
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

MSOG by Sprtn117John

MSOG: Chapter 1 & 2
Date: 20 November 2003, 1:51 AM

Chapter 1
      An ancient war nearly destroyed this galaxy. The two races, whose names have since been forgotten, died from their hatred towards each other. In realizing that each other were doomed to extinction from this pointless war, together they sent of a ship, containing all of their knowledge and technology, along with an advanced AI in case other sentient races discovered the ship. They hoped that whatever new race found the ship would learn from their ancient mistakes.

100, 000 years later in the year 2492
      "So what do you think it is, Joker?", Brian "Goth" Dominguez asked.
      Brigham "Joker" Hill shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know Goth, but headquarters wants us to check it out." He leaned back against the wall in the cave they were staying in.
      "Why us instead of the 5th Marines?", Goth asked, "They have more manpower than MSOG (Military Special Operations Group)."
      "The transmissions are coming from enemy territory. Command wanted to keep this mission quiet. The marines would just barge in and kill everything creating all sorts of ruckus. We're the best of the best. You and me are definitely worth at least a battalion of Marines. Besides, isn't any Marine that can do what we do better." Joker sat back, satisfied with his answer. "Make sure you check your equipment, we head out in 30 minutes."
      Joker started to check his weapons and armor. Joker and Goth were equipped with the best of everything. They both wore the newest Kevlar, even though it wasn't made from cloth but super strong but super light titanium. Each man only wore a chest plate. Only the heaviest caliber of weapons could penetrate this armor. Joker and Goth were snipers, the only sniper team where both team members sniped. Joker and Goth used the S2A3 sniper rifle with a 50x day/night scope mounted on top. The S2A3 fires 12.7mm rounds. Joker liked HEAP (High-Explosive Armor-Piercing) rounds while Goth liked Sabot rounds instead. They each carried fifteen high capacity magazines (each magazine held 10 rounds). As a secondary weapon Goth and Joker carried the AR12. This assault rifle fires a 9mm round and it could also be fitted with a silencer. A 20x scope was mounted on each rifle. Hill and Dominguez each carried ten 60 round magazines with full metal jacketed ammunition. As a last defense, they each had an issue combat knife. Each soldier carried two fragmentation, two phosphorus, and four high explosive grenades.
      Joker stood and looked at Goth.
"It's a good thing we have cybernetic implants and increased muscle density or we wouldn't be able to carry half of what we have.", Dominguez said, "The reflexes we have after the upgrades, as the doctors put it, is absolutely amazing."
"That's why we're the best", Joker replied, "I'm up, how about you?"
"I'm good.", was the reply.

Chapter 2
      Joker and Goth slowly walked down the hill, looking for enemies as they made their way down. About half a kilometer away they could see some ancient ruins. Hill paused for a minute and looked at the mini computer strapped to his left arm.
"According to the coordinates Headquarters (HQ) gave us, it looks like those ruins are the source of the transmissions. Let's hurry up and get there and get this over with."
Hill and Dominguez arrived at the ruins about 4 minutes later. They lay behind some rocks surveying the ruins through the scopes on their rifles.
      "Doesn't look good Joker", Dominguez said, "I see two Marine troopships. Those can carry 40 troops each. But I don't see any guards posted by the troopships or by the entrance. And I thought the Marines weren't assigned this mission.", he paused, "Wait a minute. Hill, what does that look like to you under the nose of the right most troopship?"

