
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Juggernaut Sqaud by captain006

Juggernaut Sqaud chapter: 1
Date: 6 August 2006, 11:58 pm

Time Date Stamp: June 2nd, 2595 0200 hours, Sol System High Earth Orbit.

Hot!! One of those Illinois pre-summer days with blue hazy skies, and heat shimmering distorting the forms of the citizens of Chicago. A few hundred meters down Washington Street a man snapped taught crumpling to the ground with a soft thud his chest cavity a bloody ruin.

The hot and tranquil morning was disturbed by rapid automatic weapons reports laying more innocent civilians and police officers to waste.

General Ross leaped out of his chair startled by the loud alarms blaring over the bridge speakers.

"I wanted a status report five minutes ago", Ross screamed.

"Sir transmission coming in from ground based installation patching through now."

"Orbital Ground Side Defense Response Station Installation 0000-66991, Alaska your help is needed in sector 6 section 1 automatic weapons reports and loss of vital signs detected please send in tactical response team, that is all."

General Ross barked orders left and right like a fine seasoned soldier with over sixty years of battle experience. "Send in tactical response team #13204 arm them with the new dark matter battle rifles and any heavy weapons they can carry. Whatever is causing the disturbance is heavily armed and so are we."

"Sir we're sending in the Spartans?"

"Yes Joseph we're sending in team juggernaut."

"Ensign Joseph Macormic's face turned pail. "Those poor bastards…!"

"Aye those poor bastards, General Ross replied grimly."

Coordinates were entered and final systems checked. Sergeant Jones stared at the cold emotionless armored visors of the Spartans under his command and knew that behind the visors there faces were just as hard. For these were the best of all the Spartans the combat elite, they would kill with cold efficiency and with out remorse whether it be human, alien, or parasitic life form, some times even other Spartans.

Every officer on the bridge turned sickly pale as they felt the thump and rumble that marked the minor defense station #01 leaving the station. The bridge crew knew what squad juggernaut was capable they had seen them in action, had seen them run forward on a rampage and tear brutes apart. They were the odst's of Spartans, not hell jumpers, demons in there own right, jumping right through hell and beyond scarring the devil himself.

The defense stations were orbital MAC guns only bigger with fifty minor orbital defense stations each capable of launching two minor pods holding a squad of thirty soldiers tasked with eliminating terrorists and the occasional covenant nuisance. Each minor station contained enough weapons and supplies along with building material to construct a base and run it for six months, equipped with it's own on bored weapons systems and engines capable of slip space travel they were tactical mobile base stations like their larger counter parts the large defense stations also capable of slip space travel.

Spartans thirty of them the best of the best sat quietly in grim anticipation for the kill the thrill of battle, as the drop pod plummeted ever deeper towards the earths crust ready to rain fiery redemption on the evil bastards below.
Jones tapped the com leading to the main drop pods bridge,

"Blue 2 what's our status?"

"Sir station is at an altitude of 300 feet above the exosphere activating braking sequence now, once the systems are stable ill set the coordinates and release pod #1."

"I also want a thermal satellite scan of the surrounding area search for the possibilities of AA and AP turrets, mark tactical fall back points and possible routes with NAV points and up load it to my HUD."

"Aye sir", Blue 2 replied happy to be of some other use then just the faith full pilot.

The station shook, engine pods and chemical stabilizing thrusters fired together, Alaska's descent slowed then stopped completely.

"Sir SAT scan completed negative on AP or AA turrets but we have detected enemy armor, the terrorists have taken over a mobile 450 millimeter cannon capable of downing this stationed turning the pods to swiss cheese."

Jones face turned grim, "How can they…."

Blue two impatiently cut him off, "Sir it fires 450 millimeter depleted uranium rounds. They emit massive amounts of EMP upon impact and will overpower the stations shielding in two hits. God damn it! Sir this is not a battle ship we have limited shielding, as second in command I advise quiet insertion…"

Jones was already thinking as a top graduate in his year from the naval academy, at the young age of 18 he had top marks in any class dealing in military strategy.

"Spartans out of this pod to the launch bay time!"

"Sir mind telling me what you're thinking?"
No problem there is some cloud cover moving in we launch the two big pods and all of the stations personal drop pods and life boats. We send in the two pelicans on auto pilot and use the long sward to sneak in under the clouds and fog. But the diversion has to be launched before the clouds move in so they know where to fire and we have to take off slightly after the diversion but not before the clouds move in this has to be timed right or it will never work. How much time do we have to work with?"

