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Fan Fiction

Senshi no Aikou by FelinaofL2

Senshi no Aikou:Prelude
Date: 21 September 2004, 2:42 PM

Senshi no Aikou (Japanese for Soldier of Love)
By FelinaofL2

Summary: You're just an average girl who enjoys playing Halo. But one day during gameplay, you black out, and find yourself...on Halo?! Now you must assist the Master Chief in destroying Halo, and maybe discover there's more to life than just war...YouXMC

A/N: Although I think Halo is a kick-ass game and one of the best on Earth, I'm not an avid player. Thus, my friend RuneKnightPictures will check each chapter for continuity and inaccuracies.


You sigh as you slam the front door. 'Man, what a crappy day,' you think. You're generally pissed off at the world, and need to vent your rage somehow. Your eyes land on the X-Box.

"Ooo, time to kick some Covenant ass!" you say, and eagerly fire up(no pun intended) the wonderfully violent Halo. What difficulty level to do? "Easy"? Nah, that was child's play. "Normal"? Eh, been there, done that. "Hard"? Maybe...but you wanted a REAL challenge. Smirking, you selected "Legendary".

It isn't long, however, before you're surrounded and low on health. Laughing, a Grunt lobs a plasma grenade at you. Crap. The Master Chief in his current state can't handle a blast like that.

"Aw, sh*t!!!" You're not even OFF the damn Pillar of Autumn, and already you're gonna die!

"F**K!!!" you yell as the grenade latches onto the Master Chief's leg, even as he runs. Seconds later, the grenade explodes, killing the Master Chief.

Right at that moment, you black out...

Chapter 1-Autumn's Fall

The Master Chief was slaughtering Covenant as he searched for a Lifepod to board. Spotting one about to take off, he ran to it; at the same time, grabbing a scared-sh*tless Marine and throwing him inside. Holding his assault rifle up, he made one final check for Covenant right before Cortana bitched at him.(A/N: She does that a LOT in the game...)

"Now would be a VERY good time to leave."

Turning, he jumped into the pod just as the doors hissed shut behind him. Steadying himself by holding onto the ceiling with one hand, he said only two words to the pilot.

"Punch it."

"Aye aye, sir," the Lieutenant replied, and blasted off, "We're disengaged, goin' for minimum safe distance."

"We're gonna make it, aren't we, sir?" one Marine said, frightened, "I don't wanna die out here."

The Master Chief said nothing, only put a hand on the Marine's shoulder to try and calm him a bit.

"Look!" Cortana said, secretly wishing she could still point. Moving up front, the Master Chief looked out the window at a metal ring near a planet.

"What is that thing, Lieutenant?" asked one Marine.

"Hell if I know, but we're landin' on it," she replied.

A Marine named Ar-Isildur, however, spotted the Autumn and yelled, "The Autumn, she's been hit!!"

"I knew it, the Autumn's accelerating, Keyes is going in manually!" Cortana cried as the Covenant ships barraged the Autumn, "The damage to the super-structure is extensive, I don't know how much more abuse the Autumn can take..."

"Heads up, everyone, this is it," the Lieutenant said, "We're enterin' the ring's atmosphere in five..."

"You sure you wouldn't rather take a seat?" Cortana asked the Master Chief worriedly.

"We'll be fine," was his solemn reply as he braced himself for the impact.

"If I still had fingers, they'd be crossed..." Cortana said.

Unfortunately, they weren't fine...

"We're coming in too fast!" Cortana cried. Just then, the four air brakes broke off the pod.

"Damn..." said the Lieutenant, "Air brake failure...It blew off too early! BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!"

Seconds later, the pod violently slammed into the ground. The Master Chief was thrown forward and hit the floor with a thud, losing conciousness...

To be continued in Chapter 2-You're in the Marines now, girl.

Felina: Next chapter- YOUR very first battle with the Covenant on Halo! Woohoo! Hey, in a way, isn't Cortana kinda the 26th century version of that stupid companion fairy that Link has in the Legend Of Zelda?

Yami Felina: Except she doesn't fly around or even IS a fairy, idiot.

Felina: But still-She reminds me of that damn fairy...

Yami Felina: Will you just get OFF the f**king fairy thing?! She's NOT a fairy! She's a f**cking Artificial Intelligence from a COMPUTER, YOU MORON!! End of discussion!

Felina: But STILL....She kinda IS like that fairy in Legend of Zelda...

Yami Felina: SHUT UP!!! *sighs, to readers* Review, please! Before she drives me insane with that whole "fairy" idea...
