
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Starwars and Halo by CSP499

Starwars and Halo Chapter 1
Date: 17 October 2005, 3:55 am

Chapter one: Into the heart of darkness.

Outer rim of the Orion arm, unknown system- October 26th, 2552 AD

The UNSC Persian Gulf was most certainly not the fastest ship in the United Earth Space Corps' navy, but it most certainly was the largest. Its design was fairly new, but even ONI knew that this ship alone could obliterate an entire Covenant fleet, deploy several hundred thousand troops and house enough ships to lead a major naval attack. Not only was it big, but it was advanced- the first UNSC ship to be outfitted with the Johnson-Mercer type five energy-shielding system, an outboard shield with twice the integrity of even the greatest ships of the Covenant navy. The Persian Gulf was the first "Mother-ship" class vessel in the UNSC- to be followed by several more. Though expensive, this class of ship plays the role of a cruiser, a carrier, a star dock, an assault ship and an LST. It had a relatively simple design, with two long, cylindrical shafts- one atop the other- in the center. On either side of the upper cylinder were rectangular holes in which smaller ships entered through. There were several sections going off either end of the top shaft. Just below the nose of the ship, is the bridge. It is there where its captain- James T. Williams- commanded the Gulf's fine, but large crew into the heart of darkness- directly into the pinnacle of Covenant activity. Unbeknownst to Williams and the Gulf's crew, but this intrusion would send them on a journey unimaginable to any one of them.

"Exiting slip-space in 3…2…1." The screens in the bridge- which were formerly black in the void- blinked on and gradually revealed a matrix of stars as the UNSC Persian Gulf emerged from slip-space. Lieutenant Alexis Marks keyed the intercom again: "Slip-space exit successful. We have entered an uncharted region, gathering intelligence on area." In the main bridge-window, Williams could see an orange gas-giant, whose vicinity was littered with debris. In the left corner of his view, he could see a large planetoid, what ONI now recognized as the Covenant holey city of "High Charity." Surrounding the behemoth was a swarm of covenant ships. "Sir- we have multiple contacts coming our way." Lieutenant Daniels blurted suddenly. "Six Covenant Cruisers, followed by two carriers." The captain, secretly laughing at the covenant for sending in suicidal ships, slumped back into his chair. "Get all our super-MAC guns ready… We're taking them head on."

Zura Koril'ee was surprised at the humans. Usually, they sent in gigantic fleets and take massive suppression, or send in a small task-force and swiftly strike an enemy. As unpredictable and cunning as the human's tactics were, Zura never would have suspected this: 8 of the Covenant's greatest ships, against one, unclassified human vessel. At this- he was surprised. A crewman opened a channel on the speaker. "Excellency, we are closing in on a human ship, unknown classification. We're receiving its dimensions now." Zura looked at the ship through a screen. He couldn't come to conclude on how large it was, or how far away it was. The crewman opened the frequency again: "Captain, we have the dimensions of the human craft, showing on main screen on three." Three seconds later, the main screen displayed a HUGE human vessel, about twenty times the size of standard human ships. And from what Zura had seen in his studies on human weaponry, ships and vehicles, the vessel was bristled with Super-MAC guns: weapons that shot high velocity projectiles that could bore a hole right through Zura's carrier. "Pull all ships back to High Charity, return with the rest of the fleet." As soon as Zura finished his announcement, the carrier right next to his, the "Cleansing Light", seemed to simply pop into a hundred thousand pieces after a Magnetically-Accelerated round drilled straight through it. "This is Captain Zura Koril'ee, requesting assistance! Large, hostile ship has launched an attack."

Williams grinned as he watched the pieces of the carrier float into the great beyond, which immediately caused him to begin thinking of a 500 year old song: "Float on" by a band called "Modest mouse". The other ships scattered like roaches from the Persian Gulf as it began to slowly- but surely- made its way toward High Charity.

The prophet of truth was awestruck to see the human mammoth plow through his mighty fleet like so many annoying, tiny gnats. It is hopeless, he thought. The humans, evidently, have something greater than we do. The Prophet's mind raced furiously as he watched his once great fleet be slaughtered by the enormous human threat. Suddenly, the door to the council-chamber opened and a single Unggoy messenger waddled through the door. "Uh, Excellency? I just got more news from Regret's campaign… The demon is converging upon him. He says he could use your help." Truth came to his conclusion. "Attention all ships," he said "we are retreating through slip-space to assist the prophet of regret."

