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Fan Fiction

Master Chief's life glitches by evil_soul_edge

Master Chief's life glitch (part 1)
Date: 18 September 2004, 4:34 AM

On the day the MC landed on Halo, he was sadened to realize that his life had only restrictions. On that fateful day he tried something new. It all started when the MC helped the Marines against covenent dopships and patrols. When the Chief recieved his warthog, he then let a couple Marines onboard. He went over behind the gunner seat and told the marine to get off. He then Smacked him wildly behind the head, instant death. His plan was to pile a bunch of grenades in a certain spot. When the MC had enough grenades in a pile he jumped on and chunked a plasma grenade into the pile. He planed to get above the hills, but his attempt failed. He went higher and faster than a bat out of hell, and fell that fast as well. Thanks to his faithful shield and armor he survived the gasping fall. When MC landed he stagered around the silverish complex until he regained his self awarness. He then noticed that his warthog was totaled! He cursed under his breath, and in his all ready bad tempered self he killed a couple of marines to relieve his anger. Obviously a couple of marines noticed and decided to turn on him. The MC ducked behind a rock and readied his assualt rifle. The marines were unaware of the pain they were about to recieve. The MC leaned around the corner and fired in three round controlled bursts, and of course he never missed a shot. One round hit a marine in an open wound that was created by a plasma blast. After the marines were wasted the MC gathered some fragment grenades and put them in pile. He then found that the marines had hid a second warthog around the back of the complex. "Hmmmm..." the Master Chief thought. "What can I do with some grenades and a warthog?" He thought. Although he failed the first time around he tried again. He jumped on back and threw a plasma grenade on the pile of fragments. There was a load explosion and the MC flew high, so high that he closed his eyes. Little did he know that he actually had a collision course for the top of the hill! Alas, he finally made it to his destination. As the Chief walked along the cliff side he noticed a sniper rifle next to a crashed lifepod. He then decided to throw two plasma grenades at it, one to land next to it and one to stick to it. When the explosion went off the first thing he noticed was a sniper right in the air in front of him. He reached for it with success. He tossed his side arm for the rifle. He heard some cries for help in a nearby canyon. It was the marines from the lifepod, he decided to help them in exchange for some ammo. The MC took out his rifle and aimed at the nearest Elite. 'Bang' the load sound went off and a the Elite fell to the ground. A few jackels noticed the Chief ontop the huge cliff, and fired upon his tired self. The MC took out a fragment grenade and threw it with precise aim. Thus the Jackels insides and all flew about the compound. He then noticed some marines waving to him in a distance, he waved back. He signaled for the marines to flank the Covenent. As of course the remaining Jackels had noticed this and warned the others. The marines sent out someone to be a scout and to observe the surroundings. The Chief had seen an Elite sneak up behind the marines that were left behind and decided to shoot the Elite in the back of the head and other places for kicks. As the Human forces were at the verge of getting there asses kicked Foe Hammer came by with some reinforcements and a missle launcher warthog. One marine jumped in the gunner seat and fired away, killing most anything in his way, that is until he had to reload. That was when they asked the Chief over radio contact for sniping support. The Chief took out all of the obvious Covenent. Little did he know there was a gold Elite with a sword ready to do some searious slicing. The chief with his precision aim took the over shielded Elite down with one shot in the back of the neck. Before they knew it the small battle was over...or was it?
