. As Jeremy becomes a corporal after his first mission, a new danger lies ahead for him and his squad, eager to grind them to oblivion. After knowing they're in the deadly situation, Jeremy now has to pull off the miracle he did last time to save them again with the help of the almighty Spartans. Will he succeed? Or will it be too much of a challenge for him? Nah...

(Inner colony system Reach, ONI facility, Marine camp)

As Mackay watched her Hell jumpers gobble up the last of their roast turkey hungrilly, she chuckled and called them over.'Ok peewee's, get your ass over here and let me continue to tell one of the greatest histories of the Hell jumpers. Ahh...Once I'm done with you leather necks, maybe you'll toughen for a change like the true ODST's. Now that's hard to imagine...Hah!' Everyone ran over like a herd of bulls and dropped down on their seats. All but Johnson who took his time, relaxing and finally stopped when the others growled at him to hurry. He frowned and took his seat angrilly, giving a deep sigh as Mackay shook her head and turned away.'Alright El tee. You can start now! I'm growing impatient.' One of them shouted out.'Shut your mouth boy, so am I!' Mackay barked back.'Ok, lets start shall we? Here goes...

(Epsilon Eridani system Eradinus VII, Onboard The Deep Voyager, Conference room)

Jeremy sat on one of the chairs outside the conference room quietly, thinking about what Mackay and the CO sergeant were talking about. He was anxious, but nervous and he same time.'What could they be talking about in there?' He thought. They were taking forever, it should take only a few minutes, but instead the minutes became hours. He was growing impatient by the second and was about to burst when Mackay walked out of the room when made her way towrds him. He took a deep breath and saluted her. Mackay did the same and patted him on the back with a few comments.'The CO and I have discussed about your actions at Eradinus VI. He says he want to talk to you for a moment. Don't worry boy, I told him how well you did out there. He was surpised for a moment so there shouldn't be any problems. You're a helluva marine boy, you should be proud.' Mackay smiled and added one more thing before she strode off,'Oh yea, be on time for the new mission briefing.'and walked away, leaving Jeremy behind by himself. He relaxed himself and entered the conference room, standing face to face with the sergeant. He was old looking, but strongly built and buff. Jeremy froze just looking at the man's giant body. After a pause, Jeremy grabbed a hold of himself and saluted the sergeant.'Sir! reporting as ordered, sir!' The sergeant examined Jeremy for a second and nodded.'So you're one of Mackay's new rectuits. Your luitenant told me everyone about you. You're beginning to impress me son, we have very few of your type around here. Too little to begin with...for saying so I'm promoting you to corporal. Keep it up and maybe you'll deserve more than just that.' Jeremy quickly responded to the CO's compliment and awaited to be dismissed.'You're free to go son. If only there were more like you in the Navy. Who knows what the changes will be in this war.' The sergeant finally said and left the room. Jeremy followed afterwards, heading to the briefing cabin, feeling good about himself for the first time in a while.

(Epsilon Eridani system Eradinus VII, Onboard The Deep Voyager, Briefing room)

Mackay slumped on her chair, watching her squad play around with each other. She shook her head when seeing a marine flirting with a girl, another pair of Hell jumpers wrestling, and group playing cards. Most were new recruits who didn't even care or know what situation they were in with the covenant. It was like a regular school for them,'They're going to regret doing that.' Mackay thought.

5 minutes passed by when Mackay finally had enough and hurried to the door in search of Jeremy, to beat the crap outta him. Just when she arrived at the door it slid open and Jeremy entered, nearly bumping into Mackay.'You're late...' Mackay growled. Jeremy stared at her in the eyes and knew it was trouble. Just when Jeremy thought it was the end of him, Mackay stepped aside and pushed him in. He sighed in relief and walked towards the briefing tables to join his fellow mates. Jeremy examined his squad and found something different. His whole squad were new recruits who stared at him like a dirty dog in the streets. All but Ken, Shawn, and Julie. He ignored the rest and made his way to his old pals, making a path through the unorganized group of marines. The mixed white/black Jamaican, 6'11 feet tall and weighed 290 pound Jeremy did it with ease. He chuckled and sat down beside Ken. Mackay made her way over to the overhead screen and began the mission briefing.'A'ight, it appears that Eradinus VII is under heavy fire and 93% of its surface is glassed. Looks like they are purposely ignoring Hoque, Downtown to find something there. The red zone is at the museum of human history. The covenant are probably searching there so, whatever their doing it's definitely not good. In order to stop them, we gotta search for the remaining survivers, evac them, and nuke the goddamn place to hell. The Spartans will assist us so it'll be a walk park. Am I right marines?' The Hell jumpers looked at each other and back at the luitenant and yelled in unison. Jeremy never seen a Spartan face to face before. He heard they were the best "of" the best, fear no enemy, and immortal servants of Thor. Nah, nothing is invincible, not even a Spartan. Jeremy left it all behind and cocked his MA5B AR and M6D magnum. Ken and Julie did the same, but Shawn was assigned to a S2 AM sniper rifle, due to his deadly accuracy.'Lucky ass...' Jeremy whispered. Shawn heard and laughed. After arming themselves, they made their way to the archer pods, specifically designed for them, Hell jumper style; land feet first on enemy territory. Each of the ODSTs got into their pods and one by one, they were launched down to the doomed planet, feet first. This is going to be a real battle...

(Eradinus VII, Outskirts of Hoque, Downtown)

A group of jackals stay patrolled the shores of the city and stopped all of a sudden, smelling the air, searching with their sharp eyes for something, something coming on top of them. Not they knew, wrong mistake again.

Up on the sky, about 20 comet-like objects dropped down at an incredible speed, ripping apart the clouds, and finally slowed down as the emergency rockets egnited and slowed their approach. In less than 40 secounds after hitting the clouds, they touched the ground surprising the patrollers. A grunt went up to one of the pods and sniffed at it. It was confused and shrieked as the hatch flew out, propelling the crushed grunt to the ocean. Then all of the other pods opened and bullet rounds came out of them. Instantly, the whole patrol group fell on to the ground akwardly, splattering blood everywhere. The Hell jumpers appeared out of them and searched the area for any more covenant.'Clear' Jeremy called out. Mackay looked around and agreed.'Ok, hudle up leather necks. Lemme give you your groups. A'ight Shawn, Spartan-058: Linda you gives us cover fire on the building on front of us. Blue team, follow the other Spartans and make sure they succeed in their mission. The rest of you follow my lead and clear the outskirts of this place. We'll join up with the Spartans later. GoGoGo!'

As blue team continued their way to the museum, they came by a couple of unknown covenant species they've never seen before. These ones looked harmless, detaching vehicles and fixing them back with a dozen of swift tentacles. Jeremy didn't feel good being near them and took a shot at one. The alien wobbled for a second and fell when the others stared at it giving a loud screech echoing all over the city. Jeremy turned pale and regret doing what he just did, he felt the earth under him shake and suddenly a pack of grunts and elites marched toward just a block away. The Spartan with the insignia of an eagle with the number 117 under it, walked over to him and spoke in a deep, low voice,'Don't ever do that again.' Jeremy gulped at the figures enormous size and nodded silently. That spartan can beat the crap outta him with one hand. Jeremy didn't bother giving attitude back and aimed his AR at the incoming covenant. He remembered Mackay telling him one of the Spartans killed 2 ODSTs and injured one in a training ring with no sweat. Nothing has ever took on 3 ODSTs single handedly that easilly. He erased all of it from his mind and conentrated on the enemy. As they surged closer, he saw 3 elites suddenly dropped and blooded poured out of it's skull. He knew it was the work of a sniper rifle and knew it wasn't Ken's doing, it was the other Spartan...The covenant were know in striking distance, Jeremy opened fired with controlled burst at the advancing grunts and took them down easilly. The rest of the team did the same and wiped out the enemy in seconds.'Wow,' he thought, these Spartans were super killing machines. The Spartans continued on to the museum like it was a walk in the park and the other ODSTs followed in awe.

(Eradinus VII, Hoque, Central Downtown)

When blue team arrived at the museum entrance, they saw something they could've never imagined. The covenant were using the structure as some kind of base. A dozen shade turrets sat on every balcony, covenant snipers hiding in dark corners on the roof, and wave by wave of jackals marching on catwalks. There was no way they could take em all by themselves. Then the unexpected happened and the Spartans ordered Jeremy and the other ODSTs to regroup with the others and get escape. He nodded in comfort and they ran off back the outskirts. Unluckilly, the snipers spotted them and took fire. Julie got hit in the leg, Ken hid under a car and took suppresing fire with his sidearm's scope. Jeremy hid behind Ken treating Julie While she spoke on the headcom.

[Shawn, can you guys give us a little back up here? We're pinned by snipers on the roofs.]

[Affirmative blue team, we have a clear shot.]

5 seconds later, the snipers stopped shooting and Jeremy saw a beam rifle landed right next to him. He strapped his MA5B AR and picked up his new best friend.

[Goodjob Shawn]

[Save it Jeremy, it wasn't me...]

After patching up Julie, They made their way to Mackay's team and joined up with the rest of the squad.'What's a metter son, weren't suppose to be with the Spartans?' Mackay spatted out.'No El tee, they ordered us to retreat so they could take care of the museum themselves.' Jeremy answered back. Mackay frowned thinking that the Spartans wanted all the credits, but kept it to herself. For the first time, she wanted to kill the Spartans.'I understand, Lets finish off the remaining covenant and get outta here. Wee're going to nuke the city after.' Mackay commanded. Everyone saluted her and went off, silent and confused. 'Was she trying to kill the covenant or the Spartans?' Jeremy thought. Most of the ODSTs held a grudge on them and Jeremy knew that, but he never knew how much they hated the Spartans. Until now...

To be concluded...

Stories of The Legendary Helljumper II; part 2
Date: 5 March 2006, 3:35 am

(Eradinus VII, Hoque, Outskirts of dowtown)

McKay went around the LZ and counted up her marines before calling for evac and notice green team was missing. If they were still in the hell hole, she still had her chance to accomplish her own set goal.

[Red one to green one, do you copy? over.]

There was a moment of radio traffic on the team freq. and a voice came in.

[This is green one, I hear ya loud and clear El tee. Awaiting your orders.]

Mckay felt a moment of delight in her and thought this is the chance to rid of the freaks for good. She paused to think and was able to pull out something. The nuke they had planted on the sewers for the second party of covenant to drop by.

[Ok, here are your orders. There's a passage to the sewage system 2 blocks from your location. The present we brought for the covenant is there and they want it bad...so lets give em an early birthday surprise.]

[Aye, m'am. We've located the present. It is set to open in 30 minutes and counting. Awaiting for more objectives. over.]

[Okay, set it to 15 minutes and haul your asses back here for dust off. Red one out.]

[Affirmative, El tee. We're heading back now.]

'Okay! Saddle up leather necks, we're moving out! Our ride is here. Blue team wait for green team to arrive and get your ass outta here. One of the pelicans will stay behind to wait. Goodluck boys and girls!' One of the marines sent a complaint to her and was rewarded with shit talk. Jeremy just stood there wide-eyed, staring at McKay like if she came back from the deck. She noticed the suspision and walked over.'You look like you soiled yourself boy. Need a break?' Jeremy just stood there for a moment and replied.'No, m'am. I'm here to do my duty!' McKay seemed puzzled, but decided to put him off her case and took a seat on the dropship and soon flew off into the distant clouds. Jeremy turned back to his squad and saw them exchange insults to eachother, fresh recruits...Only Shawn, Julie, and Zherdane we're left in his team. The rest we're brand new jarheads waiting to pound on anything headfirst except from "feet first" or in other cases, they were slow in the head...

3 minutes passed when green team finally arrived and Bravo 32 arrived for dust off. Everyone got on board except for Jeremy who thought of the Spartans who were in danger. He didn't know what to do, follow orders or for the survival of mankind and Earth.'Come on jeremy! Lets go!' One marine called out. Jeremy ignored them and ran off back into the center of the city. He could hear his team threatening him and pleaded him to come back behind him, but continued to go on with no pause.

(Eradinus VII, Hoque, Central downtown)

It took him 6 minutes to make his way through the wreckage produced by the new waves of covenant carriers that arrived at the scene. When noticing more heavilly armed elites patrolling the the area, Jeremy took caution and used his stealth abilities to sneak past them. From carto car, structure to structure, he sneaked by all of the forces without them noticing. When he reached the museum he once saw the spartans enter, he say 2 grunts sleeping in the job near a pile of wreckage. The corporal took exception to this and silently went up to the snoozing couple, grabbed them behind a flipped vehicle and finished them off with his combat knife. After the incident, 2 elites who were assigned to watch out for the grunts notice their disapearence and knew something was wrong. Jeremy heard them speaking in their translators in a weird low, mono-toned voice. Jeremy got a captured plasma greande out and activated it.'Where did those 2 scumbags go to now? Once I get my hands on them I'll...' He was cut off when a plasma grenade glued to his helmet. The other elite tried to go over and tear it off, but was surprised with an explosion that engulfed them both. A whole file of
of jackals went over to find out what happened and founf a huge crater where the 2 elites had been and a pair of fragmentation grenades under them...The vulture-like creatures tried to escape when they were caught by the blast and sent purple blood and gore flying everywhere. Jeremy swore under his breath and regret using the fragmentation grenades. They were quick and stealthy, but lacked of cleanliness. He checked the area for more hostile and found it cleard. He advanced into the museum before drawing more attention and heard a raging battle up ahead. Paintings were riddled with 7.62mm armour-piercing holes, pillars that holed the structure we're blown apart. It was hell in here. After studying the new art, he moved on to the other room and found the spartans fighting 2 massive alien creatures. They were roughly 12 feet tall, held a huge metal shield, and carried an attached weapon on the other arm. The spartans continued to unload AR rounds into the massive creatures, but the bullets just ricocheted of their armour and nearly hitting Jeremy. He decided to come in and help by pulling out his sidearm and fired the 12.7mm slugs at the creatures. all but one of the 12 rounds he fired hit a soft orange spot in its back, right under it's spiny back. The alien groaned and fell with a loud thump. With it's brother dead, the other alien gave a battle cry and charged at Jeremy with tremendous speed. It revealed it's spikes, ready to slice Jeremy apart when he rolled to the side nearly missing the spikes and it's massive shield. The spartans saw Jeremy's technique he did to the last one and did the same. All of them unloaded their MA5B clips on the things unprotected back. It gave a load roared and dropped down dead. The spartan with the eagle insignia walked over and patted him on the shoulder.'Your one helluva soldier marine. So who brought you here and what are your orders. Jeremy was stunned for a moment and saw him getting frustrated.'My orders were to wait for green team to finish their objective and wait for evac.' The Chief seemed puzzled and told him to go on.'Green team was assigned to find the bomb you and your team planted and reset its timer to 15 minutes since the new wave of covenant arrived.' Jeremy saw his furious expression and backed away a few paces.'Did your CO even know we were still in here? or did she have other plans?' Jeremy turned pale, looked around to see all the others staring back at him. If he told them the truth, who knows what they would of done.'Sir, after you went into the museum, we lost your signal. The El tee thought you were KIA so it was her turn to take over. Since you were out of the way, she thought the covenant would continue their search for something that would be a threat to humaity, so she ordered us to proceed.' Jeremy stood there stiffly, just hoping they wouldn't find out. The chief his held ground and then turned around and ordered his squad to leave the hell hole like Jeremy wasn't even there. He was surprised and relieved that it was over and followed them out.

'How much minutes do we have left?' The cheif growled at Jeremy.'6 minutes and counting sir.' It was merely impossible to escape out of the city on foot. The chief tried to call for evac, but something jammed their communications. Just when all hope was lost, the group came upon a pair of LRV warthogs parked beside a pile of dead marines and covenant alike. Jeremy gave a deep sigh of comfort and made his way to the vehicles with renewed speed, followed by the spartans. When they reached them, Jeremy found one of the LRV's were missing a turret. It was no use, but to carry troops around the city, but they found use of it and filled it with the extra and injured spartans. Jeremy took the driver seat on the armoured warthog followed 2 spartans who took the sideseat and the gunner. After 30 seconds of preperations, the survivors drove to the hills on the outskirts of the city.

4 minutes remaining and they were still only half way due to the traffic ahead of them. A party of grunts and jackals lay ahead ready to fire their plasma, but were soon torn apart the M41 LAAG machine gun used by the front warthog. The other one followed behind since they only had very little fire power. The hill was dead ahead now and with 2 minutes left, they had a chance. Just when things started getting light again, a pair of banshees swooped over them and started firing their plasma and fuel rod cannons. One projectile nearly hit the unarmed LRV and another skinned the paint from the first hog. After the that it was the spartan's turn, they fired their MA5B's and with the help from the LAAG, the 2 aircrafts were chewed up by the bullets and caught on fire causing them to crash in a skyscraper. Ahead, 3 elites awaited the vehicles and fired. Plasma scrapped off the vehicles paint and splashed into the window, but came to a stop when the overkilled by the 2 hogs, crushing them under their tires and leaving behind flesh and gore. The grgoup made it over the hills just in time to feel a dull thud and knew an empty void was left behind them.

(Eradinus VII, Hoque, farming plantation outside downtown)

[Bravo 32, come in over.]

[This is Bravo 32, I've been following your ass all the way Green one, need a lift?]

[Affirmative, I have injured and need immediate medical attention.]

[Okay, five to dirt...touch down, Get your asses on board so I can have my meal back at the Voyager.]

After sitting down, Jeremy pulled out an energy bar and ate it whole. He was dead tired and had to save up energy to face the El tee when he got back. Screw that, he thought, it was a time to relax and celebrate their victory; an entire covenant armada obliderated, an already dead city destroyed. Yea, it was worth it. The Master Chief who sat beside Jeremy patted him on the shoulder gently.'That was some good shit you pulled back their marine. Thanks...' Jeremy stared at the chief's satisfied face and grinned. He was being congradulated by a spartan...it was a good start to their friendship. Jeremy stared through the airlock and saw the UNSC cruiser up ahead and though,'they're not that bad after all.' When everything went peaceful and silent, Jeremy heard the pilot scream over the mic.

[What the hell is going on over there captain?]

[Boarding crafts! Lots of em! The surviving bastards from the city are trying to raid the ship and take it over! Requesting backup from any UNSC personnel! What the...]

The captain was cut off when Jeremy saw the cruiser's hull was being bombarded with covenant boarding crafts. The Voyager sent a wave of archer missles at the incoming hostile, but took out only a quarter of the hostile. The onlt thing that was defending the cruiser now was the the marines in the ship. Jeremy felt the dropship accelerate faster and knew they heading to another battle ahead.

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper III: The Deep Voyager
Date: 16 May 2006, 12:04 am

(Epsilon Eridani system, onboard Pelican Bravo 21, above Eradinus VII gravitational field, 740 meters from Deep Voyager/UNSC warship)

[Bravo 21 to Voyager, what the hell is going on over there? I'm detecting covenant patrols onboard the carrier.]

In the dropship's troopbay, Jeremy sat near the cockpit and waited for an answer. He was already exhausted from all the fighting back in Eradinus VII and now hew was heading for another one. Every soldier had their limits, even the Spartans. Jeremy grabbed an protein bar from his pocket and ate it whole. In a split second, he felt a little more renewed and sat in his seat, ready for combat. He saw the Spartans beside him check their combat knives and cocked their ARs and did the same with his.

[This is the captain. Bravo 21, extract the spartans and head back here. We could use some heavy back-up. I don't think my men can hold them back much longer.]

[Roger that captain. Knock Knock, your package is here.]

[Affirmative Bravo 21. Welcome to the party!]

'Open airlock 3 to bay 7. Bravo 21 is coming in with a big surprise.' A crew member smirked and punched in a few codes.'Airlock 3 to bay 7 is open, sir!' The captain nodded and made his way back to his station.'Thoren, report.' The ship's AI appeared on a panel and replied.'56% of the ship is lost to the covenant sir. Charlie Company and Fire Team Alpha have been eliminated and are replaced with Fire Team Bravo at bay 5 through 8. The remaining combat personnel are to rendevous at Engineering and the Bridge to defend of advandcing covenant.' The captain held his chin and stared at the main screen; Once the spartans arrived at bay 7, Fire Team Bravo would pick them up and mop up the remaining hostiles onboard. But, If the covenant in the sealed areas of the ship break get set free, they might take over the entire ship-capture of any UNSC vessel or AI is against the Cole Protocol and must not happen, he thought.'Alright. vacuum the sealed areas and suffocate them.' The captain ordered.'Affirmative,' the AI responded back and disapeared.'After that, it's our job to finish the rest off. Marines! Lock and load your weapons, Let's get ready move out!' The captain grabbed his sidearm and snapped a fresh clip in. The rest of the crew grabbed an assault weapon and followed the captain, straight to hell.

