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Fan Fiction

Operation Sword of Africa by masterchiefwilldie

Operaion Sword of Africa
Date: 4 May 2006, 7:35 pm

Title: Operation Sword of Africa.
Chapter one : Preparation.

To: Captain Ijaz Miekle, Commader of UNSC Atlas.
From: Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).
Subject: Mission Zero One Niner Alpha Bravo - Operation Sword of Africa.

Captain, the Covenant have launched a second attempt to invade our planet, it is suspected that a small number of large Carriers have landed along the South Eastern African Sector.
It seems they have taken advantage of the gap left by the destruction of the Athens and Matla and landed on Earth.
The Covenants established three strong points, Each about 20-30 Miles apart around Kenya African Protectorate. Reports indicate that they are trying to regroup and launch an invasion of the Western African Provences.
Now you are tasked to deploy the 214th mechanised and the 114th Armoured Experimental Division to cut through the gap between Covenant Army Group North and and Army Group Center and hold the line until further developments.

Location : On board the UNSC Atlas. In orbit over The Western African Provences.
Date : December 2, 2552 .(Military Calender).
Time : 2230 hours (Estimate)

Ijaz skimmed through the letter once more as though in disbelief, he fought the Covenant before , and he didnt like it. He knew that the sending of the Mechanised Division and the Experimental Armoured ment that they would be facing Covenant armour.
He took off his Captains Hat and ran his hand through his gray hair. Thinking about the chances of survival rather than the chances of winning.

Igaz was fifty-one years old, he was about eleven when the humans first found out about the Covenant and the histeria that followed, he was fit at sixty eight kilograms and rather tall at one hundred and eighty centimeters. He had wide broad shoulders and spoke in a clear but superior tone to his crew.
He graduated from UNSC Commader University in Kosovo, top of his class, he was appointed commander of the UNSC Magellan and Recently the Atlas.
He grabbed the ships command phone and announced ''Crew of the UNSC Atlas, Mission Zero One Niner Alpha Bravo, Ground engagement'' he paused for a while and said ''Prepare for Battle'', He could hear cheers down the hall way from the bridge, he whispered to himself ''Idiots''.

Location : UNSC Atlas, Planning Room.
Date : December 2, 2552 .(Military Calender).
Time : 2300 hours (Estimate)

Brigadier Gabriel Yosef looked down through the large glass window of the Planning Room at the Boarding Hall, He could see about a hundred Pelican Dropships bieng loaded with Marines and retailed with large Scorpion Missle barrels, on the bottom of each Pelican was fitted with two napalm tipped Archer Missles.

He could see the large number of new Scorpion II Heavy's being painted in desert camoflauge and loaded on the Large Albatross Dropships, there was a total of twenty seven Albatross Dropships. and about three hundred Scorpion II tanks. Each Albatross would fit about two-three tanks.

Brigadier Gabriel Yosef was a experienced tank commander, he founght numerous battles against the Covenant and he is relativly young, he knew that he would be facing Covenant armour once again, and knew the massive advantages they held against human tanks, but the new Scorpion II will prove a match against the average Wraith.

Chatter fills the background of the scenery as the Planners argue what is the best plan of action to take, He was chosen to lead the Armoured Experimetal force, 'but where' he thought as the Planners argue away.
Soon they came to a decision. Brigadier Gabriel Yosef would land on the Western Border of the Zambian Protectorate in a UNGF (United Nations Ground Froce) Camp, and after a thunderous bombardment lead the 114th Armoured Experimetal through most of Zambia and eliminate any convenant presence, but the problem was nobody was sure if there even was any presence througb the chosen district! The plan was designed to place a barrier between Covenant Army Group North and Army Group Center and this would protect the main UNGF Afrika Corps force from the threat of encirclement from Army Group North, and by holding off Army Group North the Afrika Corps would face the combination of Army Group Center and Army Group South rather than the whole three army groups combined.

They would launch a two pronged attack. One through the Zambian District going through Mongu a large town to reach the capital Lusaka this assault would be the job of the Mechanised Division. And the Experimental division lead by Gabriel Yosef would advance through the Southern Plains, a high plateau that extends from Zimbabwe on the south to the swamp region along the border with Malawi in the west, the plateau was mostly uninhabited desert though there are the occasional villiges and grass fields, the objective is to engage a maneuver that would surround any covenant presence by looping around the Southern Zambian District through the Southern Plains, then they would join with the Mechanised Division and move twenty-eight kilometers east through Chipata town and into the Malawian border until they reach Lake Malawi and then dig in to from a barrier between Army Group North and Army Group Center, the barrier would consist of three UNGF strong points, Town Mongu, Lusaka City ,Town Chipata, which should be held at all costs once captured, until 'further developments'.
The plan was submitted to Captain Admiral Ijaz who gave the nod on to exicute it. The stage was set of the debut on the new Scorpion II.

