
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Last War by Silverstar

The Last War: Chapter 1
Date: 4 September 2004, 8:37 PM

July 6th, 2552
Headquarters of A Company--51st Marine Regiment
Paris, France

Thirty-one year old Captain Matthew Troy paced around the building that had been renovated into his unit's command post. He was wearing his Class B uniform with the double-bar rank insignia pinned on his left shoulder.

Suddenly a knock came at the door and Staff Sergeant Breck entered, wearing his combat uniform minus the armor. "Covenant drop-ships spotted off the western coast. Division has all units on full alert, sir."

The Captain ran his fingers through his brown hair with a sigh, "Any battle contact?"

Breck shock his head, "None so far, but they're preparing for a full assault. On all of our positions in Europe"

Troy sighed once more and then glared out the window. Marines on the streets below had already begun preparing for the battle ahead. Warthogs scurried about and machine gun positions were being set up on top of buildings and on streets.

The Captain turned back to the Sergeant who stood at ease. A bead of sweat suddenly ran down the side of Breck's black skin, which was much darker in comparison to the Captain's light tan skin.

"How many men do we have battle ready in the company?" questioned Troy.

"Eighty-four including the officers and yourself. Sir, what orders do you wish to give?"

The room was silent as the Captain glared down at a large map of Paris, sitting on his make-shift desk. It showed a small block of every individual buidling.

"Hmm...I want first platoon to fortify this building and second and third platoon to fortify the parking garage across the street on the corner. In addition, I want stationary guns set up in the windows and warthogs prepared for action," ordered the Captain. He had been preparing his battle plan for a while. The word of upcoming battle was no suprise to any of the Marines.

Sergeant Breck saluted with a quick "yes sir" and hurried out of the room to prepare the unit with its commander's orders.

"Oh and Sergeant..." said Captain Hargrave.

Breck turned back, "Yes sir?"


* * * * *

July 7th, 2552
UNSC warship, Vindicator
Orbiting somewhere above Earth

Captain Samuel Strader shifted back and fourth between the different screen monitors on the bridge. Behind him, other crewmen and officers scurried about, in a frenzy.

"Captain! Reports from the Eagle Eye, sir!" yelled the young communications operator, holding a piece of paper with obvious markings.

The Captain quickly stepped over next to the comm. operator and snatched the paper out of his hand with a quick "thanks." Glaring at the paper, the Captain read what was addressed to him.

Captain Strader,
Covenant invasion of Europe about to be initiated.
Marines down there won't stand a chance without
help. We're taking hits, but fighting back the Covenant
cruisers. For god's sake, hurry and reinforce the
ground positions.
Captain Donohue, UNSC Eagle Eye

Captain Strader set down the piece of paper and returned back to his position. "Set course for the Eagle Eye, they're going to need our help."

One of the young Lieutenants behind the Captain questioned, "Sir, but what about Japan? The Covenant are attacking Marine positions there as we speak!"

Strader sighed, "Our positions in Europe are more vital than Japan. And besides, we would have most likely been too late to help..."

* * * * *

Early morning of July 7th, 2552
Marine Airbase 107
Brest, France

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Gallagher paced back and fourth in his office, a cigar pinched between his thumb and pointer finger. His red hair and red goatee reflected back at him as Gallagher glared out the large window, overseeing the airbase. Which of course, was renovated from an old French airport.

At the main hanger guard crews were switching for the day. All of them, lightly armed without armor. Corporal Tom Owen and PFC Billy Jenkins walked slowly, bound for the barracks, both of them very tired after the long shift that they had both been relieved of. Each of them carried an M6D Pistol in a holster and nothing else.

"Man, I signed up with the corp to see some action, not spend my nights guarding fighters," sighed Jenkins.

Owen laughed, "I'm glad I can be a Marine without having to do much fighting. From what I hear from guys on the front, it's a suicidal war."

Jenkins shook his head. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it with his silver lighter. The PFC put the cigarette to his lips and puffed it.

Corporal Owen turned towards him, "I thought you were quitting?"

Jenkins just shook his head in response.

Suddenly a loud noise broke out from the sky and the two security Marines looked up in question.

"Yo man," said Jenkins, "I didn't think they did tests this early in the morning. It's still dark!"

"That ain't no test," cried Corporal Owen, "It's Covenant!"

The base alarm began to sound and UNSC personel sprinted out of the barracks. Pilots headed to their fighters and other personel headed to their emergency stations. Corporal Owen and PFC Jenkins ran back to the main hanger to take up a defensive position.

Lieutenant Colonel Gallagher sprinted of his office and down the hallway. He emerged in the air traffic control tower where multiple personel were already preparing the communication systems and monitors.

Gallagher quickly walked to the center of the room where he was met by another officer. "Lieutenant Corbin," spoke the Colonel briefly.

A young officer turned with short brown hair turned to see his superior officer standing behind him. "Yes sir?" he questioned.

Gallagher sighed, "How many Covenant ships am I dealing with?"

"Well...sir," began Corbin, "The Eagle Eye has been fighting off three Covenant cruisers, and we know of two Covenant cruisers in the earth's atmosphere, about fifty miles of the coast."

"What do the radars show as far as smaller ships?" asked the Lt. Colonel, obviously under stress.

"We're not so sure," said the young Lieutenant, "But we're estimating about eighty Banshees and atleast thirty drop-ships."

"Damn," muttered Gallagher, "How the hell did the Covenant slip past our radars and make a silent attack like that?"

Corbin shook his head, "Sir, I do not know. The Covenant could have developed new technology or managed to hit us so suddenly with a powerful fist."

Large explosions hit all around as the air control personel took brief moments to look at the damage already inflicted. Large, blue blasts hit all around the airbase, destroying smaller buildings and leaving mini-craters in the ground.

"Where the hell are my fighters? We cannot take anymore heavy damage!" barked Gallagher.

Just then, a Banshee swooped down and fired several plasma shots into the air control tower. One of the large windows shattered and one of the personel was hit. A small fire broke out, but one of the security Marines quickly put it out with a fire extinguisher.

The man that was hit by the Banshee moaned, yelling "The burn!"

Gallagher yelled, "Someone get him to the medical station."

The security Marine that had put out the fire set down his weapon and picked up the injured person. He hurried out of the tower, bound for the medical station that was not far.

"Sir!" yelled one of the personel on station, "The main hanger got hit. Several fighters are completely destroyed."

"Damn..." muttered Gallagher, stroking his goatee.

The personel continued on, "However, 3rd Squadron is pulling out now."

Just then, four fighters came into view from the tower's windows. Several of the men cheered as the fighters began to take-off.

Suddenly a voice came through the communication equipment. It was faint.

"Turn that up!" barked the Lt. Colonel.

The communications specialist cranked the sound. The message was very static on account of the Covenant damage to the main antennae. "Come in airbase control. Airbase control, do you read me?"

Gallagher grabbed the mic. Pressing the talk button, he spoke, "This is Lieutenant Colonel Gallagher. To who am I speaking?"

The other voice came through the radio, still with static, "Major Rhodes, sir. It's good to hear you're still alive sir."

Gallagher grinned, "Likewise."