(Epsilon Eridani system, Above Eradinus VII, Onboard the Deep Voyager/UNSC warship, Docking Bay 7)

As the pelican made it's way through the airlock, Jeremy and the spartans could hear the raging battle inside the Dock. Jeremy started to sweat, his trigger finger twitching nervously. He caught the eyes of the spartans staring at eachother and giving ready signals. The Master Chief did it to Jeremy too and so he did it back, smiling.

[Ok boys and girls, we're here. approaching Bay 7 in 3...Ok give em hell! Bravo 21 out.]

Jeremy stared through the airlock in the troop bay and saw marines holding off a large file of covenant everywhere. It was choas in here.'GoGoGo!' The MC yelled and got off, followed by Jeremy and the other uninjured spartans.

Petty officer Young A. Jovanovski and his co-pilot Lansking Sanchez, flew around the dock on their bird, Bravo 21, trying to give the ground team some air support. Young spotted a pair of marines under heavy fire from a squad of elites and got into action.'Switch on the chin gun and let em eat it!' Young commanded.'Hell yea! Sir!' Lansking flicked a switch and under the pelican's chin, a 70mm chain gun popped out and pointed directly at the elites.'Take this!'

The elites without noticing felt a series of armour peircing bullets go through their shields and then shredding them apart from head to toe. It was over in a matter of seconds and Young saw the marines salute them. He saluted back and soared off for more.

'Kelly, Will, Fred, make your way to the Bridge and assist the captain and his squad. Li, Anton, haul ass to the Engineering and keep the covenant out. Corporal, Joshua, and Grace follow me,' the Chief ordered. Everyone nodded and went their ways. Jeremy couldn't believe the MC chose him to be in his squad. He snapped out of his daydreaming when a plasma bolt zipped past him, causing him to dive behind a supply crate. The corporal looked up at the spartans exchanging a hellish crossfire to the contacts, took a deep breath, and pulled out his sidearm. Jeremy popped his head out and could see a trio of grunts being shredded to bits by 7.62mm rounds. Their methane tubes burst opened and created fireworks for the squad to watch. For a second Jeremy thought it was over when a pair of black-armoured elites slammed through a door and fired plasma at the spartans. They took cover as one of the spartans were hit on their left limb. Jeremy knew they were in trouble and went into action, he pulled out a frag grenade and rolled it under the elites. Both looked down at the object and roared as it detonated. Their shields flickered and then dispeared, causing them to flinch. Jeremy saw the advantage and shot each elite in the head with 12.7mm explosive slugs and watched their heads explode. Flesh and brain matter sprayed the deck and the two lifeless bodies fell with a loud thump. He put away the handgun and rushed over to the spartans with a medkit clutched in his arms.'Give me the bio-foam soldier.' Jeremy nodded and gave him a can of bio-foam with haste. The Master Chief pulled out the cap and injected it into Joshua's limb. The Chief turned over to Jeremy and nodded with a tiny smirk.'Thanks again soldier.' Jeremy gave a thumbs up and pulled in a fresh clip in his assualt rifle as distant screams echoed through the hall where they were.

(Epsilon Eridani system, Above Eradinus VII, Onboard the Deep Voyager/UNSC warship, The Bridge)

Captain Gordan Connor and his squad cleared the bridge and headed to the cafeteria where a number of marines were holding back the covenant. There was quite a large file of elites and jackals shoving their way into the large room, but the problem was, they were too bunched up together. The captain was the first one to notice the error and threw a captured plasma grenade right at in the center of one crowd. The grenade stuck an elite in the foot as it kicked and flailed, running towards it's escaping comrades. The grenade detonated causing the grenades in the other elites belts to fuse and go off. There was a simultanious row of white-blue plasma appearing where the hostiles were and a moment later, there was only black char and bits of burned flesh where the covenant once stood. The marines cheered and saluted the captain.'That was some quality shit you pulled off there captain.' Gordan heard the voice and found First Luitenant Mckay beside him.'Didn't do bad yourself luitenant. I heard you and your helljumpers did one helluva job down at Hoque. Where are the spartans that assisted you on the mission?' Gordan asked. Mckay showed him one spartan sitting on the bench on front of them and told him the rest of the story.'She was the only that made it out. I think the rest are KIA.' She bluffed. Gordan knew she was lying when Bravo 21 said they were extracting the spartans to the Voyager.'I see where your going luitenant. I would like to have a word with your later. Now get a move on and prepare for another round.' Mckay looked puzzled and then saluted.'Sir!'

A moment later, Mckay went back to her squad and took a glance at them. Some were injured, others checking their weapons, but something didn't feel right to her, someone was missing. Before she could figure who, someone tapped her on the shoulder and yelled.'M'am, permission to speak.' It was Shawn.'Go ahead and make it quick, we don't have much time to chit chat.' Shawn sighed and spoke,'Right after green team arrived, we dusted off as you ordered. But Corporal Jeremy decided to stay behind. We told him to come back, but he ran back into the city. My guess is that he was heading to the museum where the Spartans were last located. Now I just got reports saying Jeremy and the spartans are on board and are repelling covenant boarders as we speak. Thank you m'am.' After hearing his report, Mckay turned pale and froze.'You alright el tee?' Julie asked.'Yea, just leave me alone for a while.' Her squad starred at her confused, then did as ordered. Mckay sat on the bench beside her and massaged her temples. She knew the captain found out about her secret and knew what the consequences would be once the head CO heard. Was she going to have her revenge on Jeremy? No, it wouldn't be right. It was time to learn from her mistakes and leave it all behind her. Mckay took a deep breath and sighed, she pushed the problem aside and got back to the main objective. Then she would face the head CO headstrong and hopefully survive...

'94% of the ship is back under human control and the rest are all sealed off and vacuumed. The last covenant hold up is near the bridge. My guess is that they're trying to capture the captain and take full control of the ship. You should head back and help the marines deal with the covenant before further notice.' The ship's AI finished with it's report and faded from view. Jeremy felt his AR get warmer as smoke came out from it's nozzle. He and the spartans had just off the last of the covenant in the dock and awaited for furter orders from the cheif.'Good job, lets get a move on back to the bridge for the captain.' Everyone nodded and ran with incredible speed towards the bridge. Jeremy panted as he had a hard time keeping up with the speedy spartans and decided to drive his was there. Jeremy made his waty down the opposite hall and found the whole area abandoned. He spotted a service elevator leading to the ship's dorsal structure and went on it. After climbing up a couple of stories, Jeremy saw a room full of parked warthogs.'Oh yea...' Jeremy jumped on to one of the LRV's and started driving his lazy ass to the bridge, solo-style...

Captain Gordan hid behind a barrier and waited for the source of the tapping noises to appear in his field of vision. Everyone else was behind him covering his flank with captured plasma & M6D pistols and MA5B assault rifles. Nothing would get through their arsenal in one peice. Gordan could see a pair of massive shadows advandcing at the crippled doorway and saw Mckay and her squad move into flanking position on the other door leading to the same hallway where the things were. The captain pringed a frag grenade and counted to 3, then tossed it towards the door. he could see a large moving shield appear at the door when the frag detonated. There was a growl and Gordan saw a huge creature charge into the room, followed by another one. These ones were different from the other covenant species, they had blue armour with a shield and a huge gun connected to it's arms, spikes popping up it's back, and stood nearly 12 feet tall. Gordan saw their weapons glow green and ordered everyone to fire. bullets and plasma cut through the air and hit the aliens right on, but they just ricochet off their armour. It didn't even before firing a green projectile right behind Gordan. There was a pair of explosions behind him and heard screams followed by bits of flesh flying past him. He didn't bother to see what damage the weapon had caused and continued firing his sidearm, but nothing happened. The creatures continued to fire and one by one, marines started to fall. When captain saw the creatures aiming at him, he thought he was done for until the creatures stood up straight. He saw orange fluids pour out from the creature's fleshy part and fired at it. It moaned in pain and collapsed with a thump on the solid floor. Now it's partner roared with rage and didn't pay any attention to Gordan, but turned the opposite way and slammed it's shield on something. Gordan heard a sickening crunch and saw two bodies of marines fly in the air. He knew it was Mckay's squad and saw her in trouble. Gordan ran up behind the creature and jabbed his pistol into it's unprotected back and fired 6 rounds. It flinched and struggled to slam it's shield on Gordan. He ran out of ammo and tried to roll out of the way, but had no time. He closed his eyes and thought he had died, but nothing had touch him. He opened his eyes again and saw 2 marines pressing the shield up with their backs. The only people who could do that were the spartans. Gordan watched amazed as the two struggled to lift up the shield. They looked like they were about to collapse when another marine jumped on front of him and unloaded a whole clip of 7.65mm rounds into the things abdomen. This time it dropped on both knees and used all it's remaining strength to lift up it's gun at Gordan. He turned pale with fear as the gun glowed, but one spartan came up dug his knee into the alien's neck, breaking it. This time it dead for sure...

'Are you alright captain?' the Master Cheif asked.'I'm fine, thanks to you son. Now hold me up will ya?' The cheif nodded and lifted Gordan to his feet with ease.'Would you mind telling me what those things are?' The chief starred at the captain for a while and told him about their last encounters with the new species too.'Wow, they just keep on throwing more at us don't they? You should give your mission log to ONI. It should put some good use to them.' The chief saluted and walked away to the other spartans. Gordan took a glance around the room and saw bodies everywhere. Everyone that was there with him had died just from two covenant soldiers. What a waste of fine soldiers. Then he saw Mckay standing at the doorway, starring at two bodies that was once in her squad.'I want everyone to clean up and rest up. Ya'll did a fine job today.' There were only about 60 marines left of which used to be 300. It was hell the last 2 hours and everyone was exhausted, even the spartans seemed tired. Everyone did as he ordered and started moving in slow motion. Gordan walked over to Mckay and her remaining squad and shook his head.'I'm sorry about your loss luitenant, but I'm sure you'll get over it.' Mckay looked up at Gordan and smirked.'I already have sir.' He gave her a wide-eye in surprise and frowned.'Well glad to hear it luitenant. Now I would like to talk to you about the incident at Hoque. Mckay sighed and nodded.'I know what you were up to, but the consequences of your actions are not up to me. I've contacted your CO and he would like to have a word with you in the briefing room.' Mckay saluted in acknowledgement and walked off towards the B-room. Just then Jeremy walked in and saw the mess.'Holy shit! What the hell happened when I was away? Yo, you threw a party without me?' Everyone turned towards Jeremy and frowned.'Shut the hell up soldier and help out!' A sergeant screamed.'Dang...' He whispered to himself.'Everyone seems to be in a bad mood today. Then he found his team mates and walked over, nearly tripping over a pair of body bags with the names Shawn and Julie.'Oh hell no...' It couldn't be, his two best friends were dead. "NO!" One of his new team mates walked over and comforted him.'It's Ok, everyone has to go someday. It's not like you're invincible.' Jeremy turned to face her and growled.'You get the hell away from me newby! You don't nothing about them or me!' She stepped back in shock and sat back down. Then one of her 'boyfriends' stepped up and right on front of Jeremy.'Hey, don't you dare talk about my girl like that! Ya hear?' Jeremy was clearly bigger and taller than the new ODST and pushed him with one hand, knocking him off his feet.'You wanna start something brotha? I got no problem making you soil yourself on front of your bitch.' Just about everything was going to become hectic, Gordan walked over to the problem and spoke calmly.'That will be enough of you hooligans. What has your luitenant taught you knuckle heads, and you, you're corporal Jeremy Sanchez?' Jeremy turned away from the group of marines and faced the captain. He immediately went calm.'Yes, sir.' The captain seemed impressed at Jeremy's features, a hardcore marine with nerves of steel.'I've read your CSV profile, you're one helluva soldier boy. Probably better than them.' he said sarcastically and pointed at the spartans who were organizing weaponry and treating their wounded. They chuckled for a heart beat and stopped.'Well if it weren't for what you did back at Hoque, mankind would probably be finished. I've just had a word with your head CO and he would like you to meet him at the B-room. Oh, you know what's gonna happen...' Gordan grinned and Jeremy returned a smile.'Thanks, sir!' Then with no alarm, Gordan got all 'bad-ass marine corp' style and yelled.'Now get your tin can to the b-room or that'll be a week in the Prisoner. Jeremy wanted to laugh. He almost gave out, but saluted and marched out of site.

Gordan made his was back to the bridge command post and took a glance around the room. It was unusually quiet and empty now, with his command crew slaughtered, and it was all his fault. He missed them. They were the finest crew he ever had and they would never be forgotten. But now with no one to control the ship, their chances of surviving a space battle were very slim. Things were running pretty hectic now and it was all his fault. If only he was like his older brother, a brilliant tactical officer and a commander with guts and courage, no one would've died today. Gordan put his head down in despair. If only he was like Jacob...

(Epsilon Eradini system, around Eradinus VII's moon Nuka G'un's orbit, onboard UNSC warship Deep Voyager, Briefing room)

Mckay stood on front of the b-room's metal door, paralyzed with fear and regret. She had made a big mistake and promised to never to do it again, hoping nothing would happen to her. The door's acknowledgement light turned on and the the door slid open, revealing the head CO sitting on his chair.'Come in luitenant.' Mckay walked in and stood a meter away from him.'I heard about incident with you and the spartans and I would like to ask why you did it?' Mckay felt her stomach churn, she never felt like this before in her life. This time, she would make things better by telling the truth,'I did it because I thought the spartans were taking all the credit and making us look stupid. I couldn't stand them doing everything like they're god. We ODST's are a big reason why humanity still exist.' The CO gave a surprised expression and laughed.'I like our attitude luitenant, and sometimes, I think the same way as you do...so I'm just giving you a warning this time. You're lucky one of your boys got the spartans out or even god couldn't help you. Next time you won't be so lucky, now move out, you're dismissed.' Mckay felt a sudden warmth of comfort flow into her body and saluted the CO,'Thank you, sir! I won't let it happen again,' and walked out, meeting face to face with Jeremy. They both froze when Mckay gave a loud sigh and gave Jeremy a shrug.'Sorry boy, it was my bad.' Jeremy saluted and smiled palely. Mckay understood the situation and walked quickly walked away. Jeremy got his cool back and smiled, what was waiting for him behind that door? An acknowledgement light winked on and Jeremy walked in. He saw the same man that promoted him to corporal last time they met.'Reporting as ordered, sir!' The man nodded and stood up,'I see you're bringing up your rep. son, it's good to hear it. Now about the incident at Hoque, I'm quite disapointed that you disobeyed orders from a superior officer. But ONI for some goddamn reason as awarded you with this.' Jeremy saw the man hold up a box and gave it to him. he opened it and saw a pair of silver bars and one silver bronze. He had been promoted to second luitenant!'Are you listening to me son? Only god knows why you recieved it, but I sure as hell would've never done it. I don't care about those spartan freaks or what kind of reputation they have, but disobeying a direct order is crucial. If I see it happen again, you better watch yourself boy.' Jeremy got angry all of a sudden, the CO was acting exactly like Mckay when she got rampant. Now Jeremy knew how much Helljumpers hated the spartans. He curled his fist, but covered his feelings before the CO noticed,'Sorry sir. It won't happen again, sir.' The man chuckled and replied,'I know it won't. Now back to your rep. If you keep it up, imagine the Helljumpers get al the glory and fame in this war. We would have an army of leather necks and shut out the freaks for good.' Jeremy gave a fake smile asked,'By the way sir, I never got your name.' The man gave im a wide-eye and replied.'I'm surprised you asked. It's Silva, Major Antonio Silva...' A moment later, Jeremy was knocked to the ground by a series of thuds on the ships hull and the alarm went on, followed by the head com.

[Attention, this is the captain! all remaining personel, report to the bridge on the double!]

'What the hell?' Silva grunted as he lifted himself up and ran to the bridge.'C'mon boy! Let's go!' Jeremy pulled himself up and smiled. A first space battle? He didn't know wether the situation would be fun or dangerous. But he prefered the fun side and caught up to Silva. He was actually going in a space battle and taking a break from ground-pounding!

(Reach, marine camp at ONI facilities, Briefing room)

'Well get back to work boys and girls. Head back here tomorrow at your break kids.' Mckay smilled watching her squad run away like children going to a playground. Maybe one of 'em would turn out like the legendary helljumper...

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper III: The Deep Voyager
Date: 18 May 2006, 11:26 pm

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur, Outskirts of dowtown)

      McKay went around the LZ and counted up her marines before calling for evac and notice green team was missing. If they were still in the hell hole, she still had her chance to accomplish her own set goal.

[Red one to green one, do you copy? over.]

      There was a moment of radio traffic on the team freq. and a voice came in.

[This is green one, I hear ya loud and clear El tee. Awaiting your orders.]

      Mckay felt a moment of delight in her and thought this is the chance to rid of the freaks for good. She paused to think and was able to pull out something. The nuke they had planted on the sewers for the second party of covenant to drop by.

[Ok, here are your orders. There's a passage to the sewage system 2 blocks from your location. The present we brought for the covenant is there and they want it bad...so lets give em an early birthday surprise.]

[Aye, m'am. We've located the present. It is set to open in 30 minutes and counting. Awaiting for more objectives. over.]

[Okay, set it to 15 minutes and haul your asses back here for dust off. Red one out.]

[Affirmative, El tee. We're heading back now.]

      'Okay! Saddle up leather necks, we're moving out! Our ride is here. Blue team wait for green team to arrive and get your ass outta here. One of the pelicans will stay behind to wait. Goodluck boys and girls!' One of the marines sent a complaint to her and was rewarded with shit talk. Jeremy just stood there wide-eyed, staring at McKay like if she came back from the deck. She noticed the suspision and walked over.'You look like you soiled yourself boy. Need a break?' Jeremy just stood there for a moment and replied.'No, m'am. I'm here to do my duty!' McKay seemed puzzled, but decided to put him off her case and took a seat on the dropship and soon flew off into the distant clouds. Jeremy turned back to his squad and saw them exchange insults to eachother, fresh recruits...Only Shawn, Julie, and Zherdane we're left in his team. The rest we're brand new jarheads waiting to pound on anything headfirst except from "feet first" or in other cases, they were slow in the head...

