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Fan Fiction

Rhino Squad Chronicles by Myth

Rhino Squad Chronicles: Chapter One, Rescue
Date: 10 December 2005, 5:47 am

-Author's Note: This note is a one time thing, but full marks to Mainevent for the idea of the radio transmissions.

Chapter One: Rescue

       "Move it up boys, c'mon!" Sergeant Bidwell shouted as the troop of marines jogged to the dropship. "Go, go, go!" The last of the marines leapt aboard the dropship. Bidwell swept the landing zone once with his rifle and stepped aboard. "Okay Falcon 5, we're ready for dust off."

       "Roger that Sergeant, take your seat chief." Falcon 5's pilot responded. Bidwell slid into his seat and surveyed the craft. There were eight marines in the cabin; two from Rhino Squad but the rest were Kodiak and Cobra. His squad, Rhino were scattered since the last mission, the two Rhino members on board were the team medic, PFC. Anderson, and the squad technician, CPL. Harris. They and SGT. Bidwell had been attached to Cobra Squad on a recovery operation to a beleaguered Kodiak Squad. He had been surprised how much Covenant resistance there had been at Falcon 3's crash site, even with the new armor and weapons, the marines had been hard pressed to keep the enemy down while Kodiak evacuated.

       "Alright Marines, we're approaching the Scipio now, hold on I'm bringing her around." The pilot called back. The dropship banked and spun, and finally came to rest in a dimly lit hanger inside the Scipio.

       Bidwell stepped off the craft and waited a moment for Tech Harris. Anderson had to escort a wounded marine to medical, but he would catch up later. "Harris! Hey Harris, over here!" Bidwell called to the soldier across the hanger. Harris jogged over and gave a quick salute. Bidwell couldn't see Harris' face because of the new helmets, but he knew the man was upset, the tech in Kodiak was a friend of his, and he had been killed before Cobra arrived at the scene.
       "Yeah Sarge?"

       "C'mon, we're overdue at briefing, Voss was saying something about a new guy, he wants us there now." Bidwell said.

       "Okay John, whatever you say, I don't know about you but no one replaces Poe in my book."

       "I know how you feel, the Sarge was a good guy, I'm sorry Anderson wasn't with us on that op, or Poe could've had a chance."

       "You said the El-tee was waiting for us…we better get moving."

       The Rhino briefing room wasn't far from the dropship bay, but it took a few minutes to get there, since the traffic of injured soldiers had doubled in the last month. Two Rhino PFCs with assault rifles stood guard at the doors of the briefing room, and after verifying their identities, punched in a quick code and the doors slid silently apart. Bidwell and Harris walked down the small set of stairs and took their seats around the table of the room. Bidwell clicked his helmet latch and removed it, setting it on the table in front of him, Harris had done the same. The room was full of concerned faces, and the silence broke as Anderson entered the room.

       "Kodiak's Sergeant is dead." Anderson said and sat down. The medic had already removed his armor, so the frustration shown clearly on his face.

       "Alright Marines, I have someone I want you to meet, this is Corporal Ryan Mack, he's not new to the job, and we're lucky to have him." Lieutenant Voss began.

       "I think we'll be the judge of that, Chief." Corporal Rhodes interjected, smiling at Mack.

       "As I was saying, we've got a job to do boys, but its not going to be too much fun, were meeting up with a tactical squad of Spartans at the far side of Theris's moon. There's four Spartans on the moon, but our insertion is still going to be tricky, even with their assistance, some ODSTs are going to be attached to Rhino for this op, three guys from Eagle Squad. The Scipio is scheduled to lift off from Theris tomorrow morning at 0500, about an hour later; we'll be dropping into the forest moon in the HEV pods." Voss finished.

       Everyone was quiet for a moment, no one really liked the idea of going in with the HEV pods, Rhino had done it twice before, and both time lost members of the team, PFC. Austin and PFC. Terrence.

       Rhino consisted of ten Special Forces Marines, Lieutenant Voss, Master Sergeant Bidwell, Staff Sergeant Andrews, Corporal Rhodes, Corporal Cortes, Tech Harris, and the newly appointed Corporal Mack, Medic Anderson, PFC. Jones and PFC. Stetson. Seven were going on this mission, and the rest were pulling security on the Scipio, the space around the forest moon was carpeted by Covenant warships.

