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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded by Elite Zov

Silver Blooded: The Failure
Date: 17 May 2004, 3:43 AM

DATE: Unknown
PLACE: Unknown
TIME: Unknown

I awoke in the thick darkness. I felt nothing but cold, and I was all alone. Then the memory shot me like a bullet.

"Treacherous slimes," I whispered. But that wasn't a really good time to be angry. Besides, I have better things to do.

I tried to raise my self, but failed. I needed more time, sense my blood got cooler then the usually temperature. I realized then that I was on the cold, metal table that was in the middle of the room. It was dark, and there were controls on the opposite side of the room. They look like they need some repairs, guess some explosions was cooking up hear. Lucky me, I wasn't around to see the fire works.

Somehow I could hear the wind whistling somewhere. Odd, I was supposed to be in space. And how did I block out for so long? I tried to sit up one more time. Success! I looked around the room more carefully: still dark and cold.

How long was I out, how much time had passed? I knew the answer will not satisfy me. But I was on the mission, the mission I knew I failed. But the failure is not an option. I needed more evidence, evidence of my failure. But the memories and confusion started to eat me again, like the toxic waste. Not that is painful, its just makes you confuse even more.

How could they just abandon me? If the ship is in so bad condition, they should have known.

But then it hit me. The ship must have crashed somewhere. I didn't feel nor hear anything except my own breathing and the wind, including the cold and the darkness. Obvious, the engines was dead, and the only thing left to do, it blast through.

Finally, my vision was got sharper when something caught my eye. In the corner there was a Huran. A weak weapon, only 20 pounds and looks like it still works. I walked to it and pick it up. Not too shabby, it had 8% of plasma fuel, enough for one more blow. As I aimed at the wall, the wall gave a little shake, as a chunk of metal ripped through and flue forwards to the freezing snow. When the metal piece landed on the snow, the snow melted around the piece in length of 12 inches, turning it self in to nothing but gas. If there would be piece of meat on that very same metal, it'll be a barbecue by now.

I shivered; it was much colder now then it was before. But as always, I'll adapt. I recognized that place I was gazing at. It was more like one of the Zizagar's places, but I knew I wasn't on Zizagar, I was on Jihurla! Which that was impossible, because the last time I remember, Jihurla wasn't even finish, and it barely had 1/3 of it complete. Jihurla is more like a twin project of Zizagar, which took us 1014 years to build. The first thing I'm concerned about now is why they were in such a hurry of getting Jihurla out to space, and what happened to Zizagar?

The only one reason Jihurla will be out is that Zizagar is no longer exists. And who could destroy it, and why? Zizagar was a weapon of destruction, it should have protected it self. Once more, there is only one reason for that; the suckers got out. And who will let them out, what kind of phthisis moron will do such thing?!

"Pathetic," nothing else will exacerbate me right now like those fools. "Got a nap for a few years, and look what happened." I must have been out for too long. In my calculations, the year must be around 2800. It must have been a year of 1800 when I took a nap. If that is right, I must have slept over 1000 years.

"Guess I snoozed up a little longer then I expected." I joked to my self.

I looked around the beauty; it is truly a wonderful place to live; full with live, and different things from different places, wonderful views. Its takes your breath away while you gaze at the stars above you. And it is only in the middle of the day. How trilling it is going to be at night. I remember how I spent my last night at the Zizagar. It was truly remarkable. Maybe I shouldn't have even marked my signatures. How foolish, then again, I was part of its creation, I was the creator.

Now my mission is changed. I must secure Jihurla in all costs. Now I don't have to worry about Zizagar any more. I just hope I didn't push my luck too far. I just hope I won't meet my misfortune here either, all I can do now, its have a little hope...for survival.


Silver Blooded: Through Human Eyes
Date: 27 May 2004, 7:31 PM

DATE: 1425hours
PLACE: Unknown
TIME: Unknown

"Serge, we've been walking all day!" I complained and trying hard to keep up with the group.

"Keep your trap shut, Likzy," whispered Jack Maor that slowed down for me, "or Serge will make you do some damn push ups on the damn snow."

Serge Hisby that herd everything turned around.

"Damn right I will, now double time, I swear I saw something."

"Serge," I said, "you said that five hours ago."

"Damn right I did," Serge John Hisby groaned, "do you think I'll walk all this way for nothing?"

"No sir!" As always you know the rules.

Serge John Hisby is a strong man even for his age. His eyes are dark and eyebrows are thin, his chin just as his nose is pointy. People say that kind of people like Hisby like to give orders. If you ask me, he is pretty much like that. He wants everything go by his way and his way only.

That day, five hours ago, when our platoon stopped for a rest, Hisby saw something. He couldn't say what it is, what ever it was; he believed it could help us find some answers. We didn't know now long we were here, and we didn't even know exactly were here. All we know that we crashed in the middle of nowhere, were a lot of snow and really cold.

"Damn, fuckin' snow!" Cursed John after tripping and falling down. He hit snow hard, which made his eyes water. He cursed some more after I tried to pull him up on his feet, which was helpless because he just pulls me down with him.

"Ladies move it," Yelled Serge, "we ant' got all day!"

After two more hours of walking our little platoon finally reached their distention.

"We're here." Serge said.