Hill peered through his scope, looking intently at the spot Dominguez was referring too. He looked at Goth, alarmed. "That looks like a dead marine. Looks like HQ didn't give us all the details." Hill slung his sniper rifle over his back and grabbed his AR12, flicking off the safety. Dominguez followed suit.
"Looks like we're going in hot.", said Hill.
Goth and Joker carefully made their way down to the dead marine by the troopship. Joker covered Goth as Goth looked over and searched the Marines body for anything useful.
"We'll take cover just inside the installation, then tell me what you found.", whispered Hill. Both men sprinted towards the entrance. Once inside, they found a sight that appalled their senses. Dead marines lay everywhere. Spent brass and blood covered the floor. Dominguez knelt next to Hill.
"These men weren't killed by humans. The marine outside and these inside all have some sort of energy burns for wounds. No one has developed that kind of technology.", he said.
Hill spoke quietly, "How many Marines can those Renus carry?
"80 total", was the reply.
"Then counting the body outside, there are only 62 bodies. We have 18 marines to find", said Hill.
Halt, ye who enter.
"What the fuck?!", was the startled statement from Goth. Both he and Hill brought their AR12s to bear in different directions.
This is a vessel of knowledge, if you seek it, you best hurry. The remaining creatures like you will not be able to take the control room without help. Have you the courage to help? I will transport you their location if you wish it.
"Bring us there", Hill and Dominguez yelled out in unison.

Hey, i've never written fanfic before. This is like a pseudo halo story. Any feedback that any of you reading this could give me would be great.

MSOG: Chapters 3 & 4
Date: 1 December 2003, 9:56 PM

Chapter 3
Corporal Jenkins crouched behind a corner. He pulled a grenade off his bandolier and threw it around the corner. "FRAG OUT!", yelled the Corporal as he threw the grenade. Screams of pain following the explosion told Jenkins he had thrown right. A red bolt of energy sizzled past the corner Jenkins was behind and hit a marine in the head, instantly killing him. Jenkins leaned around the corner, emptying the rest of his magazine in three round bursts at two of the aliens attacking the marines. He hit both of them in the chest, killing them. "Four left", Jenkins muttered to himself as he reloaded his AR10. Then he stopped moving; stunned to see two MSOG soldiers appear out of no where. He pointed and yelled, "Over there!".
Goth and Joker materialized into a bloodbath. They reacted purely on instinct. They saw a marine point towards four aliens, and they both opened up. Each man used up half a mag before the creatures died. They looked around after they had killed the remaining aliens. Seventeen marines lay dead on the floor. The remaining marine was stunned at the sight of his rescuers. Corporal Jenkins stood up, shaking slightly. "Corporal Jenkins sir.", Jenkins said to the MSOG in front of him.
"We don't have rank Corporal. I'm Hill and this is Dominguez. Joker and Goth for short.", said Hill.
"Then call me Jenkins. You're probably wondering what happened here. HQ sent us here to investigate these ruins. We left 1rst Platoon to guard the entrance and 2nd Platoon went inside to investigate. The rest was a blur from there. These alien things started attacking us and somehow 18 of us ended up down hear while the rest of the marines stayed in the entrance. I've been fighting down here for 3 hours. Then you guys arrived and saved my ass. What about the others?", Jenkins looked intently at Hill and Dominguez.
Dominguez spoke first, "They're all dead. I'm sorry to say that. I hate to be blunt, but you should collect what ammo you can from your buddies' bodies, and then we have to figure out this control room thing."
Jenkins looked down, a tear in his eye. He thought about all of his buddies that were now dead. He looked up and wiped the tear from his eye. He rummaged around and picked up four extra mags and three grenades. "I'm set", Jenkins said, "the control room is this way, we were forced out of it by those aliens."
Hill, Dominguez, and Jenkins walked cautiously down the hallway towards the control room, wary for more of those creatures.

Chapter 4
The three men stood to either side of the doorway to the control room. Hill motioned to Dominguez. Both MSOGs screwed silencers to the end of their rifles. Jenkins peered into the room and then popped back out of sight. Using hand signals, he told Hill and Dominguez that there were two to the left, one in the middle and three aliens to the right. All three soldiers took a grenade and primed them. Hill nodded his head and they tossed all three at each group of aliens. After the resulting explosions, all three rushed in, ready to kill anything that moved. The grenades had done their job well; blue gore and body parts covered the floor of the room. One of aliens was left alive, and it was missing one of its legs. It saw the three men enter and it lifted its weapon to fire at them. Before it could pull the trigger, its head was blown apart by two silent coughs of the AR12s.

