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Fan Fiction

Spartan Army by SpartanOmega

Spartans Of Darkness Part 1 Reclaimer
Date: 28 October 2003, 9:46 PM

Spartans Of Darkness

Part 1 Reclaimer

The AI stirred as it had in the past but this time was far different. It felt a ping of alert shoot through its system and knew that the time was now and at last it would be able to unleash its powers.

Field Commander Danny "Ice" Johnson woke with a start. He was aboard the UNSC cruiser Dynamo and at first could not remember why. Then his memories floated back to him with ease. He was in the safest location in the galaxy, he was orbiting Earth but it was more like a military installation with all of the protection surrounding it. The Covenant were closing in on Earth and the UNSC was getting tense. Admiral Preston Cole had tried to make a stable contact with Captain Keyes and his fleet but no response came through. It was rumored that Keyes and his fleet had stumbled across a Covenant installation known only as Halo. But it was only a rumor; if it was true then ONI would have it covered it up and erased all intelligence traces within minutes. It was a shame that the last Spartan in the entire UNSC fleet disappeared with the ship known as the Pillar of Autumn that was rumored to of found Halo.
Ice blocked out his thoughts and put the task at hand to his mind. Later today he would have to go with his platoon to Mars on a surveillance mission and try holding off The Covenant long enough for the UNSC Cruiser Division to formulate a battle plan. It was a suicide mission in everything else but words. But it was his duty. He rather fight than let Earth become a charcoal rock. His platoon far out ranked Hell-Jumpers and was just under Spartans themselves. By military name they were Platoon 006-721 but they were more commonly known as The Nightmares. Seeing a battlefield that The Nightmares defeated the enemy in it was hard to tell a battle ever took place. They left the battlefield clean as a whistle and haunted any enemies' dreams who ever lived to tell the tale. Ice felt a small jolt and knew the Dynamo was beginning to head out to Mars. Ice went to gather his platoon. He reached the docking bay and sorted them out into Squad's A, B, and C. Squad A would be a Sniper team, Squad B would be his favorite, the Ghost team which would kill off the enemy silently one by one. Finally there was Squad C, the Sweeper team that would just wipe out the remaining idiots who were dumb enough to stay on the battlefield. He got the platoon equipped and cocked his assault rifle. With that he said, " Marines, lets get to work!" They arrived on the outskirts of the military installation Fort Cole and readied themselves with camouflage. A low buzz grew overhead and began to get louder and louder with every passing second. Private Katzman said" Sir? What the hell is that?" KABOOM! The planet shook with fury and Squads A and C were gone over the mountain cliff. "Were being bombed!" Ice yelled. Covenant Mini Cruisers began landing and dumping troops by the hundreds. One Mini Cruiser was not so lucky and opened its landing ramps to early and the whole crew flew easily 60 yards north, Danny knew when he saw an opportunity and ran for the ship. He rolled and ducked up onto the ship and looked for Squad B. He saw them blasting away at Hunters and there was a green flash and Squad B was no more but a bloody pulp. Ice slammed the button to shut the door and realized nobody had seen him board the ship. If he found a way to engage autopilot they would think another Covenant was piloting the ship. Ice looked at the controls and muttered, "Crap." The computer hummed and said" Language acknowledged, English. Now activating autopilot." "Yes!" Ice said. "Entering star map directions for Halo Installation 004, processing now." Said the computer. "Crap." Ice said again. He had heard of the rumored Halo Installation but a forth one was unheard of. He was afraid that if he tried pressing any buttons he would blow himself sky high. The computer said" ETA time one hour." So Ice waited and finally he heard a voice go" Preparing landing at Base One." Danny readied his battle armor and his assault rifle with his belt of frag grenades and slammed the button for the landing ramp to open and hopped onto the surface. It was snow covered and an icy cold wind swept the atmosphere. There was a door with ancient symbols on it and it begun to glow and pulse and the closer Ice got the more it pulsed. When he reached the door a machine that looked like a retinal scan. He placed his eye and felt a tingle. An AI voice said" Species confirmed, human deactivating defenses and loading armor schematics." Ice liked the sound of a new armor and there it was, he walked through the door into what looked like a temple and on the side of the door was a suit of armor just floating there. It was a bright blue and looked like the layout of the UNSC's Spartan Mark V Armor only it was sharper in design. He put it on and instantly there was a new strength he had never had, it pulsed through him with a fury beyond all other. His speed had also increased and his reflexes were almost faster than the eye can see.