The platoon stared and I'm with it; it was a ship they never seen before. Surly, advanced to the top but looked like it was there like forever. There was a hole on one side; someone wanted to get out badly. And a few feet away were the chunk of metal form the ship. God, it must be real hot, because around that metal was about 12 inches melted snow.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, I want to ride one of those!" Maor said with a grin, gazing at the ship.

"Dammed, Jack," Joked Tommy, "you always what to ride on something."

Tommy is the new guy. He joined the team before we crashed God knows were. He is a young engineer, the lad only 21 years old, for God's sake. He had blond hair and bright, blue eyes. 'Sun-shine', like Maor would call him.

"Hay, but at least I got my wish last year, didn't I, Likzy?" Maor said and gave me a little push.

"God, Jack," I smiled, "you crashed the poor thing."

It was a pitiful day for both of us, which was followed by Jack destruction actions. We were in the front lines, as normal marines shooting down some little blue aliens that were 8 feet tall. There were no one around, and as always, Jack would catch us a ride. I don't know how he does it, but he has a strange luck with the transportation. He is a mad man for speed. This time, he founded a classic Scorpion Tack. For God's sakes, he didn't even know how to drive that thing! He was totally out control and crashed in to a wall; almost crashing me with that wall. And you can say bye, bye to littlie tanky toy, somehow not jack; he always comes back form the dead. He crashed it inside out, smashing it engine. That poor wall, I still can remember as it was yesterday. The engine made this funny sound and blew up in jack's face. I bet that poor engine flew up to San Diego. Actually it ending up on a tree, lucky him, the engine didn't fell down back at Jack, which was standing right under it; stupid luck of his.

"Hay, it wasn't my fault," Maor protested, "the fuckin' brakes would work."

"It was classic Scorpion Tank Jack, it always have a choice of stopping it." I said annoyed.

"Hay, did I mentioned hat wall was mocking me?" Maor grinned.

"Which one, is it the one you kept hitting your head at after you got promoted with joy, or the one you didn't see when you were riding the tank?" I grinned.

After that fun ride with the tack, we waited for back up two hours. Unfortunately, jack was the one who got promoted; for been brave. With the stupid luck, behind that very same wall, were four Hunters. Poor Hunters, all is left to bury into their graves is nothing wet spot; pitiful.

"The Tank part you idiotos!" Maor groaned.

"Alright ladies, quit your bragging, let's see what inside." Serge Hisby said.

"Do we have to?" I asked, "I mean, what is something is there that still breaths?"

"Good," Serge grinned, "at least we'll have something for dinner."

After this remark there were groans that followed.

"Alright, let's love in!" Serge ordered, and stepped into the darkness, and followed by three more men.

As you can see, there are only few of us; five died in a crush, and two died by accident in the mountains. That adds up to four. Jack Maor always complained it was the smallest platoon he has ever seen, but even with his gift of humor, he knows he could never hide his sorrow for the fallen comrades. But they didn't know of they'll survive or end up just like the others.

The ship was dark and cold, but not as cold as outside.

"Looks like the controls are busted," Serge said angry, "guess no free tickets back home."

"What the hell are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Fix them," said Tom, "maybe, we could just try and fix them."

"How the fucks are you going to do that, dammed," Said Maor angry, "you've never seen this shit before."

"We could try." Said Tommy confused.

"Birdbrains." Said Maor and found more interesting thing to do but to argue with the fresh pickle. He stared at me what I was doing; I was studying a strange sign, which finally came to my memory.

"Hay look, I found something!" Finally I yelled out.

"What is it marine?" serge asked with incuriosity.

"Its looks like one of these creepy signs." I said and pointed on the wall above us.

"You don't see these things in these days anymore," Said Tom, "I studied them for a while, but even I don't think they belong to the Covenants."

The platoon stared at the sing. God, what does it means?

"I thick I saw one of these." Serge said.

"Serge, we all saw them." Jack said.

"No, I saw it twenty years ago in the news," serge said slowly, like he as trying to teach a dog how to lie down, "guys, it's exactly the same one that they saw in Halo."

"Wha..." I could believe what I heard, "The Halo?"

"Yep son," serge said, "The Halo."

They all stared at the sign so am I; this time without curiosity, but with fear. Something' wasn't right; something bad going to happen, whether we wanted or not. Is the history repeating it self again, or its lucky coincidence? But whatever it is, it's going to be really ugly…


Silver Blooded: I Spy
Date: 5 June 2004, 5:33 PM

DATE: Around 2800
TIME: Night time
PLACE: Jihurla

Walking for hours wasn't my idea of having a vacation. The snow was thick and it was getting much darker. I don't know how long I must walk, but I have to find mainframe, if I don't, I'm doomed.

If I'm not wrong; I believe the mainframe is right in that mountain. Those mountains are a good camouflage against intruders, but that can't fool me: I know all the tactics, all the resource, and all the codes. I must find the mainframe.

The wind picked up and it blew hard. I couldn't see a damn thing. I tripped and fell which made me swallow some snow; and it made me choke.

"Stupid weather; why do they always have to make it so difficult!"

I admit; the mission is a big pain in an ass. I just hope the mainframe's satellite dish is pointing in the right direction. And if it does; I'm so dead. If things will go ruff, I don't know if I'll able to close all The Rooms in time, and if I don't; distraction will repeat itself just like on Zizagar.