       "Andrews, Bidwell, Rhodes, Anderson, Mack and Harris will be dropping in with the elements of Eagle Squad, Stetson, Jones, and Cortes; you guys are going to keep the ship safe until we call for extraction." Voss said as he locked the fresh clip into his rifle. Mack snapped back the action of his own rifle and slung it over his shoulder. He chose a pistol from the rack and slid it into his holster. Rhodes stood next to him, happily slinging his rifle and choosing his pistol. Andrews was to his opposite side, busying himself with modifying his rifle to mount a grenade launcher underneath the barrel. Mack grabbed his helmet and closed his locker. Voss was waiting by the door with Bidwell; both had already sealed their helmets. Voss nodded to him and signaled to the rest of the troops. Mack placed the helmet over his head and activated the seal.

       The black screen cleared and linked to his bio signs and his rifle, providing him with crosshairs, ammo counters and heat gauges. The new helmet only had a goggle-like view screen, and the head and face were sheltered with Kevlar and other ballistic elements for protection. The HUD tagged each marine in the room with rank, name, and their squad. He noted that Anderson and Harris had special tags for tech and medic. Mack favored his old ODST helmet, but he had to admit that this new technology was incredible.

       "Alright Marines, its show time, everyone to the drop bay, ASAP!" Bidwell ordered and marched out of the armory.

       The drop bay was nearly full of techs scurrying back and forth making last minute checks on the pods. Three marines in the center of the room tagged as Eagle Squad were going over their mission objectives and necessities. Voss strode to them and shook hands with the Sergeant.

       "Glad you could make it Lieutenant, I'm Sergeant Mayfair, and this is PFC. Webb and PVT. Law. They're both seasoned helljumpers and will be clearing the landing zone for the Pelican when we're ready for extraction, I'll stay with you guys and help you with the rest of the mission; I assume you'll be briefed by the Spartans at the RV." Mayfair finished.

       "That's what Command implied, they didn't mention what Spartans are there, but if the UNSC deems four Spartans to go onto the field it's going to be a long day."

       "It's gettin' hot alright!" Rhodes said over the comm. As the HEV pods sped towards the surface of the forested moon.

       "Rhino get ready to pull your chutes on my mark…" Mayfair warned. "Mark!"

       Mack yanked back the lever and felt the sickening lurch in his stomach as the pod gradually slowed, then sped up again. Mayfair ordered to pull secondary chutes. Mack did so, and this time it held.

       The atmosphere had just been cleared and Mack's view screen revealed the other pods around him. His helmet tagged each pod with a name; Webb and Harris were in the front of the column. The screen went black and the pods hit the surface with a bone shattered crunch. Mack tumbled out of the HEV pod, trying to orientate himself when he looked around at his surroundings. His pod had hit on the edge of a ravine, and had almost fallen in. Mack stripped the pod of supplies and ammunition and quickly filled his harness pouches with magazine for his assault rifle and a few grenades.

       Mack's pod had landed a quarter mile off the intended landing site, the closest pod to him was tagged as SGT. Andrews.

       "Mack—Mack, can you hear me? This is Private Law, where's your landing site? I'll come and get you."
       "I'm ok Law, I'm making my way down to Andrews's pod site now, and I'll meet you there." Mack replied
       "Um, yeah okay, I'll get down there in a few minutes; the rest of Rhino is rendezvousing at a Marine structure at the far end of the valley, and have you seen Webb? Nobody has had contact with him." Law answered a few seconds later.

       Mack trudged down the hill and jogged to Andrews's pod, it was empty, but the Sergeant had probably moved out before Mack had begun to move out. Law showed up a few seconds later, his rifle at his shoulder.

       "It's good to see you Corporal, we better get moving, and the RV point isn't far." The ODST turned and jogged away, Mack close behind. The trees here grew a little farther apart, but still made for a dangerous drop zone. Law stopped and signaled to Mack to get down. His rifle was up sweeping from tree to tree. Law cautiously walked out into the clearing and knelt by two dull blue heaps. Mack advanced keeping his sight on the bodies. The corpses belonged to a duo of Elites that had crossed the Marines' path; both were riddled with bullet holes. Law stepped over the bodies and proceeded to the large building at the edge of the clearing, built into a hill blanketed with fir trees. Another Elite was slumped against the wall of the building, leaving a long streak of purple blood on the surface where it had slid to the ground. The rest of the pods were scattered about the clearing, seven to be exact, but seemed to gather about the edge of the woods.

