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Fan Fiction

One Marine, One Way, 1000 Grunts by Jaguar Marine

One Marine, One Way, 1000 Grunts pt 1
Date: 12 July 2004, 4:50 AM

The Prologue
       He sat there as cool as can be; considering his crew, his family, his brothers and sisters either abandoned him or were killed by covenant. Private Jim O'neal now stood with only one way, if it hadn't been blown to pieces by the covenant, off this outer colony planet. A single UNSC light cruiser was said to be taking the last of the men and women off this planet which was without a doubt soon to be glassed by the covenant. Now all that he had to do was fight his way through a thousand grunts, luckily no elites, with plasma pistols and needlers that could easily tear through his Titanium-A armor...
...Easy enough right?
Chapter One
       Jim quickly checked his inventory. One MA5B Assault Rifle with his last clip and exactly 53 rounds left. 2 M6D Pistols, both from fallen comrades, with 4 fully loaded clips and a fragment grenade. He was going to need more to take out all these grunts. "Thank god its only grunts." He whispered to himself from his thickly covered forest spot. The cliff narrowed as the marching grunts were now getting closer. Jim paused to check himself as he pulled out his grenade and 1 pistol. He didn't know how he was going to do this but he had to do it right. He hurtled the grenade as hard and as far as he could. He must have done something right or got incredibly lucky because none of the grunts saw where the grenade had come from. The grenade flew 50 feet and landed at the feet of the first line of grunts who screamed in a panic. "Taaake cooovver!!!" The closest grunt had yelled as it dove for cover but not getting near as far as it wanted to from the grenade.
       Jim watched as several grunts were blown through the air. He rubbed his helmet then licked his lips in anticipation and satisfaction. The grunts in their confusion started firing in the air thinking something was attacking them from the cliffs above. Jim didn't want to give up his position, not yet anyway, but he didn't have anything else to keep the grunts at bay so he grabbed his pistols and fired strait into their lines.
       Most of the grunts didn't realize Jim's attack coming until their first 3 lines had almost been completely wiped out. "Quuuickkk atttack the treeeees." Three of the grunts said in unison. Needles and plama hit the trees as Jim rolled out with his MA5B assault rifle. Jim had moved just in time as where he was sitting was on fire from the incredible heat derived from the plasma. Jim pulled the trigger on his assault rifle which ripped through several grunts thin environmental armor. 7 more down only 970 to go He thought to himself throwing the now usless assault rifle to the ground.
       Both pistols were in his hand in a flash. He dived into a sidelong roll shooting until the clips were empty. He quickly ejected them both and slapped new ones back in. About 10 grunts pulled out plasma grenades simultaneously. Jim knew he had to take 'em down quickly or he was toast. He barely dodged a plasma shot at full charge and dropped to one knee shooting at the grunts with the grenades.
       He killed 7 of them and made one drop its grenade by shooting its arm but two of them threw their grenades. One landed in front of him about 2 feet away the other barely flew over his shoulder almost sticking to him. He had no way to get cover from the grenade behind him so he grabbed one of his pistols got the grenade stuck to it and threw it back. He quickly dove behind a rock as all ten grenades went off in a blaze of plasma.
       The grunts were less fortunate then Jim they couldn't move fast enough as a group. 30 or 40 grunts had landed hard in front of their counterparts from the exploding plasma grenades.
       Jim had just now discoverd a huge problem. Even if he'd hit with every single bullet shot and killed the grunts, assuming of course they would die with one shot, he still would not be able to kill them all. Nevertheless Jim pulled out his single remaining pistol and shot at the confused grunts while jumping behind the other side of the rock. He was still too exposed. Grunts from the other side of the small canyon shot plasma pistols at the small angle given to them. Only one shot hit him but that was really all they needed Jim took it square on the shoulder and fell clutching his arm. The plasma melted through Jim's armor like butter in a microwave and gave him severe burns on his arm. The burns made him think. If I keep taking shots like that im never going to get off this planet.
To be continued...
      Jaguar Marine
