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Fan Fiction

Marl's War by Marl

Marl's War Part1
Date: 27 April 2004, 2:44 AM

I,Marl, looked out of the Pelican. I had just gotten out of SPARTAN-II boot camp. I graduated with Fang, Trigger, and Litter.
Fang was the best assaulter, and the most experienced in combat, though had a short temper. His visor was shaped like an open mouth with fangs to show who he was
Trigger was the least experienced, the dumbest, the least mature, but a suprisingly efficient sniper, not just with the sniper, but with the SPNKr and the pistol. His visor was red instead of gold as his I.D.
Litter was the bloodiest SOB SPARTAN ever. He uses a MA5b and about 20 Frag Grenades. He was able to be identifide by the horns on his helmet.
I, the leader of this team, was the smartest, fastest, and most accurate (except with Sniper Rifle) one in his group, the Vikings. I prefer the Plasma Pistol and pistol. I was known for his visor being in the shape of a smile.
The other nine people in the Pelican were Private 1st class Marines, all with 4 Frag Grenades and MA5Bs.
The Pelican roared over Sidewinder's Blue Base and over the mountain. Rockets fired out from Blue Base, trying desperately to meet their target.
For Two years the Blues had been trying to kill the Reds and take control of Earth. But Blue wasn't the only team involved. There was the Whites, the mercinaries in the war, and the Greens, the team that tried to stay neutral for years, until the Blues bombed Delta Base in 2554.
The Pelican landed in front of Red Base. Two Warthogs and a Scorpian Tank were parked in front of Red Base. They all hopped out of the Pelican. The ten remaining marines stood guard outside the base. All privates, except for Sergeant Killys.
"Report," I requested as I ran up.
"It's a big mess. Two hundred reduced to ten, and the Blues are still beggin for more. We awate your instructions, sir."
"Okay Marines. Attention! I need two snipers on the roofs and two up there." I pointed to the upper cave on the left. "Get on one on each side. Same with that cave." I pointed to the lower cave. "Fang, Litter. Take two marines each and get in those Warthogs. Trigger, get a SPNKr and get up on that ridge to the right. I need four volunteers."
Sergeant Killys stepped up, along with a Private and two Private 1st classes." Good. The rest of you, get in the base. All you volunteers, follow me!"
"Whats a SPNKr?" Trigger asked over the COM.
"A JackHammer."
"A what?"
"A rocket launcher.
"Oh . . . what's that?"
"Thingy that goes boom."
"Oh, a boom maker."
I hopped into the Scorpion. The volunteers took their positions. "Fang," I said on the COM. "Take my 9. Litter, take my 3. Move 'em out and give 'em hell!"
We started down the drive that felt like an eternity, but I didn't care. I was just here to kill some Blues.
We rounded the corner. My heart beat hard against my chest. This was it. Do or die.
Five rockets flew out Blue Base's top floor openning. "Kill those rockets in mid air!" I yelled to the marines on the sides and in the warthog's chain guns. A barrage of bullets sprayed from the guns, blowing the rockets up in mid air, just as I said.
I let a rocket of my own out. 'Boom'. Five dead bodies fell from the top of the base. I smiled with satisfaction.
Four warthogs jumped from over the hill, firing like there was no tommorow. What a coincidence, I thought. I fired another rocket, missing them all, but shooting three marines out of one.
The Blue marines stood up, just in time to see Litter smash over them. Another warthog flipped Fang's warthog into the air via head on collision. Fang's warthog spun once, twice three times, then landing upside down.
The marine at the chain gun lay dead, and the other had a broken foot. "Give me some cover," Fang shouted over the COM. "My shields are down."
"I'm on it," Litter replied.
"No," I said. "You take out those warthogs. I'm get Fang and the Marine."
A sniper shot blasted the marine with the broken foot right in the chest. I hurried to Fang and turned the tank to cover him from any shots. "Get behing the tank!" I shouted to the marines exposed to the sniper.
The two jumped off, but both Private 1st Class's lives were ended by sniper bullets. I fired a rocket above Blue Base. The ceiling collapesed.
A warthog zoomed passed me, with Fang in the driver seet. "Come back here real quick," I said through the COM. "Let the Sergeant get in the back."
Fang turned his Hog and drove back. "Get in the back of the warthog," I told Killys. He jumped out and into the back. Fang was off again.
I checked on Litter. His passenger was dead, along with another Blue warthog group. I fired a rocket right into one of the windshields of another warthog. All dead.
The remaining Blue warthog slammed into Litter's warthog. Litter and his gunner were thrown out of it. They slammed into the ground. The marine had a broken arm.
"I'm going to kill that damn Blue," Litter said as he stood.
My Scorpion's guns turned too slow. I couldn't stop the Blue warthog as it bolted for Litter.

