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Fan Fiction

Pvt. Pelvars Journal by bwg52

Pvt. Pelvars Journal Part 1
Date: 10 March 2005, 11:37 PM


Unsc command battleship Zeues
Subject:Proceed to Outer Harvest

/start file/
Move all of your ships down to colony Outer Harvest and report if you see any covenant. If you engage in any type of battle you are ordered to pull back to your ships and go back in groups all over the colony. You have at least 50 mac cruiser cannons left if you haven't used any yet. Use them on any of the covenant cruisers or if things are too out of control use it to blow Outer Harvest. Oh and if you find any survivors tell 'em your sorry for coming so late.
Good Luck Marines,
General Halthrow.
/transmission ended/

Chapter One:

That was the transmission from the general to us marines. Easy for him to say good luck. We go to the colony that was overtaken by covenant tommarrow. But thats like 5 hours. I hope so much that there is no covenant. My bunkmate Pvt. Joelser says it'll be fine. He also said that General Halthro would be here with us today. I hope he's not wrong this time. I wish we had a Spartan-II with us here because then even though some of us might die we'd win no matter what. I know a marine who was on Reach. He said the spartans had shiny armor and looked would look scary if he was a covenant. He's not here. He died. He was on a pelican but we got engaged by 2 covenant fighters. They destroyed his pelican. For now I wana get some sleep.

I'm so tired. I'm boarding a pelican. Joelser is with me too. At least I know someone. I hate pelicans, but they're better escape pods. I swear if there are any covenant i'm gonna' freak. I have a battle rifle and a pistol. Ok here we go. Landed. I'm out now. Me and my squad have to explore one of the old city areas.
Walking... And walking... What was that!!! A shot fired. Another. Joelser got hit. He said it cam from an old building. A medic rushed to him and bandaged him. What the? Grunts. There are covenant here. Joelser says we have to radio in a pelican. Our radio man did and he also radioed an evac. Pelicans landed. But they killed one marine. A corparal. Poor dude. At least it wasn't me. What the!?! We got out again tomarrow. This is so... Arrgh. I want to kill that Lt. Oh well better get some sleep. Oh by the way i'm cpu specialist. My computers off. I hope it doesn't get destroyed tomarrow.

Chapter Two:

/start transmission/
Hello private. Sine your cpl was killed your in charge of your team this once. Don't mess up men's lives depend on your calls. Oh and one more thing. Come down to deck 36 I have stuff for you.
Lt. Dockers.
/end transmission/

Huh? What is Dockers gonna' give me. Last thing he gave me was a punch in the face. Well at least i'm squad leader. What!!! Dockers gave me a sniper rifle instead of battle rifle. YEA!!!! Now i'll own those stupid little aliens. I'm leaving onto he pelican. One sec' getting my UNSC laptop ready for work... Ok back. We're off the pelican. It's waiting there for us. Joelser is following behind and a couple of other marines are in front. A short and stocky marine is lagging behind us. Wait. A scout saw a elite in a building. Sniper time. I got the elite in the face. D E A D is what that elite is. Ok time to move out. Damn. A covenant attack force coming from behind. Crap. They got the stocky marine. No don't come this way your stuck! That idiot. Now 2 of us are dead. Ok we better leave. Im sending a transmission.

/sending transmission/
We need to leave Lt. Covenant are everywhere. Blast this planet. 4 of my marines are dead. 6 of us are left. Next time send a bigger force.
/transmission sent/

Back on the pelican. Crap. Joelser is bleeding out from the jackal shot. Oh my god. Joelser please don't die on me. Not you. Joelser... Tell god to get us out of this hellhole Joelser. I can't belive Joelser is dead. I can't belive this. Pvt. Pereza says that he's better off. But it's my fault he died. My fault...

What the!!! Battlecruiser Zeues is being boarded. Thor's Hammer, The Sentry, And USS America are the only other cruisers with mac cannons. Out of 30 battlecruisers thats small amount. Ok we landed. Lt. Dockers and his squad are here. He says there is only about 300 marines left. We are evacuateing.

/transmission encoded/ came up across the Docker's cpu screen. One of the marines said it was from the general. "Screw it."said Dockers. Kinda funny. Oh! A grunt. 2 grunts. A whole attack force was on us. Docker's grabbed his MA6B rifle and fired. He blew through 10 grunts. I told him good job and he just nodded. Pvt. Pereza and Pvt. Malthro are pinned down behind crates. Malthro is covering Pereza now. Ok cmon Pereza. No! He got shot dead by an elite. Uhoh. Grunts set up their turrets. We're dead...

Chaper Three:

USS America is sending evac ships. Malthro made it to us. Dockers grabbed a shotgun and got a group of helljumpers. They ran out and killed the grunts on the turrets. Now we're waiting and fighting off a few hunters. Good thing we have cover. No! Some stupid marine tried to run to a cpu to check a transmission. He got blown to smitherines by the hunters. Oh finally. The evac ships. I'm on. Alright. Going to USS America. Woah. The colony out Outer Harvest is a giant covenant area. Landing. Going through airlock.