"Approximately 20 minutes, Ill get the tech guys and the AI working on it right away."

"Good then the rest of the squad and I will move the gear to the Long Sward and await the launch signal."

Thirty seconds remained on the clock the diversion was launched clouds moving in and the long sward following twenty seconds afterward. Slipping through the clouds freefalling, engines purposely left off so as to refrain from being detected on radar.

The plan went off with out a hitch until massive waves of EMP washed across the long sward disabling its sensory systems and activating automatic distress signals making them visible to the giant cannon below.

Jones's fingers danced across the tactical keyboard engines came to life, weapons systems warmed, along with a miniature Shiva tactical nuke, only capable of only massive amounts of EMP waves.

A group of archer missiles slammed into the cannon blowing apart its guidance system but only damaging it enough to slow down the firing rate. One last shot was fired, and then the cannon was covered by a wave of EMP that shut it down and melted its circuitry.

Jones pulled hard on the wheel, the long sward swung hard to the left followed by a barrel roll. It was no used the engines exploded from the surge of EMP, massive holes melted through the hull do to the massive heat tumbling an unlucky ship and crew out of control flinging them into the ground.

Twelve survivors climbed from the fiery wreckage and stared in sad remorse at there fallen comrades. Heart beats sped up adrenalin flowed some thing odd was happening that could only be described as the equivalent to a brutes rampage only more deadly.

Static washed across the bodies of what before had appeared to be alquida terrorists, now had been replaced by a large group of humanoid cyborgs. The small group of survivors counted them sixty of them in all even with the adrenalin boost victory was not guaranteed.

Something else caught their notice a large pile of mutilated bodies women, men children it didn't matter they had all been slaughtered. Some thing was happening in the Spartans body a change an evolution a lust for revenge consumed them pushing all other thoughts out of their minds. Muscles grew bigger at an alarming rate eye site increased reaction times and other basic fighting skills were drastically boosted.
A deeply buried primal almost inhuman instinct some thing ancient and almost inhuman had been unlocked. Some thing that a long time ago thousands of years back had been sealed and locked deep inside ancient humans for the good of the galaxy, to stop the humans from destroying themselves and every one else.

It could not completely be removed form the human race with out destroying us containing much of the information in our DNA that enabled us to grow and basically function. Since we were the chosen race destruction was not an option. So the dark and ancient ability had been locked inside of us only being able to be unsealed by massive amounts of loss and great exposure to trauma.

The ancients had locked it away leaving it as a gift for us to rediscover later if needed to thwart off some awesome threat.

The Spartans were consumed by thoughts of greed revenge hate and violence massive unhealthy amounts of adrenalin were produced along with other chemicals that according to modern human anatomy should not be contained in a human body bioengineered or otherwise.

Armored servos shorted out and bits of armor shredded the Mjlnir mark 10 just could keep up with the newly accelerated and strengthened movements of the now deranged Spartans fueled by pure 100% pure anger and hatred.
For a normal person to see under their visors they would turn from fright for their faces were contorted and twisted with rage chemicals had changed the colors of their eyes to a deep blood red giving them infrared vision.

Blood was spilled massive amounts of blood was spilled in the skirmish arms and limbs were twisted off heads were crushed hearts were ripped out. The cyborgs turned out to be organic. Cries of mercy and apologies were uttered but ignored the beings had souls and human emotions could feel pain but were cold bloodily murdered like defenseless cattle.

When the skirmish ended twelve have naked bloody and deranged beasts were left standing with out a scratch amongst a parking lot strewn in pools of crimson blood and torn apart corpses. The surrounding buildings were saturated in blood and strewn with shredded entrails not a single body was left intact; the area had the appearance of a giant meat grinder.

An armored APC pulled up and unloaded 40 armored Spartans. The juggernaut squad Spartans had all of their abilities increased they had been two times more deadly then a normal Spartans now their abilities had been increased thirty fold more blood was about to be spilled in one of humanities most horrific skirmishes.