      3 minutes passed when green team finally arrived and Bravo 32 arrived for dust off. Everyone got on board except for Jeremy who thought of the Spartans who were in danger. He didn't know what to do, follow orders or for the survival of mankind and Earth.'Come on jeremy! Lets go!' One marine called out. Jeremy ignored them and ran off back into the center of the city. He could hear his team threatening him and pleaded him to come back behind him, but continued to go on with no pause.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur, Central downtown)

      It took him 6 minutes to make his way through the wreckage produced by the new waves of covenant carriers that arrived at the scene. When noticing more heavilly armed elites patrolling the the area, Jeremy took caution and used his stealth abilities to sneak past them. From carto car, structure to structure, he sneaked by all of the forces without them noticing. When he reached the museum he once saw the spartans enter, he say 2 grunts sleeping in the job near a pile of wreckage. The corporal took exception to this and silently went up to the snoozing couple, grabbed them behind a flipped vehicle and finished them off with his combat knife. After the incident, 2 elites who were assigned to watch out for the grunts notice their disapearence and knew something was wrong. Jeremy heard them speaking in their translators in a weird low, mono-toned voice. Jeremy got a captured plasma greande out and activated it.'Where did those 2 scumbags go to now? Once I get my hands on them I'll...' He was cut off when a plasma grenade glued to his helmet. The other elite tried to go over and tear it off, but was surprised with an explosion that engulfed them both. A whole file of jackals went over to find out what happened and founf a huge crater where the 2 elites had been and a pair of fragmentation grenades under them...The vulture-like creatures tried to escape when they were caught by the blast and sent purple blood and gore flying everywhere. Jeremy swore under his breath and regret using the fragmentation grenades. They were quick and stealthy, but lacked of cleanliness. He checked the area for more hostile and found it cleard. He advanced into the museum before drawing more attention and heard a raging battle up ahead. Paintings were riddled with 7.62mm armour-piercing holes, pillars that holed the structure we're blown apart. It was hell in here. After studying the new art, he moved on to the other room and found the spartans fighting 2 massive alien creatures. They were roughly 12 feet tall, held a huge metal shield, and carried an attached weapon on the other arm. The spartans continued to unload AR rounds into the massive creatures, but the bullets just ricocheted of their armour and nearly hitting Jeremy. He decided to come in and help by pulling out his sidearm and fired the 12.7mm slugs at the creatures. all but one of the 12 rounds he fired hit a soft orange spot in its back, right under it's spiny back. The alien groaned and fell with a loud thump. With it's brother dead, the other alien gave a battle cry and charged at Jeremy with tremendous speed. It revealed it's spikes, ready to slice Jeremy apart when he rolled to the side nearly missing the spikes and it's massive shield. The spartans saw Jeremy's technique he did to the last one and did the same. All of them unloaded their MA5B clips on the things unprotected back. It gave a load roared and dropped down dead. The spartan with the eagle insignia walked over and patted him on the shoulder.'Your one helluva soldier marine. So who brought you here and what are your orders. Jeremy was stunned for a moment and saw him getting frustrated.'My orders were to wait for green team to finish their objective and wait for evac.' The Chief seemed puzzled and told him to go on.'Green team was assigned to find the bomb you and your team planted and reset its timer to 15 minutes since the new wave of covenant arrived.' Jeremy saw his furious expression and backed away a few paces.'Did your CO even know we were still in here? or did she have other plans?' Jeremy turned pale, looked around to see all the others staring back at him. If he told them the truth, who knows what they would of done.'Sir, after you went into the museum, we lost your signal. The El tee thought you were KIA so it was her turn to take over. Since you were out of the way, she thought the covenant would continue their search for something that would be a threat to humaity, so she ordered us to proceed.' Jeremy stood there stiffly, just hoping they wouldn't find out. The chief his held ground and then turned around and ordered his squad to leave the hell hole like Jeremy wasn't even there. He was surprised and relieved that it was over and followed them out.

      'How much minutes do we have left?' The cheif growled at Jeremy.'6 minutes and counting sir.' It was merely impossible to escape out of the city on foot. The chief tried to call for evac, but something jammed their communications. Just when all hope was lost, the group came upon a pair of LRV warthogs parked beside a pile of dead marines and covenant alike. Jeremy gave a deep sigh of comfort and made his way to the vehicles with renewed speed, followed by the spartans. When they reached them, Jeremy found one of the LRV's were missing a turret. It was no use, but to carry troops around the city, but they found use of it and filled it with the extra and injured spartans. Jeremy took the driver seat on the armoured warthog followed 2 spartans who took the sideseat and the gunner. After 30 seconds of preperations, the survivors drove to the hills on the outskirts of the city.

      4 minutes remaining and they were still only half way due to the traffic ahead of them. A party of grunts and jackals lay ahead ready to fire their plasma, but were soon torn apart the M41 LAAG machine gun used by the front warthog. The other one followed behind since they only had very little fire power. The hill was dead ahead now and with 2 minutes left, they had a chance. Just when things started getting light again, a pair of banshees swooped over them and started firing their plasma and fuel rod cannons. One projectile nearly hit the unarmed LRV and another skinned the paint from the first hog. After the that it was the spartan's turn, they fired their MA5B's and with the help from the LAAG, the 2 aircrafts were chewed up by the bullets and caught on fire causing them to crash in a skyscraper. Ahead, 3 elites awaited the vehicles and fired. Plasma scrapped off the vehicles paint and splashed into the window, but came to a stop when the overkilled by the 2 hogs, crushing them under their tires and leaving behind flesh and gore. The grgoup made it over the hills just in time to feel a dull thud and knew an empty void was left behind them.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur farming plantation outside downtown)

[Bravo 32, come in over.]

[This is Bravo 32, I've been following your ass all the way Green one, need a lift?]

[Affirmative, I have injured and need immediate medical attention.]

[Okay, five to dirt...touch down, Get your asses on board so I can have my meal back at the Voyager.]

      After sitting down, Jeremy pulled out an energy bar and ate it whole. He was dead tired and had to save up energy to face the El tee when he got back. Screw that, he thought, it was a time to relax and celebrate their victory; an entire covenant armada obliderated, an already dead city destroyed. Yea, it was worth it. The Master Chief who sat beside Jeremy patted him on the shoulder gently.'That was some good shit you pulled back their marine. Thanks...' Jeremy stared at the chief's satisfied face and grinned. He was being congradulated by a spartan...it was a good start to their friendship. Jeremy stared through the airlock and saw the UNSC cruiser up ahead and though,'they're not that bad after all.' When everything went peaceful and silent, Jeremy heard the pilot scream over the mic.

[What the hell is going on over there captain?]

[Boarding crafts! Lots of em! The surviving bastards from the city are trying to raid the ship and take it over! Requesting backup from any UNSC personnel! What the...]

      The captain was cut off when Jeremy saw the cruiser's hull was being bombarded with covenant boarding crafts. The Voyager sent a wave of archer missles at the incoming hostile, but took out only a quarter of the hostile. The onlt thing that was defending the cruiser now was the the marines in the ship. Jeremy felt the dropship accelerate faster and knew they heading to another battle.

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper II: Massacre at Cote D'Azur
Date: 18 May 2006, 11:32 pm

      This is the story continuing the series of the legendary Hell jumper. As Jeremy becomes a corporal after his first mission, a new danger lies ahead for him and his squad, eager to grind them to oblivion. After knowing they're in the deadly situation, Jeremy now has to pull off the miracle he did last time to save them again with the help of the almighty Spartans. Will he succeed? Or will it be too much of a challenge for him? Nah...

(Inner colony system Reach, ONI facility, Marine camp)

      As Mackay watched her Hell jumpers gobble up the last of their roast turkey hungrilly, she chuckled and called them over.'Ok peewee's, get your ass over here and let me continue to tell one of the greatest histories of the Hell jumpers. Ahh...Once I'm done with you leather necks, maybe you'll toughen for a change like the true ODST's. Now that's hard to imagine...Hah!' Everyone ran over like a herd of bulls and dropped down on their seats. All but Johnson who took his time, relaxing and finally stopped when the others growled at him to hurry. He frowned and took his seat angrilly, giving a deep sigh as Mackay shook her head and turned away.'Alright El tee. You can start now! I'm growing impatient.' One of them shouted out.'Shut your mouth boy, so am I!' Mackay barked back.'Ok, lets start shall we? Here goes...

(Epsilon Eridani system Eradinus VII, Onboard The Deep Voyager, Conference room)

      Jeremy sat on one of the chairs outside the conference room quietly, thinking about what Mackay and the CO sergeant were talking about. He was anxious, but nervous and he same time.'What could they be talking about in there?' He thought. They were taking forever, it should take only a few minutes, but instead the minutes became hours. He was growing impatient by the second and was about to burst when Mackay walked out of the room when made her way towrds him. He took a deep breath and saluted her. Mackay did the same and patted him on the back with a few comments.'The CO and I have discussed about your actions at Eradinus VI. He says he want to talk to you for a moment. Don't worry boy, I told him how well you did out there. He was surpised for a moment so there shouldn't be any problems. You're a helluva marine boy, you should be proud.' Mackay smiled and added one more thing before she strode off,'Oh yea, be on time for the new mission briefing.'and walked away, leaving Jeremy behind by himself. He relaxed himself and entered the conference room, standing face to face with the sergeant. He was old looking, but strongly built and buff. Jeremy froze just looking at the man's giant body. After a pause, Jeremy grabbed a hold of himself and saluted the sergeant.'Sir! reporting as ordered, sir!' The sergeant examined Jeremy for a second and nodded.'So you're one of Mackay's new rectuits. Your luitenant told me everyone about you. You're beginning to impress me son, we have very few of your type around here. Too little to begin with...for saying so I'm promoting you to corporal. Keep it up and maybe you'll deserve more than just that.' Jeremy quickly responded to the CO's compliment and awaited to be dismissed.'You're free to go son. If only there were more like you in the Navy. Who knows what the changes will be in this war.' The sergeant finally said and left the room. Jeremy followed afterwards, heading to the briefing cabin, feeling good about himself for the first time in a while.

(Epsilon Eridani system Eradinus VII, Onboard The Deep Voyager, Briefing room)

      Mackay slumped on her chair, watching her squad play around with each other. She shook her head when seeing a marine flirting with a girl, another pair of Hell jumpers wrestling, and group playing cards. Most were new recruits who didn't even care or know what situation they were in with the covenant. It was like a regular school for them,'They're going to regret doing that.' Mackay thought.

      5 minutes passed by when Mackay finally had enough and hurried to the door in search of Jeremy, to beat the crap outta him. Just when she arrived at the door it slid open and Jeremy entered, nearly bumping into Mackay.'You're late...' Mackay growled. Jeremy stared at her in the eyes and knew it was trouble. Just when Jeremy thought it was the end of him, Mackay stepped aside and pushed him in. He sighed in relief and walked towards the briefing tables to join his fellow mates. Jeremy examined his squad and found something different. His whole squad were new recruits who stared at him like a dirty dog in the streets. All but Ken, Shawn, and Julie. He ignored the rest and made his way to his old pals, making a path through the unorganized group of marines. The mixed white/black Jamaican, 6'11 feet tall and weighed 290 pound Jeremy did it with ease. He chuckled and sat down beside Ken. Mackay made her way over to the overhead screen and began the mission briefing.'A'ight, it appears that Eradinus VII is under heavy fire and 93% of its surface is glassed. Looks like they are purposely ignoring Hoque, Downtown to find something there. The red zone is at the museum of human history. The covenant are probably searching there so, whatever their doing it's definitely not good. In order to stop them, we gotta search for the remaining survivers, evac them, and nuke the goddamn place to hell. The Spartans will assist us so it'll be a walk park. Am I right marines?' The Hell jumpers looked at each other and back at the luitenant and yelled in unison. Jeremy never seen a Spartan face to face before. He heard they were the best "of" the best, fear no enemy, and immortal servants of Thor. Nah, nothing is invincible, not even a Spartan. Jeremy left it all behind and cocked his MA5B AR and M6D magnum. Ken and Julie did the same, but Shawn was assigned to a S2 AM sniper rifle, due to his deadly accuracy.'Lucky ass...' Jeremy whispered. Shawn heard and laughed. After arming themselves, they made their way to the archer pods, specifically designed for them, Hell jumper style; land feet first on enemy territory. Each of the ODSTs got into their pods and one by one, they were launched down to the doomed planet, feet first. This is going to be a real battle...

(Eradinus VII, Outskirts of Cote D'Azur, Downtown)

      A group of jackals stay patrolled the shores of the city and stopped all of a sudden, smelling the air, searching with their sharp eyes for something, something coming on top of them. Not they knew, wrong mistake again.

      Up on the sky, about 20 comet-like objects dropped down at an incredible speed, ripping apart the clouds, and finally slowed down as the emergency rockets egnited and slowed their approach. In less than 40 secounds after hitting the clouds, they touched the ground surprising the patrollers. A grunt went up to one of the pods and sniffed at it. It was confused and shrieked as the hatch flew out, propelling the crushed grunt to the ocean. Then all of the other pods opened and bullet rounds came out of them. Instantly, the whole patrol group fell on to the ground akwardly, splattering blood everywhere. The Hell jumpers appeared out of them and searched the area for any more covenant.'Clear' Jeremy called out. Mackay looked around and agreed.'Ok, hudle up leather necks. Lemme give you your groups. A'ight Shawn, Spartan-058: Linda you gives us cover fire on the building on front of us. Blue team, follow the other Spartans and make sure they succeed in their mission. The rest of you follow my lead and clear the outskirts of this place. We'll join up with the Spartans later. GoGoGo!'

      As blue team continued their way to the museum, they came by a couple of unknown covenant species they've never seen before. These ones looked harmless, detaching vehicles and fixing them back with a dozen of swift tentacles. Jeremy didn't feel good being near them and took a shot at one. The alien wobbled for a second and fell when the others stared at it giving a loud screech echoing all over the city. Jeremy turned pale and regret doing what he just did, he felt the earth under him shake and suddenly a pack of grunts and elites marched toward just a block away. The Spartan with the insignia of an eagle with the number 117 under it, walked over to him and spoke in a deep, low voice,'Don't ever do that again.' Jeremy gulped at the figures enormous size and nodded silently. That spartan can beat the crap outta him with one hand. Jeremy didn't bother giving attitude back and aimed his AR at the incoming covenant. He remembered Mackay telling him one of the Spartans killed 2 ODSTs and injured one in a training ring with no sweat. Nothing has ever took on 3 ODSTs single handedly that easilly. He erased all of it from his mind and conentrated on the enemy. As they surged closer, he saw 3 elites suddenly dropped and blooded poured out of it's skull. He knew it was the work of a sniper rifle and knew it wasn't Ken's doing, it was the other Spartan...The covenant were know in striking distance, Jeremy opened fired with controlled burst at the advancing grunts and took them down easilly. The rest of the team did the same and wiped out the enemy in seconds.'Wow,' he thought, these Spartans were super killing machines. The Spartans continued on to the museum like it was a walk in the park and the other ODSTs followed in awe.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'azur, Central Downtown)

      When blue team arrived at the museum entrance, they saw something they could've never imagined. The covenant were using the structure as some kind of base. A dozen shade turrets sat on every balcony, covenant snipers hiding in dark corners on the roof, and wave by wave of jackals marching on catwalks. There was no way they could take em all by themselves. Then the unexpected happened and the Spartans ordered Jeremy and the other ODSTs to regroup with the others and get escape. He nodded in comfort and they ran off back the outskirts. Unluckilly, the snipers spotted them and took fire. Julie got hit in the leg, Ken hid under a car and took suppresing fire with his sidearm's scope. Jeremy hid behind Ken treating Julie While she spoke on the headcom.

[Shawn, can you guys give us a little back up here? We're pinned by snipers on the roofs.]

[Affirmative blue team, we have a clear shot.]

      5 seconds later, the snipers stopped shooting and Jeremy saw a beam rifle landed right next to him. He strapped his MA5B AR and picked up his new best friend.

[Goodjob Shawn]

[Save it Jeremy, it wasn't me...]

      After patching up Julie, They made their way to Mackay's team and joined up with the rest of the squad.'What's a metter son, weren't suppose to be with the Spartans?' Mackay spatted out.'No El tee, they ordered us to retreat so they could take care of the museum themselves.' Jeremy answered back. Mackay frowned thinking that the Spartans wanted all the credits, but kept it to herself. For the first time, she wanted to kill the Spartans.'I understand, Lets finish off the remaining covenant and get outta here. Wee're going to nuke the city after.' Mackay commanded. Everyone saluted her and went off, silent and confused. 'Was she trying to kill the covenant or the Spartans?' Jeremy thought. Most of the ODSTs held a grudge on them and Jeremy knew that, but he never knew how much they hated the Spartans. Until now...

To be concluded...

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper: Private Jeremy P. Diddy
Date: 18 May 2006, 11:36 pm

      Ever since the covenant/human war started, thousands of young people joined the Navy. Some to have honour, others to prove themselves worthy, but one.

      'Hi, my name is Lt. Mckay, and I want to tell you about my first recruit, Jeremy; a Hell Jumper. The Bravest, the smartest, and the youngest.' Mckay began to tell the story to her new Hell Jumpers.

(Eradinus VI, Ogre Forest)

      'Pilot, you can touch down here, the covenant will see us if you go any further.'Lt.Mckay commanded.'Aye, sir!' The pilot answered back. Mckay nodded and gave out a signal to his squad to be ready. Everyone else nodded and switched their weapons safeties off. Mackay counted 6 ODST's and grinned. He expected more troops to infiltrate the covenant camp. With only 7 including him agains't about a thousand armed aliens, their chances were very slim.'Ok ladies, I know we weren't able to use our old transportation, but we'll have a chance next time. Now we go on feet to the bastards camp and then we blow the crap out of them...Hell Jumper style. Am I right?!?!' He screamed.'Sir! Yes Sir!'They all shouted back.'Good, Let's move out! Double time.'All the ODSTs exited the dropship's hatch and moved into the forest. One Hell Jumper, Private Jeremy slowed down and thought he should've never joined in all this crap. He should've just stayed home with his ma and go out with his friends.'The hell with that.' He whispered to himself, not thinking anyone would hear. Mackay heard and walked over to him and patted him on the back and said,'you going to be find son, don't worry.' Jeremy turned and starred ar her for a moment. Then he nodded and walked up with the rest of the squad.

(Eradinus VI, Covenant camp)

      As the Mackay and her squad surged closer toward the covenant camp, they saw hundreds of welled armed grunts, and jackals. No sign of elites, that was good. Mackay had been wrong. There weren't thousands of covenant forces. She was glad she was wrong.'This is gonna be a piece of cake boys.' She said happily to her squad. They didn't laugh or look at her. She knew they were still scared. It was their first mission. Who wouldn't be scared on their first mission?'Ok, Jeremy and Ken, you get left platoon. Mary and George, you get right. The rest follow me.' When they were at the edge of the camp, Mackay threw 2 fragmentation grenades at a couple of grunts. There were screams where she had thrown the grenades and followed by a pair of explosions. The surrounding grunts and jackals looked everywhere, confused, just eager to seek a target before something else bad happens. It was too late, more explosions shook the ground under their feets and blood flew everywhere. Now the grunts started running wildly everywhere bumping into one another and getting trampled.
The jackals turned their backs to the squad trying to calm them down. That was a wrong move. The ODSTs appeared out of their covers and started firing their MA5B's. Controlled burst ripped through the jackals backs and splattered purple blood everywhere. That was when the massacre began.

      After 5 minutes of continuous fire, the ODSTs already took out half of the camp. Finally the the grunts recovered and hid behind supply boxes, waiting for the squad to come. The ODST's were busy finishing off several jackals when Jeremy shouted out,'This is too easy Eltee! Haha take this.'Mackay who dived from a plasma bolt and used up the rest of her clip on a grunt said,'Don't get cocky boy! you never know what'll hit ya next!' Jeremy smiled and continued firing.

      After finishing off the wave of jackals, they continued to search the base for survivors. As they moved to the uncleared section of the base, the grunts as well as a few elites eager to get a kill. Mary and George walked over to a pile of cargo boxes and George started talking to her.'So, wanna go out with me? you know after we mop out the rest of them. Wait you're a virgin right? You don't want to be a virgin for the rest of your life do you?' Mary starred over at the ODST and rolled her eyes.'Back off boy, don't mess with me.' He grinned and moved closer toward her.'You get any closer and I'll pop my rifle up your ass!'He chuckled and moved closer until he turned pale and froze. Mary moved away and saw that he was hit in the neck by a plasma beam. Blood dripped down his back and he fell, motionless. Mary panicked and called for back-up.She searched for where the plasma came and was struck in the torso. She yelped and grabbed her mid-s, coughing blood. She looked up and saw an elite pointing a plasma rifle at her head. It was the last thing she ever saw...

      'Mary! George! Do you copy! Hello?!?!' Mackay screamed as she heard a scream behind multiple cargo boxes. She aimed her MA5B at the area and started walking forward. The remaining squad members followed. When Mackay was 2 feet from the boxes, the elite that was hiding there appeared and fired plasma beams right at her. Mackay saw and used her rifle as a shield just in time. One plasma collided with the MA5B and melted part or the rifle. The other beam hit her in the shoulder pad, knocking her down relatively saving her life from the last plasma beam which soared right pass her hitting an ODST right in the thigh. He fell down holding on to his leg. Mackay who recovered from the fall holstered her sidearm and shot the elite in the head. It's energy shields flickered as the rounds impacted on it's armour. The elite groaned and tried to side step to the side, but the other ODSTs fired as well, depleting it's shield and tearing through it's flesh.'Hold your fire.'Mackay ordered when she saw the elite was already dead. Everyone stopped instantly. Mackay looked at her disfigured MA5B and knew it was no longer functioning. Jeremy kneeled beside his shot friend and checked his pulse. When Jeremy finished he shook his head and backed away.'Sarge, he's gone.'Jeremy said in a low voice. Mackay shook her head when she found two more bodies behind the cargo boxes. There were only 4 Hell Jumpers left and Mackay knew there were more covenant hiding.'Ken get that body behind the the cover. Jeremy...' She stopped and held a hand on her injured shoulder, groaning with pain. Jeremy saw and injected bio-foam on the wound. Mackay looked up and nodded. He did the same and turned away to the others. Just as Ken started picking up the dead ally, more covenant appeared from their hiding places and started firing plasma at the ODSTs. The Hell Jumpers were caught by surprise...