"Home sweet home." I said with relief.

There it was an entrance to the caves of the mainframe. It wasn't something you call "home", but to see something familiar made me ease for a second. But there is another problem; more walking.

Everything was still and quiet; guess nobody's home. The walls and the whole place it still well preserved, not like metal, they don't rut. Usually we use transportations that go by land, which means; we don't walk much as drive. We use different kinds of transportations, and we well know of our surroundings. The last time I remember I got busted because of Shika; I kind of flue into a wall. I was testing it, Shika is real fast, and I know I won't see one of those here. Besides, I was a young lad, not really known to any of our laws. The wall or Shika got along, but I got some bruises. Plus, a little something of a punishment; for been clumsy. I do admit it was a messy fly. But I kind of enjoyed the ride, it was, my first.

After 4 ½ hours of walking.

I was in front of well know mainframe. It was a huge room, and it was well armored will self defense. But of course; I'm authorized. The room was full of our writings, signatures, and something that young troopers like to do when they are on some mission. I was one of them once, ones; when I was on Zizagar. Now I know is more dangerous then I thought before. Looking at the past, I got more home sick than I thought. I saw something familiar; it was one of the signatures I used to see. It was my comrade, guess he was with them. Survived maybe and I hope he did. He was my trusted friend, once. But, I won't spend my time on the flashbacks; I should be more concern about my job.

I walked up to mainframe, it was like new. Hope it'll act like one. Damn; I wish I have more luck with the machines than with the guns. I cleared my trough.

"Computer, self shot down the Ven Virus system links, now."
Lights blinked, and dimmed.

"Why not!?" I screamed. If it does now apply, I don't know what will happen.

"Damn it!" That's all I could say.

Who can be on this shit, and why? It's getting old.
"Computer; info."

"No! Shot down, NOW!"

Shit! The computer had gone haywire, stupid peace a junk. It released the Vens, what the hell I'm suppose to do now? All is lost, if I don't destroy Jihurla, all is doomed, and I'm with it. I'm just too young to die, besides, my job is more important than death. "Damn you and you're releases!"

Damn it, they didn't even upgraded the computers. We have AIs, why haven't they used it? It is really simple; the AI doesn't go crashing down! Something must gone wrong, but what ever it was, it's won't stop me form stopping the Ven.

I run down the hall. There must be Armory some were. I run down the next corner, there it was; The Armory.

I could see it; you can't miss it. It had the name right there under the huge doors.

Hope it'll have all the gismos I need. Because it's going to be a hell of a ride!


Silver Blooded: Living Hell
Date: 11 June 2004, 4:47 PM

DATE: Unknown
TIME: 1:47AM
PLACE: Unknown

"Sarge, where are we going?" I asked.

"Damn it, Likzy, just follow him" Maor said.

"Shit, did you hear that?!" Tom shrieked.

We all freeze, something was out there, and it sounded nasty. Like something was dripping mixed with scratches and followed by hissing noises. It was dark and I barely could see my rifle in my face. Hay, I don't have a rifle!

"Hay, watch were you pointing that thin!" I pushed the gun off my face. It was Tom's, he murmured something, and moved away.

After a while I heard more noises, following by shrikes from Tom and explosions. Some flashes. Then jack screamed, I herd gun shots, and then the hissing sounds were all around me. More screams from Tom and finally something was on my face.

"AAAGGH!! Shit, get it off, GET IT OFF!! I screamed.

"Hold it!" I herd Jack screamed at me. What ever it was, he pulled it off from my face and shot the bastard.

It still wasn't over. More screams form Jack, and I joined him. I could see the suckers all around me. But we kept on shooting even when they are gone. It was terrifying, more than that, it was fun. No wonder why Covenants like to ambush us when we are in groups. After a moment, it was real quite. But with even a little fun, we still hoped they will not return.

"Uagh, nasty." Joked Sarge, he was smiling and had this yellow-green goo all over him. What ever that thing was, it was gone, for now; living us shaking in our boots.

"I smell chicken." Said Tom; he was leaning down on something that was badly burned by a grenade. It was odd; it was small, snail-crab like with this yellowish color.

"Umm, is this for dinner?" asked Maor; more with his stupid jokes.

"Suck it up, Jack." I said.

"One problem," Jack smiled ", nothing to suck on." Idiot.

"Let's go, we don't want to end up a dinner for our new friends, now don't we?" Sarge said.

It wasn't much to describe any more, the weather was the same; kind of windy that all. Then we all stopped on front of the huge cave entrance. It was more beautiful, all you can say that it was odd that even for so long time, in any weather, it stays so preserved. The walls are so smooth, but also so cold. But even so, it's warmer inside of them than you think. The so called Forerunner are real mystery to us. We herd of them a long time ago; it says they are the one who build the Halo. I'm not sure who started actually who, I just believe what I was told. I wish I could meet one of them and suck him so hard that he'll hope he never was born. The problem is, it's the Halo they builded, the weapon that killed many of troopers and people and could have destroyed the universe. What the hell they were thinking?

"You know," Tom blurred out; he founded something form a book he was reading. "I think I know what those things were." He said; not sore if he should have.

"Huh, and what is it?" Said Sarge; not really waned to hear some bullshit that Tom usually says.