Suddenly all the ships the Persian Gulf was fighting suddenly became engulfed in a blue aura- slip-space entry ruptures. Before Williams knew it, the ships were gone- but the overwhelming punctures in the time-space continuum created a flux. Williams stood up and furiously stomped on the floor. Then, he saw the flux. "Alexis- where does that flux go?" he inquired. "If I analyze it correctly, it has an eighty-percent chance of taking us to the ships that went into Slip-space." Williams took it into consideration. "What about the other twenty percent?" he said. Alexis calculated the results. "If we don't go with them, we'll wind up in a randomized time and location. Williams, only concentrated on achieving the objective, gave the order to enter the flux. As it entered, the electronics aboard the Gulf powered down. It rumbled violently and- in the blink of an eye- it vanished.

Imperial Star-Destroyer "Katana", in close orbit around Tatooine.

Fleet admiral Jacob Astar was a very, very miserable person. Not only did he miss out on the ultimate chance to deliver HIS share of beating to the rebellion, but he had seen only one, small piece of battle action, which served no importance and its history document was then probably buried deep in a set of files. It was just when he started to contemplate his actual existence when the scanner started beeping like mad. The intercom crackled to life- "This is scanner control- we have a contact inbound. Repeat, contact inbound! Unknown classification or alignment. Larger than us, loaded with unidentified weaponry." Jacob, as eager to fight as he was, jumped to his decision without thinking: "Assume as hostile: commence attack."

Starwars and Halo, chapter 2
Date: 18 October 2005, 4:10 am

Chapter two: Touché

-In Orbit over Tatooine, unknown date.

"Sir," Alexis said with a shaky voice to the captain, "We have an unknown and unclassified vessel approaching- with what we believe are hostile intentions." Williams gazed out of the bridge's window to see what looked like a white, triangular ship with a fine, bumpy surface with a control center on the top near the back. Obviously, it was smaller than the UNSC Persian Gulf. "It doesn't look like a Covenant ship," he said. "Let's see what they do to get a good idea how big a threat they pose and what weapons it's armed with."

Jacob was overenthusiastic to take down this behemoth of a ship. To his knowledge, it was not rebel, and most definitely not Imperial. It looked like a pair of stacked cylinders with layered sections on either end. On the side and bottom were a series of odd symbols that looked like this: U.N.S.C. PERSIAN GULF. And, separated from that was another set of symbols that looked like this: ID# UNSCMSSN5868459A. "Captain, are you sure of this?" a crewman said. "It could be Imperial, perhaps an experimental ship. Otherwise, if it IS an enemy, it's ten times our size, and who knows what weapons it houses? I'd say we rally in reinforcements in order to…" Jacob put his hand up. "Just fire at that thing, do YOU want to remain in service for eight years and get NO glory whatsoever? I'm taking my chances- fire all main cannons."

Suddenly, a volley of green beams pecked tumultuously at the Persian Gulf's advanced shielding system, lowering its integrity about one fourth. "So, that's how it is, eh?" Williams sneered. "Touché…"

As the heat from the Katana's blaster-cannons died off and the enemy ship's shields sparked, the long, thin shafts which covered its hull pointed ominously at the bridge. In the blink of an eye, a brilliant flash erupted from them all. "ALL HANDS, BRACE FOR IMPACT!" As he finished, 44 solid, high velocity explosive projectiles rammed right past the Katana's shield and punctured the main hull. "Sir, hull integrity has been breached! Sealing off all corridors linking to hull ruptures." Jacob, pulling his hair out all at once, gave the order: "Put ship on full combat alert, code red! Launch all Tie-squadrons and engage enemy ship."

As the hostile vessel lurched and tilted, bellowing black smoke like an 1800's steam locomotive, Williams observed a cloud of black dots emerging from under it. "The enemy ship must be launching fighters… how cute." He said with a sinister grin. "Try to identify them. In the meantime, scramble all Longsword interceptors."

"This is red flight, we are in range of the enemy ship, preparing to break shielding and engage." Red one was nervous. He saw what this giant had done to the Katana- now he, his flight and a few other wings were going to take it on. He knew what weapons it had- and he didn't even want to know what kind of fighters it housed. The Comms crackled to life. "We've got bandits at twelve o'clock! Prepare to engage!" Red 1 could see the enemy fighters. They were big, but looked aerodynamic and looked like wide, black V's with tail-fins. He keyed the radio. "Red flight, engage enemy wings now! Initiate alpha interception-formation. We're going in."

