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Fan Fiction

Jonson Chronicles by Mattt

Jonson Chronicles: Chapter 1:Boarding Parties
Date: 1 December 2003, 3:14 AM

Sgt.Jonson sat up in his bunk. He rupped his eyes and stood up on the cold floor of The Pillar Of Auttmn. the next thing he heared was the voice of Cortana over the intercom. "14th Platoon randevouz with 22nd tactical at bulkhead charlie 14"

Jonson took a minute to relize that he was in 22nd tactical team. He then scrambled to get dressed and put his battle armor on. He ran down the hall of the auttmn into the vechile chamber.Where he found marienes and ops personal running everywhere, loading weapons, looking over Cole Protocole procedures and simply paniking.

Then he saw two members of his team driving a warthog down the chamber. Jonson signalled them to stop.

He hopped in the gunners seat to be welcomed by pvt. Kinley. "Good to see you sir" kinley said. "yes,yes im sure were all happy to see each other, just get going marine!" Kinley didnt need to be told twice. He floored the gas peddle and screeched around the corner into the transport ways.

"It's bad sir. we thought we lost the covenent when we jumped from Reach, but somehow, they actully beat us here." Jonson didnt awnser, he was to busy thinking of the battle ahead of him.

When they reached the randezous point, they recived thier orders from Cortana. "Sgt.Jonson you and your team repel boarders at the Starborad lifeboat bays!" The AI voice said. "Roger" Jonson replied and clicked off the com channel.

"Alright people, were off to starboard lifeboat bay. Go Go Go!" Jonson said to his team. His team, led by Pvt.Kinley, ran all the way to thier station. Once there Jonson gave them thier positions. "alright, Kinley and companey take that side, make sure all the bastards don't make it through to the bridge. My team, we got this side, if bad goes to worse we cover this hall, clear it of everything blue and ugly." Instently, all the marines did exactly what Jonson said. "Thats my favorite part of this job" he thought to himself.


"WARNING, covenant boarding parties detecded in Starboard lifeboat bay!" Came Cortanas voice over the intercom. Then jonson heared a laugh in alian tounge from behind. "New Contacts, from behind. Look alive Marines!" Jonson screamed.Then the whole 22nd tactical teams turned and fired thier MA5B Assult rifles at the shieded Elites.

Jonson was smarter than that however. He took a HE explosive gernade from his belt, pulled the pin, and tossed it into the swarm of Covenant. He then heared a Grunt scream, "Gernade, Everybody run!!" and then the Bang and the pethitic screams. Jonson checked to see that they were all dead and then counted the dead bodies on the ground. "2,4,6,7 and counting." he muttered to himself.
He liked to keep count of the enimies he killed.

Jonson turned around to face his team. "Alright Marines, new plan. Half of each team,cover the halls. The other half look out for more boarding parties from the rest of the lifeboats ." "Sir, yes sir!" he heared in responce.

For what had seemed for hours, Jonson and his team stood at there positions, facing wave after wave of covenant boarding parties. Then had saved many ops and crew personal from brutal burning death from the elites plasma rifels. Then came Captin Keyes' voice over the intercom. "All crew and operations personal fall back to secondary defencive position and secure the blast doors. Then man the lifeboats." The ops personal in Jonsons area did as told. He watched as they filed in to the last remaning lifeboat in the starboard bay.

"This is Captin Keyes, all combat personal wait tell crew and ops are away. Then man the last lifeboats. Were abandoning the Auttmn. Good luck, Keyes out."

"All right My team, file in!" ordered Jonson. "Since there are no more lifeboats around here, we have to make our way across the ship! Then we will use the lifeboats to get out of here! So lets go follow me!" "Yes Sir!" Came the marines awnser.

The 22nd Tactical team made thier way acroos the ship and came to the port side lifeboat bay. There the ran into the Military's secret Weapon, the last of the SPARTAN project, The Master Chief. Jonsons team filed into the lifeboat without hesitation. Jonson finished killing a grunt as he took a breath and walked into the lifeboat. "45" He counted to hinself. then the Master Chief said, almost with laughter, "405". jonson smiled as he closed the door to the lifeboat and gave the Luetenent the 'good to go' sign. Of course, knowing the Chief would get into the other lifeboat in the bay. He then took a seat, strapped in and watched out the Pillar Of Auttmn get shot by multiple Plasma Blasts.

To Be Continued.......