"Sir, they say, it's the 'Flood'." Tom swallowed his saliva.

We all know what is flood, we all heard of it. But never seen it or pictured it. The flood was a long time ago sense it meet the humanity. The flood; the short way of describing is; AIDS, appeared to be on Halo. Of course that Halo was destroyed a long, long time ago.

"It can't be; it's impossible." Sarge, just like all of us, knew where we are on; we were on Halo.

As we looked into the caves, we all saw fresh, scribed out sing on the wall of the cave. It is the same one we saw in the ship, and the same one that was found on Halo; more than four hundred years ago.

A moment later we herd a smooth sound getting louder form caves, and it was coming our way.

"God," Jack said. "It's engine."

At the same time, before jack could finish his little sentence, we herd a hissing sound right behind us. They are back.

"If God really exists," Sarge whispered, "miracles exist with him." With those words we all turned around to face the enemy that was in our faces. Flying through the air we could see their tentacles trying to suck us in alive. All we could do is pray at the same time; puling the trigger.


Silver Blooded: Loud Up
Date: 11 June 2004, 5:56 PM

TIME: Early morning
PLACE: Armory, Jihurla
DATE: Around 2800

There were a few Hurans, but I didn't need them. I needed something more powerful, and something that won't let me down. I took two high plasma swords, two plasma rifles and few plasma grenades. I attacked my swords to my armor and picked up two extra rifles in case. My hands were full, I though for a minute and throw them away. I needed only two, because in any case; my armor will provide any ammo I need for the rifles. They are, an energy fueled.

I looked around; nothing much is useful. Except one thing, I walked up to the table; there was a key; I believe to most doors. I took it, you'll never know when you need to retread. But still, I hoped I don't have to. I'm locked and loaded and ready to roll. All I need now is; one small transportation.

I walked out form the Armory and continued through the halls. There were many glitches now; flashes of lights, doors opening and closing without stopping, and more. It was odd what mainframe can do to its surroundings. They should have added the AI in case. It was, could be useful. I still needed to fine a small transportation. I herd hissing. I looked back, but there were nothing. They were in the walls.

The Ven Virus was created for self-defense. In any case, they don't multiply by them selves; they need living and breathing things. They are pretty tamed if you know what to do. It's just they was trained to kill intruders no matter what. They don't feel, they don't experience any of the inner filings such as hate, anger, joy or sorrow. Things they see, is nothing more but just things, except their masters.

I've had experiences a lot lately with them when I was the trainer. It is sad when they die for nothing but why they were told. They die for something they don't understand, but they just do. They are serving to my people because we give them live, and this is only something that they understand. They breach, and that means a lot to them.

Vens are smart if you really take time to study them. They make plans in order how to attack and learn without been shown how to. Even if you could see a Ven moving over our cities, with weapons in their grasps, you don't see them attack any one. They just there; without any reason but protect. It is interesting, that they sometimes feel. It is only happens when they take control over a body that could feel in his/her past live. This is the only reason they learned to understate that we are not the enemy to them. We just there, just like them, living under the same trees and skies.

I walked down the hall till I was a room with the name over it; "Vehicle Room". As I walked in, I realized it was dark; the busting mainframe must have had an effect on the energy source in this structure. There we some ships, small, big any kind you want, but not that was useful enough for the fields. But as I was looking around, my eyes meet something I never thought I'll see; it was Shika.

She was beautiful, still shines like new. She has two plasma gun machine, a shield generator, and one extra launcher; that is powerful enough to destroy a mother ship. There were only one Shika I spotted, so I didn't waste my time and got on it. I actually thought they stopped doing those. Well, at least I got my self a pretty sweet ride. I tried the engines; it made a smooth sound and flue up from the ground. It was going to be a really good ride. I smiled; nothing better than first class ride.

I needed to find the way out of here, find panel destruction and fly off. I just hope I have more time, If Vens finally spotted humans, and I don't want to know what they were through. I meet with Vens ones when they were out of control; it was ugly. If Vens were in sleep in the release, and let us hope they were, it is possible for me to take the control over them. If that will be impossible, I have no choice but to use the panel.

I was riding in the Caves; I could see the exit now, but something stopped me; I heard screams, explosions, then screams again, shooting, then screams again, followed by single gun shot, but then screams mixed with shooting, then silence.

Damn, that must have been the humans, let us hope I'm not too late, if it was the first wave of the Vens, they'll come in bigger waves.

I pushed the bottom and speed away to the exit, living the silent caves behind.


Silver Blooded:
Date: 14 June 2004, 3:10 PM

TIME: 4:26PM
DATE: Unknown

There were on us, flying through air trying to eat us alive, suck our blood so hard that our bones will rot. There were almost on me when something had flue through air so bright, I have to close my eyes. It exploded and I could see flood flying everywhere; in peaces. I heard the same explosions and shooting but not from rifles; it sounded more like plasma rifles. I also heard that same sound from caves; smooth engine sound. I heard yells, and screams from Tom, I though we've been ambushed by Covenants, but after some moment like it was an eternity, I was welcome by silence. It was dark, and I felt nothing.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was holding my head with both hands; yeah, like that will help to protect me.