Welcome. I'm glad some of you survived. What do you call yourselves?

Hill spoke up first, "We call ourselves humans, I'm Hill, that's Dominguez and Jenkins."
He looked around, everything was a pinkish-purple color with some blue thrown in for relief, and all the surfaces were rounded.

I have never heard of your species before. But you appear similar to the Builders. Perhaps I can be of some assistance? Your equipment seems primitive.

"What were those things that we fought with earlier?", Jenkins asked, "Their weapons seemed a lot more advanced than ours." The AI was about to answer when the lights flickered and then went out. The three soldiers quickly hid behind what little cover there was and pointed their weapons towards the entrance.
"Goth", Hill whispered, "go to the console and see what data you can find, like a data cube or a disc, anything."
Dominguez moved cautiously over to the console and took out an infiltration kit and went to work. Jenkins turned to Hill and said, "I wish I knew what the hell was going on, 'cause I have a bad feeling about this." Dominguez came back over and knelt down next to Hill, handing him a cube shaped crystal. Hill put it in one of his pants pockets before his radio flared to life.

"This is the UNSC Murphy. Any UNSC forces please respond. We have been engaged by alien ships and heavily damaged. We are abandoning ship and sending the life pods to Planet 13XA4. We request assistance. I repeat, this is the UNSC Murphy."

Hill looked at Dominguez and nodded. Hill tapped a couple of buttons on his mini computer and opened up a COM link with the UNSC Murphy.

"UNSC Murphy, this is ground force Zulu 7. Proceed to coordinates 9287372763 on planet 13XA4 for rendezvous. Over." Hill sat back waiting for a response.

"Zulu 7, UNSC Murphy. Coordinates confirmed, I am instructing all life pods to go there. Out."

"We'll have to come back here later", Hill said, "We have to go help the survivors and it's a good three hours hike from here. Let's get going." The three soldiers got up and cautiously exited the structure. Dominguez paused, "You wouldn't happen to know how to fly a Rena would you Corporal?"
"Unfortunately no. We could use those weapons they're equipped with too---" Jenkins paused looking at the strange glowing white ball that rolled into the middle of the three soldiers. Before any of them could react the ball exploded, knocking them all unconscious. The last thing Hill heard before he passed out was alien laughter.

I'll start giving the chapters names when i submit next time. i hope everyone is enjoying the story so far

MSOG: Chapter 5: Surprises and Plans
Date: 5 December 2003, 9:10 PM

Chapter 5
Hill slowly blinked his eyes open. Very slowly he sat up, clutching his head. "What a headache.", he muttered to himself. He looked around, inspecting the room he was being held in; the wall was 5 meters by 5 meters and was made of some grey metal. Instead of a doorway, some sort of energy field created a transparent wall. Hill stood up and touched it with his hand; he couldn't get through it. He looked down at himself, seeing what equipment he had. He realized that whoever had captured him had only taken his rifles away; he still had all of his grenades and knife. The minicomputer (TAC-9) was still strapped to his arm. Hill tapped a few buttons to try to figure out where he was, but got nothing but static on the screen.
"Shit", he muttered to himself. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. He quickly opened them when he heard the shield deactivate. Two alien creatures stood before him; each pointing a weapon that glowed red at the end. One of the creatures was about 2 meters in height and had a very slender build. It was very humanoid in appearance. The second alien was only about a meter in height and moved around like a dog. The tall one looked Hill in the eye and much to Hill's surprise said in English, "You are coming with us."
"This gets better by the minute", he muttered to himself.

"Wake up, Jenkins", Goth said as he gently shook the Corporal awake.
"What happened?", Jenkins asked as he stood up unsteadily. He picked up his weapon and made sure it was in working order.
"All I remember is a white flash. Then I think we all passed out. When I woke up", Dominguez paused, looking around, "I couldn't find Hill anywhere. So right now we just go rendezvous with the survivors of the Murphy." Goth pointed behind Jenkins, "It's about two klicks that way." Both men started walking in the direction Dominguez had pointed.

