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Fan Fiction

Operation: Jericho by havoc00013

operation:JERICHO part one
Date: 2 January 2008, 9:16 am

military calendar:Febuary,12,2557

As the pelican lowered down to the starboard hanger of the U.N.S.C. frigate the "Enforcer" the back hatch slowly opened and Lt.Avila and his squad slowly stepped out."This will be our home for the next few days" Lt.Avila said.Even though it was a year after master cheif had destroyed the covenant and the flood the remaining brutes and the like had agreed that the great journey was not forfeit and that the right thing to do was to get revenge on humanity.The plan was to take a couple platoons of marines and finish the remainder of the covenant off."so were the hell are we goin"Pvt.patterson asked."I guess we found another halo ring.The brutes are using it as a stagging area for the main attack"Capt.Abreu replied.After hours of gathering their squads and getting to their bunk the two platoons were ready to disembark.
The Enforcer had disembarked and started its journey towards the ring.Onboard nervous marines were busy preparing for their arrival."This sucks!"Cpl.Howard yelled at the mess halls."What does?"Pvt.Patterson asked?"This does.Sitting here waitting to get to werever the hell were heading.all this tension being built up for what...another chance to get slaughtered by the brutes?"Calm down" Avila said "This isn't the time to be bitching soldier.Besides this is just another chance to kick THEIR ass.Because of the death of Truth they won't be as fanatical"."Cheers to that"Patterson replied."Just another chance"patterson repeated assuringly.
The next day the captain announced the arrival.After a close look at the ring every one prepared for decenssion to the ring.Lt.Avila and his small fire team loaded up onto a pelican with Cpt.Abreu's squad.Before they had time to get aquainted with each other the pelican disembarked from the enforcer.
"We have visuals on two anti-air wraiths" the pilot said over the pelicans com system."brace yourselves"!Every one in the pelican grabbed onto anything they could and held tight.The pelican rumbled and growned as it took multiple rounds from the two wraiths."This is Cpt.Peterson the pelicans pilot we have taken a critical hit to the enigine and are going down hard and fast everyone bace now"!the pilot yelled.There was a crash, a loud bang and then silence.Lt.Avila stayed in his seat with his eyes closed for about five minutes before getting up.The rest of his fire team was unconsious and he saw Cpt.Abreu checking the other bodies of the squad.Cpt.Abreu got up and looked at Lt.Avila."glad your awake"Abreu said."the pilot was killed in the crash and five of my soldiers including the medic.Your guys should be fine."We should wake them and get out of here before the brutes come to check on us.
The ring was just a vast desert with little natural resouces so the remainder of the two squads took everything they could from the pelican and the bodies.Cpt.Abreu took a radio and called for help."This is Cpt.Abreu calling for backup.if anyone picks up please respond A.S.A.P."the Cpt. said."this is Lt.Jones we read you we landed about one click from your position.we're trying to keep a low profile so we will be awile befor we can reach you"."dammit!"Abreu exclaimed."At least the brutes think we died".Avila assured "we should get moving". Avila lammed a frsh clip into his battle rifle.
The six soldiers caustiously creeped up a hill into a natural system of tunnnel that ran throught the rest of the hill."Hold" Abreu comanded."Rick, check it out"."yes sir"Rick replied.He took a step forward suddenly a light came on.as he proceeded more eventualy came on to.The rest followedd up with Patterson bringing up the rear.They kept in the formation until they came out.The tunnel came out onto a long cliff.Suddenly a beeping came from the radio.Abreu picked it up and answered."hello"he said."this is Jones we are at a series of cliffs the east"."roger i think i can see your i'll send out a beacon keep and eye on your GPS.Abreu took out a pill shaped object out of his pack pressed a button on the side.It extended and emitted a green light."affermitive"Jones said "Your not far at all.we'll come to you"."Rodger, Jones we'll be waiting at an opening a rock was.Lt.Avila spotted Jones and his squad walking towards them.they were about one hundred feet from them when two pairs of banshees came screaming towards Jones and they all fire their plasma canons and Jones got hit directly by a fuel rod blast.
"oh god"Avila whispered under his breath.he ran up to the remains.Jones was completely disentegrated.When the rest of them caught up with him he imediately got up.He was in a mix of pain, anger, sadness and depression."The banshees will be back"Lt.Avila said."right".Patterson agreed."I think we should find shelter.After a couple hours of hiking they found a small cave.They dug a sleeping pits and started a fire because like deserts on earth they got extremely cold at night.Avila tried the radio again."Any U.N.S.C. personal respond this is Lt.Avila.Anybody reading me?"he waitied a minute then hung up.every one took turns standing guard for an hour while every one else cleaned their weapons, slept and ate.