I looked up and I saw Tom; shaking like a wet poppy, actually he was, literally wet in his pants. Not far away I saw Sarge, holding for his rifle like for his own life. But I haven't seen Jack. I started to panic, ware's Jack? He was no were in sight. But then I heard usual annoying voice. I was Jack.

"So, what do you feed this baby?"
I turned around only finding a scene I'll never forget. Jack was calmly standing over an alien that was on some sort of vehicle that was odd but beautiful shaped. Maor stroked the vehicle and smiled.

"Can I try?" he asked the alien.

It is unexplainable how he looks; the alien was more that for human eyes to take. He wasn't a Covenant, or any other alien we saw before. He was both beautiful and frightening, savage yet godlike. Sitting tall and brave he handed the vehicle to Jack. Jack's face was shining as he sits his ass down on that thing. I think he saw haven. The alien was watching Jack as he tried the engine. He was standing now in full height; you could see every muscles on his body were the armor didn't covered. The alien was about nine or ten feet tall. He was standing back to me, I couldn't see his face but he was armed with two plasma rifles.

Jack stoked the vehicle and smiled. I knew what he is about to say. But it took me by surprise when he asked the alien;

"You think he's ok?" and Jack nod in my direction.

The alien turned and looked at me. I meet his eyes. The alien was so strong and dense, but seem almost weightless. I could see his skin, it was pure, pure peach marble, swirling with rivers of perfect color, and it was so soft, you could almost feel that softness against your eyes as you gaze at it. But armor still didn't cover most of his body; you could see the dazzling think main of hair which grew not only from its head but also from his strong and muscular shoulders, tapering down to the small of his back. But the color it self form his hair had no color at all, it seemed to drag the colors out of the air, looking golden blond one moment, then ice blue or flame red the next. It reflected the moon light with such breathtaking magnificence; you'll think it was spun from diamond thread.

It was dark, but my eyes were open.

The features of his face were strong, yet angelic, from the smooth curves of his nose and chin to the clarity of his deep shining green eyes, unfettered by lashes or brows. Those eyes were hypnotic, but more that that, they were deep; deep enough to fall into. A shiver of awe slid down my spine as he spoke.

"I believe he must have damaged his brain cells form the launchers." He spoke with hard English, his voice was filler and more resonant than any human or alien I've ever herd. "But that is no problem, he'll recover soon."

Jack made a nasty laugh, and then said.

"He always recovers."

The alien turn away form me and strode toward Jack with powerful yet light-footed steps. His armor was more like we saw on Covenants, only it looked more perfect, and the color it self was more like pure gold mixed with silver. He whispered something to Jack, and stepped away to the cave's entrance.

Jack waked up to us. We were back in group, all of us, except the alien, who was watching and waiting for something. Jack asked the a stupid but yet serious question.

"Is everybody ok, had any Flood got ya?"

"We all fine as you can see." Sarge said. "Now, can you tell us; what the hell is that?" and nodded to the alien's way.

"He's a friend," jack said simply and easily. "This place, you can call his home. And he saved our ass form flood, for now." Jack continued. "You were all in coma, so were I. you were out about two hours, but I was the first to come to my senses. The alien name is or as he called as Admiral Ares. He likes to be called by his first name; Ares, which is more possible to say than his last. He was on a mission to secure something he calls 'Zizagar', which I believe is Halo that was destroyed. He said he has no idea how he got here, but he calls this place 'Jihurla', which is some second project he kept blabbering about. And as we know, it is the second Halo. "

Jack pause for a moment, and flash us a smile.

"The coolest part of all is that we actually know about his race for over eight hundred or more years all along. He, again never told me his race name as of a lack of out human thong, but we know them as The Forerunner."

Jack paused once more, giving us time to chew on what he had said. He was smiling, and he was exited. He continued.

"The mainframe of this, as Ares prefers to call, Jihurla, gone haywire. It opened some sort of Rooms that contained the Flood for self defense; from us. He is here to help us to evacuate this place, but he needs our help. He have two plans, if plan A will fail, he have plan B."

Jack flashed a personal smile to Sarge, "See Sarge, miracles does happen."

Sarge looked at him with a smirk. "It's depends what kind."


Silver BLooded: Belive and Reconsider (PART I)
Date: 4 July 2004, 5:44 AM

Author's note: I'm sorry if my stories had brought the sorrow into the fan fiction, but I couldn't just leave my story without the ending. I had all think out for the future chapters, but hearing the dislikes, I finally ended my story with final two and one half part chapters that I had combined. Once again, even if the grammars are terrifying, I still love my work only by the main theme. Thank you for your suffering and golden time. But like they say "Don't judge book by its cover."

TIME: Late morning
PLACE: Jihurla a.k.a. HALO
DATE: Around 2800

It is hard to believe how easy we can die, just as we born. The lives are just spinning round and round with out stopping, but when it does, there is no way to push it so it'll start up again. This is how Jack explains it. It sounds all crazy to me at first, but if you really look into it, Jack have a point; we all mortal. But with some luck, we can live on.

I found that humans were not really comfortable with me. I could understand that it is not the Vens who gave them a shock, but me. The one to the left of the group, his name was Len Likzy. He never took his gaze off me. He looked scared, but I wasn't sure from what. I should have brought more weapons with me. That way, at least the humans have some ways of surviving chances.

