
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Old Style by Horror

Old Style
Date: 3 November 2003, 5:31 AM

...whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god?"
"I do" It was ten days after it happened, I had known from the start it would lead to this, I was blinded by what might be...

-12 Days Ago-

"Gary, HEY GARY!" It was important. Which is why I was hiding. Rick was so easy to piss off it was almost too easy.
"Gary man this is important, I got word on a job we can do" Yea sure, Rick's 'jobs' were great, rob a gas station that had barely fifty dollars, raid a house that no one had moved into yet, and his best was trying to steal a warthog. I had tried to tell him that its a military facility and there were other warthogs there which had LAAG guns mounted on them, thus being impossible to just take it, because the nearest marine would use the gun to shoot him. "Gary I found a guy, he can get us military standard weapons" That got my attention. I came out from the bushes I was hiding in; Rick didn't see me so I grabbed his shoulder spun him and said, "boo"
He jumped back and tripped over a rock, I fell over laughing. "THATS NOT FUNNY!" I had got him this time he was pissed and it was awesome. We got up. "Military standard huh?" I asked him, I would be pissed if they were just pistols. "Not only that but rifles." something about the way he had said that struck me as odd but nonetheless we went to his car, a old Chevy Monte Carlo, which he had modified, he is a good mechanic, he took out the relic of a engine and replaced it with state of the art technology. I got in; he started the engine and started driving.

We arrived at the docks of the old city. The old city originated around the twentieth century. Its name is lost to time. Some call it New York.
"We're here" Rick said quite curtly, maybe I had pissed him off too much. We got out of the Chevy and walked to the nearest structure, it has to be for storage, because it was massive. Rick opened the door and went in, I followed. Inside it was large enough to house a small fighter like a Longsword or a few Pelicans. At the far side of the building was a desk with a light on, a man was working at the desk and didn't seem to notice us until we were right in front of him.
"Rick this is your friend?" judging by his tone he thought I wasn't up to what he and Rick had planned. Rick noticed this to.
"He's good trust me now business" Rick wanted to get out of here I could tell.
"Yes follow me, I have the weapons" At these words my eyes light up. He got up from his desk and I saw something I wish I hadn't. He was missing his left leg from the knee down and never seemingly never bothered to go to a hospital because he was using a piece of wood as his leg.
"Like my leg do you boy" He had noticed me staring.
"It's, different. You know a hospital can give you a mechanical leg?" He looked angered at the mention of the word hospital. "Nevermind" I didn't want to screw up getting a good weapon. He led us to a box in a small room in the corner of the building. Rick opened the box and smiled he took out a rifle, but it was not a MA5B Assault Rifle. Infact I had no idea what it was. Rick saw the confusion on my face and started to explain. "Gary were you expecting MA5B's? They have chips, all metal detectors were removed around 2200 when those chips were invented."
"You said military standard." I had to keep my cool because I was about to kill Rick.
"True, I never said from what century, meet the M16 Gary and it's many add-ons" he went into the box and took out three more objects. He picked them up and told me what they were " Scope from 3x to 20x, silencer, good for our mission, I'll explain later and grenade launcher. We, me and Pirate here modified them to take MA5B ammunition and launch today's frags from the grenade launchers, so this should be a piece of cake. All we need to do now is get to know these M16's." Rick laid out the mission 'Pirate' had given us. Pirate wanted us to get in to a Military bunker and take it over; his reasons were that the military didn't know how to use what they had. I was going to say no and not do it until he made his offer of half billion to each of us.

Old Style: Revelations
Date: 20 December 2003, 1:10 AM

Note From Me: sorry this has taken so long, I haven't had much free time lately so... well anyway back in gear.

"Where exactly are we going?" I complained as Rick took yet another turn in his Monte Carlo. I was so bored, it was nighttime, we had been driving for atleast ten hours and every once in a while I decided to proclaim my boredom. This was the twentieth time. The M16's slid back and fourth in the back seat, which had minimal feet room, the car being a coupe.

"Gary, it's only a little further" He snapped, for the twentieth time. I choose to keep my silence a bit longer. Wherever we were headed it was far. I noticed for the first time a duffel bag in the back on the floor of the car. And when I asked him what was in it he told me, "supplies". I didnt really like that answer so I grabbed the bag and brought it up front. I opened them and rummaged through ammunition clips, ammunition belts, a handheld computer that looked like it was used to open doors, Radios, and the last thing confused me.

"Contacts? Do you wear contacts Rick?" he gave me a look, then looked at the contacts I was holding.

"They aren't contacts, night vision." He looked back to the road and turned again. I put a pair of contacts in my eyes and suddenly it was bright, green but bright.

