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Fan Fiction

Marines are fighting this war Not Spartans by Spartan117

Marines are fighting this war, not Spartans-Prologue
Date: 12 August 2003, 7:02 AM


2552 October 23, Pelican Dropship "Amigo" Earth Time 0430 hours. Life forms: Human

"Alright Recruits, i know Mars training has been hard for you, especially the fact that it takes a few weeks for the light to go away. but today, you become officers" Chife Donarino announced to the soldiers now ready for graduation.
This was all Second Lieutenant Michael Gillespie remembered after the destruction of reach. the Covenant have taken the outer planets, and were moving in to kill Earth. Sad really if you think about it. but Marines weren't allowed to cry. So he didn't. Instead he cocked his MA5B Assault Rifle's charging hand back, and was ready to touch down, the Covenant infected planet, "Togiro VI".
Seven hundred Pelicans, almost 90 thousand Marines, a singal Spartan. Here to wipe out the Covenant invasion. Or at least cause the most possible damaged before getting wiped out.
Right there Michael heard a huge explosion. he looked out a small viewpoint, and saw the pelican next to them exploded, he sure hoped the Spartan wasn't in that one. he had a feeling that they would need him.
"pull your charging hand back, were touching down!" the Lieutenant said.
Second Lieutenant Harold Hoy, pilot of the "Amigo" cried, "get out of my fucken ship!" and the doors opened.
a raging battle took place outside, was he the last to land? it didn't matter, all he knew was that we were going to win. With a Spartan, or without one.
He jumped out of the Pelican, and waved his men outside, he shot a barrage of thirty bullets, and rushed into the front line, and caught a glimpse of the green armored man. he looked invincible from this angle. Instead of fighting, he watched as the first battle this Marine had ever been on raged on. He watched as medics patched up the dead or wounded. He watched as people killed hundreds of Convenant a minute. He watched as the Covenant began to retreat. But what he concentrated on, was the Spartan. Did one man decide the fate of war? a feeling of fear and anger swept over him. Why do we need him? hes just one man. is he really all that important? Just as he was answering himself, just as he was going to fire, just as he was going to kill, we was shot.
There was no burning sensation, there was no black charring skin... just a bullet hole. Friendly fire. a hole two centimeters wide inside of his right shoulder. It didn't stop him from firing his weapon, he emptied his clip into a few grunts, and ran up to the Master Chife with his men.
He fired another sixty bullets into an Elite, a big starkly creature, it fell. Small explosion from the sky rang his attention, several banshees began firing apon them, but just as quickly as they came, they were shot down by the Spartan. He then realized why the Spartan was here. To win this war. Others didn't realize it, but he did, and that's all that mattered to him.
he tossed a grenade to the enemy front, and took out two black armored Elite's, and several grunts and Jackals allowing the Marine invasion force to move in and take out whatever was left.
So many dead. The Force was walking over dead bodies. Elite, grunts, Jackals, Hunters, Banshee shrapnel, Marines, Warthog humps. Every enemy or friend you had in this battle was probably dead. Yet he loved the stench of battle, the smoke of grenades, the feeling of the rumbling Assault Rifle in his hands. War was his thing. Just like the Spartan.
The more he thought about it, the more his right shoulder hurt.
"Medic!" he cried out. Five seconds later a medic appeared to the right of him, and decided to put BioFoam in the bullet wound, and put a bandage on it "good to go" he told Michael
"thanks" he replied
he and his squad had seen ten minutes of action, and they wanted more, much more. They wanted revenge on a cold platter handed out to the Covenant. And he had just the Assult Rifle to serve it to them. He rammed a magazine home, and grinned.
The Marines humped on, they had taken half of the planet with about ten thousand casualties on our side, and thirty thousand on there's. The Covenant were afraid of him. He liked that and he intended to keep it that way

Episode One Coming Soon!