Location : UNSC Atlas, Boarding Hall.
Date : December 3, 2552 .(Military Calender).
Time : 0100 hours (Estimate)

Gabriel Yosef went into the Boarding Hall to take a closer look at the Attack force. There were about three hundred Scorpion II's and four hundred M12 and M12G1 Warthogs combined. He passed a couple of Pelicans painted in desert camoflauge which are bieng fitted with Archer napalm-tipped missles, as he was walking by he found a couple of Marines, they looked like they were seventeen and eighteen, Scribbling something on a Archer Missle, he moved closer to observe and read the grafitti which said 'welcome back covies' written in white on the missle. Grafitti like this were often and it gave the Marines pleasure while the Marines were loading the missles, Gabriel grinned then moved towards the two Marines, the Marines stood and saluted Gabriel instantly, 'at ease' he said, he continued quietly 'how old are you?' the Marines startled for a second and said 'ummmm..20' the other agreed instantly.

Gabriel Yosef laughed at the two Marines and said 'yeah...why not'. he continued 'is this your first time in battle?' they nodded in agreement, one of them , full of enthusiasm , said excitedly 'were ready to kick some Covenant ass' the other agreed and both gave it a 'hoo-ah'. Gabriel Yosef felt happy that there were people enthusiasic but the same time he pityied them because it is unlikly that they would come out of this with the same enthusiasm.

Location : UNGF Front lines, Western Zambia. Miles off suspected enemy lines.
Date : December 3, 2552 .(Military Calender).
Time : 0400 hours (Estimate)

In the minutes before sunrise on December 3, Brigadier Gabriel Yosef stoop up in the turret of his command tank and from the small hillock surveyed the desert ahead in the growing dawn through his binoculars. The Scorpion II was arguably the best all-round tank in the world, created to combat Wraiths, it is fitted with two main scorpion shaped cannons which gave it a nickname 'Double Stinger', born in battle, developed through hard won action, it was uniquely UNGF origin, it is also fitted with two gattaling cannons with excellent armour penetration, and with double plating Ceranic-Titanium armour means that it can survive three to four direct hit from a Wraith plasma cannon, it has a top speed of sixtey two miles per hour. The engine is placed at the front of the tank to add extra protection, this gave rise to morale and huge confidence by the men, they felt unstoppable. Gabriel Yosef was in charge of some hundreds of these monsters, He could hardly wait, confident in the ability of his men and machines to sweep aside all opposition that the covenant would be able to muster.Yosef knew that however the plans were laid, they would be altered after several engagements.

The sound of jets flying overhead unseen in the black sky brought smiles to thier faces, the Longswords began pounding suspected enemy positions to pave the way for the morning attack, Yosef warned his men not to expect too much from the air power flying overhead, airpower alway looked impressive, to the accompaniment of ASMG-10 air-to-ground missiles exploding only fifteen miles east, causing the horison to light up orange and red, Yosef went on to explain that it sounded too good.
Time : 0500 hours (Estimate).
Soon the horison to the front of the brigade was clear except for a few coloumns of smoke, at five minutes to go Yosef gave the sign 'First Brigade start engines' , with two minutes to go the Scorpion II's engines were up and functioning as two hundred mini nuclear fusion engines roared up into the air, he stood up in his turret glanced left and right, the sun peeped above the western horizon casting long shadows to the east and giving the flat country ahead an unreal low red tinge.Soon overhead, noses dipped menacingly towards the ground as though sniffing out prey, swept twelve Pelicans armed each with two large barrels of about ten Scorpion Missles on the wings and two Archer napalm-tipped missles hached at the bottom. They headed east, looking full of purpose and self-assurance that gave the tank men who were watching confidence.
Brigadier Gabriel Yosef took one glance to the right as he saw the three hundred battle tanks lined up side by side, he spoke through his comm to the other tank Officers, he gave a simbolic german born phrase ''Panzer Marche'' and soon the line formation of about three hundred tanks moved forward at full-speed.

Lost Transmission (Time: 0530 hours).

To: Captain Ijaz Miekle, Commader of UNSC Atlas.
From: Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).
Subject: Mission Zero One Niner Alpha Bravo - Operation Sword of Africa - WARNING WARNING!
Warning! Warning! Large superior covenant force detected throught the zambian district.
Mission abort . Repeat: Mission abort, UNSC Atlas immidiet rendevous with UNSC vessels at point Alpha Charlie Seven prepare for covenant ship engagment.