Battle rifles, shot guns, and rockets were raised and steadied, Jones screamed in rage raised a captured rifle from the shredded remains of a humanoid and prepared to pull the trigger…

Jugernaut Squad Chapter 2: When the shit hits the fan.
Date: 22 September 2006, 1:48 am

Time Date Stamp: June 2nd/2595, 0230 hours, Chicago, Illinois

The good sergeant's vision cleared, the anger left his system and he returned to his usual calm and collective self. What little that was left of his once battle hardened squad including himself were in deep shit, and he wasn't sure he could talk him self or the others out of this predicament.

In front of them stood 40 spec. ops Spartans the Juggernauts rival counterpart organization code named Black Hawk. The only advantage they held over Jones was that they had thousands of soldiers and he had twelve left standing of his original 73. The mysterious Black Hawks were second best that's why they hated Jones and his men so much; but skill didn't matter when you were battle fatigued and outnumbered three to one.

A good leader was willing to spend his trooper's lives responsibly but he was never ready to senselessly waste them. He activated his command freq. and fed last minute orders to the remaining Spartans under his command. "All right we are in some deep shit here we can't fight no chance of winning. If your anti grav packs are still working power them up and fly the hell out of here if not run for it ill distract those bastards dressed in black." Eleven lights pulsed green on his HUD as the remaining soldiers prepared to run for their lives.

Thinking quickly Jones ripped the armors power pack off whipped it to the ground back flipped 15 meters and fired a burst at the power pack. A very ingenious strategy but unfortunately he missed. Ominous black armored figures grinned and prepared to fire; that's the shit hit the fan.

250 mm. artillery rounds rained on the Black Hawk's position spreading fiery death as well as general confusion across the parking lot. Jones and his men took to their heels covering 70 meters in 4.5 seconds. Jones was the last one to make it into the vacant lobby of a corporate building and slam the front doors shut.

They raced down a stair well, the building taking a direct mortar hit at the same time. The blast sheared the roof off of the building also taking out its main supports caving the building in around them and forcing them to move faster all the while. They made it to the bottom of the stairs and rolled to the side just in time a two meter deep crater appeared where they had just been standing.

Jones AI. brought up the blue prints of the building. "Analyzing we appear to be in the basement head twenty meters down this hall and turn to the left 15 meters down the other hall will lead you to a sewer access hatch; your going to have to use a demo charge to get through hurry this structure won't take another hit like that."

They raced down the halls to there target only to discover an already blasted hatch and 10 covenant brutes leveling carbines at them. The creatures spoke "Humans hold your fire we are here to help follow us we can get you to a phantom and off of earth we don't have time to explain you must come now."

Jones didn't know what to do but these weren't normal brutes they were fully armored and didn't bare any covenant insignia so he jumped through the hatch after them and hoped for the best. Keeping his rifle at the ready just in case, the Spartans sensed his uneasiness and did the same.

After ten minutes of running they came to a new version of the warthog LRV. it had been expanded with a troop bay and two extra turrets added on along with a main cannon. It was the APC. equivalence of a hog but still had the maneuverability for rough terrain. Where the brutes got human manufactured armor and a class 5 assault vehicle he had no clue but wasn't about to complain at that moment they were his ticket out of there.

Every one saddled up, instead of an engine rumbling to life the quiet whoosh of a reactor kicked in and 16 anti grav engines came to life. Unlike the covenants inferior systems the grav systems weren't fixed they had traction control systems and had the same rotation as tiers actually giving the new hog more maneuverability then its older counterparts.

Jones was pulled gently back wards as the hog accelerated to a respectable speed of 70 mph. The warthog slammed into an outcropping of rock and steal witch shattered on impact the LRV's shock suppression system kicked in and the passengers barely felt the collision.

After nearly a half hour of driving the hog dashed around a corner and emerged into a massive chamber it must have been 32 miles deep and had an area of 50 square miles. There in the middle of the chamber stood four massive destroyers of unknown design but appeared to be UNSC vessels.

All of the vessels were of the same design their under bellies consisted of twin catoram hulls and straddled between the hulls on each vessel was a massive weapon of an unknown type. The destroyers were armed to the teeth across the vessels hulls laser cannon projectors MAC guns archer pods point defense systems massive auto cannons and other various weapon systems and aces hatches for missile pods could be seen; and that was just 10% of each ships armament everything else was housed inside the ships battle armor.

