
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Killing Fields by Matt Bassos

Megnar Killing Fields- Part 1
Date: 25 August 2004, 1:02 PM

0800 hours, September 16, 2252 (Military Calendar)
Megnar "Killing" Fields, Megnar planet, Aries system

"GO, GO, GO, marines, fire your god dam weapons. Private Maverick snapped into action. He held his breath, raised his MA5B assault rifle and opened fire into the chaotic fray ahead. The armour piecing bullets pelted the grassy ridge twenty metres in front of the private causing a covenant grunt to duck or have his head blown off. Time slowed down, a typical effect of months of warfare spent in the Megnar "Killing" fields. It was called the killing fields for good reason too, a double digit death count was normally sent back to home base at the end of the day. Maverick heard screams around him, as plasma fire soared past is left shoulder, missing by millimetres. He saw Private Hennolds cope a blow to the upper torso by a needler. He saw the look of despair crossing Hennolds face as he scrambled to pull the glassy shrapnel out. It was too late; the needle exploded in a flash of neon pink, causing the private to howl and ripping is chest apart in a burst of burning flesh.

There wasn't a marine in the entire UNSC that did not know the Aries system and Megnar planet. It was infamous; more soldiers had left in body bags from the system then any other known "hot spot". What made the Aries system and in particular Megnar planet so important was it orbital positioning. It was literally smack bang between UNSC and covenant controlled space. The covenant wanted control, to use the planet as a key refuelling station for there massive space destroyers, and the UNSC was keen not to let this happen at any cost or risk the repercussions of neighbouring systems being "glassed".
This generally entitled sending wave after wave of marine drop reinforcements into the war zone. The planet was divided into two side, covenant and human, with a no mans land running down the middle. Every day both sides sent soldiers into the battle field, but neither never gained any ground, but that didn't stop them from trying.

Maverick followed the Serge and his remaining platoon back to White Shell. They had lost some good soldiers today... the private closed his eyes and remembered the horrified look of terror that filled Hennold's eyes as he exploded, his death wouldn't go in vain. White shell was the largest and most secured base the humans controlled on Mengar. Maverick had known it has home for the past three months and took comfort every time he stepped into the protective grounds. The UNCS controlled many other fortified outposts along no mans land: the "killing fields" but many didn't last the distance under constant warfare and had to be abandoned or rebuilt. Nope White Shell definitely was the only area in which safety was guaranteed... for now. Similarly the covenant also controlled some sort of major base, for operations on the other side of the field, however not much was known about it, no one lived for long enough once they crossed the border. The private entered the compound, passed by the twin 70mm chain gun defence grid and past posted marine security. He heard the familiar sound of a pelican drop ship landing in the nearby training facility, no doubt bringing in a new squad of fresh faced marines to be used as cannon fodder in tomorrow's skirmish. Maverick entered his bunk, no one else was there. Most marines went to the mess hall for a well deserved feed after putting their life online in the fields. Maverick pulled his helmet from his head and ruffled his brown wavy, hair with hands. His face was pale, a result of fighting in the dark and rainy conditions.
He was lucky today, in the fields it was sunny, because battling in the rain was a nightmare. He took of his ballistic suit: Standard issue UNSC marine combat armour, it was scorched with plasma fire and looked like it had gone through hell. White shell may have been erected from titanium alloy, that could withstand an impact of a Shiva warhead, but there was no doubt that the bunk rooms were extremely small. Maverick moved to the wooden table in his tiny cubical and threw down his dog tags. He looked up and into the mirror hanging above. He saw his cold expression; his once brown eyes now looked more like silver glass marbles. He paused in front of reflection for a second more to examine the long protruding scar striking from his right ear down to the bottom of his cheek. A medal of courage he received from helping a fellow marine under attack by a group of savage jackals. The private hardly recognised himself anymore, three months of bitter conflict in the fields had reduced him to something nearly dead, heck he saw marine corporals crack after a week in the fields, yet somehow, everyday he survived the onslaught and has long has he breathed he would uphold his duty as marine, as a UNSC marine to kill every covenant bastard he could find.