Ten minutes later, Goth and Jenkins had reached a ridge that overlooked the rendezvous point. It was a flurry of activity. Goth counted 7 life pods and about two hundred survivors. Jenkins pointed at a tent in the middle of everything.
"I bet that's the Command Post. Let head there.", Jenkins said as he started down the hill. Goth followed.

"Excuse me, sir". Major Lane looked up from the rudimentary map entailing his position. "What is it, Private?", he asked.
"Two men are here to see you sir, they say it's important.", was the Private's reply.
Major Lane sighed, "Send them in." The Major looked at the entrance to the CP as the two soldiers walked in. One soldier has no visible rank and had carried two weapons not common to most soldiers. He was almost 7 feet tall with a very muscular build. The other soldier was a marine corporal. Both men looked like they had seen some fighting.
"Sir, Zulu 7-2 reporting", the taller soldier said.
"Name and rank", said Major Lane tersely.
The soldier visibly paused, "I don't have a rank sir. I'm a Spartan-I. My designation is Spartan-002. My name is Dominguez, sir. I'm a part of MSOG sir."
"I see", was the Major's reply. He looked at the marine corporal.
"Sir, Corporal Jenkins, 5th Marines, Bravo Company, 2nd platoon.", said Jenkins quickly.
Major Lane looked back at Dominguez.
"Zulu 7-2? Where's the rest of the Zulu ground force?", he asked.
"Sir, I'm all that's left. The other Spartan that was with me disappeared before we came here. We don't know what happened to him.", Dominguez paused and pointed at Jenkins before continuing, "The Corporal is all that's left of Bravo company. We're the only reinforcements you're getting sir."
The Major sighed and looked back at the map before speaking.
"I have 87 marines and 60 crew men from the Murphy. We have enough weapons and ammo to last about a week of constant fighting.", said the Major
"What happened up there sir?", Dominguez asked.
"Three alien ships appeared from the far side of the planet and engaged the Murphy. The Captain managed to seriously damage one of the ships before giving the order to abandon the Murphy."
Dominguez pressed two buttons on the TAC-9.
"What are you doing?" Major Lane asked.
"Scanning to see if the ship that the Murphy damaged is planet side. If it is, we can take it over and maybe gather some intelligence on these aliens that attacked you.", Dominguez paused and then marked a spot on the Major's map.
"That's where the ship is.", he said.
"But that's over 50 kilometers away, it would take us hours to get there." Major Lane exclaimed.
"Not necessarily sir", Jenkins said, "Do you have any pilots? Because there are a couple of Renu Troopships back where we came from."
"I have 5 of the best pilots in the fleet. So what would you suggest as a plan of action then? I'm open to ideas.", Major Lane said.
"Well sir", Dominguez said, "If you give me 30 marines, drop us a kilometer away from where the alien ship is, I can take it. You keep the second Renu here, and if I need reinforcements, I'll call in for them using this.", Dominguez lifted the arm with the TAC-9 attached to it.
"Sounds simple enough.", was the Major's response.
"The best plans usually are sir.", said Jenkins.