"Woah" was all I could say. I looked all around at the countryside whipping past me. As I turned I thought I saw a car in the rear view mirror, but when I looked behind me it was gone. I took the nightvision contacts out and saw Rick was turning on to an unpaved road. "Huh what do you expect from the military, cheap bastards. Oooh I don't want to make you pay more taxes and pave a road to a military base." It was common knowledge that the United States government didn't exist anymore so no one paid taxes. Rick stopped the car by a stubby building. "I'm hoping that's a elevator to go beneath into the base"

"It is. I'm sure of it. Take the bag and get in the elevator, I'll grab the guns." I got out of the Chevy and took the bag then closed the door. The walk to the Elevator wasn't bad, The feeling of being watched was. I opened the door and found the elevator so I called it and heard it turn on and start to come to me. By the time it had reached me, Rick had arrived. We entered. He pushed Floor 3. And the elevator doors closed and we were off.

"Floor 3 huh?" Making conversation in an elevator sucks but nothing better to do so...

"Yea. Here" he handed me a M16 and a belt, I took them and attached the belt. "Ok take some contacts just in case." I took them and pocketed the small box. I took a radio.

"So are we going to split up or stick together." it was a redundant question, he always says split up.

"Split up and cover more ground." The elevator doors opened. The only source of light was from the elevator.

"Nighty nighty for marines I guess." I was opening the contacts as I spoke.

"Apparently." he to was getting contacts. We left the elevator and walked down the corridor until it split. "I'll go left you go right" and without waiting for response, he went left."

I started down the hall. After a few minutes of trying locked doors I found an unlocked one. I turned the handle and pushed open the door. There was noting in it except for a large sign on the wall that said A-51. I had not a clue what it meant but maybe I would find out. I radioed Gary, "Hey you know what A-51 means?"

"No, why do you ask? Oh never mind I found one to"

"Maybe it's the name of the base." I suggested. Rick thought of something before I had.

"Hey, why aren't we getting radio transmissions from marines within the base?" I pondered this for a few seconds then left the hall and went to a locked door of the facility. I attached my M16's silencer and shot the doorknob off a door. I opened the room. There were beds, clearly sleeping quarters only there were no marines at all.

"Because the base is deserted that's why! I'm going back to the elevator." I was pissed at Rick and might shoot him in the foot when we got back. But when I got to the elevator I found someone had beaten me to shooting him. There was a bullet wound in his head and blood all over the floor. Bloody footprints left the scene and went to the left, where Rick had gone.

Old Style: Fear
Date: 22 December 2003, 1:00 AM

I was scared; my mind was going at a million miles an hour. You know how you can think something like ten times faster than you can say it; it would take me hours to say what I was thinking just now. After I managed to calm myself down I started to think what could have happened. Rick must have gotten to the elevator before me; maybe he ran I don't know. His killer must have been in the elevator and suprised him. It was then I noticed Rick's M16 was gone, ammunition belt and the duffel bag, there was a bulge in his pocket, it was his contacts. I took the box only a pair was missing. I could see them in his eyes so that comforted me that the killer didn't have them. Logic told me to get out. Logic told me to run. Logic was a bitch.

-10 Minutes Earlier, Elevator, Rick-

I could tell Gary was on the edge, bored, he was waiting for the action. "So are we going to split up or stick together?" he looked like he already knew my response, but I said it anyway

"Split up and cover more ground." I said as the doors opened. It was dark, Gary was putting in some contacts so I did too.

"Nighty nighty for marines I guess." Sarcasm, the one thing I always say he is good at.

"Apparently." We walked down the hall until we it split. "I'll go left you go right." I walked away abruptly and turned around a few seconds later seeing Gary headed down the right corridor. After a minute of walking, I sneezed. When I opened my eyes everything was dark. "Damn" I muttered, with that I slung my M16 onto my back and started searching the floor. I found them and put them back in, noticing a door ajar, I headed to it.
I heard Gary's voice on my radio, "Hey you know what A-51 means?" I replied as I went into the room.

"No, why do you ask? Oh never mind I found one to" A large A-51 was painted on the wall opposite from the door.

"Maybe it's the name of the base." Gary was probably thinking out loud, but it could be true. Something struck me as being odd.

"Hey, why aren't we getting radio transmissions from marines within the base?" He didn't respond right away but I could hear him doing something.

"Because the base is deserted that's why! I'm going back to the elevator." He sounded angry, he probably was. But then I was too. Seeing as how I had wasted a few minutes finding my contacts, I got to the elevator before Gary. I leaned against the wall waiting there was a loud ding, and the elevator doors opened. It was Pirate except he didnt have his wooden leg, there was a fake leg, but it was one of those new high tech ones.

"Pirate? What the hell are you doing here?" he didn't speak but merely walked up to me. I realized he wasn't here on a friendly note, I went for my M16 but he hit me on the head, dazed I fell. I felt my M16 strap break as Pirate took it from my back. I rolled over and was looking up the barrel of the rifle.


I ran back to where the corridor split, the bloody footmarks were clearly human and were fading. I 'opened' another door with a silenced bullet and decided to wait it out. Let the bastard come to me. Well that lasted about an hour. I left the room and went further into the hall following the footmarks until they were gone. He, she or whomever was here had the same weapon I did except with the element of suprise on me. Then I wondered if they knew I was here. Maybe this person came here to achieve the same mission. This could be a source of entertainment for Pirate, maybe he had cameras all over this place, maybe he had a bet going with friends to see who would survive. Maybe I was starting to lose it.

