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Fan Fiction

Mc Lenn by Master_Chief189

Major Mc Lenn
Date: 26 September 2003, 2:34 PM

September 24, 2003 1600 hours/ UNSC ship called Mother Star

The Covenant is coming we are on the second most powerful UNSC ship. We are on the front lines about three trillion miles away from Earth. The covenant found Earth and it seems that nothing ca get in their path. It seems that they have sent their whole army. In fact it we have shot and destroyed 132,131 covenant ships but they just keep coming.

"Major Josh Channels I, Private David Mclenn come here!" yelled Captain Nic Reese an old friend of Josh Channels. They grew up wanting to be in the marines.

"Yes sir." I said.

"The Covenant have made it this close to Earth. We are near the tenth planet. It has a population of 45,000,002 people. We will defend it no matter at whatever cost. You know that Major and for you Private. You will become a Major also and you will be the first one in the field if we need to protect the planet. You are dismissed except for you McLenn." Then Josh Channels walked away. The captain looked worried as he looked out of the window next to me.

"Are you okay Captain?" I asked.

"Yes there is. See I grew up on Earth I remember going to school looking at the bright blue sky and now we see darkness and I am afraid that we will lose the battle and never see Earth. I have been having these panic attacks and they have been getting worse. I was on the Bridge on the edge of the stairs and I had a heart attack. I fell and luckily fell on a corporal. I nearly died and well I could barely think now. That is why the you are at Major level now. Soon I am retiring and Josh is taking my place. This is my last mission. So I want to go out with a bang. I got to go I will be on the bridge."

He slowly walked away in the direction of the bridge. Boy that was quit of a story. I better go back to the shuttle bay. It is my turn to watch it to make sure no idiot tries to desert us or if the covenant try to get in. Great. Then all of a sudden the ship shook like it the ship hit and asteroid belt. I looked at the escape pods and it exploded. The doors slowly opened I hurried and threw a grenade in each pod. I saw elite blood spay out of each pod. I saw the Major run down the hall and he suddenly stop in front in front of me.

"Major we need to do an emergency land on the planet. Unfortunately they are doing a full scale invasion on it." Josh said.

"Do you know where the blast that hit the ship?"

"Yes the . . . Bridge. It killed all the techs in there and the Captain."

I felt relief for the captain but at the same time I want to kill every Covenant I see.

"Hello are you there?"

"Yeah Josh just thinking. We have to have a plan." I said. Then suddenly a piercing alarm with red lights lighting every hallway.

"That's alarm means that the engine room is destroyed. We better get off. All the crew is getting off. We will all meet at a randavous point on the planet. We better find an escape pod before we are trap. Do you know were the other escape pods are?" He yelled over the alarms.

"Ya they are down the hallway we better hurry." I said while we were running down the hall to the pods.
We got there and suddenly four other marines jumped in eight us and one got behind the controls.

"Everyone in?" I asked.

"Yes." One marine said while checking to make sure no one else is in the hallway.

We launched into space. We did a quick flyby to check the bridge. It was completely destroyed from a plasma cannon. We started to head for the planet when I looked back at the ship and it exploded luckily 90% of the crew made it off and securely on the planet on Alpha Base.

We landed and it was total chaos, but the Major had experience and organized it while I got a complete 60 seconds of sleeping. Alpha Base was located in an underground military base. It was dark damp and noisy. I walked outside and saw three groups of marines getting prepared to fight. Then suddenly six covenant dropships appeared behind a skyscraper and seven groups of Elites, jackals, grunts, and Hunter came charging us.

"Major Channels, Major Mclenn are you ready?" a sergeant asked.

"Yes prepare everyone." We said.

Major McLenn (rewritten)
Date: 19 April 2005, 10:55 PM

September 24, 2552 1600 hours/ UNSC ship called Mother Star

The Covenant is coming. We are on the second most powerful UNSC ship in the whole fleet. We are on the front lines about three trillion miles away from Earth. The covenant found Earth and it seems that nothing can get in their path. It seems that they have sent their whole army. In fact it we have shot and destroyed 13 different capital covenant ships but they just keep coming.

"Major Josh Channels, Private David McLenn come here!" yelled Captain Nic Reese over the intercom. Josh Channels and I have been friends with him since the military academy. We were wondering what he could want. Josh and Nic grew up wanting to be in the marines. I however didn't. I sort of got dragged into it by the war. Nic wasn't quite the tallest marine in the UNSC. In fact he was the shortest captain ever. And Josh had a head the size of building. But that is just my opinion about them. They were an odd pair but friends nonetheless.