      A plasma bolt flew right past Jeremy's head and he felt the intense heat from it. It was painful, but he ignored it to fire at two grunts behind him. Beside him was Ken who was covering him got hit square in the chest by a plasma beam and moaned. Jeremy saw his friend got hit and when on front of him covering Ken when he was retreating behind the cargo. Jeremy fired 3 round bursts at a party of grunts and took them down swiftly. He turned to his right and saw another wave of Jackals covered by their shields. There was no way he could get them with his AR so straffed to the side, dodging a dozen of plasma bolts and chucked a grenade behind the the advancing jackals. They didn't notice and was caught by surprise when they were shredded to pieces by an explosion behind them. Just then a pair of elites 3 meters behind Jeremy appeared and started throwing plasma grenades. An ODST warned him in time and he rolled out of the way barely missing the grenades from attaching to him. The plasma grenades arked past him and stuck 2 grunts who were trying to ambush Jeremy, on the head. The screamed and ran toward another flock of covenant and they were engulfed by multiple exlposions of plasma. Bits of burnt flesh flew in different dirrections as they smoke cleared and there was nothing left but a 6 inch crater where they covenant were. Mackay and the rest of the squad made the last 2 elites eat continuous amounts of armour piercing rounds before they can fire at Jeremy. They were dead before they even fell...Mackay watched the whole thing and stared at Jeremy with impression.'Looks like we have ourselves a new hero.'She whispered, watching Jeremy take care of 'his' squad. She walked over and gave him a compliment he never expected.'You did good boy, maybe you'll get a promotion once we get the hell outta here.' Jeremy smiled, showing his bare teeth and gained control over his body again. He can't believe he was getting promoted on his first mission. He joined the army just to travel through the universe, flying with the stars, and discovering new things he could never imagine. He stared back at his comrades and saw they were staring at him back with awe. After Ken finished getting treated he walked over to Jeremy and patted him on the back.'You deserved it. You saved me and most of us. You should be proud man. But don't worrry next time it'll be my turn.'he said sarcastically. Jeremy smiled and nudged Ken on his helmet.
'Ok, Ken call for back-up. we'll send in the mop up crew to finish up the work. We did a helluva job today. The injured can't fight anymore, they'll need medical attention back at H.Q. Do it, on the double!' Mackay suddenly commanded. Ken saluted her and got to his business.

      After a few minutes, the pelican dropship"Bravo 11" arrived and picked up the Mackay and her squad, dropping off more units on to the ground. As they soared off, Jeremy looked back at the covenant camp and saw mostly bodies and dust everywhere of covenant. They did do a pretty good job after all and most of all,he couldn't wait to meet the C.O. sergeant for the first time. Maybe he can learn a few things from the sergeant. Maybe even the secrets of the universe...nah what was he thinking?

(Reach, ONI facility, Marine camp)

      'And that's only the beginning of the great adventures of Jeremy...The proud ODST with nerves of steel. Hah! Ok boys get back to the training I gave you. Oh yea! Was it 500 push-ups and 1000 sets of suicides. Get to it! And maybe if you do good, I'll continue the series.'Blabbered Mackay. Her new squad sighed and started her crazy training except one who frowned and asked her,'Aww come on El Tee! Who wants to hear that bull anyways. I can do better than him. Just wait until you see me in action. Haha!' Mackay laughed her head off and was finally able to pull out a few words.'Ok Johnson, you get to stay out of the next mission if you don't hear the ODST history. But now just do what I'm telling ya to do or you'll do double of that! Hahaha!' Johnson frowned and walked off joining the rest of his team...humiliated by his team's giggling.

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper/Chapter 4: The Deep Voyager
Date: 22 May 2006, 4:01 pm

(Epsilon Eridani system, onboard Pelican Bravo 21, above Eradinus VII gravitational field, 740 meters from Deep Voyager/UNSC warship)

[Bravo 21 to Voyager, what the hell is going on over there? I'm detecting covenant patrols onboard the carrier.]

      In the dropship's troopbay, Jeremy sat near the cockpit and waited for an answer. He was already exhausted from all the fighting back in Eradinus VII and now hew was heading for another one. Every soldier had their limits, even the Spartans. Jeremy grabbed an protein bar from his pocket and ate it whole. In a split second, he felt a little more renewed and sat in his seat, ready for combat. He saw the Spartans beside him check their combat knives and cocked their ARs and did the same with his.

[This is the captain. Bravo 21, extract the spartans and head back here. We could use some heavy back-up. I don't think my men can hold them back much longer.]

[Roger that captain. Knock Knock, your package is here.]

[Affirmative Bravo 21. Welcome to the party!]

      'Open airlock 3 to bay 7. Bravo 21 is coming in with a big surprise.' A crew member smirked and punched in a few codes.'Airlock 3 to bay 7 is open, sir!' The captain nodded and made his way back to his station.'Thoren, report.' The ship's AI appeared on a panel and replied.'56% of the ship is lost to the covenant sir. Charlie Company and Fire Team Alpha have been eliminated and are replaced with Fire Team Bravo at bay 5 through 8. The remaining combat personnel are to rendevous at Engineering and the Bridge to defend of advandcing covenant.' The captain held his chin and stared at the main screen; Once the spartans arrived at bay 7, Fire Team Bravo would pick them up and mop up the remaining hostiles onboard. But, If the covenant in the sealed areas of the ship break get set free, they might take over the entire ship-capture of any UNSC vessel or AI is against the Cole Protocol and must not happen, he thought.'Alright. vacuum the sealed areas and suffocate them.' The captain ordered.'Affirmative,' the AI responded back and disapeared.'After that, it's our job to finish the rest off. Marines! Lock and load your weapons, Let's get ready move out!' The captain grabbed his sidearm and snapped a fresh clip in. The rest of the crew grabbed an assault weapon and followed the captain, straight to hell.

(Epsilon Eridani system, Above Eradinus VII, Onboard the Deep Voyager/UNSC warship, Docking Bay 7)

      As the pelican made it's way through the airlock, Jeremy and the spartans could hear the raging battle inside the Dock. Jeremy started to sweat, his trigger finger twitching nervously. He caught the eyes of the spartans staring at eachother and giving ready signals. The Master Chief did it to Jeremy too and so he did it back, smiling.

[Ok boys and girls, we're here. approaching Bay 7 in 3...Ok give em hell! Bravo 21 out.]

      Jeremy stared through the airlock in the troop bay and saw marines holding off a large file of covenant everywhere. It was choas in here.'GoGoGo!' The MC yelled and got off, followed by Jeremy and the other uninjured spartans.

      Petty officer Young A. Jovanovski and his co-pilot Lansking Sanchez, flew around the dock on their bird, Bravo 21, trying to give the ground team some air support. Young spotted a pair of marines under heavy fire from a squad of elites and got into action.'Switch on the chin gun and let em eat it!' Young commanded.'Hell yea! Sir!' Lansking flicked a switch and under the pelican's chin, a 70mm chain gun popped out and pointed directly at the elites.'Take this!'

      The elites without noticing felt a series of armour peircing bullets go through their shields and then shredding them apart from head to toe. It was over in a matter of seconds and Young saw the marines salute them. He saluted back and soared off for more.

      'Kelly, Will, Fred, make your way to the Bridge and assist the captain and his squad. Li, Anton, haul ass to the Engineering and keep the covenant out. Corporal, Joshua, and Grace follow me,' the Chief ordered. Everyone nodded and went their ways. Jeremy couldn't believe the MC chose him to be in his squad. He snapped out of his daydreaming when a plasma bolt zipped past him, causing him to dive behind a supply crate. The corporal looked up at the spartans exchanging a hellish crossfire to the contacts, took a deep breath, and pulled out his sidearm. Jeremy popped his head out and could see a trio of grunts being shredded to bits by 7.62mm rounds. Their methane tubes burst opened and created fireworks for the squad to watch. For a second Jeremy thought it was over when a pair of black-armoured elites slammed through a door and fired plasma at the spartans. They took cover as one of the spartans were hit on their left limb. Jeremy knew they were in trouble and went into action, he pulled out a frag grenade and rolled it under the elites. Both looked down at the object and roared as it detonated. Their shields flickered and then dispeared, causing them to flinch. Jeremy saw the advantage and shot each elite in the head with 12.7mm explosive slugs and watched their heads explode. Flesh and brain matter sprayed the deck and the two lifeless bodies fell with a loud thump. He put away the handgun and rushed over to the spartans with a medkit clutched in his arms.'Give me the bio-foam soldier.' Jeremy nodded and gave him a can of bio-foam with haste. The Master Chief pulled out the cap and injected it into Joshua's limb. The Chief turned over to Jeremy and nodded with a tiny smirk.'Thanks again soldier.' Jeremy gave a thumbs up and pulled in a fresh clip in his assualt rifle as distant screams echoed through the hall where they were.

(Epsilon Eridani system, Above Eradinus VII, Onboard the Deep Voyager/UNSC warship, The Bridge)

      Captain Gordan Connor and his squad cleared the bridge and headed to the cafeteria where a number of marines were holding back the covenant. There was quite a large file of elites and jackals shoving their way into the large room, but the problem was, they were too bunched up together. The captain was the first one to notice the error and threw a captured plasma grenade right at in the center of one crowd. The grenade stuck an elite in the foot as it kicked and flailed, running towards it's escaping comrades. The grenade detonated causing the grenades in the other elites belts to fuse and go off. There was a simultanious row of white-blue plasma appearing where the hostiles were and a moment later, there was only black char and bits of burned flesh where the covenant once stood. The marines cheered and saluted the captain.'That was some quality shit you pulled off there captain.' Gordan heard the voice and found First Luitenant Mckay beside him.'Didn't do bad yourself luitenant. I heard you and your helljumpers did one helluva job down at Hoque. Where are the spartans that assisted you on the mission?' Gordan asked. Mckay showed him one spartan sitting on the bench on front of them and told him the rest of the story.'She was the only that made it out. I think the rest are KIA.' She bluffed. Gordan knew she was lying when Bravo 21 said they were extracting the spartans to the Voyager.'I see where your going luitenant. I would like to have a word with your later. Now get a move on and prepare for another round.' Mckay looked puzzled and then saluted.'Sir!'

      A moment later, Mckay went back to her squad and took a glance at them. Some were injured, others checking their weapons, but something didn't feel right to her, someone was missing. Before she could figure who, someone tapped her on the shoulder and yelled.'M'am, permission to speak.' It was Shawn.'Go ahead and make it quick, we don't have much time to chit chat.' Shawn sighed and spoke,'Right after green team arrived, we dusted off as you ordered. But Corporal Jeremy decided to stay behind. We told him to come back, but he ran back into the city. My guess is that he was heading to the museum where the Spartans were last located. Now I just got reports saying Jeremy and the spartans are on board and are repelling covenant boarders as we speak. Thank you m'am.' After hearing his report, Mckay turned pale and froze.'You alright el tee?' Julie asked.'Yea, just leave me alone for a while.' Her squad starred at her confused, then did as ordered. Mckay sat on the bench beside her and massaged her temples. She knew the captain found out about her secret and knew what the consequences would be once the head CO heard. Was she going to have her revenge on Jeremy? No, it wouldn't be right. It was time to learn from her mistakes and leave it all behind her. Mckay took a deep breath and sighed, she pushed the problem aside and got back to the main objective. Then she would face the head CO headstrong and hopefully survive...

      '94% of the ship is back under human control and the rest are all sealed off and vacuumed. The last covenant hold up is near the bridge. My guess is that they're trying to capture the captain and take full control of the ship. You should head back and help the marines deal with the covenant before further notice.' The ship's AI finished with it's report and faded from view. Jeremy felt his AR get warmer as smoke came out from it's nozzle. He and the spartans had just off the last of the covenant in the dock and awaited for furter orders from the cheif.'Good job, lets get a move on back to the bridge for the captain.' Everyone nodded and ran with incredible speed towards the bridge. Jeremy panted as he had a hard time keeping up with the speedy spartans and decided to drive his was there. Jeremy made his waty down the opposite hall and found the whole area abandoned. He spotted a service elevator leading to the ship's dorsal structure and went on it. After climbing up a couple of stories, Jeremy saw a room full of parked warthogs.'Oh yea...' Jeremy jumped on to one of the LRV's and started driving his lazy ass to the bridge, solo-style...

      Captain Gordan hid behind a barrier and waited for the source of the tapping noises to appear in his field of vision. Everyone else was behind him covering his flank with captured plasma & M6D pistols and MA5B assault rifles. Nothing would get through their arsenal in one peice. Gordan could see a pair of massive shadows advandcing at the crippled doorway and saw Mckay and her squad move into flanking position on the other door leading to the same hallway where the things were. The captain pringed a frag grenade and counted to 3, then tossed it towards the door. he could see a large moving shield appear at the door when the frag detonated. There was a growl and Gordan saw a huge creature charge into the room, followed by another one. These ones were different from the other covenant species, they had blue armour with a shield and a huge gun connected to it's arms, spikes popping up it's back, and stood nearly 12 feet tall. Gordan saw their weapons glow green and ordered everyone to fire. bullets and plasma cut through the air and hit the aliens right on, but they just ricochet off their armour. It didn't even before firing a green projectile right behind Gordan. There was a pair of explosions behind him and heard screams followed by bits of flesh flying past him. He didn't bother to see what damage the weapon had caused and continued firing his sidearm, but nothing happened. The creatures continued to fire and one by one, marines started to fall. When captain saw the creatures aiming at him, he thought he was done for until the creatures stood up straight. He saw orange fluids pour out from the creature's fleshy part and fired at it. It moaned in pain and collapsed with a thump on the solid floor. Now it's partner roared with rage and didn't pay any attention to Gordan, but turned the opposite way and slammed it's shield on something. Gordan heard a sickening crunch and saw two bodies of marines fly in the air. He knew it was Mckay's squad and saw her in trouble. Gordan ran up behind the creature and jabbed his pistol into it's unprotected back and fired 6 rounds. It flinched and struggled to slam it's shield on Gordan. He ran out of ammo and tried to roll out of the way, but had no time. He closed his eyes and thought he had died, but nothing had touch him. He opened his eyes again and saw 2 marines pressing the shield up with their backs. The only people who could do that were the spartans. Gordan watched amazed as the two struggled to lift up the shield. They looked like they were about to collapse when another marine jumped on front of him and unloaded a whole clip of 7.65mm rounds into the things abdomen. This time it dropped on both knees and used all it's remaining strength to lift up it's gun at Gordan. He turned pale with fear as the gun glowed, but one spartan came up dug his knee into the alien's neck, breaking it. This time it dead for sure...

      'Are you alright captain?' the Master Cheif asked.'I'm fine, thanks to you son. Now hold me up will ya?' The cheif nodded and lifted Gordan to his feet with ease.'Would you mind telling me what those things are?' The chief starred at the captain for a while and told him about their last encounters with the new species too.'Wow, they just keep on throwing more at us don't they? You should give your mission log to ONI. It should put some good use to them.' The chief saluted and walked away to the other spartans. Gordan took a glance around the room and saw bodies everywhere. Everyone that was there with him had died just from two covenant soldiers. What a waste of fine soldiers. Then he saw Mckay standing at the doorway, starring at two bodies that was once in her squad.'I want everyone to clean up and rest up. Ya'll did a fine job today.' There were only about 60 marines left of which used to be 300. It was hell the last 2 hours and everyone was exhausted, even the spartans seemed tired. Everyone did as he ordered and started moving in slow motion. Gordan walked over to Mckay and her remaining squad and shook his head.'I'm sorry about your loss luitenant, but I'm sure you'll get over it.' Mckay looked up at Gordan and smirked.'I already have sir.' He gave her a wide-eye in surprise and frowned.'Well glad to hear it luitenant. Now I would like to talk to you about the incident at Hoque. Mckay sighed and nodded.'I know what you were up to, but the consequences of your actions are not up to me. I've contacted your CO and he would like to have a word with you in the briefing room.' Mckay saluted in acknowledgement and walked off towards the B-room. Just then Jeremy walked in and saw the mess.'Holy shit! What the hell happened when I was away? Yo, you threw a party without me?' Everyone turned towards Jeremy and frowned.'Shut the hell up soldier and help out!' A sergeant screamed.'Dang...' He whispered to himself.'Everyone seems to be in a bad mood today. Then he found his team mates and walked over, nearly tripping over a pair of body bags with the names Shawn and Julie.'Oh hell no...' It couldn't be, his two best friends were dead. "NO!" One of his new team mates walked over and comforted him.'It's Ok, everyone has to go someday. It's not like you're invincible.' Jeremy turned to face her and growled.'You get the hell away from me newby! You don't nothing about them or me!' She stepped back in shock and sat back down. Then one of her 'boyfriends' stepped up and right on front of Jeremy.'Hey, don't you dare talk about my girl like that! Ya hear?' Jeremy was clearly bigger and taller than the new ODST and pushed him with one hand, knocking him off his feet.'You wanna start something brotha? I got no problem making you soil yourself on front of your bitch.' Just about everything was going to become hectic, Gordan walked over to the problem and spoke calmly.'That will be enough of you hooligans. What has your luitenant taught you knuckle heads, and you, you're corporal Jeremy Sanchez?' Jeremy turned away from the group of marines and faced the captain. He immediately went calm.'Yes, sir.' The captain seemed impressed at Jeremy's features, a hardcore marine with nerves of steel.'I've read your CSV profile, you're one helluva soldier boy. Probably better than them.' he said sarcastically and pointed at the spartans who were organizing weaponry and treating their wounded. They chuckled for a heart beat and stopped.'Well if it weren't for what you did back at Hoque, mankind would probably be finished. I've just had a word with your head CO and he would like you to meet him at the B-room. Oh, you know what's gonna happen...' Gordan grinned and Jeremy returned a smile.'Thanks, sir!' Then with no alarm, Gordan got all 'bad-ass marine corp' style and yelled.'Now get your tin can to the b-room or that'll be a week in the Prisoner. Jeremy wanted to laugh. He almost gave out, but saluted and marched out of site.

      Gordan made his was back to the bridge command post and took a glance around the room. It was unusually quiet and empty now, with his command crew slaughtered, and it was all his fault. He missed them. They were the finest crew he ever had and they would never be forgotten. But now with no one to control the ship, their chances of surviving a space battle were very slim. Things were running pretty hectic now and it was all his fault. If only he was like his older brother, a brilliant tactical officer and a commander with guts and courage, no one would've died today. Gordan put his head down in despair. If only he was like Jacob...

(Epsilon Eradini system, around Eradinus VII's moon Nuka G'un's orbit, onboard UNSC warship Deep Voyager, Briefing room)

      Mckay stood on front of the b-room's metal door, paralyzed with fear and regret. She had made a big mistake and promised to never to do it again, hoping nothing would happen to her. The door's acknowledgement light turned on and the the door slid open, revealing the head CO sitting on his chair.'Come in luitenant.' Mckay walked in and stood a meter away from him.'I heard about incident with you and the spartans and I would like to ask why you did it?' Mckay felt her stomach churn, she never felt like this before in her life. This time, she would make things better by telling the truth,'I did it because I thought the spartans were taking all the credit and making us look stupid. I couldn't stand them doing everything like they're god. We ODST's are a big reason why humanity still exist.' The CO gave a surprised expression and laughed.'I like our attitude luitenant, and sometimes, I think the same way as you do...so I'm just giving you a warning this time. You're lucky one of your boys got the spartans out or even god couldn't help you. Next time you won't be so lucky, now move out, you're dismissed.' Mckay felt a sudden warmth of comfort flow into her body and saluted the CO,'Thank you, sir! I won't let it happen again,' and walked out, meeting face to face with Jeremy. They both froze when Mckay gave a loud sigh and gave Jeremy a shrug.'Sorry boy, it was my bad.' Jeremy saluted and smiled palely. Mckay understood the situation and walked quickly walked away. Jeremy got his cool back and smiled, what was waiting for him behind that door? An acknowledgement light winked on and Jeremy walked in. He saw the same man that promoted him to corporal last time they met.'Reporting as ordered, sir!' The man nodded and stood up,'I see you're bringing up your rep. son, it's good to hear it. Now about the incident at Hoque, I'm quite disapointed that you disobeyed orders from a superior officer. But ONI for some goddamn reason as awarded you with this.' Jeremy saw the man hold up a box and gave it to him. he opened it and saw a pair of silver bars and one silver bronze. He had been promoted to second luitenant!'Are you listening to me son? Only god knows why you recieved it, but I sure as hell would've never done it. I don't care about those spartan freaks or what kind of reputation they have, but disobeying a direct order is crucial. If I see it happen again, you better watch yourself boy.' Jeremy got angry all of a sudden, the CO was acting exactly like Mckay when she got rampant. Now Jeremy knew how much Helljumpers hated the spartans. He curled his fist, but covered his feelings before the CO noticed,'Sorry sir. It won't happen again, sir.' The man chuckled and replied,'I know it won't. Now back to your rep. If you keep it up, imagine the Helljumpers get al the glory and fame in this war. We would have an army of leather necks and shut out the freaks for good.' Jeremy gave a fake smile asked,'By the way sir, I never got your name.' The man gave im a wide-eye and replied.'I'm surprised you asked. It's Silva, Major Antonio Silva...' A moment later, Jeremy was knocked to the ground by a series of thuds on the ships hull and the alarm went on, followed by the head com.