Finally, the bigger man from the middle of the group; that I believe name was John Hisby,
Their leader on their mission said something I never thought he would.

"Ok, buckle up, and let's team up with this fellow, who knows, maybe he'll bring us some luck."

I was relived; at least they trust me a little.

Jack told me about different things, like on Earth, and why it should not be destroyed.
He told me odd things that on my planet would be eliminated for sure. Some of the things included poison that humans drink, that really surprised me. Beer and liquor as he said is a good thing to make you gay. I did not understand him, especially the thing he called "cigar" or "tobacco". He said if you smoke them, you're a goner. But if it true, why then humans still use it? The answer he game me was simple as it can be.

"A little smoke makes you feel good."

Oddly, I would not like to use them only to make me feel good for short while, and after that; die. But I do understand if you dying, maybe then it'll be a good idea for a little smoke. As we spoke about this, Jack gave me a cigar for trophy. He said he was saving it for special occasions. And he said he doesn't smoke anyways, his grandfather gave him it for good luck. Humans, have much different ways to find good luck, too much superstition, but only to cover the facts that they can't explain.

Jack told me all about their mission; they never really had one. They crashed here only because there were system failures on their ship; they were only cruising around when they spotted Jihurla. They had others with them, but they never made it. And now there are only four of them; Jack Maor, Len Likzy, John Hisby and Tom. Jack never told me Tom's other name, which he said he never able to remember.

My people always say that humans are very clever on plans, which is useless, because you'll only waste some time. I believe the leadership is depends only on the leader's personality, and brains. Take an example, Jack, he is outgoing human. He would do anything just to get his way. If you tell him to go and shoot his hand off only if he wants to get a ride, he would do it, only to get his paws on the weal. He is that kind of person that don't think, but do.

John Hisby, also known as Sarge, was walking my way.

Jack also told me he known as Lieutenant J.G.J. Maor. With that he told me a little story how he got promoted on his way home. As I was listening, I realized humans have an awesome easy ways of getting promoted. It took me 1567 years to get were I'm today. Not counting the years I snoozed up on; which is a whole lot of time. Even for these years, I'm known as a youth Admiral Ares. But for humans, I'm their ancient history. It is sad that humans are less living then us, I still haven't lived my 1/3 of my life, you can say, yet Jack have only 74 years to live, if he dies as he say, in his 90's. But some of humans don't even realizing it, they live, like Jack said; one day at the time.

"Alright, what's the plan?" Sarge asked me.

"I'm hoping that you can make a little distraction on the lower levels of the building of the Panel. That will lead all Vens there, and I'll have just enough time to turn on the count down."

"How much time to we have when the count down starts?" Tom asked.

"About 30 minutes of your time." I said; which is good. But I wasn't sure if it'll be exact. The reason to worry is that the Mainframe is down, which is bad. If the time s going to be too much, the Vens have more time to multiply, and even evacuate Jihurla, but if it is too low, we won't have enough time to evacuate. There is only one thing to do. I must not tell them. If things go wrong, I must be in the panels, I must think fast.

"But first," I continued, "we must find a good ship to fly off."

"Isn't yours is still working?" Sarge asked.

"Yes," I said. "But it'll take major repairs, and time. Which we don't want to waste."

I was too busy to trying to think things through, that I made one miner mistake, which could have cost my life and my comrade's as well. I never herd the Vens. They were out there, waiting for the right moment to strike once again. But we were all ready, me with my two Plasma sword, John, with one pistol in one hand and plasma rifle in other, Lenny, with plasma rifle and USP, Tom with human auto rifle, and Sarge with two auto rifles, one which Lenny game him. And we were ready, all left is to do, as Jack said, which I am not sure how when you holding two weapons at the same time, "keep our finger crossed." It is I believe, for good luck...


Silver Blooded: Belive and Reconsider (PART 2)
Date: 4 July 2004, 11:13 PM

TIME: 6:51 A.M.
DATE: Around 2800

As the Forerunner said, it is around the year of 2800. We knew that, but still don't know the exact date. The Forerunner told us all the information, or the information he can tell us about Halo, as he calls it; "Jihurla". His name is Admiral Ares. But he expects us to call him Ares, which is exactly what I'll do.

So far, everything was quite before we herd it. The same sounds, the little sounds that so annoying that you can go mad. It was good that Ares brought two extra Plasma Rifles, without them, I don't know what we'll do. Besides, his armor, as he said; can recharge plasma rifles, and that is really useful stuff.

As the Flood coming closer, or Vens, as Ares calls them, we hold our weapons as our last shield of hope. Everyone had something, but I realized Ares had only his two Plasma swords. They were not like we saw before; those ones were much bigger and they were attached to his armor.

The flood strike, so had we.

Ares flue into the first wave, slicing everything he sees. But as I saw that look on his face, I realized something is wrong. It was terrible wrong, the flood had evolved, as you can say from ugly chicks to the roosters. We all realized that someone else is on the planet, and someone that as we all could see, was Covenants.

We kept on fighting. As I took my USP and plasma rifle I punched on the triggers hard. Chunks of meat flue, green blood were everywhere, we were all in yellowish-green goo, and that's not all. Ares was most skilled with killing, is like he was build for it. Without fear, he was punching through the group of Flood with his knuckles. He looked unstoppable as he used his style of killing. The way he killed is like that; he punches all, nothing hits him back; they never had a chance.