"Enemy fighters, twelve o'clock low. All flights engage." Major Dan Roberts braced for a dogfight. "Alright, boys," he said into the radio. "We're closing in on them. Ready all weapons and brace for one hell of a brawl." The enemy fighters looked threatening. They were comprised of a small, central sphere sandwiched between two vertical wings. "Okay- let's do this. All flights commence attack!"

Red one flinched as the noses of the enemy fighters began flashing- a telltale sign that those fighters were lobbing solid projectiles at him and his wingmen. "All fighters break formation!" The formation scattered as the solid rounds pinged off and pierced through his allies. In an immediate response, the hostiles quickly sped to follow his fellow pilots- quickly resulting in a fast paced, confusing mess. He watched in frustration as an enemy craft lined up behind Red three and unloaded a volley of red tracers at his Tie fighter, which quickly and silently burst into flaming pieces as a cry of agony echoed through the radio channel. The enemy fighters were big- but they were quick. The stalemate that followed seemed to last forever.

In the stalemate that ensued, a rupture opened in the time-space continuum, and a large, purple- colored ship emerged, with the bulbous head of a whale and a thin spine stretching down its dorsal section. Zura Koril'ee, its captain, righted himself from an exit out of slip-space. "Excellency," a crewman said. "Do you recall the large human ship we encountered over Threshold... …It's here."

Starwars & Halo Chapter 3
Date: 26 October 2005, 4:01 am

Chapter Three: Enemy mine… sort of.

-In Orbit over Tatooine, unknown date.

"Excellency," the Unggoy crewman said over the intercom, "The Human ship is engaged in combat with one of unknown origin. They have interceptors combating one-another." Zura Koril'ee looked quizzically at the view screen. The Other ship was about the size of the "Dignity and Grace", Zura's ship, only it had a very odd twist to its architecture- a somewhat jagged, knife shaped ship which fired a green laser-pulse. "Any recommendations on what to do?" he inquired. The Sangheili crewman pondered for a moment. "I say we assist the humans. We don't know who the unclassified ship is run by, and we would get a strong ally if we joined forces with their offender." Zura thought, than responded. "Good point, but how will they trust us? And what will happen when we return home?" "We aren't going to be able to return, and the humans know it." The crewman said. "Alright…" Zura concluded. "…we'll take our chances. Launch an attack on the unknown ship."

"Captain!" the Katana's ops officer announced. "We have encountered another ship. It looks alien, but like nothing I have seen. It's attacking us, sir!" Justin scratched his head. "Lord Vader won't be pleased if we retreat through hyperspace…" he groaned. "But I doubt he'll be a very happy person if he finds we were sunk by these ships. However- for everyone's sake- we should call for reinforcements." The ops officer glared at him. "Sir, with all due respect the Katana is among the best ships in the Imperial fleet! We're being drawn into a corner by the enemy vessel- imagine what difference it would make with ships not as good as us on our side… none!" Justin crossed his arms. "No worries- we could get several of the best ships we can muster." He faced the officer, suddenly losing his cool. "Now you listen well, lieutenant: I was not commissioned to the Katana after years of planetside combat action to retreat! You get on the radio and rally in reinforcements, do you understand me?" The ops officer appeared intimidated- but slightly irritated. "Yes sir…" he grumbled."

"MORE FIGHTERS ON YOUR EIGHT O'CLOCK!!! BREAK! BREAK!" Red one was not fearful, but his adrenaline rushed rapidly through his pulsing veins. He saw three of the black fighters- now codenamed "Razorbacks" by him and his fellow pilots (And recently approved by Captain Jacob Astar) - on his 8 o'clock. "WOOHOOO!! I GOT ONE!" Red 12 hollered over the radio. "DID ANYONE SEE THAT? I GOT…mzzuzz" Red one watched as Red 12 burst into flaming bits, and a razorback soared past the debris. Red one grew red in the face- hatred welled up in his heart, and he could feel his adrenaline going triple time. This… he thought to himself …is war.

Red 8 looked around to see red one swoop onto an enemy razorback. "Red one, what are you doing?" he said in the radio. "I'll tell you what I'm doing, eight…" one growled. "…I'm going 'personal' with these guys." Red 8 was astonished by one's reasoning. "Um, okay. Good luck, sir." Has he gone crazy? Eight asked himself.

Charlie six banked hard as a green pulse zipped by his Longsword. "Ha! You don't get off that easy!" he hooted. Suddenly, he heard a THUMP on the back of his interceptor, and- only a few seconds later, heard the pressure door open and footsteps come toward the cockpit area. "Co-Pilot, take the controls." He murmured. He unhooked himself and made his way back towards the airlock. As he peered around the corner, someone grabbed him.