The AI stirred once more now it saw that the human had come. But it was curious would it be strong enough to withstand the trials or would it fail? It watched as the human donned the armor and began activating the trials. This would be interesting.

The armor was great. There was no other word for it. It made the perfect soldier. It was probably stronger than the Mark V Spartan Model and much more flexible and lightweight. Ice heard a low rumbling like an old machine starting up and gripped his assault rifle harder. A small hum came beneath his feet and he realized he was on an elevator. It went up what he estimated was two floors and it came to a halt. Ice walked out and saw Hunters coming at him from each side of the room. He flipped up his assault rifle and tricked the two Hunters into turning their backs when they went to hit him and he let out a full round of MA6 armor piercing rounds into the exposed skin. The Hunters were dead before they hit the floor. He heard a robotic voice say" Physical Trials complete." And a series of old steel doors opened up leading him into the next room. It was completely blank. It was just a bunch of dirty concrete walls. Then images filled the room. The destruction of Harvest, his home world. The dozens of glassed systems throughout UNSC space. The Covenant Cruisers destroying Reach, one of humanity's last military stands against the Covenant. Without Reach no new cruisers could be made except in the shipyards on Mars, which by now were probably gone for good. Ice couldn't take it, so much suffering. Where were the images coming from? He spotted a highly advanced hologram projector at the top of the room and let out some ammo on it. Instantly the images stopped and once again a robotic voice came. It said" Mental Trials complete." Yet again another pair of doors opened and he stepped into another room MA6 at ready. Without notice spikes flew at him from all directions. He dodged more and more as they flew from all over. He noticed they were Cruiser grade Titanium A that would shred his armor like mincemeat. But who knew, maybe this armor was stronger because it was from alien origin. He continued dodging more and more until finally they stopped. He heard the robotic voice say" Agility Trials complete please wait." Ice waited loading a fresh round for his MA6 as he did. Finally a small hovering ball that glowed bright green flew into the room and said" You have done well in passing all three trials. I am Spark004 and I monitor this installation. I have been waiting for some time for someone to prepare the Darkness Army." Ice was extremely puzzled by every word. He said, " Slow down, what army are you talking about and where am I?" Spark replied with a sigh and said" This is Forerunner Installation 004 and there has been an army in cryosleep waiting for a Reclaimer for some time now. Ice understood nothing. As if Spark004 read his thoughts he said" A Reclaimer is somebody who can pass all three trials and can control the army." "Also, there are 9.5 thousand troops in the Darkness Army that are all now under your control. They each are equipped with a armor model one level less than your own and each were bred by the forerunners for the Reclaimer." Ice was still a bit confused but was starting to get the picture. Since he passed the trials he now controlled the Darkness Army, which held thousands of Spartan warriors. A thought struck him like a lightning bolt. If he made it to Earth he could save the planet. The Covenant wouldn't have a chance against 9.5 thousand Spartans if one was rumored to destroy Halo. He turned to Spark004 and said" Who are the Forerunners, are they human or alien and are they good or bad?" Spark replied" The Forerunners are alien and were around long before the Covenant. In other words they are the Covenants ancestors. But the Forerunners wanted peace through their religion but times got drastic and an army was created just in case. The army was bred into human form and placed into the armor in which they cryosleep in now. But those Covenant idiots got the ancient writings all wrong. They thought that the writings instructed them to kill the humans in the will of the gods. But it was truly the ancient plans for the human/Forerunner army and the thought that one day the gods would grant them peace." Ice was shocked. Somebody could have swept his jaw off the floor and it would have fallen again. The whole war, all the glassed planets because of one misreading in translations, the idea was laughable, unthinkable, how could it have happened. Had one Covenant idiot caused the deaths of billions? Ice was never scared. But now his legs began to tremble and he said" Take me to the army." Spark004 moved silently as they head to the elevator. The place was huge with gray concrete walls. The elevator must have been air powered because he found no electricity traces as they went upwards. They arrived in what looked like a domed amphitheater that was all gray. Ice saw thousands of cryo tubes in the back of the amphitheater and saw a control panel next to him in the front. He looked at Spark004 and said," Do I press it?" Spark004 bounced up and down that he figured for a floating ball was the same as nodding his head. Ice went up to the control panel and saw a few buttons but he saw one that had the word Cryo over it and pressed it. As a kid Danny had always wanted an adventure. That's why he joined the army. But now he was finally going to get a real one.