[Attention, this is the captain! all remaining personel, report to the bridge on the double!]

      'What the hell?' Silva grunted as he lifted himself up and ran to the bridge.'C'mon boy! Let's go!' Jeremy pulled himself up and smiled. A first space battle? He didn't know wether the situation would be fun or dangerous. But he prefered the fun side and caught up to Silva. He was actually going in a space battle and taking a break from ground-pounding!

(Reach, marine camp at ONI facilities, Briefing room)

      'Well get back to work boys and girls. Head back here tomorrow at your break kids.' Mckay smilled watching her squad run away like children going to a playground. Maybe one of 'em would become the legendary helljumper.

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper III: Unexpected Betrayal
Date: 22 May 2006, 4:04 pm

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur, Outskirts of dowtown)

McKay went around the LZ and counted up her marines before calling for evac and notice green team was missing. If they were still in the hell hole, she still had her chance to accomplish her own set goal.

[Red one to green one, do you copy? over.]

There was a moment of radio traffic on the team freq. and a voice came in.

[This is green one, I hear ya loud and clear El tee. Awaiting your orders.]

Mckay felt a moment of delight in her and thought this is the chance to rid of the freaks for good. She paused to think and was able to pull out something. The nuke they had planted on the sewers for the second party of covenant to drop by.

[Ok, here are your orders. There's a passage to the sewage system 2 blocks from your location. The present we brought for the covenant is there and they want it bad...so lets give em an early birthday surprise.]

[Aye, m'am. We've located the present. It is set to open in 30 minutes and counting. Awaiting for more objectives. over.]

[Okay, set it to 15 minutes and haul your asses back here for dust off. Red one out.]

[Affirmative, El tee. We're heading back now.]

'Okay! Saddle up leather necks, we're moving out! Our ride is here. Blue team wait for green team to arrive and get your ass outta here. One of the pelicans will stay behind to wait. Goodluck boys and girls!' One of the marines sent a complaint to her and was rewarded with shit talk. Jeremy just stood there wide-eyed, staring at McKay like if she came back from the deck. She noticed the suspision and walked over.'You look like you soiled yourself boy. Need a break?' Jeremy just stood there for a moment and replied.'No, m'am. I'm here to do my duty!' McKay seemed puzzled, but decided to put him off her case and took a seat on the dropship and soon flew off into the distant clouds. Jeremy turned back to his squad and saw them exchange insults to eachother, fresh recruits...Only Shawn, Julie, and Zherdane we're left in his team. The rest we're brand new jarheads waiting to pound on anything headfirst except from "feet first" or in other cases, they were slow in the head...

3 minutes passed when green team finally arrived and Bravo 32 arrived for dust off. Everyone got on board except for Jeremy who thought of the Spartans who were in danger. He didn't know what to do, follow orders or for the survival of mankind and Earth.'Come on jeremy! Lets go!' One marine called out. Jeremy ignored them and ran off back into the center of the city. He could hear his team threatening him and pleaded him to come back behind him, but continued to go on with no pause.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur, Central downtown)

It took him 6 minutes to make his way through the wreckage produced by the new waves of covenant carriers that arrived at the scene. When noticing more heavilly armed elites patrolling the the area, Jeremy took caution and used his stealth abilities to sneak past them. From carto car, structure to structure, he sneaked by all of the forces without them noticing. When he reached the museum he once saw the spartans enter, he say 2 grunts sleeping in the job near a pile of wreckage. The corporal took exception to this and silently went up to the snoozing couple, grabbed them behind a flipped vehicle and finished them off with his combat knife. After the incident, 2 elites who were assigned to watch out for the grunts notice their disapearence and knew something was wrong. Jeremy heard them speaking in their translators in a weird low, mono-toned voice. Jeremy got a captured plasma greande out and activated it.'Where did those 2 scumbags go to now? Once I get my hands on them I'll...' He was cut off when a plasma grenade glued to his helmet. The other elite tried to go over and tear it off, but was surprised with an explosion that engulfed them both. A whole file of jackals went over to find out what happened and founf a huge crater where the 2 elites had been and a pair of fragmentation grenades under them...The vulture-like creatures tried to escape when they were caught by the blast and sent purple blood and gore flying everywhere. Jeremy swore under his breath and regret using the fragmentation grenades. They were quick and stealthy, but lacked of cleanliness. He checked the area for more hostile and found it cleard. He advanced into the museum before drawing more attention and heard a raging battle up ahead. Paintings were riddled with 7.62mm armour-piercing holes, pillars that holed the structure we're blown apart. It was hell in here. After studying the new art, he moved on to the other room and found the spartans fighting 2 massive alien creatures. They were roughly 12 feet tall, held a huge metal shield, and carried an attached weapon on the other arm. The spartans continued to unload AR rounds into the massive creatures, but the bullets just ricocheted of their armour and nearly hitting Jeremy. He decided to come in and help by pulling out his sidearm and fired the 12.7mm slugs at the creatures. all but one of the 12 rounds he fired hit a soft orange spot in its back, right under it's spiny back. The alien groaned and fell with a loud thump. With it's brother dead, the other alien gave a battle cry and charged at Jeremy with tremendous speed. It revealed it's spikes, ready to slice Jeremy apart when he rolled to the side nearly missing the spikes and it's massive shield. The spartans saw Jeremy's technique he did to the last one and did the same. All of them unloaded their MA5B clips on the things unprotected back. It gave a load roared and dropped down dead. The spartan with the eagle insignia walked over and patted him on the shoulder.'Your one helluva soldier marine. So who brought you here and what are your orders. Jeremy was stunned for a moment and saw him getting frustrated.'My orders were to wait for green team to finish their objective and wait for evac.' The Chief seemed puzzled and told him to go on.'Green team was assigned to find the bomb you and your team planted and reset its timer to 15 minutes since the new wave of covenant arrived.' Jeremy saw his furious expression and backed away a few paces.'Did your CO even know we were still in here? or did she have other plans?' Jeremy turned pale, looked around to see all the others staring back at him. If he told them the truth, who knows what they would of done.'Sir, after you went into the museum, we lost your signal. The El tee thought you were KIA so it was her turn to take over. Since you were out of the way, she thought the covenant would continue their search for something that would be a threat to humaity, so she ordered us to proceed.' Jeremy stood there stiffly, just hoping they wouldn't find out. The chief his held ground and then turned around and ordered his squad to leave the hell hole like Jeremy wasn't even there. He was surprised and relieved that it was over and followed them out.

'How much minutes do we have left?' The cheif growled at Jeremy.'6 minutes and counting sir.' It was merely impossible to escape out of the city on foot. The chief tried to call for evac, but something jammed their communications. Just when all hope was lost, the group came upon a pair of LRV warthogs parked beside a pile of dead marines and covenant alike. Jeremy gave a deep sigh of comfort and made his way to the vehicles with renewed speed, followed by the spartans. When they reached them, Jeremy found one of the LRV's were missing a turret. It was no use, but to carry troops around the city, but they found use of it and filled it with the extra and injured spartans. Jeremy took the driver seat on the armoured warthog followed 2 spartans who took the sideseat and the gunner. After 30 seconds of preperations, the survivors drove to the hills on the outskirts of the city.

4 minutes remaining and they were still only half way due to the traffic ahead of them. A party of grunts and jackals lay ahead ready to fire their plasma, but were soon torn apart the M41 LAAG machine gun used by the front warthog. The other one followed behind since they only had very little fire power. The hill was dead ahead now and with 2 minutes left, they had a chance. Just when things started getting light again, a pair of banshees swooped over them and started firing their plasma and fuel rod cannons. One projectile nearly hit the unarmed LRV and another skinned the paint from the first hog. After the that it was the spartan's turn, they fired their MA5B's and with the help from the LAAG, the 2 aircrafts were chewed up by the bullets and caught on fire causing them to crash in a skyscraper. Ahead, 3 elites awaited the vehicles and fired. Plasma scrapped off the vehicles paint and splashed into the window, but came to a stop when the overkilled by the 2 hogs, crushing them under their tires and leaving behind flesh and gore. The grgoup made it over the hills just in time to feel a dull thud and knew an empty void was left behind them.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur farming plantation outside downtown)

[Bravo 32, come in over.]

[This is Bravo 32, I've been following your ass all the way Green one, need a lift?]

[Affirmative, I have injured and need immediate medical attention.]

[Okay, five to dirt...touch down, Get your asses on board so I can have my meal back at the Voyager.]

After sitting down, Jeremy pulled out an energy bar and ate it whole. He was dead tired and had to save up energy to face the El tee when he got back. Screw that, he thought, it was a time to relax and celebrate their victory; an entire covenant armada obliderated, an already dead city destroyed. Yea, it was worth it. The Master Chief who sat beside Jeremy patted him on the shoulder gently.'That was some good shit you pulled back their marine. Thanks...' Jeremy stared at the chief's satisfied face and grinned. He was being congradulated by a spartan...it was a good start to their friendship. Jeremy stared through the airlock and saw the UNSC cruiser up ahead and though,'they're not that bad after all.' When everything went peaceful and silent, Jeremy heard the pilot scream over the mic.

[What the hell is going on over there captain?]

[Boarding crafts! Lots of em! The surviving bastards from the city are trying to raid the ship and take it over! Requesting backup from any UNSC personnel! What the...]

The captain was cut off when Jeremy saw the cruiser's hull was being bombarded with covenant boarding crafts. The Voyager sent a wave of archer missles at the incoming hostile, but took out only a quarter of the hostile. The onlt thing that was defending the cruiser now was the the marines in the ship. Jeremy felt the dropship accelerate faster and knew they heading to another battle.

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper II: Massacre at Cote D'Azur
Date: 22 May 2006, 4:09 pm

      This is the story continuing the series of the legendary Hell jumper. As Jeremy becomes a corporal after his first mission, a new danger lies ahead for him and his squad, eager to grind them to oblivion. After knowing they're in the deadly situation, Jeremy now has to pull off the miracle he did last time to save them again with the help of the almighty Spartans. Will he succeed? Or will it be too much of a challenge for him? Nah...

(Inner colony system Reach, ONI facility, Marine camp)

      As Mackay watched her Hell jumpers gobble up the last of their roast turkey hungrilly, she chuckled and called them over.'Ok peewee's, get your ass over here and let me continue to tell one of the greatest histories of the Hell jumpers. Ahh...Once I'm done with you leather necks, maybe you'll toughen for a change like the true ODST's. Now that's hard to imagine...Hah!' Everyone ran over like a herd of bulls and dropped down on their seats. All but Johnson who took his time, relaxing and finally stopped when the others growled at him to hurry. He frowned and took his seat angrilly, giving a deep sigh as Mackay shook her head and turned away.'Alright El tee. You can start now! I'm growing impatient.' One of them shouted out.'Shut your mouth boy, so am I!' Mackay barked back.'Ok, lets start shall we? Here goes...

(Epsilon Eridani system Eradinus VII, Onboard The Deep Voyager, Conference room)

      Jeremy sat on one of the chairs outside the conference room quietly, thinking about what Mackay and the CO sergeant were talking about. He was anxious, but nervous and he same time.'What could they be talking about in there?' He thought. They were taking forever, it should take only a few minutes, but instead the minutes became hours. He was growing impatient by the second and was about to burst when Mackay walked out of the room when made her way towrds him. He took a deep breath and saluted her. Mackay did the same and patted him on the back with a few comments.'The CO and I have discussed about your actions at Eradinus VI. He says he want to talk to you for a moment. Don't worry boy, I told him how well you did out there. He was surpised for a moment so there shouldn't be any problems. You're a helluva marine boy, you should be proud.' Mackay smiled and added one more thing before she strode off,'Oh yea, be on time for the new mission briefing.'and walked away, leaving Jeremy behind by himself. He relaxed himself and entered the conference room, standing face to face with the sergeant. He was old looking, but strongly built and buff. Jeremy froze just looking at the man's giant body. After a pause, Jeremy grabbed a hold of himself and saluted the sergeant.'Sir! reporting as ordered, sir!' The sergeant examined Jeremy for a second and nodded.'So you're one of Mackay's new rectuits. Your luitenant told me everyone about you. You're beginning to impress me son, we have very few of your type around here. Too little to begin with...for saying so I'm promoting you to corporal. Keep it up and maybe you'll deserve more than just that.' Jeremy quickly responded to the CO's compliment and awaited to be dismissed.'You're free to go son. If only there were more like you in the Navy. Who knows what the changes will be in this war.' The sergeant finally said and left the room. Jeremy followed afterwards, heading to the briefing cabin, feeling good about himself for the first time in a while.

(Epsilon Eridani system Eradinus VII, Onboard The Deep Voyager, Briefing room)

      Mackay slumped on her chair, watching her squad play around with each other. She shook her head when seeing a marine flirting with a girl, another pair of Hell jumpers wrestling, and group playing cards. Most were new recruits who didn't even care or know what situation they were in with the covenant. It was like a regular school for them,'They're going to regret doing that.' Mackay thought.

      5 minutes passed by when Mackay finally had enough and hurried to the door in search of Jeremy, to beat the crap outta him. Just when she arrived at the door it slid open and Jeremy entered, nearly bumping into Mackay.'You're late...' Mackay growled. Jeremy stared at her in the eyes and knew it was trouble. Just when Jeremy thought it was the end of him, Mackay stepped aside and pushed him in. He sighed in relief and walked towards the briefing tables to join his fellow mates. Jeremy examined his squad and found something different. His whole squad were new recruits who stared at him like a dirty dog in the streets. All but Ken, Shawn, and Julie. He ignored the rest and made his way to his old pals, making a path through the unorganized group of marines. The mixed white/black Jamaican, 6'11 feet tall and weighed 290 pound Jeremy did it with ease. He chuckled and sat down beside Ken. Mackay made her way over to the overhead screen and began the mission briefing.'A'ight, it appears that Eradinus VII is under heavy fire and 93% of its surface is glassed. Looks like they are purposely ignoring Hoque, Downtown to find something there. The red zone is at the museum of human history. The covenant are probably searching there so, whatever their doing it's definitely not good. In order to stop them, we gotta search for the remaining survivers, evac them, and nuke the goddamn place to hell. The Spartans will assist us so it'll be a walk park. Am I right marines?' The Hell jumpers looked at each other and back at the luitenant and yelled in unison. Jeremy never seen a Spartan face to face before. He heard they were the best "of" the best, fear no enemy, and immortal servants of Thor. Nah, nothing is invincible, not even a Spartan. Jeremy left it all behind and cocked his MA5B AR and M6D magnum. Ken and Julie did the same, but Shawn was assigned to a S2 AM sniper rifle, due to his deadly accuracy.'Lucky ass...' Jeremy whispered. Shawn heard and laughed. After arming themselves, they made their way to the archer pods, specifically designed for them, Hell jumper style; land feet first on enemy territory. Each of the ODSTs got into their pods and one by one, they were launched down to the doomed planet, feet first. This is going to be a real battle...

(Eradinus VII, Outskirts of Cote D'Azur, Downtown)

      A group of jackals stay patrolled the shores of the city and stopped all of a sudden, smelling the air, searching with their sharp eyes for something, something coming on top of them. Not they knew, wrong mistake again.

      Up on the sky, about 20 comet-like objects dropped down at an incredible speed, ripping apart the clouds, and finally slowed down as the emergency rockets egnited and slowed their approach. In less than 40 secounds after hitting the clouds, they touched the ground surprising the patrollers. A grunt went up to one of the pods and sniffed at it. It was confused and shrieked as the hatch flew out, propelling the crushed grunt to the ocean. Then all of the other pods opened and bullet rounds came out of them. Instantly, the whole patrol group fell on to the ground akwardly, splattering blood everywhere. The Hell jumpers appeared out of them and searched the area for any more covenant.'Clear' Jeremy called out. Mackay looked around and agreed.'Ok, hudle up leather necks. Lemme give you your groups. A'ight Shawn, Spartan-058: Linda you gives us cover fire on the building on front of us. Blue team, follow the other Spartans and make sure they succeed in their mission. The rest of you follow my lead and clear the outskirts of this place. We'll join up with the Spartans later. GoGoGo!'

      As blue team continued their way to the museum, they came by a couple of unknown covenant species they've never seen before. These ones looked harmless, detaching vehicles and fixing them back with a dozen of swift tentacles. Jeremy didn't feel good being near them and took a shot at one. The alien wobbled for a second and fell when the others stared at it giving a loud screech echoing all over the city. Jeremy turned pale and regret doing what he just did, he felt the earth under him shake and suddenly a pack of grunts and elites marched toward just a block away. The Spartan with the insignia of an eagle with the number 117 under it, walked over to him and spoke in a deep, low voice,'Don't ever do that again.' Jeremy gulped at the figures enormous size and nodded silently. That spartan can beat the crap outta him with one hand. Jeremy didn't bother giving attitude back and aimed his AR at the incoming covenant. He remembered Mackay telling him one of the Spartans killed 2 ODSTs and injured one in a training ring with no sweat. Nothing has ever took on 3 ODSTs single handedly that easilly. He erased all of it from his mind and conentrated on the enemy. As they surged closer, he saw 3 elites suddenly dropped and blooded poured out of it's skull. He knew it was the work of a sniper rifle and knew it wasn't Ken's doing, it was the other Spartan...The covenant were know in striking distance, Jeremy opened fired with controlled burst at the advancing grunts and took them down easilly. The rest of the team did the same and wiped out the enemy in seconds.'Wow,' he thought, these Spartans were super killing machines. The Spartans continued on to the museum like it was a walk in the park and the other ODSTs followed in awe.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'azur, Central Downtown)

      When blue team arrived at the museum entrance, they saw something they could've never imagined. The covenant were using the structure as some kind of base. A dozen shade turrets sat on every balcony, covenant snipers hiding in dark corners on the roof, and wave by wave of jackals marching on catwalks. There was no way they could take em all by themselves. Then the unexpected happened and the Spartans ordered Jeremy and the other ODSTs to regroup with the others and get escape. He nodded in comfort and they ran off back the outskirts. Unluckilly, the snipers spotted them and took fire. Julie got hit in the leg, Ken hid under a car and took suppresing fire with his sidearm's scope. Jeremy hid behind Ken treating Julie While she spoke on the headcom.

[Shawn, can you guys give us a little back up here? We're pinned by snipers on the roofs.]

[Affirmative blue team, we have a clear shot.]

      5 seconds later, the snipers stopped shooting and Jeremy saw a beam rifle landed right next to him. He strapped his MA5B AR and picked up his new best friend.

[Goodjob Shawn]

[Save it Jeremy, it wasn't me...]

      After patching up Julie, They made their way to Mackay's team and joined up with the rest of the squad.'What's a metter son, weren't suppose to be with the Spartans?' Mackay spatted out.'No El tee, they ordered us to retreat so they could take care of the museum themselves.' Jeremy answered back. Mackay frowned thinking that the Spartans wanted all the credits, but kept it to herself. For the first time, she wanted to kill the Spartans.'I understand, Lets finish off the remaining covenant and get outta here. Wee're going to nuke the city after.' Mackay commanded. Everyone saluted her and went off, silent and confused. 'Was she trying to kill the covenant or the Spartans?' Jeremy thought. Most of the ODSTs held a grudge on them and Jeremy knew that, but he never knew how much they hated the Spartans. Until now...