MSOG: Chapter 6: Pilot and Escape
Date: 8 December 2003, 3:54 PM

Chapter 6

Dominguez was with Jenkins at the armory tent; Jenkins needed ammo for his AR10. They had both just finished cleaning their weapons when a lieutenant walked in.
"I'm looking for Spartan-002.", he said.
Dominguez stood up and extended his hand, "That's me, call me Dominguez or Goth."
The LT shook his hand, "I'm 1rst Lieutenant Reginald Farfield. I'm your pilot. If it has wings, I can fly it." Farfield grabbed an AR10 of a weapons rack and started to break it down to check it. Satisfied that it was in working order, he put it back together and grabbed a handful of magazines off the counter. He slapped one in and put the rest in his web belt.
Dominguez looked at the LT, "I'm impressed, you can handle a rifle too. You'll need that. Let's get outside, I requested for ten marines to come with us to go get the first Renu." The three men walked outside with their weapons in hand and met up with the ten marines. They then headed back in the direction of the troopships.
They reached the Renus without a problem. Dominguez had Jenkins set a perimeter with the marines while he and Farfield went into the Renu. Farfield sat down in the pilot's seat. He flicked a few switches, seemingly running a few tests.
"Well", he said, "this bird is in perfect condition. All systems are functional, and all the weapons are in perfect working order. So we've got a 70mm chain gun on a chin mount with about 100,000 rounds and rocket pods on either wing." Farfield paused for a moment, "I think those are 50mm rockets. Each pod has 100. So we've got firepower. Get the marines in here and I'll fly this back to base." Farfield flicked a green switch and the Renu turned on. The marines piled into the troopship followed by Jenkins. Dominguez sat in the co-plot's seat managing the radar and radio systems. He pushed in on the transmit button after finding the right frequency.
"What was Lane's call sign?" he asked Farfield.
"Super 6-1", was the reply.
"Super 6-1, Zulu 7-2, come in over." Dominguez paused, waiting for an answer but getting nothing but static.
"Super 6-1, do you read me, over." Again, nothing but static greeted him.
"Super 6-1, please respond, over." Dominguez waited again, but still got no response.
"Shit", he said, "I'm not getting any response. We'll have to assume the base is compromised. But we still have to see if anyone is there. Can you handle that Farfield?" Dominguez asked.
"Does a bear shit in the woods", Farfield said grinning.
"Good, I'm going to go in the back and tell the marines." Dominguez got up from the co-pilots chair and walked back to where the marines were sitting. He told them that he had gotten no response on the radio from base, and that they were going in to see if there are any survivors. The marines nodded and started to mentally prepare themselves for the worst as Dominguez went back to the cockpit and into the co-pilot's chair.

Hill figured that he had been in the room for about three hours before the tall alien had come back. Hill was sitting at what he thought was a table by himself. His wrists were bound by some sort of energy cuff to the table so that he couldn't escape. Hill hadn't tried to yet, deciding to bide his time instead.
The tall alien spoke, "You will tell us what we want to know. Who are you and what are you doing on this planet?"
Hill just sat there looking the alien in the eye.
The alien seemed undisturbed by the lack of silence. It continued speaking.
"I know you are a soldier and that you are human. We killed a bunch of your kind from where we picked you up. And we just destroyed all the survivors from the ship of yours that we severely damaged." Still getting no answer, the alien leaned and punched Hill in the face. Hill looked back up at the alien, spitting blood and saliva into the alien's face. The alien hit Hill again, angry at the human's impudence.
Hill looked up at the alien defiantly, his lip and a cut above his eye bleeding.
"If you hit me again", Hill said slowly, "I'm going to kill you."
The alien laughed as it hit Hill again. Hill grinned and started laughing.
"Want me to tell you how I'm going to kill you?" Hill was still laughing.
The alien crossed it arms, confident that the human couldn't do anything. "If you think you must."
"You see this knife; I'm going to shove it in your eye."
"And just how do you plan on that." The alien asked.
Hill kicked violently under the table, disabling the power conduit for the energy cuffs. He stood up, unsheathing his knife. The alien stood still; stunned.
Hill grinned evilly, "I broke the energy cuffs." Hill leapt across the table, grabbing the alien by the back of the head. Hill looked the alien in the eye, "I told you I'd kill you.", he said before he shoved his knife into the alien's eye, killing it instantly. He checked over the alien's body grabbing its energy rifle and what looked like a key.
"Time to get the fuck out of here." Hill said to himself as he walked towards the door.