Red one threw the pilot against the wall. He couldn't tell the appearance of him, as he whore a tinted visor and an oxygen mask just as red one did, only it looked much, much different. The razorback pilot broke free from Red one's fierce grip, and immediately socked him in the face, which caused red one to deliver a swift kick to the pilot's groin. The pilot grabbed red one's ankle as he kicked, and promptly twisted it. Red one gave off a brief grunt of pain, and then retracted his leg, grabbed his opponent by the neck and threw him over his head.

Charlie six landed square and hard on his back. As his opponent moved to stomp on him, he quickly rolled and grabbed his ankle, pulling him to the ground. Charlie six and the enemy pilot both got up, each drawing pistols. The enemy's pistol looked odd- kind of like a hand-drill with a scope. "Alright…" Charlie six sneered. "…Let's settle this mono-e-mono." He holstered his pistol and put up his fists in a fighting stance. "Come on, bitch!"

Red one was awestruck- he understood what the enemy said. Recognizing the words "Come on, bitch" as an insult and a Bring-It-On, he holstered his blaster. "Let's do this. Get ready to die at my own two fists- say your prayers, cocksucker!"

Charlie six was surprised that the opposing pilot understood him and responded. Looks like we speak the same language. He thought to himself. Pity. The opponent holstered his pistol and put up his own fists. Charlie six put out an open palm and beckoned his enemy, as he saw in a really old video, 'The Matrix'. "Let's make this funky." His opponent braced to charge him, when the co-pilot said- "What in hell's going on back there?" "This is personal. Stay out of it." Charlie six responded. His opponent rushed him, and he moved to the side as the other pilot brushed past him.

Red one found his fist planted into the wall. "You fight like a schoolgirl!" The enemy said. Red one, completely swallowed in rage, attacked his opponent.

Captain Justin Astar gritted his teeth in anxiety as the hologram of Lord Vader appeared atop the pedestal. He could hear each individual breath the dark lord took. "What is it, Captain?" Vader said in a deep, near mechanical voice. Justin pulled on his collar nervously. "We have encountered an unidentified ship- an enormous ship with projectile based weapons. We are in the middle of combating this ship now, my lord… ugh… you are- upset with me, aren't you?" Vader crossed his arms. "Give me one good reason why I would be mad at you." Justin took a breath. "We aren't winning this fight. In fact, closer to losing." "I said a GOOD reason- one that I would take into consideration. I'm not the slightest bit upset with you captain." "Uh… my lord?" "That ship is loaded out with three times the quantity of the weapons you have, and it's eight times your size. Not only that, but there are two of them. I will send in all the ships I can muster. Until then, captain, you should wait. I'm not mad with you now- but I will be if you cower." The hologram flicked off.

"Attention Human ship, this is the carrier Dignity and Grace, we are moving in to support you." Covenant supporting the Persian Gulf? It didn't make the slightest bit of sense to captain Williams. As nonsensical as it was, he accepted it. "This is the UNSC Persian Gulf to Dignity and Grace, we read you. Be advised, we have detected multiple hostile- looking ships approaching, I'm not sure how they arrived." Williams heard the Elite commander chuckle over the radio. "Not a concern, we have support." Suddenly, dozens of covenant ships appeared out of slipspace. Williams grinned the same sinister grin. This battle would be over before it would begin… winner- him.

Starwars & Halo chapter 4
Date: 1 November 2005, 5:41 am

Chapter Four: Star 'Brawls

-In Orbit over Tatooine, unknown date.

Charlie six let out a sharp "Gah" sound as his opponent's fist landed dead on his nose, making a sound like cotton-covered wood breaking. He staggered backwards and looked his enemy in the eye. "Sir," The copilot blurted "for the love of God, what in hell is going on back there?" Charlie six shot him a look- unseen with his oxygen mask on. "Keep out of this- land anywhere you see fit." The copilot shrugged and went back to the controls- calm despite the fact that lasers and missiles were detonating here and there. Charlie six planted his left leg into the wall, launching himself at his opponent. Sidestepped and put out his arm. Charlie six grabbed his arm and they tumbled onto the floor. Charlie six rolled to a stand and moved to kick his enemy as he began to stand up. His leg was stopped by the opponent's open palm, but he quickly popped up and lashed out with his other leg, striking the opposition- who lay on his knees- square under his chin.