I ran quickly to the bridge because Nic was really impatient. when he wanted you there he meant it. And if you weren't ... well lets just say make sure you have your armor on and fast reflexes. I wasn't just about to upset him now that the covenant was at our doorstep.

"Yes, sir." I said.

"The Covenant have made it this close to Earth. We are near the tenth planet. It has a population of 45,000,002 people. We will defend it no matter at whatever cost. You know that Major and for you Private. You will become a Major also. Due to direct orders from HQ. Congratulations, McLenn. Both of you will be the first one in the field we need to protect the planet by coordinating its defenses. You are dismissed except for you McLenn." Then Josh Channels walked away. The captain looked worried as he looked out of the window next to me.

"Captain don't they already have people coordinating their defenses? Captain?" I asked but it seemed as if he was preoccupied.

"Yes, there are but they are going to work on a secret project. All of the best are." He told me. "McLenn." He asked in a sort of frightened voice.

"Yes," I responded, concerned for him.

"See I grew up on Earth I remember going to school looking at the bright blue sky and now we see darkness and I am afraid that we will lose the battle and never see Earth. I have been having these thoughts that we won't make it. That we are doomed and they have been getting worse. A leader should be strong. I was on the Bridge on the edge of the stairs and I had a heart attack. I fell and luckily fell on a corporal. I nearly died and well I could barely think now. That is why the you are at Major level now. Soon I am retiring and Josh is taking my place. This is my last mission. To defend this planet until I die. Even though this planet is the coldest one in the solar system. So I want to go out with a bang. I got to go I will be on the bridge."

He slowly walked away in the direction of the bridge. Boy that was quite of a story. I better go back to the shuttle bay. It is my turn to watch it to make sure no idiot tries to desert us or if the covenant try to get in. Great. BANG! All sudden the ship shook like it the ship hit while in an asteroid belt. I looked at the escape pods. They were being shot down while they were trying to escape.

"Covenant boarding parties," the intercom yelled.

The doors slowly opened I hurried and threw a grenade in each covenant pod. I saw elite blood spay out of each pod. I saw the Major Channels run down the hall toward me from the direction of the bridge and he suddenly stop in front in front of me.

"Major we need to do an emergency land on the planet. Unfortunately they are doing a full scale invasion on it." Josh said. He was out of breath and in shock.

"Do you know where the blast that hit the ship?" I yelled over the commotion.

"Yes, the . . . Bridge. It killed all the techs in there and the Captain," he said in a whisper. "Tell everyone to get out this ship is going down!"

I felt grief for the captain but at the same time I was worried for the safety of my marines and the civilians on board and planet side. And humankind.

"Hello are you there?" Josh said while trying to snap out of it.

"Yeah Josh, sorry I was just thinking. We have to have a plan." I said. Then suddenly a piercing alarm with red lights lighting every hallway.

"That's alarm means that the engine room is destroyed. We better get off. All the crew is getting off. We will all meet at a rendezvous point on the planet. We better find an escape pod before we are trap. Do you know were the other escape pods are?" He yelled in an attempt to be louder than the alarms.

"Yeah they are down the hallway we better hurry." I said while we were running down the hall to the escape pods.

We got there and suddenly four other marines jumped in. When we were all there was a total of eight us and one, who apparently was a pilot, got behind the controls.

"Everyone in?" I asked. My heart was still racing from the run. The sound was pounding in my ears. I could hear the screams of marines over the intercom.

"Yes," One marine said while checking to make sure no one else is in the hallway.

"I am going to help the marines still trapped." Josh yelled back to us as he was getting out of the pod.

"No, its suicide," a marine yelled to him.

Josh quickly drew his pistol and aimed it at us as he stood out of the door. "None of you better not follow me," he said calmly. "I will try to help them."

The pilot had no choice. She quickly closed the door and started the take off procedures. "Let him go ... maybe he can do some good," she said.

We launched into space. We did a quick flyby to check the bridge. It was completely destroyed from a plasma cannon. Something was off. Something was wrong. I quickly dismissed it to the back of my mind. We started to head for the planet when I looked back at the ship and it exploded Hopefully about 90% of the crew made it off and securely on the planet on Alpha Base. And I hope it took out all of the invaders.

"We are about to land. It is going to be rough." The pilot yelled back to the her passengers.
