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Fan Fiction

Last Hope For Bravo Base by Spartan5000

Last Hope For Outpost Bravo: Part 1
Date: 5 July 2003, 1:21 PM

0103 Hours, June 19, 2560(Military Calendar)/UNSC Outpost Bravo, location: Quadrant 6, Helio System
Attention, Attention, all marine personnel at full alert. Covenant battleships sighted, prepare for full scale assault. Repeat this is not a drill, prepare for assault. Enact Cole Protocol terms to all navigational and history information. Good luck Marines, Colonel Hacker out.
"Great," said Private Jameson. He was just in the middle of a poker game when he heard the alert on the loudspeakers. "Frawizzle dude, every time we're playin poker it happens," retorted Private Hermy. "But man this is a full scale assault we better get prepared," said Jameson. "For sure homie," said Hermy. Other marines were already suited up and heading up to ground level. Hermy and Jameson headed to their bunks to suit up in their marine uniforms. Jameson looked over at his picture of his wife, Cindy, wondering if he will ever see her again, although every time he got involved with the Covenant he always seemed to come out in one piece. But he always knew never to push his luck. They were just about finished when they heard explosions from above them. It sounded like mortar blasts, but Jameson wasn't sure. "Ahh, crap!" yelled Hermy. Jameson wheeled around to the other side of the bunker to see that part of roof had collapsed and Hermy was bleeding from the head. "Man, are you alright!" yelled Jameson. "Friggin piece of cement hit me in the head, but I'm strait," replied Hermy. "I'm thinkin the attack has begun, knaw mean?" "Yeah we better hightail it up to ground level," said Jameson. Just then cement fell from above and Hermy and Jameson vaulted under the bunks. The cement blocked their ways of escape and then shut out the lights. "Now what we gonna do dude, we stuck!" whimpered Hermy. "I'm afraid all we can do is to wait for some retard to come all the way down here and help two helpless marines," said Jameson. "Man you know we gonna die down here!" yelled Hermy. "Man, chill out!" replied Jameson, "We're gonna just have to wait and... uh, uh, just wish for some rescue teams to come down and help us." "Or maybe some nice Covenant attacking teams huh? They would put us out of our misery," said Hermy. Sounds of rock being thrown down on cement was coming from outside.
"Do you, you think it's them?" Whispered Hermy. "Not sure let's just stay under the bunks just in case," Jameson whispered back. Finally the rocks were thrown away and light was coming from the outside. Jameson and Hermy both closed their eyes because they knew it was the end. Then they were both picked up by the collars and when they open their eyes they were frightened by what they saw. It was a green looking robot figure and very oddly looking. "What were you two privates hiding from?" the strange looking ... thing said. "I thought at least animals on the brink of extinction would be a bit braver, mmm? But, we shouldn't worry about that right now, Covenant are within this facility and I was instructed to drive them out and enact Cole Protocol on the navigational and history systems. On my way down there I heard you two yelling and thought I could use some back up. Do you two have weapons and supplies?" The two privates nodded sheepishly. "Well lock and load and get ready to move out," ordered the green robot. As the green robot started out the opening in the rock pile Jameson bravely asked, "Who are you? Or better yet, what are you?" The green looking robot replied, "I'm Master Chief Spartan-117, you can just refer to me as Master Chief." "Yes sir, Master Chief," replied Jameson and Hermy. "Now hurry up and get your weapons double time," ordered Master Chief. After the two privates were ready to go, Master Chief and the two privates heard the ever so familiar barks of Grunts. Master Chief whipped out his M6D pistol and looked out the clearing in the rock pile to see that three Grunts were sweeping the area with plasma pistols and one with a needler. Master Chief shot three shots in succession into the grunts' heads. Blue alien blood splattered the walls behind were the grunts once stood. "Whoa that was superb, Chief!" yelled Hermy. "Yeah, whatever," said Master Chief. "Stay sharp men this facility is crawling with Covenant. Police those weapons also, we might need them later."

To Be Continued

The Last Hope For Outpost Bravo: Part 2
Date: 12 July 2003, 12:14 AM

0104 Hours, June 19, 2560(Military Calendar)/UNSC Outpost Bravo location: Quadrant 6, Helio System
Master Chief ducked and a charged plasma bolt pelted the wall behind him causing bits of cement to fall to the floor. "You two all right over there?" Master Chief yelled to the two privates across the room from him. Both privates gave him thumbs up. The Master Chief and the two marines, Hermy and Jameson, were under heavy fire from the other side of the room by three elites, six jackals, and eight grunts. The human group had been running through the facility for thirty minutes now looking for the navigational and history data rooms. The Master Chief wasn't having any trouble, but the two marines both had minor plasma burns on their biceps. "Cover for me!" yelled Master Chief. Hermy took out his captured needler and fired the remaining projectiles toward the Covenant. At the same time Jameson threw two plasma grenades and shot the last charged plasma bolt from his plasma pistol. The needler projectiles tore two grunts in half and the plasma grenades blew four jackals into their own shields. The Master Chief took this valuable time to whip out his M90 Shotgun and ran up to the next line of cover. Meanwhile plasma shots were being fired at the two marines. Cautiously and slowly, the Master Chief peeked his head around the cargo boxes to see two Elites firing their plasma rifles at the marines. Master Chief jumped out from the cover and shot two 8 gauge magnum rounds into one elite and vaulted back to his cover. He could hear the yelling of one elite he just shot and it sounded like he was dying, then Master Chief primed a grenade and threw it over his shoulder. Master Chief heard the explosion and then the other Elite's remains were seen soaring in the air over Master Chief. Quickly with no time to lose Master Chief slung his shotgun and pulled out his MA5B assault rifle, peering around the corner again the Chief saw the third Elite and the Chief fired sustained bursts of 7.62mm armor piercing rounds into the veteran Elite. The Elite's shields were depleted by the time the Elite found out were the shots were coming from. The Master Chief slung his assault rifle and whipped out his sidearm and fired one 12.7mm semi-armor-piercing, high explosive round into the Elite's head. Part of the Elite's head fell to the floor with the rest of the Elite's body. "Move up!" He yelled to the two marines. The remaining grunts and jackals started retreating slowly. Master Chief wasn't about to let them get away. He spotted and three-barreled machine gun turret on a clearing in the middle of the room. The Spartan sprinted as fast as his genetically enhanced legs could go to the turret. Once behind the gun he gripped the grips and a target reticule came up on his HUD and he put the reticule on the remaining Covenant and poured so many bullets into the survivors that when he was finished all that was left was a few bits of body pieces here and there and a lot of blue and greenish blood. While he was firing Hermy and Jameson stood behind Master Chief to protect his back. When the Chief was finished Hermy shouted, "Whew that was pretty gruesome Chief! But they damn well deserved it though!" "Let's keep moving, we can't let the Covenant find any remaining data on our navigational or history data." said Master Chief. The trio went out the exit where the Covenant were originally guarding. When they got to the hallway it was littered with marine and Covenant bodies. Jameson tripped over a dead grunt and said, "Man these little critters are everywhere!" "Only 206 meters to go," Master Chief said. "By the way Chief," said Hermy, "How did you end up at Outpost Bravo? Nothing out here, that I'm aware of, is that important that would involve you. Could you possibly tell me why you have business out here? No offense or anything." "Sorry private that's classified," replied Master Chief. "Classified, smashified," said Hermy. "We're family here dude, (Chief glanced back at him quickly) Chief, sir, I don't want to be annoying or anything I just wanted to know why you are out here, Chief." "Well Mr. Hermy I guess I could tell you a few things, since we're 'family'. The two privates didn't know what was in store for them.

To Be Continued