       "This must be the landing zone of the main group, Webb and I were supposed to dropped outside the perimeter so we could secure inward, to provide you guys with a safe drop site, but it looks like you Rhino guys really pull your own weight." He said nudging the corpse of the alien. Law strode to the door panel and punched in a quick code. The door slid open and revealed a short, well-lit hallway with a small control room at the end. Law walked calmly down the hall and entered the control room with Mack.

       The room's back wall was thick glass and laden with computers, overlooking the inner part of the complex, which housed a large hanger. Tech Harris was working at the consoles, trying to position an old age Pelican dropship onto a launch pad. There were two Warthogs parked on the hanger floor, along with a Scorpion MBT. Mack could make out Webb and Andrews by the Warthogs, while Voss, Bidwell, Rhodes, Mayfair and Anderson sat at the circular table off to the right.

       "So Mack did make it, Cortes was right after all." Rhodes said as he laid his weapon on the table before him.

       "Alright guys, I'm sorry to say it but Privates Webb and Law are going to be holding the clearing outside as our extraction point, Falcon 2 is set to arrive when we call for her, Sergeant Mayfair will be coming with us to RV with the Spartans, then we'll be briefed by Chief Petty Officer 104 of the Spartan team."

       Law stood and hit the intercom to the hanger floor. "Webb, we're due topside, come on up."

      "Roger that Law, I'll be up in a second, the elevators are a little squirrelly."

       Law clicked off the safety of his rifle and strode outside.

       "Sergeant Bidwell, you'll take a Warthog with Mack and Rhodes, Mayfair, Andrews and I will grab one of the troop carriers parked below and follow you guys out."

       "Yes Sir…Mack? Rhodes? You guys are with me let's move it out." Bidwell replied, sealing his helmet over his dark skinned face. Mack hefted his weapon and stood, Rhodes close behind.

       The hanger floor opened up to the other side of the hill, about four-hundred feet below the clearing. The area around the hanger door war scored with plasma, but intact with a runway and a road. A bunker had existed at the gates but both had been shelled by Covenant forces. The Warthog bounced down the road, the troop carrier close behind. Mack rode shotgun next to Bidwell, with Rhodes behind him on the LAAG. Mack turned to check on the carrier, Mayfair's tag showed up for the gunner, and Andrews's for the driver. He quickly checked everyone's bio signs and turned back around.

       "Jackals making a run for it!" Bidwell warned. The heavy gun erupted in retaliation and the aliens literally flew apart from the power of Rhodes's short burst.

       "Sarge we've gotta road block up ahead, oh crap." Before Rhodes could even fire a green bulb of energy came speeding towards the Hog. Bidwell swerved, and the heat of the blast melted the left side of the LRV. Bidwell groaned in pain as the LRV tipped on to its side. Everything disappeared for a moment and the sickening moment of shell shock kicked in. Rhodes was kneeling beside Mack, firing upon the Covenant Elites. Mack crawled out from the wreckage and cut Bidwell free. The Sergeant's left arm from the elbow down was gone, but his vitals were steady, he would be fine as long as he got to Anderson. The troop carrier was parked sideways, with Mayfair firing the turret, and Harris and Voss suppressing the Covenant heavy weapons. Anderson was firing past Andrews, who was moving the carrier closer to the Hog to offer Rhodes more protection.

       "Medic!" Rhodes cried hoarsely and left loose another burst. Anderson dove to cover and hefted Bidwell into the back of the truck. Mack and Rhodes climbed in after him. Harris and Voss were next.

       "Hang on; this is going to be interesting." Andrews called back as he swerved into the forest around the road block.

       "Lieutenant, I need to get to the nearest Marine outpost soon, the infirmary there should have the things I need for Sarge's arm!" Anderson yelled.

       "I'll see what I can do Anderson, the map says that there's one a mile from here!" Voss answered.