To be concluded...

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper: Private Jeremy P. Diddy
Date: 23 May 2006, 12:52 am

      Ever since the covenant/human war started, thousands of young people joined the Navy. Some to have honour, others to prove themselves worthy, but one.

      'Hi, my name is Lt. Mckay, and I want to tell you about my first recruit, Jeremy; a Hell Jumper. The Bravest, the smartest, and the youngest.' Mckay began to tell the story to her new Hell Jumpers.

(Eradinus VI, Menachite II Forest)

      'Pilot, you can touch down here, the covenant will see us if you go any further.'First luitenant Mckay commanded.'Aye, sir!' The pilot answered back. Mckay nodded and gave out a signal to his squad to be ready. Everyone else nodded and switched their weapons safeties off. Mckay counted 6 ODST's and grinned. He expected more troops to infiltrate the covenant camp. With only 7 including him agains't about a thousand armed aliens, their chances were very slim.'Ok ladies, I know we weren't able to use our old transportation, but we'll have a chance next time. Now we go on feet to the bastards camp and then we blow the crap out of them...Hell Jumper style. Am I right?!?!' He screamed.'Sir! Yes Sir!'They all shouted back.'Good, Let's move out! Double time.'All the ODSTs exited the dropship's hatch and moved into the forest. One Hell Jumper, Private Jeremy slowed down and thought he should've never joined in all this crap. He should've just stayed home with his ma and go out with his friends.'The hell with that.' He whispered to himself, not thinking anyone would hear. Mckay heard and walked over to him and patted him on the back and said,'you going to be find son, don't worry.' Jeremy turned and starred ar her for a moment. Then he nodded and walked up with the rest of the squad.

(Eradinus VI, Covenant camp)

      As the Mckay and her squad surged closer toward the covenant camp, they saw hundreds of welled armed grunts, and jackals. No sign of elites, that was good. Mckay had been wrong. There weren't thousands of covenant forces. She was glad she was wrong.'This is gonna be a piece of cake boys.' She said happily to her squad. They didn't laugh or look at her. She knew they were still scared. It was their first mission. Who wouldn't be scared on their first mission?'Ok, Jeremy and Ken, you get left platoon. Mary and George, you get right. The rest follow me.' When they were at the edge of the camp, Mckay threw 2 fragmentation grenades at a couple of grunts. There were screams where she had thrown the grenades and followed by a pair of explosions. The surrounding grunts and jackals looked everywhere, confused, just eager to seek a target before something else bad happens. It was too late, more explosions shook the ground under their feets and blood flew everywhere. Now the grunts started running wildly everywhere bumping into one another and getting trampled.
The jackals turned their backs to the squad trying to calm them down. That was a wrong move. The ODSTs appeared out of their covers and started firing their MA5B's. Controlled burst ripped through the jackals backs and splattered purple blood everywhere. That was when the massacre began.

      After 5 minutes of continuous fire, the ODSTs already took out half of the camp. Finally the the grunts recovered and hid behind supply boxes, waiting for the squad to come. The ODST's were busy finishing off several jackals when Jeremy shouted out,'This is too easy Eltee! Haha take this.'Mckay who dived from a plasma bolt and used up the rest of her clip on a grunt said,'Don't get cocky boy! you never know what'll hit ya next!' Jeremy smiled and continued firing.

      After finishing off the wave of jackals, they continued to search the base for survivors. As they moved to the uncleared section of the base, the grunts as well as a few elites eager to get a kill. Mary and George walked over to a pile of cargo boxes and George started talking to her.'So, wanna go out with me? you know after we mop out the rest of them. Wait you're a virgin right? You don't want to be a virgin for the rest of your life do you?' Mary starred over at the ODST and rolled her eyes.'Back off boy, don't mess with me.' He grinned and moved closer toward her.'You get any closer and I'll pop my rifle up your ass!'He chuckled and moved closer until he turned pale and froze. Mary moved away and saw that he was hit in the neck by a plasma beam. Blood dripped down his back and he fell, motionless. Mary panicked and called for back-up.She searched for where the plasma came and was struck in the torso. She yelped and grabbed her mid-s, coughing blood. She looked up and saw an elite pointing a plasma rifle at her head. It was the last thing she ever saw before the warrior pulled the trigger...

      'Marie! George! Report! Hello?!?!' Mckay yelled as she heard a scream behind multiple cargo boxes. She aimed her MA5B at the area and started walking forward. The remaining squad members followed. When Mackay was 2 feet from the boxes, the elite that was hiding there appeared and fired plasma beams right at her. Mckay saw and used her rifle as a shield just in time. One plasma collided with the MA5B and melted part or the rifle. The other beam hit her in the shoulder pad, knocking her down relatively saving her life from the last plasma beam which soared right pass her hitting an ODST right in the thigh. He fell down holding on to his leg. Mckay who recovered from the fall holstered her sidearm and shot the elite in the head. It's energy shields flickered as the rounds impacted on it's armour. The elite groaned and tried to side step to the side, but the other ODSTs fired as well, depleting it's shield and tearing through it's flesh.'Hold your fire.'Mckay ordered when she saw the elite was already dead. Everyone stopped instantly. Mckay looked at her disfigured MA5B and knew it was no longer functioning. Jeremy kneeled beside his shot friend and checked his pulse. When Jeremy finished he shook his head and backed away.'Sarge, he's gone.'Jeremy said in a low voice. Mckay shook her head when she found two more bodies behind the cargo boxes. There were only 4 Hell Jumpers left and Mckay knew there were more covenant hiding.'Ken get that body behind the the cover. Jeremy...' She stopped and held a hand on her injured shoulder, groaning with pain. Jeremy saw and injected bio-foam on the wound. Mckay looked up and nodded. He did the same and turned away to the others. Just as Ken started picking up the dead ally, more covenant appeared from their hiding places and started firing plasma at the ODSTs. The Hell Jumpers were caught by surprise...

      A plasma bolt flew right past Jeremy's head and he felt the intense heat from it. It was painful, but he ignored it to fire at two grunts behind him. Beside him was Ken who was covering him got hit square in the chest by a plasma beam and moaned. Jeremy saw his friend got hit and when on front of him covering Ken when he was retreating behind the cargo. Jeremy fired 3 round bursts at a party of grunts and took them down swiftly. He turned to his right and saw another wave of Jackals covered by their shields. There was no way he could get them with his AR so straffed to the side, dodging a dozen of plasma bolts and chucked a grenade behind the the advancing jackals. They didn't notice and was caught by surprise when they were shredded to pieces by an explosion behind them. Just then a pair of elites 3 meters behind Jeremy appeared and started throwing plasma grenades. An ODST warned him in time and he rolled out of the way barely missing the grenades from attaching to him. The plasma grenades arked past him and stuck 2 grunts who were trying to ambush Jeremy, on the head. The screamed and ran toward another flock of covenant and they were engulfed by multiple exlposions of plasma. Bits of burnt flesh flew in different dirrections as they smoke cleared and there was nothing left but a 6 inch crater where they covenant were. Mckay and the rest of the squad made the last 2 elites eat continuous amounts of armour piercing rounds before they can fire at Jeremy. They were dead before they even fell...Mckay watched the whole thing and stared at Jeremy with impression.'Looks like we have ourselves a new hero.'She whispered, watching Jeremy take care of 'his' squad. She walked over and gave him a compliment he never expected.'You did good boy, maybe you'll get a promotion once we get the hell outta here.' Jeremy smiled, showing his bare teeth and gained control over his body again. He can't believe he was getting promoted on his first mission. He joined the army just to travel through the universe, flying with the stars, and discovering new things he could never imagine. He stared back at his comrades and saw they were staring at him back with awe. After Ken finished getting treated he walked over to Jeremy and patted him on the back.'You deserved it. You saved me and most of us. You should be proud man. But don't worrry next time it'll be my turn.'he said sarcastically. Jeremy smiled and nudged Ken on his helmet.
'Ok, Ken call for back-up. we'll send in the mop up crew to finish up the work. We did a helluva job today. The injured can't fight anymore, they'll need medical attention back at H.Q. Do it, on the double!' Mckay suddenly commanded. Ken saluted her and got to his business.

      After a few minutes, the pelican dropship"Bravo 11" arrived and picked up the Mckay and her squad, dropping off more units on to the ground. As they soared off, Jeremy looked back at the covenant camp and saw mostly bodies and dust everywhere of covenant. They did do a pretty good job after all and most of all,he couldn't wait to meet the C.O. sergeant for the first time. Maybe he can learn a few things from the sergeant. Maybe even the secrets of the universe...nah what was he thinking?

(Reach, ONI facility, Marine camp)

      'And that's only the beginning of the great adventures of Jeremy...The proud ODST with nerves of steel. Hah! Ok boys get back to the training I gave you. Oh yea! Was it 500 push-ups and 1000 sets of suicides. Get to it! And maybe if you do good, I'll continue the series.'Blabbered Mckay. Her new squad sighed and started her crazy training except one who frowned and asked her,'Aww come on El Tee! Who wants to hear that bull anyways. I can do better than him. Just wait until you see me in action. Haha!' Mckay laughed her head off and was finally able to pull out a few words.'Ok Johnson, you get to stay out of the next mission if you don't hear the ODST history. But now just do what I'm telling ya to do or you'll do double of that! Hahaha!' Johnson frowned and walked off joining the rest of his team...humiliated by his team's giggling.

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper: Dead In Space
Date: 28 May 2006, 2:29 am

(Epsilon Eridani system, Onboard UNSC destroyer/ Deep Voyager, Above Sigma Octanus IV)

      Jeremy P. Diddy rushed to the bridge, followed by a few surviving crewmen after the bloody battle that took place on the Voyager. Jeremy knew they were engaging in a space battle when an explosion appeared along the Voyager's hull. He'd never been to a real space battle before, but he did run a few simulations before he could join the Navy.
      "What's going on?" One of the marines asked. Jeremy turned to face the marine and saw half his face was unshaved. The marine understood Jeremy's expression and growled.
      "You can see I was kinda busy eh?" He grinned.
Jeremy chuckled and dashed ahead towards the bridge, wanting to take part of the incoming battle ahead.

      Captain Gordan Connor studied the advancing covenant fleet through the front view port. About 6 covenant frigates and 3 destroyers appeared out of no where from slip space and their plasma turrets were charged, red-hot.
      "Initiate evasive maneuvers on my mark!" Gordan commanded the AI. Unfortunately, the ship's AI was the only one with him on the bridge so they were like cattle being chased by hungry wolves. He needed additional crew to take the weapon stations and hopefully, he was going to get them soon.
      The covenant ships fired their plasma turrets towards the Voyager's position at a slow speed. That was their disadvantage, one of many few; their plasma weapons traveled at a much slower speed rate than the UNSC's standard main cannons. The (MAC) magnetic accelerator cannon fired heavy projectiles powered by a dozen super conductive magnetic coils. That MAC gun can usually destroy a cruiser on a single shot, but the covenant had shields. This is what gave them the big advantage.
      "Take evasive maneuvers now!"
Gordan yelled.
      "Yes sir," the AI replied. Gordan felt the ship's emergency thrusters come to life and pushed the ship aside on a rough angle. Just then, the plasma beams soared past the Voyager and headed towards the unglassed area of Sigma Octanus IV; Cote d'Azur. Gordan finally realized the covenant weren't after them, they were after the planet.
      "Damn, the whole downtown area was already destroyed, and they still want to finish off the small remaining areas?" Gordan frowned. Can't the covenant ever show some mercy, but instead destroy a planet that already met it's doom.
      "Vile beast…" Gordan whispered, angrily. If the covenant were purposely aiming at the Voyager, they would have no chance of dodging the plasma. He seen what their weapons could do, especially the plasma torpedo. It somehow locked on to targets. There was no way Gordan would let the covenant glass Sigma Octanus IV without a fight.
      "This is the captain! Where is everyone? All remaining personnel, report to the bridge!"

      Jeremy ran past the cafeteria lunch room and arrived at the bridge, hearing the captain sending an urgent message over the loudspeakers.
[This is the captain! Where is everyone? All remaining personnel, report to the bridge!]
      Jeremy was the first to arrive, followed by the Spartans, and then the rest of the ODST division.
      "Awaiting your orders, sir!" They said in unison.
Captain Gordan Connor smiled in relief started the briefing
      "About damn time you people showed up. Alright, Spartans, make your way to the intact missile launch bays and load 'em up. Lieutenant McKay, take your men with them. Ah, Lieutenant Jeremy, Your squad can stay on the bridge. All of you took flight and combat simulations on a battle ship right?" Everyone nodded.
      "Excellent, Man your stations, pick whichever you feel most comfortable with.
Jeremy took a pilot seat on front of the captain's command post, beside a new recruit. Jeremy studied the marine's dog tag and saw a full name, rank, and service number;
Lee, Lam. ODST, Private. Service number 00174-38451-LL.
      "You got some skills with flying this baby?" Jeremy asked sarcastically.
The marine wide-eyed Jeremy in surprise and replied, "Hell yea El Tee. The question is, can you?"
      Jeremy chuckled. "Why do you think I'm asking you? Help me, that's an order." Jeremy knew how to fly a ship, but the problem was he nearly failed his flight simulations test with 3 KIA's.
      The marine bared a big grin and punched in some codes, "Sir, yes sir! Follow along sir!"

      Gordan took a look around the room and smiled, just like before; noisy with communication frequencies, people working at their stations, everything his old crew used to do.
      "Alright, everyone ready?" Gordan asked. "Cause if we ain't ready, then we might as well start digging our graves before the covenant bastards could do it for us, understood?"
      The whole room laughed and then roared with confidence, "Hell no, sir!" A sergeant shut them up and started doing his own prep. Talk, "Fellow jarheads, there was a reason why you joined this division. The reason why we dive feet first in to their raggedy-ass and kick their filthy ass. Do you know why? Not just for beer, oh no, not that. But why?"
      Everyone yelled with enthusiasm as the question was asked. "We blow them straight to hell, sir!"
      "Damn right you do, and for answering it right, all of ya'll get a glass of the finest, brewed beer. Down at Sigma Octanus."
      All the marines cheered on until they were cut off.
      "Hold on, you ain't getting any yet fellas. The covenant are trying to burn down the planet and steal our beer. So, we gotta take 'em out before they reach her. Am I clear?"
      "Sir, yes sir!"
      "Ok cut the chit-chat people and man your stations." Gordan said, calmly. Gordan saw the frigate ships charge their plasma turrets, ready to fire once more. But the destroyers ignored them and went straight for Sigma Octanus IV. The suicide mission started to dissipate and Gordan gave a deep sigh of relief. He didn't have to take them all on at a time. The covenant surely made a big mistake ignoring the UNSC destroyer and they're going to regret it.
      "Arm front Archer missile pods A through E and side pods A through F."
      "Missiles armed and ready, sir."
      The captain viewed the covenant warships moving closer to the planet, going past the Deep Voyager.
      "How long will it take the destroyers to go in the side Archer missile's line of fire?"
      "7 seconds, sir, and counting."
      "Good. Remove safety locks from one of our Shiva warheads and give me a firing solution on the destroyers."
      "Yes sir, missile away!"
Gordan saw the missile slowly make its' way towards the covenant destroyers through the front camera view.
      "2 seconds 'till the destroyers reach the Archer missile's line of fire, sir."
The high-explosive Archer missiles were designed to penetrate through thick plates of armor and then detonate inside it to cause a shredding action. But not to energy shields however. That'll be the warhead's objective.
      The nuke detonated as it made contact with one of the destroyer's shields and engulfed all 3 in a cloud of destructive energy. As the energy burned out, the covenant ships were still intact, but their shields were gone. This left them vulnerable.
      "Contact! Enemy frigates have fired their plasma turrets! Impact in 17 seconds."
      "Good, make them follow us. Fire side Archer missiles now."
      "Aye, aye sir. Missiles away."
Hundreds of Archer missiles streaked towards the unprotected destroyers, ready to tear them apart.
      "Course change: zero zero zero point two six, declination zero zero zero point one eight; collision course, and divert 95% of energy to the main thrusters for full burn."
      "Aye, aye sir. Collision with first destroyer in 5 seconds, plasma torpedoes in 8 seconds."
      The Archer missiles themselves wouldn't do anything, but scar the covenant ship's thick hull. The best weapon to tear through those ship's are their own, and that's what they're going to get.
      "Course correction; head to zero zero zero point two eight, declination zero zero zero point one eight. On my mark." Gordan commanded. If this won't work, then they'll be free floating particles.
      "Collision with destroyers in 2 seconds, sir!" A marine panicked, "We're gonna die! Lord O' Mighty, save us!"
      "Course correction now!" The captain yelled. He felt the bottom emergency thrusters come to life and blew them to a new course; 4 inches above one of the covenant destroyers. The Deep Voyager made it's way swiftly away from the destroyers, escaping the doom awaiting them.
      "Bring up aft cameras." Gordan ordered. The ship's rear camera showed a dozen plasma torpedoes melt away the helpless destroyers. Their skeletal structure was visible now as it was the Archer missiles turn to do some damage; The high explosives missiles tore through the untouched decks and cut apart the intact destroyers. One destroyer mushroomed as a few missiles detonated on it's plasma reactor, leaving behind bits of hot metal and molten.
      "Sir, how did you come up with that tactic? It was superb!"
      Gordan smiled and thought of his blood brother he went to training school with. The one who taught him everything he needed to know about flying ships. Jacob Keyes was his name; commander of the Iroquois. "I learned it from an old colleague of mines. None of your business boy."
      "Engines are hot, the coolant is having problems, sir," the ship's AI announced. "It will take exactly 15 minutes and 36 seconds to completely cool down."
      "Shut the engines down for a while," Gordan ordered. "Open emergency vent."
      "Yes sir, fusion reactor plasma is venting."
      "Sir! Contact! I'm detecting high levels of beta particle radiation on the remaining covenant frigates; they're about to fire again!"
      Damn, Gordan thought. With nothing to use as a shield against their torpedoes and their engines near critical, their ship was virtually just a stationary gun. "Can the MAC cannon fire?" Gordan asked.
      "Yes, but it'll take 20 minutes to fully charge the conductive magnetic coils, sir," Thoren replied. "But we still have 2 Shiva warheads left and 75% of the Archer missile pods are still ready to fire, front missile pods are still armed."
      Then something came to Gordan's mind, the only option was to go directly to the frigates. If they ran, then they would still die, rather die fighting then die a coward. Only AI and him are required to do that. He made a big mistake fully ignoring the frigates and now he was going to regret it. If only he was like Jacob…None of this would've happened, and now everyone will die if he didn't do something.
      "That's it, everyone get off this ship! I'll call the Gettysburg and the Iroquois to pick you up." Luckily, there were still two remaining UNSC ships left on the other side of Sigma Octanus IV. If only they can get over here quick and help conclude this battle.
      "Sir, are you sure about this?" Jeremy asked, everyone else starring at him concerned.
      Gordan gave a deep sigh and answered, "Yes, this war has too many human casualties, and I'm not gonna let that happen to you people. Rather sacrifice one life instead of hundreds."
      "You mean 2 lives," Thoren the AI, corrected. "Don't forget this is my home as well, sir."
      "Yes, you too Thoren. Now everyone, get off my ship! That's an order!" Gordan yelled furiously.
      Everyone immediately saluted and said their last comments to the captain and sprinted towards the pelicans and the life boats.
      "You'll be remembered, sir. To me, you are considered as the best of the best. Good luck sir." Jeremy said quietly.
      The captain nodded, "And so are you soldier."
      Jeremy turned around and ran out of sight, head down in sorrow.

