
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Operation by Raise A Little Hell

Date: 15 November 2003, 11:30 PM

"Ah shit" Said Chief as he lowered himself onto a chair and propping his gun up against the chair leg.

"What's up?" replied Cortana his computer-based friend.

"HQ's Got me on a new mission tonight, I'm just too tired from the last one." replied Chief.

"Are you going to do it?".

"Gonna have to cortana" Chief let out a chuckle as he fastened his assault rifle's bolt into the ready position and lay it across his lap."I mean, I can't go against the HQ's orders."

"You're right, you can't".

"Gee, aren't you helping a lot" Mumbled Chief.

"Well shoulden't you be off getting your equipment on now?".

"I s'pose..... later Cortana".

Chief tugged on his battle-scarred helm and got off his seat and trudged to the ship's weapon computer. He pressed a series of buttons and a weapon rack slid out from the side of the wall and he took out 4 clips of ammunition and put them in his belt and holstered a handgun with a little western flourish. He placed four fragmentation grenades into a pouch on his belt and closed the rack by pressing a button as he passed by the computer. He walked out of his room and the door slid shut behind him as he stopped for a second, trying to think if he missed anything. Realizing that he haden't he walked briskly to the hangar.As soon as he opened the hangar door he was marveled by a whole army being prepared for what looked like a massive battle. The ship that he was in was currently in orbit around a wierd ring planet known as "Halo". The captain informed him that he was being sent there to search for lost marines who crash landed there. He was also being sent to assasinate the aliens known as the Covenant. He got aboard a dropship filled with marines and stood in the middle as their were no seats left.

"Are you sure you don't want a seat?" said a nervous soldier.

"We'll be fine" replied Chief without even glancing at the soldier.

The dropship took off with a rumbling sound and chief went to the cockpit and stared at the ring shaped planet he was being sent too.Chief, being a specially trained soldier trained in all weapons and vehicles..the last of his kind was awoken from his cryogenic sleep from direct orders by Captain Keyes. The dropship entered the atmosphere not as a ship but what appeared to be a meteor diving towards the planet. As the ship hovered 5 feet above on what seemed like a beach Chief shouted "Let's move out boys" and with a wave of his hand he stepped off the dropship and raised his gun and when he saw it was clear he waved again and 8 infantrymen landed behind him, also scanning the area. Chief gave the thumbs-up to the pilot and the dropship took off towards the main ship, The Pillar of Autumn. Chief cautiously ran to the cliff edge with his gun raised and made a hand signal for the marines to stop behind him. He scanned a building that appeared to be a giant alien monolith of vast energies. Chief spotted a tank guarding the entrance to the monolith as well as 2 guards on patrol. He ordered the squad's sniper up beside him and instructed him what to do.

"You see those two patrol guards?"

"Yes sir"

"Kill em"

The soldier smiled "Sir, yes sir!"

The sniper took aim and squeezed the trigger. Chief watched the guard fall and the other guard run for cover as the tank roared to life and began scanning the horizon for enemies.

"Hurry up, if that tank sees us you won't be home for christmas this year"

The sniper trained his scope onto the other patrolman now peeking around the corner of the building trying to locate the marines. A loud crack filled the air as that guard fell dead too. Chief took a SPNNK rocket launcher from one of the infantry men and hoisted it up on his shoulders. The launcher made a high whining sound as the laser dot flashed out and landed on the side of the tank's hull.


Chief pressed the button, sending the rocket spinning towards the tank. The tank finally seeing Chief on the cliff top turned around and was about to fire when the rocket shot from Chief flew down the barrel of the tank and blew it to bits. Chief handed back the rocket launcher to the infantry man.


"N-no problem sir"

Chief smiled then waved again , singalling them to move out towards the opposite canyon where supposedly the marines were stranded.

"What about that wierd building sir?"

"That's not our job private, our mission is to find those marines."

They found the marines....dead. Looked like they were fighting against something from the air as there wasen't any tracks on the ground.

"A banshee did this"

"A banshee sir?"

"Yes private, the convenant's fighter ships are named banshees, these marines didnt have a chance with only handguns"

Chief reported back in with the Pillar of Autumn and the captain said for Chief to investigate the monolithic building that he saw earlier. Chief and the squad trudged back towards the monolith and did a hand signal to stop.

"What is it sir?"


"Shit! How many?"

"Two, Private bring up the SPNNK!"

Chief grabbed a hold of the rocket launcher and turned the sights on the banshee that was currently un-occupied, the other was patrolling the beaches presumeably looking for the attack force that wiped out the light tank patrol. Chief flicked the laser sight and sent a rocket flying towards the banshee just as the pilot stepped out of the monolith. The pilot got in the banshee and was just about to take off when the rocket went through the cockpit and blew up on the other side of the glass dome that formed the cockpit. The other banshee turned around and spotted the squad and flew towards it, shooting plasma at it.


Guns ablazing, the squad and the chief backpeddled towards the monolith while directing their fire on the fighter that just unleashed torpedoes at the entrance way to the building. The torpedoes missed and hit the side of the wall, burning one soldiers chest sending him into a heap to the ground.Chief lobbed a grenade upwards and it got lodged into the engine of the banshee just as it was flying away and as it turned around to do another dive attack it blew up in mid air and the metallic remains plummeted down to the ground as the pilot floated downwards because of the ejection he toggled. Chief chuckled then aimed his assault rifle upwards and shot a few holes in the parachute and sent the pilot plummeting towards the ground and landed with a loud "Crack". The pilot broke his legs and spine with the impact and the Chief walked up with his handgun and held it to the grimacing alien's head and shot him in the forehead, the alien lay on the ground with blue blood oozing out of the hole in his head.

Chief looked back at the monolith and the doorway was clogged with huge rock chunks from the wall.

"We'll need a clean-up crew to fix that door for us, I'll call in a dropship and we'll continue the mission tommorow"

The dropship came and they all boarded, the chief helping the injured soldier aboard and placing him in a chair. Chief looked out towards the beach as the dropship soared towards space and back to the main base.