Marl's War Part2
Date: 29 April 2004, 2:18 AM

The warthog zoomed at Litter. It looked like it hit him, but after the warthog passed, I saw Litter. He had rolled to the side!

The warthog didn't have time to turn when the driver seat blew up. The driver was killed, but the gunner was thrown off and the passenger was pushed out, with his right foot and left leg blown off.

The next rocket was ready, and my gun was aimed at them. One of them threw a plasma grenade at my tank. I squeezed the trigger, then jumped out of the tank. The marine on my tank jumped off.

The blue marines were killed. My tank exploded. I walked away from the explosion slowly to make myself look cool.

Fang drove up. "Need a lift?" he asked all cheery.

"Maybe," I replied. I hopped in the warthog. "Go help that injured marine over there." I pointed to the marine with the broken arm.

"Fang, take me to that warthog over there" I pointed to an intact warthog. Fang drove me and Killys over there.

I jumped out and flipped the warthog over. I hopped into the driver's seat. "Fang," I said over the COM. "Pick up that injured marine."

I drove over to the uninjured private. He hopped into the passenger seat. Next, I drove to Litter, who manned the gun. "Marl," Fang said over the COM. "The Blues are headed into the cave to Red Base."

"Rodger." I switched my COM over to Red Base's frequency. "The Blues are comming. Be careful, eyes open."
I switched back to the SPARTAN's frequency. "Head back to Red Base."

We drove towards Red base. I turned on the ice, sliding. God I hate the ice, I thought. When I finally got off the ice I heard gun shots. The marines were under fire already.

I strived to go faster. I hate waiting. Fang drove ahead of me. I was slowing down. I checked the fuel gage. Empty.

I hopped out. "Get out men!" I shouted to everyone else in the warthog. "We're out of gas. We'll have to go by foot." Litter jumped out, then the marine, followed by an explosion by Red Base.

We ran as fast as we could. I ran ahead, followed by Litter, and the marine was in the back. I got out my pistol and flicked the safety off.

I pointed to Litter, then to the circle of land to the left. Next, I pointed to the marine, then the battle. They both nodded. and took their path.

I moved out with the marine, slowing down to stay at his speed. Five Blue marines ran out of the hole. Fang's warthog was destroyed, and Killys was dead. Four Red Marines were on the ground, dead. Two were snipers. Two marines were on the cliff to my right, and two were in the base. Trigger was on his way.

I readied my pistol. "Fire," I tolded the marine. I aimed my pistol at a marine's head and fired.

Fang popped up from behind the destroyed warthog. He threw a grenade in the middle of the group. They jumped away, exposing their unshielded sides. Fang opened fire on the marines, killing one.

The wounded Red marine poked his head up, then shot at one with his pistol. Two shots and the Blue marine was dead.

The two remaining Blue marines layed at my feet. One was unconsious. The other looked up. He looked around. He aimed his rifle at the wounded Red marine. Before I could react, a shot was fired. It was from behind me. The Blue marine infront of me got hit in the side, killing him.

I turned around. It was that one Red marine that was in the warthog with me. "Good shot," I said. I chuckled slightly.

"Thank you sir, may I have another, sir?" I laughed again.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Private Sean Hulithe."

"Well, Private Hulithe, when I get back to HQ, I'm going to immediatly recommend you for a promotion."

"Thank you, sir."

Two marines came out of Red Base, two on the cliff above jumped down, and Trigger and Litter came around the corner of the circle of land. "What did we miss?" Trigger asked.

Fang walked up with the injured marines and the ones from inside Red Base. "I'd say everything."

"Trigger, Litter, Fang, and I are going to check out Blue Base," I said. "The rest of you, take this Blue piece of crap and await further orders. And rest and junk."

Trigger was reading the rocket launcher."Hehe. Hold Like This. Instead of calling it the SPNKr, can we call it the Spanker?"

"No," Fang answered before I could open my mouth. "And be serious, you idiot."