      All the ODST's and Spartans got on their transports and departed the Voyager; back to Sigma Octanus, awaiting to get picked up. Jeremy stood up on his seat and took a last glance through an escape pod's rear door, at the Voyager as she set a new course towards the covenant frigates. At the same time he saw the frigates discharge their plasma torpedoes directly at the Voyager. Jeremy turned away and took his seat, sad, but also proud that he had helped destroy 3 covenant destroyers. For some reason, he wanted to be back on the Deep Voyager once more, one last time, fighting aside with Captain Gordan Connor and eventually die aside with him. Captain Gordan is a real hero and will always be one…

(Epsilon Eridani system, UNSC destroyer/Deep Voyager, on course away from Sigma Octanus IV)

      The Deep Voyager and her crew of two were heading on a last mission; a long, awaited victory for the humans and a chance to give humanity more time to live, salvation.
      "Thoren, warm up our engines and set a collision course with the enemy ships."
      "Sir, you do realize that our engines have not fully recovered and will overheat, causing a super-heated wildcat reaction to our fusion drives, which will eventually detonate, generating a temperature of one hundred million degrees, disintegrating everything in an six-hundred-kilometer radius since our cooling vents will be destroyed," The AI replied.
      "Yes, I'm fully aware of that and I'm planning to do so. Now I remembered telling you to warm up the engines to full burn." Gordan growled.
      "Aye, aye sir. Collision with enemy frigates in 3 minutes."
      Gordan heard the ship's engines desperately struggle to come alive and did so with a loud boom. "Status?" He asked calmly.
      "Our fusion drives are near critical. 4 minutes until detonation if stay at this speed rate.
      "Good, arm all our Archer missiles and remove the safeties on the remainder Shiva warheads. Fire on my mark."
      "Yes, sir," Thoren replied. "Contact, enemy frigates have just launched their plasma torpedoes. They'll hit us in 10 seconds."
      "Prepare to launch top emergency thrusters. Course correction; head zero zero zero point zero three one, declination zero zero zero point zero zero zero point three four. On my mark," Gordan said with sweat dripping down his chin now.
      "Aye, aye sir. Impact with plasma torpedoes in 3 seconds."
      Gordan saw the streaks of plasma surge closer towards them, and felt the bridge heat up intensely. "Emergency thrusters now!" Gordan covered is eyes as the V-bright plasma torpedoes soar right past them as they did a dive.
      "Aft cameras." Gordan commanded. The main screen switched to the rear view and Gordan saw a dozen plasma torpedoes turn around in an arc and continued following them.
      "40 seconds until collision with enemy frigates, 50 seconds until detonation," Thoren said.
      "Launch the nukes and give me a firing solution on the Archer missiles right after their shields are down." Gordan commanded.
      "Yes, sir."
      "Switch to front cameras," Gordan saw the nukes and hundreds of Archer missiles streak through space towards the frigate on the main screen. The first nuke engulfed the first 3 frigates and then followed by the rest from the second nuke. As the explosions winked out, every single covenant shield disappeared; leaving them vulnerable. The Archer missiles impacted a second later, tearing small holes through the frigates.
      "Sir, the frigates are spreading out! They're trying to escape, or at least decrease the number of casualties. By the time we reach them, some may already be out of range."
      The captain sighed; with no armory left they'd be lucky to at least get one or two frigates.
      "4 seconds until collision, sir. It was a pleasure fighting along with you."
      The captain nodded with approval. The ship crashed into one of the frigates with extreme force, propelling them both back towards another frigate. Gordan closed his eyes as the ship started to shutter and explosions appeared along the Voyager's hull. Everything went white as a compact sun blossomed where the Voyager used to be.
      Just when the remainder covenant frigates thought they were safe, twelve plasma torpedoes met with the growing inferno, fusing with it; causing the thermo nuclear sphere to compress into a small, red ball. Then let out a powerful halo of pressure waves rippling through space, followed by a huge super nova from the compressed thermo nuclear; engulfing every single surviving frigate.
The Deep Voyager and everything on and around her in twelve-hundred-kilometer radius, ceased to exist.

(Epsilon Eridani system, Above Sigma Octanus IV, Onboard UNSC destroyer/ The Iroquois)

      Jeremy starred through a window compartment on the Iroquois, watching a gigantic fire ball swallow all the covenant frigates. All of a sudden, some thing pounded against the ship, knocking Jeremy off his feet.
      "What the hell was that?" A worried marine asked.
      Jeremy grunted as he pulled himself up, once again, starring at the thermo nuclear sphere burn out the last of it's fuel, and finally winked out.
      "It was an ultra sonic pressure wave from the explosion," an old man replied. "Man Gordan sure did put on a helluva fire works show, that's the largest thermo nuclear reaction I've ever seen. Good bye brother," he whispered, loud enough for Jeremy to hear.
      Jeremy studied the man's insigne; Keyes, Jacob. Captain. Service number 01928-19912-JK. The man's uniform was completely clean; he was a new captain.
      "Sir, permission to speak?"
      Jacob Keyes's eyes locked on to Jeremy, "Go ahead son, make it quick though. The ONI personnel requested to study the mission log, to find out the cause of the second explosion."
      "Thank you, sir," Jeremy replied. "Are you Captain Gordan's colleague, the one he has been talking about?"
      Keyes gave Jeremy a wide-eye in surprise, "I see he has been opening that wide mouth of his too big this time. Yes, and why do you ask lieutenant?
      "Well, sir, he spoke very highly of you and your strategic skills."
      "Quite so," Keyes answered back. "It was a pleasure talking to you lieutenant, we'll meet again. But right now my schedule is tight."
      "Yes, sir, I understand," Jeremy saluted and walked back to the view port. Something was weird this time. There was some sort of void where the explosion took place. The space around it seems to get sucked inside it as it grew larger.
      "What on earth…" He whispered. Suddenly, an ONI scientist ran into the room and whispered something into Captain Keyes's ear.
      "What's going on?" Lieutenant McKay asked.
      Captain Keyes turned around and frowned, "There's some unnatural activity going on where the Deep Voyager was last located. The Gettysburg and the Leviathan found something." He paused and took a deep breath. "Doctor, may you explain?"
      The ONI scientist fixed her glasses and nodded, "The super thermo nuclear reaction with the plasma torpedoes somehow caused the particles there to compress with each other, burn out, and tear a hole through a large amount of mass through space. This is what happens when a sun dies out and causes a super nova. The unstable energy rips a hole through space. This phrase is also known as a 'Halo' of gas and dust spiraling in the center of a singularity; also known as a black hole. Now will you excuse me, I don't anymore time to explain," She said and walked out of Captain Keyes.
      "This is gonna be a large minor problem," Jeremy whispered as he saw the 'event horizon' of the black hole get larger.

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper: Dead In Space
Date: 26 June 2006, 1:12 am

(Epsilon Eridani system, Onboard UNSC destroyer/ Deep Voyager, Above Sigma Octanus IV)

      Jeremy P. Diddy rushed to the bridge, followed by a few surviving crewmen after the bloody battle that took place on the Voyager. Jeremy knew they were engaging in a space battle when an explosion appeared along the Voyager's hull. He'd never been to a real space battle before, but he did run a few simulations before he could join the Navy.
      "What's going on?" One of the marines asked. Jeremy turned to face the marine and saw half his face was unshaved. The marine understood Jeremy's expression and growled.
      "You can see I was kinda busy eh?" He grinned.
Jeremy chuckled and dashed ahead towards the bridge, wanting to take part of the incoming battle ahead.

      Captain Gordan Connor studied the advancing covenant fleet through the front view port. About 6 covenant frigates and 3 destroyers appeared out of no where from slip space and their plasma turrets were charged, red-hot.
      "Initiate evasive maneuvers on my mark!" Gordan commanded the AI. Unfortunately, the ship's AI was the only one with him on the bridge so they were like cattle being chased by hungry wolves. He needed additional crew to take the weapon stations and hopefully, he was going to get them soon.
      The covenant ships fired their plasma turrets towards the Voyager's position at a slow speed. That was their disadvantage, one of many few; their plasma weapons traveled at a much slower speed rate than the UNSC's standard main cannons. The (MAC) magnetic accelerator cannon fired heavy projectiles powered by a dozen super conductive magnetic coils. That MAC gun can usually destroy a cruiser on a single shot, but the covenant had shields. This is what gave them the big advantage.
      "Take evasive maneuvers now!"
Gordan yelled.
      "Yes sir," the AI replied.
      Gordan felt the ship's emergency thrusters come to life and pushed the ship aside on a rough angle. Just then, the plasma beams soared past the Voyager and headed towards the unglassed area of Sigma Octanus IV; Cote d'Azur. Gordan finally realized the covenant weren't after them, they were after the planet.
      "Damn, the whole downtown area was already destroyed, and they still want to finish off the small remaining areas?" Gordan frowned. Can't the covenant ever show some mercy, but instead destroy a planet that already met it's doom.
      "Vile beast…" Gordan whispered, angrily. If the covenant were purposely aiming at the Voyager, they would have no chance of dodging the plasma. He seen what their weapons could do, especially the plasma torpedo. It somehow locked on to targets. There was no way Gordan would let the covenant glass Sigma Octanus IV without a fight.
      "This is the captain! Where is everyone? All remaining personnel, report to the bridge!"

      Jeremy ran past the cafeteria lunch room and arrived at the bridge, hearing the captain sending an urgent message over the loudspeakers.

[This is the captain! Where is everyone? All remaining personnel, report to the bridge!]

      Jeremy was the first to arrive, followed by the Spartans, and then the rest of the ODST division.
      "Awaiting your orders, sir!" They said in unison.
Captain Gordan Connor smiled in relief started the briefing
      "About damn time you people showed up. Alright, Spartans, make your way to the intact missile launch bays and load 'em up. Lieutenant McKay, take your men with them. Ah, Lieutenant Jeremy, Your squad can stay on the bridge. All of you took flight and combat simulations on a battle ship right?" Everyone nodded.
      "Excellent, Man your stations, pick whichever you feel most comfortable with.
Jeremy took a pilot seat on front of the captain's command post, beside a new recruit. Jeremy studied the marine's dog tag and saw a full name, rank, and service number;
Lee, Lam. ODST, Private. Service number 00174-38451-LL.
      "You got some skills with flying this baby?" Jeremy asked sarcastically.
The marine wide-eyed Jeremy in surprise and replied, "Hell yea El Tee. The question is, can you?"
      Jeremy chuckled. "Why do you think I'm asking you? Help me, that's an order." Jeremy knew how to fly a ship, but the problem was he nearly failed his flight simulations test with 3 KIA's.
      The marine bared a big grin and punched in some codes, "Sir, yes sir! Follow along sir!"

      Gordan took a look around the room and smiled, just like before; noisy with communication frequencies, people working at their stations, everything his old crew used to do.
      "Alright, everyone ready?" Gordan asked. "Cause if we ain't ready, then we might as well start digging our graves before the covenant bastards could do it for us, understood?"
      The whole room laughed and then roared with confidence, "Hell no, sir!" A sergeant shut them up and started doing his own prep. Talk, "Fellow jarheads, there was a reason why you joined this division. The reason why we dive feet first in to their raggedy-ass and kick their filthy ass. Do you know why? Not just for beer, oh no, not that. But why?"
      Everyone yelled with enthusiasm as the question was asked. "We blow them straight to hell, sir!"
      "Damn right you do, and for answering it right, all of ya'll get a glass of the finest, brewed beer. Down at Sigma Octanus."
      All the marines cheered on until they were cut off.
      "Hold on, you ain't getting any yet fellas. The covenant are trying to burn down the planet and steal our beer. So, we gotta take 'em out before they reach her. Am I clear?"
      "Sir, yes sir!"
      "Ok cut the chit-chat people and man your stations." Gordan said, calmly. Gordan saw the frigate ships charge their plasma turrets, ready to fire once more. But the destroyers ignored them and went straight for Sigma Octanus IV. The suicide mission started to dissipate and Gordan gave a deep sigh of relief. He didn't have to take them all on at a time. The covenant surely made a big mistake ignoring the UNSC destroyer and they're going to regret it.
      "Arm front Archer missile pods A through E and side pods A through F."
      "Missiles armed and ready, sir."
      The captain viewed the covenant warships moving closer to the planet, going past the Deep Voyager.
      "How long will it take the destroyers to go in the side Archer missile's line of fire?"
      "7 seconds, sir, and counting."
      "Good. Remove safety locks from one of our Shiva warheads and give me a firing solution on the destroyers."
      "Yes sir, missile away!"
Gordan saw the missile slowly make its' way towards the covenant destroyers through the front camera view.
      "2 seconds 'till the destroyers reach the Archer missile's line of fire, sir."
The high-explosive Archer missiles were designed to penetrate through thick plates of armor and then detonate inside it to cause a shredding action. But not to energy shields however. That'll be the warhead's objective.
      The nuke detonated as it made contact with one of the destroyer's shields and engulfed all 3 in a cloud of destructive energy. As the energy burned out, the covenant ships were still intact, but their shields were gone. This left them vulnerable.
      "Contact! Enemy frigates have fired their plasma turrets! Impact in 17 seconds."
      "Good, make them follow us. Fire side Archer missiles now."
      "Aye, aye sir. Missiles away."
Hundreds of Archer missiles streaked towards the unprotected destroyers, ready to tear them apart.
      "Course change: zero zero zero point two six, declination zero zero zero point one eight; collision course, and divert 95% of energy to the main thrusters for full burn."
      "Aye, aye sir. Collision with first destroyer in 5 seconds, plasma torpedoes in 8 seconds."
      The Archer missiles themselves wouldn't do anything, but scar the covenant ship's thick hull. The best weapon to tear through those ship's are their own, and that's what they're going to get.
      "Course correction; head to zero zero zero point two eight, declination zero zero zero point one eight. On my mark." Gordan commanded. If this won't work, then they'll be free floating particles.
      "Collision with destroyers in 2 seconds, sir!" A marine panicked, "We're gonna die! Lord O' Mighty, save us!"
      "Course correction now!" The captain yelled. He felt the bottom emergency thrusters come to life and blew them to a new course; 4 inches above one of the covenant destroyers. The Deep Voyager made it's way swiftly away from the destroyers, escaping the doom awaiting them.
      "Bring up aft cameras." Gordan ordered. The ship's rear camera showed a dozen plasma torpedoes melt away the helpless destroyers. Their skeletal structure was visible now as it was the Archer missiles turn to do some damage; The high explosives missiles tore through the untouched decks and cut apart the intact destroyers. One destroyer mushroomed as a few missiles detonated on it's plasma reactor, leaving behind bits of hot metal and molten.
      "Sir, how did you come up with that tactic? It was superb!"
      Gordan smiled and thought of his blood brother he went to training school with. The one who taught him everything he needed to know about flying ships. Jacob Keyes was his name; commander of the Iroquois. "I learned it from an old colleague of mines. None of your business boy."
      "Engines are hot, the coolant is having problems, sir," the ship's AI announced. "It will take exactly 15 minutes and 36 seconds to completely cool down."
      "Shut the engines down for a while," Gordan ordered. "Open emergency vent."
      "Yes sir, fusion reactor plasma is venting."
      "Sir! Contact! I'm detecting high levels of beta particle radiation on the remaining covenant frigates; they're about to fire again!"
      Damn, Gordan thought. With nothing to use as a shield against their torpedoes and their engines near critical, their ship was virtually just a stationary gun. "Can the MAC cannon fire?" Gordan asked.
      "Yes, but it'll take 20 minutes to fully charge the conductive magnetic coils, sir," Thoren replied. "But we still have 2 Shiva warheads left and 75% of the Archer missile pods are still ready to fire, front missile pods are still armed."
      Then something came to Gordan's mind, the only option was to go directly to the frigates. If they ran, then they would still die, rather die fighting then die a coward. Only AI and him are required to do that. He made a big mistake fully ignoring the frigates and now he was going to regret it. If only he was like Jacob…None of this would've happened, and now everyone will die if he didn't do something.
      "That's it, everyone get off this ship! I'll call the Gettysburg and the Iroquois to pick you up." Luckily, there were still two remaining UNSC ships left on the other side of Sigma Octanus IV. If only they can get over here quick and help conclude this battle.
      "Sir, are you sure about this?" Jeremy asked, everyone else starring at him concerned.
      Gordan gave a deep sigh and answered, "Yes, this war has too many human casualties, and I'm not gonna let that happen to you people. Rather sacrifice one life instead of hundreds."
      "You mean 2 lives," Thoren the AI, corrected. "Don't forget this is my home as well, sir."
      "Yes, you too Thoren. Now everyone, get off my ship! That's an order!" Gordan yelled furiously.
      Everyone immediately saluted and said their last comments to the captain and sprinted towards the pelicans and the life boats.
      "You'll be remembered, sir. To me, you are considered as the best of the best. Good luck sir." Jeremy said quietly.
      The captain nodded, "And so are you soldier."
      Jeremy turned around and ran out of sight, head down in sorrow.

      All the ODST's and Spartans got on their transports and departed the Voyager; back to Sigma Octanus, awaiting to get picked up. Jeremy stood up on his seat and took a last glance through an escape pod's rear door, at the Voyager as she set a new course towards the covenant frigates. At the same time he saw the frigates discharge their plasma torpedoes directly at the Voyager. Jeremy turned away and took his seat, sad, but also proud that he had helped destroy 3 covenant destroyers. For some reason, he wanted to be back on the Deep Voyager once more, one last time, fighting aside with Captain Gordan Connor and eventually die aside with him. Captain Gordan is a real hero and will always be one…

(Epsilon Eridani system, UNSC destroyer/Deep Voyager, on course away from Sigma Octanus IV)

      The Deep Voyager and her crew of two were heading on a last mission; a long, awaited victory for the humans and a chance to give humanity more time to live, salvation.
      "Thoren, warm up our engines and set a collision course with the enemy ships."
      "Sir, you do realize that our engines have not fully recovered and will overheat, causing a super-heated wildcat reaction to our fusion drives, which will eventually detonate, generating a temperature of one hundred million degrees, disintegrating everything in an six-hundred-kilometer radius since our cooling vents will be destroyed," The AI replied.
      "Yes, I'm fully aware of that and I'm planning to do so. Now I remembered telling you to warm up the engines to full burn." Gordan growled.
      "Aye, aye sir. Collision with enemy frigates in 3 minutes."
      Gordan heard the ship's engines desperately struggle to come alive and did so with a loud boom. "Status?" He asked calmly.
      "Our fusion drives are near critical. 4 minutes until detonation if stay at this speed rate.
      "Good, arm all our Archer missiles and remove the safeties on the remainder Shiva warheads. Fire on my mark."
      "Yes, sir," Thoren replied. "Contact, enemy frigates have just launched their plasma torpedoes. They'll hit us in 10 seconds."
      "Prepare to launch top emergency thrusters. Course correction; head zero zero zero point zero three one, declination zero zero zero point zero zero zero point three four. On my mark," Gordan said with sweat dripping down his chin now.
      "Aye, aye sir. Impact with plasma torpedoes in 3 seconds."
      Gordan saw the streaks of plasma surge closer towards them, and felt the bridge heat up intensely. "Emergency thrusters now!" Gordan covered is eyes as the V-bright plasma torpedoes soar right past them as they did a dive.
      Suddenly the red alarm went off and Gordan felt the bridge turn into a large microwave.
      "Status?" He asked.
      "Sir, the ships' dorsal structure took a real beaten, all upper decks have been breached," the AI replied. "80% of the Voyager is stil intact."
      "Aft cameras." Gordan commanded. The main screen switched to the rear view and Gordan saw a dozen plasma torpedoes turn around in an arc and continued following them.
      "40 seconds until collision with enemy frigates, 50 seconds until detonation," Thoren said.
      "Launch the nukes and give me a firing solution on the Archer missiles right after their shields are down." Gordan commanded.
      "Yes, sir."
      "Switch to front cameras," Gordan saw the nukes and hundreds of Archer missiles streak through space towards the frigate on the main screen. The first nuke engulfed the first 3 frigates and then followed by the rest from the second nuke. As the explosions winked out, every single covenant shield disappeared; leaving them vulnerable. The Archer missiles impacted a second later, tearing small holes through the frigates.
      "Sir, the frigates are spreading out! They're trying to escape, or at least decrease the number of casualties. By the time we reach them, some may already be out of range."
      The captain sighed; with no armory left they'd be lucky to at least get one or two frigates.
      "4 seconds until collision, sir. It was a pleasure fighting along with you."
      The captain nodded in approval.
      The ship crashed into one of the frigates with extreme force, propelling them both back towards another frigate. Gordan closed his eyes as the ship started to shutter and explosions appeared along the Voyager's hull. Everything went white as a compact sun blossomed where the Voyager used to be.
      Just when the remainder covenant frigates thought they were safe, twelve plasma torpedoes met with the growing inferno, fusing with it, causing the thermo nuclear sphere to compress into a small, red ball. Then released a powerful halo of pressure waves rippling through space, followed by a huge super nova from the compressed thermo nuclear; engulfing every single surviving frigate.
      The Deep Voyager and everything on and around her in twelve-hundred-kilometer radius, ceased to exist.