Jack was shooting everything he got, with his plasma rifle and pistol, he actually enjoys everything. I think I'll ask him how he does it. Tom, in other hand was shaking, but Ares always watched his back. And at last not least, Sarge was out of ammo, finally for the finals he used grenade.

"Fire in the hole!"

We all have to duck. The explosion somehow was huge; it sanded all the body parts fling thorough air like it was a food fight.

Somehow Ares ended up on me. He was kneeling and looking on me. I didn't get what had happened at first, but then realized I was too close to the grenade when it had exploded.

"I own you one." I said to Ares.

"Don't bother," he said. "It does not matter." and he flashed me a smile.

He didn't look terrifying anymore; he looked, more like he was in peace. The kind of peace when you on the lake, or by the pond; and it are quite. It was quite for a moment, but Jack broke that silence.

"WEEEAHHAHAHHA!!" Jack screamed. "Now that's what I call smash potatoes!"

I looked up, and Ares helped me up. Jack was right, every single Flood turned form rotten potato to smash potato.

I saw Tom, which was smiling now, Jack, jumping up and down on things that were left form Flood, and Sarge, that took one of his grenades, which was attached to three more.

"What do you think," Sarge smirked, "who said little of extra spice won't help?"

Sarge actually somehow attached four grenades in one, which makes in four times bigger on fire power.

I looked around, something wasn't right. I watched Ares as he carefully observed the Flood parts.

"They are fresh." Ares said.

"Of course," Jack said, "We just fried them!"

"No," protested Ares, "Covenants must be close. It's the only way the flood wound attack them."

I didn't understand Ares sometimes, he spoke with riddles. He tells us something we do not reconsider as "Truth" or "False".

"What do you mean, big fellow?" Sarge was confused as well.

Ares looked up, and in my surprise, Ares had the face of nothing less. He didn't show any reactions of feelings; his face was black from anything that he felt. Ares walked up to Sarge, which was out of ammo. Ares detached his left sword and handed to Sarge.

"Borrow it, you'll need it." As he said it, we herd more Flood.


Silver Blooded: Belive and Reconsider (PART 3)
Date: 4 July 2004, 11:19 PM

TIME: 8:16 A.M.
DATE: Around 2800

Sarge was pleased to hold Ares's powerful sword, but he didn't show any sings of struggle to hold it. As we getting ready for a fight, Ares made sure everyone is loud up wish something.

I never realized that Ares is pretty awesome Admiral. He makes sure everyone is breathing and has something to fight with. It is sad, that our government don't even care about soldiers on the fields. I think I'll go on strike when I get back home. But here, Ares is our government. He knows more than you can learn. And I felt safe, as safe as I can be, I knew we'll survive.

As flood once again strike, we were more than ready. We opened fire on beasts. Sarge and Ares had team up and was smashing mixed with slashing through. I shot one elite-like-flood, but my plasma rifle was out, so I threw it aside and start shooting out the rounds from my USP, which is really useful, because the bullets flied through the flesh; ripping every single dead cell in it. After a moment or so, my pistol gagged and stopped shooting.

"FUCK!" I took the holster of it and ran on my enemy smashing my USP on everything moving thing I see. I herd loud sound as I cracked open one of the Flood skulls. The brains and blood flue up, the body fell like rock, without any following movements. I herd a shot in my head so loud that I jumped up; I though I was shot, but I was still looking down on the dead body as it got hole in it chest ripping internal organs.

"Just in case." Tom said smiling.

It was all over, the shooting, hopefully was over. As I looked around, I saw how actually beautiful the place was. I looked at the time; my hand watch was covered with guts. It was 8:06 A.M. God, the time is fast.

As I watched Ares healing him self with grasses and herbs he picked up, I realized he was never hit. Ares looked up on me;

"I got scratched from sword. You don't want to get diseased now, do you?" he smiled and handed me some of the herbs. I took them, who know, maybe he's right. Little single scratch can get you diseased which will bring you death. It was a long morning, with two waves; Ares never told us if there will be another one.

I looked up, I could see stars; odd really, but beautiful. I never in my live looked into the nature, or even around my self. And there is less beauty on earth to safe such as forests. It is hard to find one with something living in it. Civilization had destroyed most of everything. Common animals turned into instinct, instinct turned into nothing but history, nothing left to cherish except memories and yourself. Now I see why Forerunners created so big combining it into odd shaped planet that end up as halo and have everything you ever dreamed of; they want to see beauty, no matter what they do or were they go.

I watched Ares, he acted pretty strange lately. For a while I thought he's asleep, but he was just there. Quietly, waiting for something he knows, but won't say what, or believe in it. He does not want to reconsider his actions, or his believes.

I ended up with two plasma rifles, Jack was holding two pistols, one of them was mine, Tom was holding auto rifle, and so is Sarge. And Ares was holding his two swords. As he raised him self, we all know something is about to happen. Ares looked up, and then up on his own hands, them on us.

"It is my home, I wish you luck. You must go and leave right now, if not, I'll kill you my self just to make sure you died not by the flood." he turned around and slowly stroke in to the forest.