The ships battle plate it's self was of an unknown origin it was an almost pure black the color of space it's self and would be very difficult to spot on sensors it was also very smooth to the touch and capable of dispersing most energy weapons that came it's way.

Jones jaw dropped as the LRV pulled towards one of the vessels it had the word PHANTOM stenciled across its bow in giant white letters. The LRV pulled into the phantom traveled 250 feet and a massive clear air lock sealed behind them and even more surprising a 15 meter piece of battle plate slid into place throwing the corridor into darkness.

The LRV pulled into a parking bay and its passengers took a lift to the bridge just in time to see a slip space portal open up, the deck shook under their feet as the ship entered slip space and emerged on the dark side of the moon….

Juggernaut Sqaud chap 3: Just Deserts
Date: 13 October 2006, 2:21 am

Time Date Stamp: June 2nd/2595, 0400 hours, Moon-orbital burn/Sol system

Electronic motors kicked in and sealed the security doors to the bridge, but not before several armored figures dashed through and opened fire. A brute managed to scream "Protect the High Admiral!" before he was mowed down by automatic weapons fire. Jones was surprised when the six remaining brutes formed a defensive perimeter around him and returned fire. Then something else caught his attention, his new found allies were encased in what appeared to be mjlnir armor modified for their broader bodies.

Three more brutes collapsed in pools of their own blood, peppering the bulk heads with entrails and bone fragments. Jones heart rate sped up adrenalin pumped turning his eyes a deep crimson but this time he kept control.

Leaping over the corpses of his fallen comrades, he dodged a hail of 18.5 mm lead and brought his leg up off the deck in a round house kick, connecting the nearest target in the chest. The figure grunted as the force of the kick slammed him into a wall, and shattered his ribs while effectively piercing his heart in the process.

His eyes now the shade of blood red, feeling ever more angry and gaining more strength, the surprise attack on the bridge fell apart. Crouching low and rolling he snapped up a rifle from a fallen brute as lead pockmarked his position. He grimaced but ignored the pain as he came out of the role and 18.5 mm slugs repeatedly slammed into his chest one breaching the armor, and just barely puncturing the skin.

The slugs played hell with the mjlnir's chest plate and elevating his abilities even more, slowing down everything until the slugs left trails through the air, ghastly fingers of death reaching for a rouge target that was no longer there. He plucked a slug out of mid air and hurled it back at the attacker cutting his shields in half and finished him off with a punch that dented the helmet and splattered the bulk head with fragments of face visor and alloy.

He brought his rifle to bear no good still no aiming reticule or ammo display, hell he didn't even know how to fire the damn thing. Even with lighting fast reflexes he didn't have time to figure it out thinking fast he did what humans do best, utilized it the primitive way. Crouching low he grasped the short barrel and swung it like a bat in an upward arc, knocking his nearest opponent off of her feet shattering her abdomen. The rifle buckled from the force of the blow snapping in two. The blow slammed her into the bulkhead, the helmet was roughly ripped from her head, and Jones was staring into the face of the only person he had ever loved.

She gently released the neck seals and removed his helmet, grimacing and turning away at the twisted look of fury, anger and confusion on his face that looked some what inhuman. Then she spoke softly in a forced and hoarse voice,
"Congratulations sergeant you've wounded your first officer." Weakened by her wounds she collapsed in his arms.

A marine popped the safety off of his 18.5 mm Dark Matter MA5B or (DMMA5B), almost screaming in terror,

"Si…. sss.. s…. sir! she is one of them!" .

His rifle stuttered and burped forth death recoiling and slamming the butt into his shoulder. Jones tossed the badly wounded women to the deck, reaching the marine before the slugs slammed into the bulk head. The blow from his fist was so hard it shattered the armored gauntlets and would have laid the marine to waste if it had not been for the reinforced helmet around his now badly abused cranium.

The marine crashed to the deck and the bridge turned deathly still. A familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Good job total combat time 3.23 seconds a new record I could barely track your movements my self." Taking the compliment from Sady (his personal smart A.I.) since she always criticized him, he turned his attention to the crumpled form on the deck.

Gathering her in his arms he left the bridge radioed the ER to have an emergency medical team stand by. His eyes filled with tears slowing his heart rate to below normal, his helmet dropped to the ground, as he whispered promises to her urging her to hold on. Telling her and promising her things they could do in days gone by if she would just hold on tears running down his face clouding his vision and spattering her cheek.