Red one remained airborne for about half a second as the crest of his enemy's foot pushed him up and back. He slid across the polished, dark grey floors and impacted the top of his head on the wall. As his opponent drew near, Red one pushed the ball of his foot into the pilot's chest, causing the pilot to hunker over. Red one stood up, but his enemy immediately rushed him, propelling the top of his head into Red one's stomach.

Captain Astar shoved his fists into the air with a sense of victory as his fellow vessels emerged out of hyperspace. He turned to his ops officer "Operations, I want you to monitor all radio signals coming from friendly ships." His officer went to his work. "Aye, captain. Receiving friendly signals now." Vader's hologram once again appeared like a dark shadow on the pedestal. "Captain, is your ship in position? I have a deadline to meet." He growled. Jacob stood stiffer. "Yes my lord. The Katana is in position and standing by for further orders." Vader put his hand on his chin. "Good." He said. "I want you to launch boarding vessels onto the enemy ship. Then I…" He was cut off as the ops officer stood and fearfully shouted "Sir! More enemy ships reported! I would say about 65 more! Classification still unknown, sir!" Jacob and Vader's hologram both looked out the bridge window to see the distant blackness begin peppering in small, boiling ruptures. Then- out of nowhere- ships appeared out of each one. Jacob's eyes widened. "How the- where did they come from?" His ops officer made some more readings. "Apparently, sir, they are plowing through the very time-space continuum, through a completely alternate dimension. Doesn't look like it would be all too accurate, but it would be faster than hyperspace." Vader crossed his arms. "Pan-dimensional long range celestial travel using the slipstream." He commented "Ingenious. We've never found out how to use the slipstream, perhaps he can find out." Vader's hologram turned back to face Jacob. "You know your orders- ready all boarding craft." Jacob cocked an eyebrow. "My lord, in case you weren't aware, the space between us and them is one big dogfight- not exactly something we're excelling at right now." Vader put his arms back to his sides. "I'm sure you'll find a way, captain." The silhouette flickered off.

Suddenly, the razorback started to slow, stop and thud. The enemy pilot had just thrust him into a fierce headlock that Red one was struggling to escape. "Yeah, serves you right, bitch!" The opponent hooted. "Let's see you get out of this one, eh?" With all the brute force Red one could muster, he elbowed his enemy in the weakened spot on his chest. His enemy released him, and Red one wiped out his blaster. "End of the line for you." He armed it. Just before he could squeeze the trigger, the pressure door hissed and opened. As Red one looked, he could see the craft had landed in one of the large, purple ships he had seen earlier on. The room was huge, and looked almost as though it were alive. It displayed a deep purple and dark blue, and- unfortunately for Red one- was packed full of eight foot tall monsters, stout little piggish things with large peaks on their backs, and bird-like creatures with glowing shields… all pointing bizarre weapons at him.

Darth Vader overlooked the explosions and fiery doom that ran rampant between his imperial fleet and the cluster of purple, insect-like ships that projected beams of blue heat and the vessel with the enormous, double-stacked shafts that hurled burning projectiles. He keyed he communications channel. A grainy, blue hologram of an imperial pilot in a transport's cockpit-seat came into view above a three foot tall pedestal. "What is your status, lieutenant?" Vader said. The pilot picked up a microphone. "We're fine, my lord. A few of our transports didn't make it, though. We're closing in on the enemy fleet, and the next wave is always welcome." The Sith lord looked back down onto the hologram. "It will be launching soon. Good luck, lieutenant." The light above the platform faded and the pilot vanished. The dark lord grabbed his light saber, and with that, walked off to the boarding craft bay. He was not going to allow this men to receive all the glory- he was going with them, and killing whoever- or whatever- was commanding that fleet.

Starwars & Halo chapter 5
Date: 25 February 2006, 10:24 pm

Chapter 5: This Exosphere Ain't Big Enough For the Two of Us…

-In Orbit over Tatooine, unknown date.

