
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Online Tales by RedvsBlue Rocks

Online Tales, Chapter 1
Date: 6 January 2005, 7:13 PM

Note to the reader: This story is written under the influence that the characters are actually the online players in real life. The game is Halo 2, of course. Although this story is fictional, one character, RedvsBlue Rocks, is my actual Gamertag. Otherwise, all characters are fictional, out of my head. Any similarities are purely coincidental. So don't even sue me, you greedy little bastards.

Chapter 1: Dawn of the Dead

      My first tale brings us to Headlong, a deserted city hangout cut off from the rest of the world. Here, we find humans making a stand against the invading corpses known by many as "zombies." The sun rise above the ocean this morning, oblivious to the carnage before it.

      M1sterCh1ef scanned the street, searching for any hostiles. The street was bare, except for the wreckage of a bus. He waved his teammate toward him, while mulling the situation over. Looks clear, he thought, But they could be hiding behind the bus...We could probably take the bridge. Either way, we have to get back to the team. Only five people remained on his team. Zombies roamed the streets, swords out and seeking human flesh. The city was now their playground, and the humans were their toys.
      "Is it clear?" ViciousVixen asked. She was the team's only female soldier. Her soft, petite voice was only a disguise for the soldier within her. She was sporting dual magnums, ready to fire at anything that moved,
      "Yeah, for now." He replied, tightening his grip around his rifle "I don't think we should take it, though. Better off on the bridge." He opened up the team COM. "Guys, we need some backup. Me and Vixen will attempt to cross to the zone via the bridge."
      "That's a negative, Ch1ef." RedvsBlue Rocks answered. "We got a lot of the green dudes up here. Recommend the teleporter."
      "Roger, Red." He turned to Vixen. "We're taking the teleporter. Good thing we're close, or I wouldn't risk it."

      After taking out a lone zombie guarding the teleporter, they jumped through to the building designated as the "Safe Zone." The 3rd floor had a room with just one easily block able entrance. A perfect hideout, Ch1ef thought, as he peeked around the corner. Four zombies were massing around the Warthog in the entrance, trying to navigate around it. Ch1ef gave the signal, and he and Vixen opened fire at the horde. The walls were painted wth blood as the hail of bullets cut the walking corpses down. "Hey
guys, it's us! Don't shoot!" Vixen screamed. The pair jumped over the 'hog to meet the other survivors, RedvsBlue Rocks, Covenant R Us, and Mach0 Man.
      "Good to see you guys again." Mach0 Man said.
      "We got a problem." Covenant said gloomily. "We're low on ammo."
      "Well, if you stop 'writing' on the wall, we'd probably have more bullets." Vixen said smartly.
      Covenant R Us grinned. He always shot, "I own!" into the wall of the room every game. It really served no purpose.
      "I think there's Battle Rifles under the 'Hog." M1sterCh1ef pointed out. "With those, we should be able to hold out for the 250 kill mark. No one's getting in here. How many assholes dead now?"
      "'Bout 180." Mach0 said. "Hey guys, I got to go soon. My mom's taking me... somewhere."
      "And where would that be?" Vixen asked in a mocking voice.
      "To the...err...dentist."
      That cracked everyone up.
      "Oh Mach0." Vixen said, "You're so..."

      "...retarded! This plan is retarded! It'll take half an hour to get those barrels up there." A zombie screamed.
      The newly spawned undead gathered around Jay28, their leader, the first zombie. Jay was a brilliant tactician in this game mode. His plan called for crates stacked under the 3rd floor window, and explosives set near the 'Hog blockade. Then, they would try to flank the humans in unison, making their demise much sooner
      "Well, that's the plan." Jay28 finished.
      "And where will you be?" another zombie asked.
      "Oh, don't worry about me." Jay said with a sinister grin, "My part will show itself eventually."
      So while the red team laughed at Mach0 Man, zombies were setting up crates near the room's window. Another group started to bring explosive barrels up the stairs of the Safe Zone They were going to get in there, one way or the other.

      "Does anyone think it's getting a bit lonely up here?" Red asked. Everyone agreed. Only 2 zombies had attacked since M1sterCh1ef and ViciousVixen arrived at the Safe Zone 30 minutes ago.
      "They're planning something." Covenant R Us said, "Leave it to Joe28 to up with some wacky plan." Joe28 was "leading" the zombies, as he had played this game a lot.
So much, Covenant thought, I think he's worshipping this game.
      "Well, we have to come up with a...counter-plan." Vixen suggested
      "What if they come up with a counter-counter-plan?" Mach0 asked
      "You two are idiots." Ch1ef said, "Red, just taunt them a bit. That'll probably get them to come up."
      RedvsBlue Rocks went to the window, turned on his external speakers and yelled, "C'mon, you pussies! We're bored! You assholes need to give us 68 more kills!"
      "Wow Red, you're intimidating." Mach0 said with a smile
      Suddenly, something under Red whispered, "Hey asswipe, look down."
      Red looked down to see four zombies, standing on their makeshift steps, locked on to him.
      "Holy sh..." was the last thing he would say, as 4 swords impaled his chest.
      Burns a bit was his last thought, as his body was thrown out the window.

      The team froze for a split second as swords bludgeoned RedvsBlue Rocks. Then four zombies jumped in the window. Reacting quickly, Mach0 Man cut them down with his dual SMGs.
      "Assholes!" Mach0 yelled, "They killed R..." BOOM! The explosives the zombies set near the doorway exploded. The Warthog, now a skeleton, flew in the room. Mach0 Man never saw it coming as it crushed his skull, ending his existence. Well, that gives him time to prepare for the dentist, Vixen thought, as the team, now a trio, braced themselves for the inevitable undead assault.

      "Guys, it's getting a bit crowded!" Covenant screamed, fighting off the zombies pouring through the doorway.
      Endless waves of zombies poured into the room, attacking from all fronts. A hill of bodies formed at both entrances, making pretty good barriers. M1sterCh1ef and ViciousVixen mowed down the window zombies. Covenant R Us slaughtered the ones in the small hallway. One zombie said, "LOL!!1 I WILL PWN YOU N00B!!!11" just before his head exploded. M1ster Ch1ef threw his final 'nade, blowing 2 zombies to Kingdom Come, and went to reload, when he found no magazines remaining.
      "I got an idea!" Vixen yelled, as she brandished her sword.
      The guys were puzzled by that, but soon realized her idea and brung out their swords too. As another wave of zombies jumped through the window, the trio sword-canceled on them and, with a bit of luck, flew past the zombie horde, over the hill of corpses, and into the street below.

      "Well that worked nicely." M1sterCh1ef said.
      "OW! I sprained my ankle!" Covenant screamed, clutching his leg.
      "You're such a baby." Vixen said, sheathing her sword, "There's no falling damage."
      "C'mon guys, time to blow this popstand." Ch1ef said
      "Popstand?" Vixen asked.
      "Just get in the Warthog." Ch1ef said, laughing.
      "Silly Ch1ef" Covenant said, "With you witty sayings."
      "Shut up, Asswipes R Us."

      While the zombies in the Safe Zone said their "WTF's?" and "OMG's?" the team got into the 'Hog they parked on the street and drove off into the sunset. A cough emerged among them. They ignored it, oblivious of the fact that the cough belonged to Joe28, who clung to the 'Hog's undercarriage. He took his grenade and pulled the pin, grinning.

      Well, life's full of surprises, isn't it?