       The road trip to the outpost could be described as nothing but gruesome, Sergeant Mayfair was hit in the stomach with a needle round, which erupted and put him in bad shape. Anderson said the armor took most of the blast, but Mayfair was still bleeding badly and quickly going pale. Anderson had his hands full; Rhodes took over Bidwell and stabilized the arm. The truck couldn't have been in worse shape, and if the outpost had been any further away, they wouldn't have made it.

       The Truck skittered to a stop and the Marines hastily exited and made for the complex. They had been driving along a mountain road, which was not very high up, but was walled in by cliff faces on either side. The complex was built into the cliff face and ran through the other side, much like the others on the Theris moon. Rhodes slung Bidwell over his shoulder and hunkered through the doors and was enveloped in darkness. Andrews jogged in after him and disappeared as well. Mack hastily constructed one of the collapsible stretchers and helped Anderson set Mayfair upon it. Harris's rifle was down, but his head jerked side to side, as if expecting something. It was already getting dark, and the rest of the team was inside. Mack hoisted his side of the litter and carried the Sergeant past the doors. The first sight they met was a corpse of a marine, propped against the wall. Anderson groaned sorrowfully but moved on.

       The corridor opened into a small common, which closed into a Communications Center that overlooked the valley below the mountains. Mack and Anderson set Mayfair down near the Comm. Center and filled the wound with biofoam. Anderson clasped Mack's shoulder, set his rifle down by Mayfair and jogged off to find the infirmary.

       "Hey Mack, come 'ere, Harris found something." Voss said from the comm. room. Mack nodded and followed the Lieutenant.

       "Okay, I was sifting through the comm. records to try and find where the tactical team should be now, and I came across this, here, I'll play it.

       Marine C328- "Clear Sarge! The Falcon's out."
       Marine C452- "Too close though, where'd they come from anyway?"
       Marine E417- "Don't know but it don't matter, move it Marines!"
       NavyOps 104- "The convoy went into the valley to wait for extraction, that's where we need to move."
       Marine E417- "I agree Chief, but— static inference—
       Marine C113- "What was that?"
       Marine C452- "Probably just a discharge Maddox, chill."
       Marine E417- "Chavez, go link up with Badger Squad and—weapons fire—
       NavyOps 104- "Status!"
       Marine B224- "We're good Chief."
       Marine C113- "Told you it wasn't a discharge."
       Marine E417- "Quiet guys, Covenant are still out there, Chavez, are you going or what?"
       Marine T187- "On my way Sir."


       Marine C328- "Sarge, still no contact with Tech Chavez."
       Marine E417- "I assume he never reached Badger at all."
       Marine C328- "Unknown Sir, Badger just went out of contact, probably—
       Marine E417- "Curtis?"
       Marine C328- "…I'm hit bad Sarge, it caught me off guard, I lost Maddox, you see him?"
       Marine C113- "Oh no, no! —incomprehensible screaming—
       Marine C452- "Paul!"
       Marine C113- —static interference—
       NavyOps 104- "Sergeant, I'm at Curtis' position…he's dead."
       Marine E417- "Ok Chief, regroup with us at the valley floor, I'm scrubbing the objective, RV with the convoy."
       Marine B224- "SARGE!"—weapons fire on all channels—
       Marine C573- "—weapons fire—Chief, we need assistance.—weapons fire— Covenant everywhere!" —weapons fire—
       NavyOps 104- "Marines…MARINES!"
       NavyOps 043- "Viper Squad has dropped out of contact Chief."
       NavyOps 104- "Heads up!" —weapons fire—
       NavyOps 022- —weapons fire—
       Navy Ops 018- —weapons fire—
_end recording

_open squad status for Viper…
_Viper Squad status report:

       Marine E417: MIA, presumed KIA
       Marine C113: MIA, presumed KIA
       Marine T187: _unknown
       Marine C573: KIA
       Marine B224: MIA, presumed KIA
       Marine C328: KIA
       Marine C452: MIA, presumed KIA
       Marine C023: _unknown
       NavyOps 104: MIA, presumed KIA
       NavyOps 043: MIA, presumed KIA
       NavyOps 022: _unknown
       NavyOps 018: MIA, presumed KIA
_close file