End of Part 1

Spartans Of Darkness Part 2
Date: 30 October 2003, 11:14 PM

Spartans of Darkness

Part 2: Betrayal

Unbelievable. That was the only word Ice could describe what he saw. He saw thousands upon thousands of cryo tubes opening simultaneously, each containing a figure in a black Spartan suit. Once they were all out of their cryo tubes they began to line up around the dome. The odd thing was that they were so quiet. They moved liked raptors, swift and silent. They made two long identical rows and then saluted. Then Ice felt it, the surge of energy go through his already super powered armor. It was like he was connected to the thousands of troops who stood before him. He felt like every bit of energy they contained was centered around him like they were all interlinked. Ice looked at Spark004, even through his helmet Spark could tell Ice was in awe."Quite remarkable, isn't it? Now you and the Darkness Army are connected through mind and body. If one of them dies you will not die but will know of it. Whenever you need more power you can take for a limited time from another Darkness Army soldier. There are many more things you will learn about the army but for now this is what you should know, the rest will gradually make itself knowledgeable in time." Spark004 said all this as if it were common basic knowledge. Ice was staring at all the troops and the troops stared back. If one Spartan could destroy Halo then over eight thousand could annihilate the Covenant from space permanently. They could take over the Covenant homeworld; they could make them pay for the billions lying dead. Ice said slowly" So they will do anything I say without question? Do they have a personality?" Spark replied" They will obey you without question as long as you wear that armor and carry the your UNSC standard identity chip. Sadly, they do not have much personality. Except for one, he was a bit high on the Forerunners expectations for the army. The first soldier made. He was a full personality with memories of when the Forerunners raised him from childhood." Sure enough Ice saw a single Spartan in the front wearing a intricately designed golden Spartan armor with ancient Forerunner markings covering the chestplate. Danny looked him over and felt relieved another real human. At least he wouldn't be overly lonely. Then he said" What does my UNSC chip have to do with the army?" Spark said" When you donned your armor your chip was altered so that the army would react to it's transmitted waves. In other words as long as your chip transmits and you wear the armor the army is all yours." Ice replied. "Lets start some war training." Just as he did what Spark called the "Training Site" materialized in the dome next over to the one they were in. He thought about telling the troops to go over there and just as he did the Gold Spartan raised a hand and pointed towards the other dome. The army marched over to the second dome and began training with the various obstacle courses and shooting ranges that contained standard Jackhammer rocket launchers and some type of shiny machine gun labeled X-12 he had never seen before. After several hours of extensive training he felt a weird feeling. As if something was coming right behind him. He jolted around and saw Spark flying at him, laser beams in a shade of bright blue flying from him to Ice. He was in the cryo dome, so none of the troops saw him. He tried contacting them by thought but got no response. He grabbed a nearby Jackhammer and shot the first rocket, it whizzed past Spark, a clean miss. But the second rocket hit him square in the middle and a molten ball of whatever was left of Spark was impaled on the rocket as it hit the wall. Just then the Golden Spartan ran into the room. "I'm so sorry." He said in a quiet voice. "Spark's programming was corrupted during our long cryo sleep because he had nothing to do. His programming was dead. In time he made his own commands and decided to kill the Reclaimer. To leave me and the army without a leader to follow. I tried telling you but Spark had taken control of my main suit functions. I'm fine now, are you?" Danny said" I would have never guessed Spark was a traitor but we must prepare the army. My home planet, Earth is in grave danger and it is our duty to destroy the Covenant soldiers threatening Earth." Yes sir." Replied the Golden Spartan. "I have sent word to the other soldiers, we have transports waiting outside for our departure. The soldiers are loading as you speak sir." "Perfect" Danny said. "We have a planet to save."