Meanwhile, a veteran gold elite by the name of Kleroundus Zaxxor sent the order for group of captured humans to be executed. He felt a sense of accomplishment as he watched plasma implode in the heads of the defenceless humans. Zaxxor had been victories today and manage to push the pathetic humans back on their side of the border. He was about to send a group of methane breathing grunts to counterattack when he heard a signal. "Zaxxor report back to the Iegastro immediately, the prophets would like to hold a council with all combat officials".

0937 hours, September 17, 2252 (Military Calendar)
White Shell Bunks, Megnar planet, Aries system

Maverick awoke to the sound of a pelican soaring over head. He was surprised he hadn't been called into action earlier, one of those rare days were he could sleep in. He got out of his cubic bed, pulled a jacket over his stiff body and slipped into some ragged boots. Maverick walked into fresh air and headed for the mess hall, where the rest of his platoon would be. The base although heavily guarded with marines, pelicans, scorpion tanks, chain gun installations and wart hogs was styrol and bleak and comprised of metallic structures, many open fields and armed chokepoints. It was like walking through a set of giant silver teeth that were surrounded by a massive steel wall. He walked past the communications tower, then the training facility where he heard several MA45s fire off and finally into the section 2E which connected with the mess hall. The private walked down a corridor, nodded to a patrolling marine who was exceedingly geared up and heard the noise and commotion that could only come from the mess hall. The mess hall was a vast rectangular space filled with many tables and chairs that could hold well over a hundred marines at any given point. "Well look who decided to join us, its sleeping beauty". Maverick grinned and strolled over to the serge. He was half naked, dressed in only his long cargo pants and marine cap. Sergent Conerly was 80kg of pure muscle and one hell of a hardcore son of a bitch. Conerly held more battle experience than any other marine on Megnar, and Maverick was lucky to have someone qualified leading their platoon rather then some power hungry corporal which lead most of the other marine squads on Megnar. Indeed the serge was experienced and possessed great leadership qualities, but it hadn't come without a cost. He had several deep, twisting scars indented into his hairy chest.

"Don't just stand there private, tuck in I'm gonna need everyone at full strength today". Conerly reached into his pants and pulled out a cigar, lit it up and took a puff in. In between breaths he scanned his squad; since Maverick had shown up they were all here. . Most platoons consisted of nine marines and a squad leader. Today however he would be working with only six marines, yesterday's assault had left him depleted and it would be awhile before he got new recruits. Maverick took a seat next to Simmins, a marine relatively new to Megnar, he had been here a week. He got use to working with new soldiers, no one from his original group had lasted a month except for serge.
"I'm so tired" muttered Simmins, "How long have you been here for?"
"Three months" replied Maverick. Simmin opened his mouth in disbelief.
"How do you do it?" cried Simmins, still keeping his mouth open in disbelief.
"It's either dieing or surviving." Simmins paused for a moment as for acknowledgement then shoved his face with a large piece of dried bread. The noise in the hall amplified. "OK, listen up ladies you have one hour free time, make it count it could be your last." When Sergent Conerly opened his mouth, everyone from his squad stopped and listened. "I'm speaking with the Admiral, finding out our next destination at the fields, so be ready" Conerly put out his cigar on the table in front of his platoon, and strolled out of view. Maverick grabbed a plate, stood up and walked to the front of the mess hall where the cantina was located; it was time for some grub.

1110 hours, September 17, 2252 (Military Calendar)
The Imperial, Megnar's orbit, Aries system

"Have they found it?" Brian's expression was stern and strong but he felt fear tingling inside of him. "No sir, but it looks like they are close, they have started digging at coordinates 76A-B3."
"Damn" Brian smashed the control panel with a clenched fist. Things were not looking good down on Megnar, it wouldn't belong before the covenant found what they were looking for. Brian kept his cool because he had too; one slip up in a situation like this would have horrific consequences. He took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the window skylight. He saw the constellations of stars shine brightly, and the all the other colourful things galaxy had to offer but all of attention was purely focused on Megnar. He couldn't see the battles that were raging on from his distance but he knew they were going on right that very moment. He couldn't do a thing, just stand and watch from the planet's orbit. He had been doing this ever since the Office of Navy Intelligence appointed him to conduct operations on Megnar. However aboard The Imperial he felt useless, all he could do is hope and pray the covenant didn't find what they were looking for.