Episode 7 - Prison Cell, sure, its hell.
Date: 6 July 2005, 2:51 am

ANNOYINGLY LARGE, BOLD, WARNING – don't read this until you read the rest of my series. PleasE?

Time, Place, Area, Mission Clock, Mission- UNKNOWN...

Exactly one year later...

Michael, who lay in his cell in the corner, tapping his finger on the metallic floor had practically gotten used to the torture, but his lungs were sore. From what he didn't know. All he knew was that he was a Captain in the UNSC Marine Corps, and that he was twenty-six.

Radamamee walked up to his cell and laughed. "Thinking up another way to escape? Your last attempt almost killed Uandua! Luckily nobody can beat Tamamee in a fist fight."

"We'll see" Michael said, relaxing on the cold floor.

His cell was large, meant for four people, with steal bars like old prison cages, the Captain had figured out how to surpass the energy cages and Radamamee had to resort to old, primitive, cages.

Michael had learned this trick from a movie he saw maybe six years ago. He stripped himself of his shirt and took a nice warm piss on it wrung it around the bars, and twisted the shirts until the bars began to bend until finally, he was thin enough to slip through. He ran to the other eight energy cages and easily, with practice, deactivated them with ease and everyone who had been captured was now out.

He hadn't seen any of them in a year, and all anyone knew at the moment was that it was Christmas Eve, and they were going to get out, or die trying.

"What's the plan?" Connerlan asked, who looked in the best shape then all of them.

"I was thinking of capturing a Covenant landing pod and, if were close enough, pilot ourselves to Earth" the Captain suggested

"Way to risky" Dick Casen said, whom, out of all of them looked the worst. "They'll probably shoot us down, were probably not anywhere near Earth."

"I've got an idea" Fall pointed out

"Go for it" one of the Colonels, who was almost killed from torture, Warthog driver said.

"Why don't we just go to a communication circuit and contact a Military fleet to bust us out of here, in the meantime, while there on their way we can take refuge in a nearby room." Fall suggested.

Everyone stared at the rookie

"Holy shit…" Connerlan said stunned "so… do we do it?"

"Yeah, lets go find a Com. Circuit" Michael said, "keep in the dark, jump any covenant you see then strip their weapons. If anyone comes across an armory, lets arm ourselves and hopefully we can find my MOJINER armor, we have to work together if we want to get out of here."

"Let's move!" Casen yelled.

Suddenly a grunt of disapproval and noise came from around the corner, and Elite moved around the corner with his Plasma rifle trained. He checked the empty cells "shit…" he said, still packing his translator.

"Go!" Casen yelled as he jump kicked the Elite in the face bringing his shields down completely the Captain jumped into the picture, brought his fist up and completely beat and slaughtered the Elite until his face was halfway to the back of his head. He ripped of the six plasma grenades strapped on his stripper belt and grabbed his Plasma rifle and his holstered plasma pistol, tossed three Plasmas and a Plasma pistol towards Casen and kept his Rifle and his other Plasma grenades.

The Marines planted their backs to the wall and slid down the cold dark hallway Michael activated a screen panel near a retractable wall, and a door opened up. Inside two worried Grunts screamed scared and aimed their weapons at the door. Michael waited for five minutes before he finally went in. By that time the Grunts were playing an Alien holo-game and the Captain easily sneaked in through the darkness and snapped one little Grunts neck and fired a plasma bolt into the second Grunts head.

The other Marines walked in he tossed Fall and Connerlan the plasma pistols and an even amount of grenades.

"Look" one of the Warthog Drivers pointed out "maybe that can call the UNSC" he extended his finger towards a large plasma screen with a funny looking keyboard. "But we don't understand the Covenant language, how in the hell are we going to call Earth?"

Fall moved toward the three foot screen and said "god damnit, haven't you ever been a child before? Just drum it!" Fall made a laugh and starting pushing buttons until he hit one in the corner of the keyboard and activated the screen. There were several options so he touched a few and it opened up a map of the known universe. Most of it was charted but a few UNSC controlled planets weren't so he touched the screen closest to the planet earth and it zoomed in. He did it again about seven times and it was close enough to see several UNSC battleships. Four options opened up in the bottom left corner in the screen and he tapped one. Another screen opened up and the Covenant ship hijacked into the UNSC ship and the ships bridge was visible.