"How the hell are we going to leave this place?!" Jack screamed at Ares.

"My ship will do." he said "the code is Land of Hope." as he said it, he slowly disappeared, taking himself to the base of the control panel.

"He never said the ship works." Tom said. "That's good right?"

Sarge sighed and said, "Well, he was a big help. Let's get the hell out here before we all blow up, shall we?"

I was disturbed. "We can't just leave him, right?"

"No," Sarge said, "but he leaves us." After a short silence. "Common, don't waste time, we all know he's smarter than us."

After 2 hours of walking the platoon reached their destination.

"What do you think Ares do right now?" I asked Jack.

"I don't know, maybe playing tag with the Flood?" he smirked.

We finally founded the ship. As we walked up to the controls, we couldn't see any damn bottoms.

"So," Tom said, "the code is Land of Hope, what do..."

Tom never finished his sentence as the ship internal lights blinked and turned on. There were self image of Ares on the wall; he looked kind of young and less tense. The date was clear was saying 02-11-1725. After a while, we all herd a voice, female human voice.

What do you wish to do?

Sarge swallowed. "Can you take us to Earth, into city of New York?"

Effeminate. Please sit tight and I hope you'll enjoy your ride.

After a moment or so, the ship was on air. Lucky us any information that we asked was delivered form Admiral Ares's AI. Soon, we learned that each Forerunner have to learn how to use teleportation device to fly a ship. We had hope, and sill do that Ares is still breaths. As for us, we all got a life to live and guarantee that we never will leave Earth. It was only few moments of my life, but it was terrible as we watched Halo a.k.a. Jihurla shattered into pieces in our faces. Everything so beautifully was judged by its cover, which it makes me gag. So much hard work was destroyed only in few seconds. And it was the end of my short journey; I now don't have to worry about at all.


Silver Blooded: Prologue
Date: 4 July 2004, 11:49 PM

TIME: 10:12 P.M.

Tom graduated from the military school and was professional engineer working with Jack. Jack Maor was addressed now as Jack the Ripper stayed in the Marines and the last time I saw him, he was Captain of an armed battle ship that he named Ares the Arsenal. John never told me his secret of having fun in a tense situations, he said it was no use for me, I do perfect. Sergeant John Hisby in other hand had left the building with those words. "A dead forerunner is no foruner." I personally knew what he meant; Admiral Ares is still alive, if he wasn't, that means he wasn't a Forerunner. I, I actually had a chance to go on strike and ended up on the beautiful mansion on the mountains, covered with snow. I have beautiful wife, and two children. I retired just like Sarge after few more years of serving. But I know now, that our dear friend is still out there. And that is how I shall finish my report. I just want to add one thing; I learned much, much more than I could in years. But if you don't believe me, it does not matter, it is up to you what you believe in, but I know what I saw, I appeared to be closer to Ares than I thought. I still can see him, and there is the same self image you can gaze at in the Ares the Arsenal.

Sincerely, Lenny Likzy
Platoon Alpha 01-802
Former 0-4 LCDR


The Erath has finally appeared in peace. The unknown trace of energy was founded around Earth after 2 years as the Alpha team had return. The energy that was around Earth appeared to get Covenants away form humans for over 22 years; given humans time to advance and prepare defenses. The energy was named John, after a great hero the SPARTAN John-117 that fought Covenant race long time ago. It is unknown how John appeared around Earth, but it is not concluded that it just appeared. The scientist says; it may have been sended by someone else, who is still unknown to them. Others say that they actually could have known them. All is still a mystery, but one thing is clear, the human race is still fighting for their existence, and they still exist. Even after years of struggle, humans known to Covenants as most stubborn begins, they may even win.


In endless darkness of the universe, the ship just flew past Earth. Leaving an endless trace of Milky Way behind. Inside of that ship, there was a figure, nine feet tall was standing over the control panel of the ship. He was on his way back home. He was using an ancient way of healing his wounds from a battle. He appeared to have a slight clean scar on his right site of his face, going through his whole face but leaving his deep dark eye unharmed. The blood was long dried out, leaving only sling of clue what color it was.

The figure walked up to a table that was made from clean metal that was in the middle of the room. The room was full with alien artifacts, and ancient writings. As the figure walked up to a table, he picked up a clothe that was there. It seems that the figure was wounded in one of is battles on his left hand. It did not bleed hard, but the blood was there.

The figure carefully used cloth to remove any of his blood from his wound. He lay the cloth down on the table and watched as his ship slowly passed Earth. The figure appeared to smile as he passed the wonders of that planet. His face had perfect shape that could bring war and peace at the same time, yet still, he was god-like. His hair was as long as his knees, dragging the colors of the sun. The figure walked up to a table and picked up the cigar. He wrapped it into the cloth he used previously, that cloth was covered in silver blood. The blood that represented that he still breaths. Lives on, without reconsidering his actions and beholding he's have his believes.

As he slowly lay down the cloth with the cigar, he slowly had spoken out the words.

"Not yet, it is not my time. I shall live in shadows, but I will live on."

The silver blood had dried but not from existence, it still lives, it still exists.


Sincerely Olga Z.V.
a.k.a. Elite Zov

4:35 P.M. June-29-2004
P.S. Sorry 4 the grammar. But I
I hope you enjoyed the story. ;)