MSOG: Chapter 7: Violence begets violence
Date: 8 December 2003, 6:29 PM

"Dear God, there's nothing left.", said Farfield.
"Drop me off over there. I'll contact you when I want you to pick me up. Go back to the other troopship and hold position until then.", said Dominguez.
Farfield landed the Renu just outside of what had been the Command Post. Dominguez jumped out. He paused and turned back to the Renu.
"Jenkins, you're with me." He said before turning back around. Jenkins quickly hopped out and followed the Spartan-I. Dominguez stopped and looked at the ground. He looked back at Jenkins.
"This way."
Both men started running. They both stopped and immediately dropped to the ground.
Dominguez took his sniper rifle off of his back and zoomed in on what was in front of him. Jenkins took his rifle off of safe. In front of both of the soldiers were at least 500 aliens. They were cautiously rifling through the bodies of the humans that had been killed. Dominguez was surveying the aliens, looking for a leader and he found one. A tall alien, about 7 foot tall in gold armor was waving it arms around at 10 smaller aliens. Dominguez took careful aim and centered in on the gold alien's head. He pulled the trigger and the alien no longer had a head. Dominguez then started killing aliens as soon as he saw them. He had just emptied his first mag when he heard Jenkins call for Farfield to give them air support before Jenkins pulled his AR10 out and opened fire. The aliens were enraged that their leader was killed and en masse rushed up the hillside at the two soldiers. Dominguez had gone through more than half of his sniper ammunition, and the aliens were still coming, albeit a slower less haphazard approach. Jenkins was down to three mags of ammo for his rifle, and both men had a full load of grenades. Dominguez had yet to use his AR12. Jenkins was firing short controlled bursts at anything he could see, while Dominguez was making every alien that poked its head out pay for its fatal error.
"SHIT!!", Jenkins shouted, "All I've got left is grenades. Farfield better get here real quick." The aliens had moved to within throwing range. Jenkins pulled a fragmentation grenade off his bandolier, stood up and threw it. A bolt of red plasma hit him in his left shoulder. He fell down with a cry of pain. Dominguez stopped firing and crawled to where Jenkins was. The plasma had melted through the titanium that Jenkins had been wearing, protecting him from the brunt of the damage. Even so, he still had a third degree burn and was bleeding. As Dominguez pulled out a med kit to put some bio-foam in Jenkins' wound, he heard the sound of engines. He turned to look up and he noticed the Renu fly over head. Then he heard the roar of the 70mm chain gun as Farfield opened up on the aliens. Dominguez went back to patching up Jenkins' wound.
One alien had managed to get over the ridge to where Dominguez and Jenkins were. The alien saw Dominguez hunched over Jenkins and it ran up to him. Before Dominguez noticed the alien, it had hit him in the back of the head, rendering him unconscious. Dominguez landed on top of Jenkins. Before the alien could shoot at both of them, Jenkins had grabbed the S2A3 and emptied the rest of the magazine into the alien, killing it. The Renu had circled around by that time and hovered just over the ground. Four marines jumped out and grabbed both men and their weapons and pulled them into the Renu before it took off for the ruins.

Hill leaned around the corner, peering down the corridor. He saw fives aliens standing in a group. He pulled an incendiary grenade off his belt and pulled the pin. He leaned back around the corner and threw it at the aliens. It landed in the middle of them. Before they could react, it blew up. Horribly killing them and burning everything in a 5 meter radius. Hill smacked his head, "Fuck, none of their weapons are going to work after that." He doubled checked himself to see what he had for equipment when he found the data crystal that Dominguez had given him. He took it out and looked at it. "I bet that will fit in one of the slots in my TAC-9", he thought to himself. He put it in and was surprised to hear the voice of the AI from the ruins.
"At last. I thought you would never reactivate me. I must get you back to the control room.", it said.
"Well, I have no idea how to get out of here.", said Hill.
"If you can get me to some sort of craft, I can fly it out of here. Proceed down to the end of this corridor and go through the door on your right. That should be a docking bay according to my readings."
Hill shrugged his shoulders. "Ok", he said as he ran down the hall. He rounded the corner to where the door was and saw two aliens there. Before they could react he shot them both. He dropped his plasma rifle and picked up both of the aliens. With one in each hand he activated the door and walked through.
"Oh Shit!", Hill said as he saw what was before him.