Williams was relatively unimpressed, but he was aware of the threat that was posed onto him. There were about twenty of them- like twenty pieces of triangular, bumpy clay, each with a completely random tower upon the top. He addressed Lieutenant Marks: "Is this all they've got?" Marks made a secondary scan. "Yes sir, that's 'all they've got'." She said. "If you would like to see all the data concerning this, you can see it here." Williams reclined in his chair. "Not necessary, I'll pull it up myself." He said as he relaxed. He's growing arrogant…, Alexis thought to herself. Pompous naval commanders are never a good sign: even for those commanding the UNSC's largest ship. She looked back at Williams- whose hubris was like a stench that surrounded him- as he pulled up the files on a holographic panel. As he reached the current logbooks of recent events, he frowned. He looked around the gleaming, translucent sheet at Alexis. "Lieutenant, where would the files concerning the enemy ships be?" He inquired in a calm, reserved tone. Alexis looked back to him with her common bland expression. "Sir, that's my point." She explained in the same tone. "I need to forward the information to your personal computer in order for you to view it. I haven't done that yet." He sighed, and then turned off the hologram. Williams let out a frustrated huff as he put his forehead in his hands. As Alexis viewed the scanner, she couldn't help but notice the seven little red dots streaking toward their ship. "Uh, Captain Williams, Sir? We have a problem. It appears we have boarding craft inbound." She reported somewhat nervously. Williams, apparently intrigued by what was going on, left the comfort of his commander's chair and went up to see the screen. There they were, plain as day: seven red dots heading toward the center of the circular screen. "Do we have any guns to fend them off?" He asked, his voice still noticeably hubristic. "Yes," Alexis responded, "but they are controlled by the ship's A.I." Williams cocked an eyebrow at Marks. "What A.I?" Still not remembering being told of an installed artificial intelligence, he reacted: "Wait- this ship DOES have an A.I? I was never told." Alexis put in some commands on the computer. "Yes, sir. I thought you'd expect the UNSC's largest vessel to have an onboard A.I." On the hologram pedestal, a detailed hologram of a teenager- wearing camouflaged pants, combat boots and a Che Guevara t-shirt materialized out of thin air. Williams looked at it. "Our A.I…" he started, "Yes, I know," Marks responded as she sighed, "I too find Connor to be relatively farfetched." Connor turned to Williams. "What's the word, boss?" He asked in a subtlety southern accented, deep voice. Williams faced him. "We have seven boarding craft…" Connor shook his head. "Naw, I'd say twenty five. Something's jamming the primary scanner." Williams looked about the bridge, then corrected himself "…twenty five boarding craft, inbound. We need you to…" Connor put his hand up and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know what you're going to say: I've only heard it about a million times before. 'Concentrate on the inbound targets', I'm on it." Connor disappeared. "And you say I'M arrogant…" Williams whispered to Marks.

One of the Storm Troopers in Vader's pod looked out the window to see one of the other craft vaporize, and another simply shatter as a solid slug hit its cockpit. "We've lost two of our pods," the pilot said over the comm.-link, "Delta 5 and Delta 18 have been destroyed by the enemy ship's defense systems." Another three pods vanished in an explosion, and the pod careened and rumbled violently as a round scraped the side, destroying a pod behind them. Suddenly, the pod stopped and shuddered. "Everyone, get ready!" The pilot shouted. Vader's light saber gave a hiss as the beam extruded from the hilt, bathing the darkened pod in an eerie red glow. A sudden pop, and the hatch flew open, revealing the inside of the gargantuan vessel. The minutes that ensued was a noisy, bloody stalemate in the hall. The enemy's firepower was too constant for Vader to simply move in, thus having him take evasive action. Finally, he dashed down the aisle, waving his saber like a shield and finally reaching the defenders' cover. As the blade pierced the armor of one of the soldiers, another tried to come from behind- having his head severed shortly afterward. The blasters from down the hall continued to suppress the defenders before they retreated.

Connor's figure appeared on the pedestal. "What is it?" Williams inquired. "Bad news, boss. Looks a couple boarding craft made it, and their deliveries wiped out the Marines in Beta Corridor 2." Williams' fist hit the arm rest of his chair. "Woah, settle down, Hercules! I'VE got things covered...." he dematerialized and vanished.

A hulking, hairy creature dragged Red one across the reflective purple-blue floor of one of the alien ships' cramped corridors. "What is to be of this one?" It said to one of the blue armored monsters behind it. "You speak to me as though I knew, I say we throw him out the airlock." Another one looked at him. "HA! I say we spare the time and effort and kill him now! The Kig'Yar and deal with the body." "Rubbish," the hairy thing growled, "this human is bound to create a stench here. He's a human, but against the humans as well. I say the council decides on this." "Why?" one of the following aliens commented, "I don't see how this runt can be permitted in the holy presence of our guiding light, nor do I see why it needs to be put on trial." "I still say we kill him now." The other said. The beast dragging him huffed, then let Red one drop to the floor, and the alien aimed his weapon at his forehead…