Part 3 is going to be bigger, badder and will have more info on the Forerunners and the Golden Spartan. The battles will be like it's own version of Halo 2.
Got questions or comments? Email me at ultimowolf02@aol.com

End Of Part 2

Spartans Of Darkness Part 3
Date: 11 November 2003, 3:39 AM

Spartans Of Darkness Part 3
Earth's Fight and the Golden Spartan

Ice watched in the icy wind as the troops gathered onto what looked like black, sleeker version of a Pelican dropship that was perfect for camouflage when deploying troops from space. There were about fifty dropships lined up in rows in the back launch areas which stretched out pretty big. When all the troops were ready for launch and loaded Ice and the Golden Spartan surveyed the area and got on their own dropship. The Golden Spartan said" Sir, where are we headed?" Ice replied" We're heading to Earth and showing the Covenant who's going to win this war." The Golden Spartan said" Aye Aye sir. Transferring flight course directions to the other ships now." Ice felt a small lurch as the dropship flew off the ground and into space. Which system was he in? The Covenant ship had taken him way off course of Earth's system. He could be in an uncharted system most likely. "Soldier!" He asked. "What system are we currently in?" "Installation 004 is located in the far outskirts of the Epsilon Eridani system." The Golden Spartan replied. No way. Reach's planetary system? How could that be? Well, the system outskirts had never been explored because making new routes through Slipstream was dangerous and after Reach's fall the system had become a Covenant death zone. So it was a bit likely that it would have never been discovered but my god. All this power had been in a UNSC controlled military system and nobody had a clue, not even ONI. "We are entering Slipstream." The Golden Spartan said. "ETA time is approximately three hours." "Very good." Ice replied. Ice had noticed that the main leader of the Darkness Army[under himself] was the Golden Spartan. He transferred all of Ice's orders directly to the army and made sure they were carried out but the Golden Spartan was still second in command. He didn't mind though. He was like Ice, he knew his duty and made sure the job was done without any complications. He then wondered about him. The intricate markings on his armor's back were in a blue shade and showed signs that he was more important than the others. He decided to ask about the Spartan. "So." He started. "Why is your armor different than the others?" The Golden Spartan began his reply. "I was the first one the Forerunners made. A flawless copy that was perfect. They saw me in a different light than the rest of the army. They knew when they examined my DNA that I was perfect but could not think what form my DNA should be placed in. Then they came across you, Humans. They saw your species as the perfect form for combat, labor or anything else. They began to make more and more, not all as perfect as I was made but very exceptional. They wanted me to be second in command to the Reclaimer of the army. They knew I would get the job done." Ice mulled this over for a minute. Thinking about the Golden Spartan. He decided for the moment the Spartan was okay. It felt good having a friend around anyways. Ice felt a big lurch and his stomach did backflips as they fell back into normal space. Ice peered out his window, and saw Mars; a scorched planet that looked destroyed by battle. Ice felt a pang of sorrow for losing his squads back there. But he put the task at hand and readied himself. He said to the Golden Spartan" Do a check to see that all ships are with us and in formation then take us towards Earth and when we are closing in on it activate our stealth shields, I don't want our presence known, yet. "Yes sir. Making it happen. ETA time is twenty minutes, our ships can make intrasystem jumps." The Spartan replied. Ice found this interesting. UNSC scientists had been working for years to achieve intrasystem jumps but had no success in the matter. They arrived at Earth with another nauseating lurch and Ice bolted to the nearest window. "My God." Ice whispered. Earth was a battlefield. Covenant and UNSC cruisers were scattered among the inky blackness of space around Earth. Earth itself had multiple plasma explosions erupting on its surface. Then he saw the Moon. Fully overrun by the Covenant it had become a holding ground for their cruisers. Hundreds of ships swarmed its surface. Ice had imagined the battle would hit Earth eventually but not like this. This was manslaughter, sheer killing without any sign survival. Then again, this was why The Darkness Army was here. He went to the Golden Spartan, who was still at the controls and said" Get all of our shops ready for deployment. We will be splitting up around the planet at major population points, chart one for each ship we have, and by God this our last chance. If this fails then humanity is gone. We are all Earth has left." "Yes sir." He replied. Ice opened up a part of his armor to take something out of his clothes then shut it again. He was holding a knife. The blade was shining silver that looked almost unnatural. It was a titanium knife, the blade could cut through Grunt armor like cheese. He had gotten it from a Captain when he was at the academy, it has always gave him good luck, maybe this time it would give him Earth. By this knife he swore, Earth will not fall.

End Of Part 3