The Naval Captain stood "Marines on a Covenant ship. Is this a trick or what? Answer me now!"

"Are you Captain Isacc David?" the Captain moved up.

"Yes, who are you? You don't look so good" Michael realized he only had short ripped up pants, and a large oversized green shirt.

"I'm Captain Michael Gillespie, commander of the Spartan-M" the Captain proclaimed

"Gillespie? Son, your not Commander of the Spartan-M's anymore they got some snooty bastard Major in there now, two Spartans have died in his command, also, you've been named KIA by the UNSC, but I have some letters from home for you, about ten of them."

"Wait, who died?" Michael Interrupted

"Some kid named Zack, and another I can't remember. It wasn't that medic woman, or that Jason kid or the Master Chief." The Naval Captain replied.

"So, you still a Captain?" Michael asked

"Nope, Jumped me up to Admiral"

Casen pushed Michael out of the way. "No time for small talk, Sir, with all due respect were on a Covenant ship and we need to get the fuck out of this place."

"I'm sorry Sergeant, but Space Command says if any POWs somehow contact us, we have to leave them for dead."

Fall moved into the screen "What, so were dead now!"

"I'm sorry, but yes, unless…" the Admiral grabbed his chin, thinking deeply, a few Ensigns moved up to him when he called them and they discussed the situation, eventually an Ensign moved to the screen.

"If you can give me the ships current position on the covenant map grid I think I can formulate a plan for you." The Ensign named 'David Griffin' said

"Hold" Fall said and backtracked to the Alien grid. They were in grid (A, 7) He put a Covenant disk into the computer and downloaded every single information about the covenant, strengths, weaknesses, planets, strongholds, everything that was Covenant 101 to Covenant but to Humans was probably information they had been looking for, for years.

Fall located their own ship and checked it, it was a dropship, not a battleship, and meaning that there was a lot more landing pods then in a battleship.
Fall put himself back on with the Ensign, "were on grid A, 7" Fall informed

Griffin pondered ideas that seemed to just pop up in his mind. "Alright" he finally said "if you can reach Grid C, 6 then a nearby UNSC recon ship may be able to pick you guys up. But remember there are no promises."

"Roger that" The Captain said moving Fall aside "we'll contact you when we reach C, 6"

Captain Michael Gillespie peaked his head into the hall, all clear, he walked down south to the very end of the corridor. He again, poked his head out of the corner of the wall, noticing four Elite's guarding a seemingly important door. He turned to his men

"Casen, pull out two of your plasma grenades" the Captain ordered.

Casen took two out, one in each hand. "Now activate it and throw it in this corner. Michael said as he tried to activate his.

Casen looked at his grenades puzzled. "How the hell do I activate them…"

Fall leaned over Casens shoulder and pressed a tiny red button. And the Alien weapon glowed a bright blue aura. "So Do I throw it now?"

Michael tossed his over into the Elite's, one attached to an Elite's arm, and the other landed on the ground to the right of the group. "Throw them"

Casen tossed the first one, but as he tried to toss the second one it wouldn't get off his hand "uh guys?" Casen said, calmly, though sweat was rushing down his neck.

Fall looked over Casen's shoulder and presses another tiny blue button deactivating the grenade. The aura ceased, and the hard metal Grenade fell to the ground with a loud clank!

All the men held their breath. And all to be heard was the ventilating air within the ship.
"There!" fall shouted. He extended a finger towards a wall with many circular holes in the wall. "Those must be the escape pods"

"Wait!" Michael said. He rushed through the door and there! MOLJINER armor. He quickly slipped it on in record time and exited the room.

They all boarded the ship, and began their journey to the uncharted planet.