Suddenly a masked figure came from around a corner. I hoped he, I could now tell, didn't have night vision. He raised his rifle at me, hopes shattered. He fired. It all happened in a split second, I somehow knew the bullet was coming at my head and moved it to the side. I wasn't fast enough, for I felt sudden pain. I started shooting at the man. He dived into a ventilation duct that he had clearly opened earlier. He was gone, for now. I brought my hand to my head and felt the gash the bullet had made. Fortunately for me, it hadn't lodged in my head but had just skimmed across it. The cut went from over my left eyebrow to just before my left temple. I remembered I always keep my lucky bandanna in my back pocket, so I wrapped it over the wound tightly. When the enemy is waiting for you, you wish you had a grenade.

Old Style: Memories
Date: 24 December 2003, 1:05 AM

The vent looked like a never-ending black hole that I did not want to go in. I knew I should, but I couldn't. So I started walking deeper into the base, in hopes of finding another vent and suprise the enemy. I came to a corner and heard a loud clanging, I peeked around the corner and saw him, but he saw me. I turned back and laid down on the floor, then in one swift motion I rolled out and sprayed a few shells that hit, air, he was gone.

I stood up and walked to the new vent. I decided to take my chances that he had not gone down that way. I ducked my head as I slid down the shaft. After a short while I came to a stop. My night vision was blinding me so I took out the contacts. The room was full of weapons and computers. I was shocked to see the weapons were Covenant.

-Gary's Memory, A Daydream-

"Hey Dad! How much longer, and don't burn my burger!"

"Gary, will you stop it, I'm a chef do you think I would burn anything?"

"Yes." He laughed Ever since mom left dad had to take care of me. It wasn't so bad, I could stay out late and he made good food. Plus I met this cool guy, Rick; his dad is in the Military and usually brings back some cool stuff. When I first met Rick he had a depleted Plasma Pistol, and was playing with pretend Covenant. "Do you know they could find you if you keep killing them?" I scared him into giving me the pistol.

Later in the month I was awaken by cries from Marines. "COVENANT, WARN THE COMMAND SHIP THEY FOUND ALPHA COLONY!" They killed everyone except Rick and me. We managed to hide from them. After that I moved to Earth, he followed me.

-Gary, Mysterious Room-

I snapped out of the dream. I could never join the Military to get back at the Covenant, I was a coward. I shook it off and went to one of the computers. There was a file open. It looked like a transmission

Bravo X23 Class Beta
Killing the first one was easy; the second will die soon. He is coming; I will be back soon.

I had no idea what it meant other than the killer was talking to someone on the outside, probably getting orders from them. Why me what did I do to anyone? Suddenly the outside party sent a message

Bravo X24 Class Gamma
When you get this, hopefully soon do not kill the second if he evaded you thus far he could be useful.

My mind was spinning, I decided to type back to this person, I clicked New Message and started typing

Bravo X25 Class Beta
Request live visual communication.

I hoped they would respond positively.

Bravo X26 Class Gamma
Roger. Activate your camera.

I looked around and found the camera, after turning it on, I saw the face of an old military man. "What the fuck? Where is Eric!"

"Eric took a vacation, left me in charge." I tried to sound bold like I had done this before. "And were gonna do things my way from now on."

"I talked to Eric a few hours ago" His eyes widened, as he seemed to realize something. "You're the second one." I raised my rifle and shot the camera.

"I'm sorry were having technical difficulties." I started shooting all the computers in the room. I didn't know who 'Eric' was but he had my answers. I then noticed a door I had not seen before. I went to it and opened it. It was a vast hanger with only one occupant at the far end. A Longsword. "Holy shit!" Was the only thing I could say. I heard someone enter the room I had just left.

"NO! THAT ASSHOLE WAS IN HERE!" I ran to the Longsword and hid in it. I watched from the ship as he approached through the hanger and went around the Longsword.

"Shit he's coming in here" I whispered as I thought what I could do. Readying for an attack, I aimed my rifle at the opening of the Longswords entrance. He came into view and I opened fire on him. Blood fell on the floor of the hanger. I had hit him in the stomach. I climbed out of the Longsword and saw him running to the room I had destroyed, I shot at him, I missed.

I chased after him and when I got to the room a trail of blood went up on of the vents, so I decided to go up a different one. After making it to the top, I climbed out, out in some new contacts, and went in the direction of where the other vent would come out. I turned the corner and my nightvision saw a M16 barrel coming out of the room opposite the vent. A small pool of blood crept from the room. I smiled and attached the scope to the top of my rifle and aimed at him.

"HEY!" Was the only thing I needed to say for his attention. He came out and turned to shoot at me, his eye in his scope, I shot. My bullet went straight through his scope and eye burying itself in my enemy's brain. He fell over and I stood there for a second then went to the elevator. I don't know why but I left my M16 where I had last used it.

The elevator ride up was long and drawn out but when I got to the top, I was surrounded by military personnel carrying MA5B's and MA7B's. They all pointed their weapons at me as I simply raised my hands, I was later taken to a courtroom where I told my story.
