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Fan Fiction

Saints of the Covenant by Noah_the_Elder

Saints of the Covenant (Part 1)
Date: 2 April 2007, 8:10 pm

The cool sunlight poured through the skylights of the monastery on Halo, dancing on the robes of Truth as he walked down the main corridor. His crimson robes flowed down the hallway, like a ghost, aimlessly wandering the great emptiness of the universe. Truth was far from a ghost, however. He was the living, breathing incarnation of the Covenant's new authority, the authority that had changed the entire course of multiple galaxies over the past 30 years, the authority that stemmed from the religious grandeur of the Prophets. However, it seemed that the clout that had once enshrined the hierarchs like sacred relics from millennia past was slowly draining, and the ones who were once loyal to the Covenant's cause were starting to question. " These are trying times, for all of us." Truth murmured, the prayer beads, which he held in his hand clacking. " I just hope I'm doing the right thing." He entered a doorway to meet a being that he had seen multiple times everyday for the past 40 years or so. The portal led to the private quarters of Truth's most trusted friend and colleague, the Prophet of Mercy.
Mercy, now over 120 years old, was the Covenant's most cherished religious leader. Though many in High Charity knew he could be harsh and overbearing, they knew that under the gold-encrusted exterior he was a humble, benevolent being dedicated to the good of all his "children", as he affectionately called the Covenant, and for the good of all beings. He earned the name Mercy in a small rebellion that erupted nearly 60 years ago on a remote planet deep on the outer ring. He, several other Covenant clerics, and a grunt were held captive by a group of rebel brutes. After a half hour the barrack was surrounded by elites hoping to rescue the prophets who were still inside. The brutes caved and said that 6 out of 7 of the captives may leave, and expected that the 6 clerics would leave and leave the grunt behind. Mercy refused to leave, and said that the grunt may take his place with the others. Soon afterward the elites broke in the barrack and prepared to slaughter the brutes, but Mercy told them to merely imprison the traitors, commenting, " If we kill in revenge for a couple of elderly clerics and a grunt being kept in a building for half an hour, what makes us better than, or even as good as, those who kidnapped us?
"Mercy?" Truth called, "Mercy?" Truth turned a corner, seeing two honor guards.
He recognized them. " Hello gentlemen." They saluted, "Hello Eminence." " Have you two seen His Holiness recently, I have a matter of … grave importance that needs to be discussed." The guards nodded, " Yes Eminence, Holiness is in his study." "Good", Truth waved and started towards the room. He passed through the great doorway, into a massive stone library, which had typical Fore-Runner text scrawled on all the walls. " The writing of the Gods, what better to inspire the soul?" Truth turned, and saw the elderly Hierarch hunched over his cane. Truth tried not to smirk, "Holiness, why aren't you in your throne? You know what the physicians say. You're going to injure yourself." Mercy in turn grimaced, " What the hell do those physicians know about the body? No more than they know about the soul." He squinted his eyes, " Oh yes! Regret is here, you have something to discuss?" Truth nodded, " It's about the demon. He has killed three more prophets on Delta Halo, Disdain, Contentment, and Joy." Mercy blanched, and fell backwards, " Why does he find so much happiness in stopping our cause? Why does he kill our friends with such passion?" " He is not blessed with faith like us. He does not know the prophecies, nor the Grand Truth." Mercy waved his hand, " Come. Regret will want to know of this abomination."

Regret sighed mournfully, " What are we going to do? The human has killed 17 prophets in all! How long is it until one of our heads is on the chopping block next?" Mercy poured water into three large glasses, " Our only obvious choice is to send all we have against this threat. Possessed or not, how can this one being stand up to the full force of the Covenant? It's impossible." Truth sipped from the cup, "Not if this is truly a test." Mercy turned, " What do you mean?" "I mean if the Gods want to test us it is not going to be easy." Regret stiffened, "You are saying that the Gods are willing the slaughter of their devout servants? Preposterous, inconceivable." Mercy frowned, his gray eyes locking with Regrets, " Are you questioning the will of our Lords?" Regret blanched, " No! I am asking how we know that this is the will of the Gods!" Truth broke the gaze, " How do we know it's not? If we are unable to defeat this threat with a show of force as well as a show of faith, how are we worthy to enter the Divine Beyond? How are we to follow the steps that can only be seen through faith? I think we must kill this demon before the Great Awakening can begin." Mercy nodded in accordance, and then leaned towards Regret. " I believe he's right, my son, we must defeat this "Master Chief" before he can spill any more Covenant blood, whether Grunt or Hierarch." Regret gave a skeptical, almost seething glance at Truth, and then found himself locked once again in Mercy's pale eyes. "Take faith child, if it be the God's will, we shall pass through the valley of darkness unscathed." Regret looked away, then at Truth. He shot up, making his black and purple robes billow, grabbed his headdress, and walked to his throne. He stopped short. "Holiness, I hope for all our sakes that you are correct."