The medical team arrived shortly after pulling her from his arms she came to long enough to manage a weak smile then picked that moment to transcend the physical. The medics brought her back on line but it was to late for Jones to realize that. His heart and other major organs had taken to much abuse during the fire fight, his body had produced to much and released to much adrenalin, he had effectively poisoned himself. The heart collapsed into a bloody pulp and the lungs torn to shreds he fell to the deck splattering it with blood as his stomach cavity dripped open and spilled out its contents into a bloody mass of twisted entrails and organs.

The medics rushed over to him. The lead medical officer grimly relayed the message to the bridge. "

L.T. Alconso looks like you're in charge of this tub now. Admiral and first officer have both flat lined were gonna pop them in the freezer until I can get some organs flashed cloned."

"Roger that, do what you can for them, fix the Admiral quick we need him to continue on the present mission."

"Aye sir, but the Admiral has not even been briefed yet, about present operations, about the war, and most importantly about the split between UNSC forces and the new alien menace; Rodriguez replied quizzically."

"I know corporal please do not remind me of our present difficulties I have enough trouble to worry about as it is. Ill explain things to the Admiral when you pop him out of the freeze and patch him up. The ships shake down process is not yet complete, I need you to hail engineering and make sure they charge our new slipspace drive for an emergency jump."

"Aye sir, I will stop on my way to med lab and let them know."

Rodriguez hurried off before the L.T. could weigh his already busy schedule with any more tasks. After completing his rounds he returned to the med bay to patch up Jones only to his surprise; he was where he had left him, only with no signs of being maimed. Checking to make sure the admiral was indeed alright; he shifted his attention to Captain Andrea Smith who was in critical condition.


What a strange this was to have, that he was experiencing, the violence the betrayal humanities greatest mistakes both ancient and recent he observed them both. A new sentient humanoid life form had been discovered a powerful technological race indeed they were; but also a fearsome people who wiped out all those that opposed them. Jones felt the anger well up inside of him even in his unconscious state.

Witnessing the betrayal humans against human's brothers now against bothers; the UNSC had been split in two the elites grunts and hunters siding with the UNSC witch Jones was a part of and standing against the UNSCDF who had sided with the new sentient beings. The UNSC knew all to well that it was a bad decision and political tensions between the two divisions of the government had risen to a torrent in the last few months. When the sentients landed troops and massacred a UNSC held colony, and country "The United States" plus the assassination of many of the UNSC leaders had pushed the decision to secede from the union to a reality humanity was now involved in a three way war.

The threat of the covenant had never vanished completely witch also included the threat of the flood along with other races recently discovered that caused them trouble; they now had to face a civil war. The UNSC seceded immediately when they lost a majority of their party leaders in the senate. Jones and his team had been called in and seen the massacre caused by the UNSCDF and their new allies, forcing something deep inside them "humanities last great mistake worse then the activation of the halos a millennia ago (for it was now believed that humans were descendants of the for runners) this great mistake resurfaced witch ancients had strived to delete so long ago, these amazing but dark abilities that got the Spartans through their predicament on earth and on bored the current vessel.

The UNSC's admirals the ones that were left had promoted Jones to High Admiral, and put in charge of the risky operation that they were now a part of. There was only one member left that was higher then him the president who had promoted him to his present rank. The president was now believed to be in transit via slip space to a safe house.

The High Admiral snapped awake; Andrea standing above him for the last several minutes, disconnected the cable from his neural-lace, witch had downloaded the information of what had occurred during the last several days to his mind to save the trouble of it being explained gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, before she sealed her helmet and attended to tasks of her own.

Jones quickly jumped up and headed for the bridge he knew what had to be done. The UNSCDF had betrayed them all and The UNSC would make them suffer cripple them with overwhelming force bringing them to their knee's all who sided with them civilians included would now be declared enemy's of the state and would be promptly executed if they resisted. Earth was going to have to be treated with extreme caution and heavy force. He decided we would destroy the god damn planet if that's what it took to purge it of the UNSCDF's presence; they didn't have active plasma turrets for the shake down was still in progress so glassing was out of the question. But the giant under-slung cannon looked operational if the UNSCDF didn't surrender they were going to blow earth in half…………………..