(Epsilon Eridani system, Above Sigma Octanus IV, Onboard UNSC destroyer/ The Iroquois)

      Jeremy starred through a window compartment on the Iroquois, watching a gigantic fire ball swallow all the covenant frigates. All of a sudden, some thing pounded against the ship, knocking Jeremy off his feet.
      "What the hell was that?" A worried marine asked.
      Jeremy grunted as he pulled himself up, once again, starring at the thermo nuclear sphere burn out the last of it's fuel, and finally winked out.
      "It was an ultra sonic pressure wave from the explosion," an old man replied. "Man Gordan sure did put on a helluva fire works show, that's the largest thermo nuclear reaction I've ever seen. Good bye brother," he whispered, loud enough for Jeremy to hear.
      Jeremy studied the man's insigne; Keyes, Jacob. Captain. Service number 01928-19912-JK. The man's uniform was completely clean; he was a new captain.
      "Sir, permission to speak?"
      Jacob Keyes's eyes locked on to Jeremy, "Go ahead son, make it quick though. The ONI personnel requested to study the mission log, to find out the cause of the second explosion."
      "Thank you, sir," Jeremy replied. "Are you Captain Gordan's colleague, the one he has been talking about?"
      Keyes gave Jeremy a wide-eye in surprise, "I see he has been opening that wide mouth of his too big this time. Yes, and why do you ask lieutenant?
      "Well, sir, he really didn't tell me your name, I read you CSV profile myself and saw what you did today. He did speak very highly of you and your strategic skills."
      "Quite so," Keyes answered back. "It was a pleasure talking to you lieutenant, we'll meet again. But right now my schedule is tight."
      "Yes, sir, I understand," Jeremy saluted and walked back to the view port. Something was weird this time. There was some sort of void where the explosion took place. The space around it seems to get sucked inside it as it grew larger.
      "What on earth…" He whispered. Suddenly, an ONI scientist ran into the room and whispered something into Captain Keyes's ear.
      "What's going on?" Lieutenant McKay asked.
      Captain Keyes turned around and frowned, "There's some unnatural activity going on where the Deep Voyager was last located. The Gettysburg and the Leviathan found something." He paused and took a deep breath. "Doctor, may you explain?"
      The ONI scientist fixed her glasses and nodded, "The super thermo nuclear reaction with the plasma torpedoes somehow caused the particles there to compress with each other, burn out, and tear a hole through a large amount of mass through space. This is what happens when a sun dies out and causes a super nova. The unstable energy rips a hole through space. This phrase is also known as a 'Halo' of gas and dust spiraling in the center of a singularity; also known as a black hole. Now will you excuse me, I don't anymore time to explain," She said and walked out of Captain Keyes.
      "This is gonna be a large minor problem," Jeremy whispered as he saw the 'event horizon' get larger.

Dead In Space
Date: 1 October 2006, 11:46 pm

(Epsilon Eridani system, Onboard UNSC destroyer/ Deep Voyager, Above Sigma Octanus IV)

      Jeremy P. Diddy rushed to the bridge, followed by a few surviving crewmen after the bloody battle that took place on the Voyager. Jeremy knew they were engaging in a space battle when an explosion appeared along the Voyager's hull. He'd never been to a real space battle before, but he did run a few simulations before he could join the Navy.
      "What's going on?" One of the marines asked. Jeremy turned to face the marine and saw half his face was unshaved. The marine understood Jeremy's expression and growled.
      "You can see I was kinda busy eh?" He grinned.
Jeremy chuckled and dashed ahead towards the bridge, wanting to take part of the incoming battle ahead.

      Captain Gordan Connor studied the advancing covenant fleet through the front view port. About 6 covenant frigates and 3 destroyers appeared out of no where from slip space and their plasma turrets were charged, red-hot.
      "Initiate evasive maneuvers on my mark!" Gordan commanded the AI. Unfortunately, the ship's AI was the only one with him on the bridge so they were like cattle being chased by hungry wolves. He needed additional crew to take the weapon stations and hopefully, he was going to get them soon.
      The covenant ships fired their plasma turrets towards the Voyager's position at a slow speed. That was their disadvantage, one of many few; their plasma weapons traveled at a much slower speed rate than the UNSC's standard main cannons. The (MAC) magnetic accelerator cannon fired heavy projectiles powered by a dozen super conductive magnetic coils. That MAC gun can usually destroy a cruiser on a single shot, but the covenant had shields. This is what gave them the big advantage.
      "Take evasive maneuvers now!"
Gordan yelled.
      "Yes sir," the AI replied.
      Gordan felt the ship's emergency thrusters come to life and pushed the ship aside on a rough angle. Just then, the plasma beams soared past the Voyager and headed towards the unglassed area of Sigma Octanus IV; Cote d'Azur. Gordan finally realized the covenant weren't after them, they were after the planet.
      "Damn, the whole downtown area was already destroyed, and they still want to finish off the small remaining areas?" Gordan frowned. Can the covenant ever show some mercy, instead of destroying a planet that already met it's doom?
      "Vile beast…" Gordan whispered, angrily. If the covenant were purposely aiming at the Voyager, they would have no chance of dodging the plasma. He seen what their weapons could do, especially the plasma torpedo. It somehow locked on to targets. There was no way Gordan would let the covenant glass Sigma Octanus IV without a fight.
      "This is the captain! Where is everyone? All remaining personnel, report to the bridge!"

      Jeremy ran past the cafeteria lunch room and arrived at the bridge, hearing the captain sending an urgent message over the loudspeakers.

[This is the captain! Where is everyone? All remaining personnel, report to the bridge!]

      Jeremy was the first to arrive, followed by the Spartans, and then the rest of the ODST division.
      "Awaiting your orders, sir!" They said in unison.
Captain Gordan Connor smiled in relief started the briefing
      "About damn time you people showed up. Alright, Spartans, make your way to the intact missile launch bays and load 'em up. Lieutenant McKay, take your men with them. Ah, Lieutenant Jeremy, Your squad can stay on the bridge. All of you took flight and combat simulations on a battle ship right?" Everyone nodded.
      "Excellent, Man your stations, pick whichever you feel most comfortable with.
Jeremy took a pilot seat on front of the captain's command post, beside a new recruit. Jeremy studied the marine's dog tag and saw a full name, rank, and service number;
Lee, Lam. ODST, Private. Service number 00174-38451-LL.
      "You got some skills with flying this baby?" Jeremy asked sarcastically.
The marine wide-eyed Jeremy in surprise and replied, "Hell yea El Tee. The question is, can you?"
      Jeremy chuckled. "Why do you think I'm asking you? Help me, that's an order." Jeremy knew how to fly a ship, but the problem was he nearly failed his flight simulations test with 3 KIA's.
      The marine bared a big grin and punched in some codes, "Sir, yes sir! Follow along sir!"

      Gordan took a look around the room and smiled, just like before; noisy with communication frequencies, people working at their stations, everything his old crew used to do.
      "Alright, everyone ready?" Gordan asked. "Cause if we ain't ready, then we might as well start digging our graves before the covenant bastards could do it for us, understood?"
      The whole room laughed and then roared with confidence, "Hell no, sir!" A sergeant shut them up and started doing his own prep. Talk, "Fellow jarheads, there was a reason why you joined this division. The reason why we dive feet first in to their raggedy-ass and kick their filthy ass. Do you know why? Not just for beer, oh no, not that. But why?"
      Everyone yelled with enthusiasm as the question was asked. "We blow them straight to hell, sir!"
      "Damn right you do, and for answering it right, all of ya'll get a glass of the finest, brewed beer. Down at Sigma Octanus."
      All the marines cheered on until they were cut off.
      "Hold on, you ain't getting any yet fellas. The covenant are trying to burn down the planet and steal our beer. So, we gotta take 'em out before they reach her. Am I clear?"
      "Sir, yes sir!"
      "Ok cut the chit-chat people and man your stations." Gordan said, calmly. Gordan saw the frigate ships charge their plasma turrets, ready to fire once more. But the destroyers ignored them and went straight for Sigma Octanus IV. The suicide mission started to dissipate and Gordan gave a deep sigh of relief. He didn't have to take them all on at a time. The covenant surely made a big mistake ignoring the UNSC destroyer and they're going to regret it.
      "Arm front Archer missile pods A through E and side pods A through F."
      "Missiles armed and ready, sir."
      The captain viewed the covenant warships moving closer to the planet, going past the Deep Voyager.
      "How long will it take the destroyers to go in the side Archer missile's line of fire?"
      "7 seconds, sir, and counting."
      "Good. Remove safety locks from one of our Shiva warheads and give me a firing solution on the destroyers."
      "Yes sir, missile away!"
Gordan saw the missile slowly make its' way towards the covenant destroyers through the front camera view.
      "2 seconds 'till the destroyers reach the Archer missile's line of fire, sir."
The high-explosive Archer missiles were designed to penetrate through thick plates of armor and then detonate inside it to cause a shredding action. But not to energy shields however. That'll be the warhead's objective.
      The nuke detonated as it made contact with one of the destroyer's shields and engulfed all 3 in a cloud of destructive energy. As the energy burned out, the covenant ships were still intact, but their shields were gone. This left them vulnerable.
      "Contact! Enemy frigates have fired their plasma turrets! Impact in 17 seconds."
      "Good, make them follow us. Fire side Archer missiles now."
      "Aye, aye sir. Missiles away."
Hundreds of Archer missiles streaked towards the unprotected destroyers, ready to tear them apart.
      "Course change: zero zero zero point two six, declination zero zero zero point one eight; collision course, and divert 95% of energy to the main thrusters for full burn."
      "Aye, aye sir. Collision with first destroyer in 5 seconds, plasma torpedoes in 8 seconds."
      The Archer missiles themselves wouldn't do anything, but scar the covenant ship's thick hull. The best weapon to tear through those ship's are their own, and that's what they're going to get.
      "Course correction; head to zero zero zero point two eight, declination zero zero zero point one eight. On my mark." Gordan commanded. If this won't work, then they'll be free floating particles.
      "Collision with destroyers in 2 seconds, sir!" A marine panicked, "We're gonna die! Lord O' Mighty, save us!"
      "Course correction now!" The captain yelled. He felt the bottom emergency thrusters come to life and blew them to a new course; 4 inches above one of the covenant destroyers. The Deep Voyager made it's way swiftly away from the destroyers, escaping the doom awaiting them.
      "Bring up aft cameras." Gordan ordered. The ship's rear camera showed a dozen plasma torpedoes melt away the helpless destroyers. Their skeletal structure was visible now as it was the Archer missiles turn to do some damage; The high explosives missiles tore through the untouched decks and cut apart the intact destroyers. One destroyer mushroomed as a few missiles detonated on it's plasma reactor, leaving behind bits of hot metal and molten.
      "Sir, how did you come up with that tactic? It was superb!"
      Gordan smiled and thought of his blood brother he went to training school with. The one who taught him everything he needed to know about flying ships. Jacob Keyes was his name; commander of the Iroquois. "I learned it from an old colleague of mines. None of your business boy."
      "Engines are hot, the coolant is having problems, sir," the ship's AI announced. "It will take exactly 15 minutes and 36 seconds to completely cool down."
      "Shut the engines down for a while," Gordan ordered. "Open emergency vent."
      "Yes sir, fusion reactor plasma is venting."
      "Sir! Contact! I'm detecting high levels of beta particle radiation on the remaining covenant frigates; they're about to fire again!"
      Damn, Gordan thought. With nothing to use as a shield against their torpedoes and their engines near critical, their ship was virtually just a stationary gun. "Can the MAC cannon fire?" Gordan asked.
      "Yes, but it'll take 20 minutes to fully charge the conductive magnetic coils, sir," Thoren replied. "But we still have 2 Shiva warheads left and 75% of the Archer missile pods are still ready to fire, front missile pods are still armed."
      Then something came to Gordan's mind, the only option was to go directly to the frigates. If they ran, then they would still die, rather die fighting then die a coward. Only AI and him are required to do that. He made a big mistake fully ignoring the frigates and now he was going to regret it. If only he was like Jacob…None of this would've happened, and now everyone will die if he didn't do something.
      "That's it, everyone get off this ship! I'll call the Gettysburg and the Iroquois to pick you up." Luckily, there were still two remaining UNSC ships left on the other side of Sigma Octanus IV. If only they can get over here quick and help conclude this battle.
      "Sir, are you sure about this?" Jeremy asked, everyone else starring at him concerned.
      Gordan gave a deep sigh and answered, "Yes, this war has too many human casualties, and I'm not gonna let that happen to you people. Rather sacrifice one life instead of hundreds."
      "You mean 2 lives," Thoren the AI, corrected. "Don't forget this is my home as well, sir."
      "Yes, you too Thoren. Now everyone, get off my ship! That's an order!" Gordan yelled furiously.
      Everyone immediately saluted and said their last comments to the captain and sprinted towards the pelicans and the life boats.
      "You'll be remembered, sir. To me, you are considered as the best of the best. Good luck sir." Jeremy said quietly.
      The captain nodded, "And so are you soldier."
      Jeremy turned around and ran out of sight, head down in sorrow.

      All the ODST's and Spartans got on their transports and departed the Voyager; back to Sigma Octanus, awaiting to get picked up. Jeremy stood up on his seat and took a last glance through an escape pod's rear door, at the Voyager as she set a new course towards the covenant frigates. At the same time he saw the frigates discharge their plasma torpedoes directly at the Voyager. Jeremy turned away and took his seat, sad, but also proud that he had helped destroy 3 covenant destroyers. For some reason, he wanted to be back on the Deep Voyager once more, one last time, fighting aside with Captain Gordan Connor and eventually die aside with him. Captain Gordan is a real hero and will always be one…

(Epsilon Eridani system, UNSC destroyer/Deep Voyager, on course away from Sigma Octanus IV)

      The Deep Voyager and her crew of two were heading on a last mission; a long, awaited victory for the humans and a chance to give humanity more time to live, salvation.
      "Thoren, warm up our engines and set a collision course with the enemy ships."
      "Sir, you do realize that our engines have not fully recovered and will overheat, causing a super-heated wildcat reaction to our fusion drives, which will eventually detonate, generating a temperature of one hundred million degrees, disintegrating everything in an six-hundred-kilometer radius since our cooling vents will be destroyed," The AI replied.
      "Yes, I'm fully aware of that and I'm planning to do so. Now I remembered telling you to warm up the engines to full burn." Gordan growled.
      "Aye, aye sir. Collision with enemy frigates in 3 minutes."
      Gordan heard the ship's engines desperately struggle to come alive and did so with a loud boom. "Status?" He asked calmly.
      "Our fusion drives are near critical. 4 minutes until detonation if stay at this speed rate.
      "Good, arm all our Archer missiles and remove the safeties on the remainder Shiva warheads. Fire on my mark."
      "Yes, sir," Thoren replied. "Contact, enemy frigates have just launched their plasma torpedoes. They'll hit us in 10 seconds."
      "Prepare to launch top emergency thrusters. Course correction; head zero zero zero point zero three one, declination zero zero zero point zero zero zero point three four. On my mark," Gordan said with sweat dripping down his chin now.
      "Aye, aye sir. Impact with plasma torpedoes in 3 seconds."
      Gordan saw the streaks of plasma surge closer towards them, and felt the bridge heat up intensely. "Emergency thrusters now!" Gordan covered is eyes as the V-bright plasma torpedoes soar right past them as they did a dive.
      Suddenly the red alarm went off and Gordan felt the bridge turn into a large microwave.
      "Status?" He asked.
      "Sir, the ships' dorsal structure took a real beaten, all upper decks have been breached," the AI replied. "80% of the Voyager is stil intact."
      "Aft cameras." Gordan commanded. The main screen switched to the rear view and Gordan saw a dozen plasma torpedoes turn around in an arc and continued following them.
      "40 seconds until collision with enemy frigates, 50 seconds until detonation," Thoren said.
      "Launch the nukes and give me a firing solution on the Archer missiles right after their shields are down." Gordan commanded.
      "Yes, sir."
      "Switch to front cameras," Gordan saw the nukes and hundreds of Archer missiles streak through space towards the frigate on the main screen. The first nuke engulfed the first 3 frigates and then followed by the rest from the second nuke. As the explosions winked out, every single covenant shield disappeared; leaving them vulnerable. The Archer missiles impacted a second later, tearing small holes through the frigates.
      "Sir, the frigates are spreading out! They're trying to escape, or at least decrease the number of casualties. By the time we reach them, some may already be out of range."
      The captain sighed; with no armory left they'd be lucky to at least get one or two frigates.
      "4 seconds until collision, sir. It was a pleasure fighting along with you."
      The captain nodded in approval.
      The ship crashed into one of the frigates with extreme force, propelling them both back towards another frigate. Gordan closed his eyes as the ship started to shutter and explosions appeared along the Voyager's hull. Everything went white as a compact sun blossomed where the Voyager used to be.
      Just when the remainder covenant frigates thought they were safe, twelve plasma torpedoes met with the growing inferno, fusing with it, causing the thermo nuclear sphere to compress into a small, red ball. Then released a powerful halo of pressure waves rippling through space, followed by a huge super nova from the compressed thermo nuclear; engulfing every single surviving frigate.
      The Deep Voyager and everything on and around her in twelve-hundred-kilometer radius, ceased to exist.

(Epsilon Eridani system, Above Sigma Octanus IV, Onboard UNSC destroyer/ The Iroquois)

      Jeremy starred through a window compartment on the Iroquois, watching a gigantic fire ball swallow all the covenant frigates. All of a sudden, some thing pounded against the ship, knocking Jeremy off his feet.
      "What the hell was that?" A worried marine asked.
      Jeremy grunted as he pulled himself up, once again, starring at the thermo nuclear sphere burn out the last of it's fuel, and finally winked out.
      "It was an ultra sonic pressure wave from the explosion," an old man replied. "Man Gordan sure did put on a helluva fire works show, that's the largest thermo nuclear reaction I've ever seen. Good bye brother," he whispered, loud enough for Jeremy to hear.
      Jeremy studied the man's insigne; Keyes, Jacob. Captain. Service number 01928-19912-JK. The man's uniform was completely clean; he was a new captain.
      "Sir, permission to speak?"
      Jacob Keyes's eyes locked on to Jeremy, "Go ahead son, make it quick though. The ONI personnel requested to study the mission log, to find out the cause of the second explosion."
      "Thank you, sir," Jeremy replied. "Are you Captain Gordan's colleague, the one he has been talking about?"
      Keyes gave Jeremy a wide-eye in surprise, "I see he has been opening that wide mouth of his too big this time. Yes, and why do you ask lieutenant?
      "Well, sir, he really didn't tell me your name, I read you CSV profile myself and saw what you did today. He did speak very highly of you and your strategic skills."
      "Quite so," Keyes answered back. "It was a pleasure talking to you lieutenant, we'll meet again. But right now my schedule is tight."
      "Yes, sir, I understand," Jeremy saluted and walked back to the view port. Something was weird this time. There was some sort of void where the explosion took place. The space around it seems to get sucked inside it as it grew larger.
      "What on earth…" He whispered. Suddenly, an ONI scientist ran into the room and whispered something into Captain Keyes's ear.
      "What's going on?" Lieutenant McKay asked.
      Captain Keyes turned around and frowned, "There's some unnatural activity going on where the Deep Voyager was last located. The Gettysburg and the Leviathan found something." He paused and took a deep breath. "Doctor, may you explain?"
      The ONI scientist fixed her glasses and nodded, "The super thermo nuclear reaction with the plasma torpedoes somehow caused the particles there to compress with each other, burn out, and tear a hole through a large amount of mass through space. This is what happens when a sun dies out and causes a super nova. The unstable energy rips a hole through space. This phrase is also known as a 'Halo' of gas and dust spiraling in the center of a singularity; also known as a black hole. Now will you excuse me, I don't anymore time to explain," She said and walked out of Captain Keyes.
      "This is gonna be a 'large minor' problem," Jeremy whispered as he saw the 'event horizon' get larger, sucking stellar material out of existence...
