
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Jaffa by Neal Stack

Jaffa Part 1
Date: 12 October 2003, 10:08 PM

"Report!" the bewhildered captain yelled as his ship, The Jaffa, was struk by a unknown object. The Jaffa was a custom ship but unlike most custom ships it was just as large as most Carrier class ships. it was carrying a precious cargo of Covenant prisoners, mostly elites, it was a great victory for humans when they captured these elites. It was assigned to Captain Jackson to use the elites as a means to board a covenant cruiser and gain knowledge of their homeworlds location, the same mission attempted by The Pillar of Autumn
"Shit, its the covenant!" replied the private sitting at the controls of the ship, "They've boarded on deck 12."
"Notify the troops down there to grab their arms and get ready for one hell of a ride." Captain Jackson had seen the covenant before, he had blow away a spec ops elite in a fury of rage after seeing it blast his best friends head off with its Plasme Rifle. After it was down he had done something he was still not proud of, he used his Pistol to blow holes in its neck then took its head to a airlock and launched it into the vacuum of space. " And get me a goddamn rifle!" he wasnt going to let his men lose their friends. a private ran from the room to retrive a rifle, not wanting to upset his captain. "Major! Your incharge while im gone" Major Torelli was arrogant but knew what to do, Jackson hoped he wouldnt do anything stupid.
"Yessir Captain" replied the excited Major. "The ships safe with me" Major Torelli knew if he ensured the safety of The Jaffa, he would have a much higher chance of getting that to Captain his own ship when the returned to Earth or Reach.
"Just don't die or let them anywhere near the controls if they get in here!" the Cpatain knew the covenant would do anything they could to get to the bridge, he wanted to do everything possible to prevent it.
"here is a rifle and some extra clips sir" said a approaching private holding a Assult Rifle out to the captain.
"Good Luck people and seal off the bridge after I leave, the covenant must not learn the access codes to the cargo hold, Godspeed" It was time like these when Jackson wished he had gotten a AI Construst to pilot the ship when he had the chance. He ran to the nearest elevator to get to Deck 12. The elevator doors opened and there was a Blue Elite standing right there, the captain raised his rifle and said, "hi" just before he opened fire blowing the suprised elite back against the wall, its blood splattered on the wall and ground.
"Awwwww captain thats sick!" a nearby soldier complained about the Captains kill.
"be glad he isnt saying that to his friend about you, LOOK OUT!" a small group of grunts had almost whacked the soldier in the back of his head, but he and the captain managed to kill them before any fatalities.
"Holy Shit! thanks Captain that was way to close! by the way im Ryan"
"just shup up and reload, we dont have time to talk lets go!" they set off looking for more of the bastards to kill. nearing the next corner the captain put up his hand signaling to Ryan they should stop.
"whats up captain?" Ryan inquired
"Its a fucking Hunter, you got a pistol Ryan?" Jackson knew a hunters armor didnt protect the back and wanted to make it face its back to Ryan.
"yes sir but I only have one clip left for it why"
"Just shoot it in the back when you get the chance" with that he ran out and shot a few rounds at the hunter to make it chase him.
"Shit he has got to be the most insane captain" muttered Ryan to himself watching the hunter run around after Jackson, seizeing his chance Ryan shot the hunter square in the back the hunter groaned and fell over almost ontop of Jackson, unfortuneatley, two yellow elites head the noise made by the hunter and Ryans pistol.
"Ryan lets go frag em!" yelled the captain, there was a hint of fear in his deep voice.
"I dont have any left sir, i used them to get some jackals." Ryan's fear was much more evident than Jacksons but he never ran or steped back, he followed the actions of his captain and prepared to fire his rifle.

Jaffa Part 2
Date: 13 October 2003, 5:32 PM

Authors Note: In regards to a comment made on Part one I did take names from a television show, Stargate SG-1. unfortunately it is now aired only on the scifi channel.
-End Note-

The yellow elites raised their plasme rifles and took aim to kill Ryan and Jackson, "Goodbye assholes" was heard just before rocket fire ripped into the elites. A small squad of marines stepped out of the shadows, one holding a smoking rocket launcher busy reloading it.
"Nice shot soldier." said a relieved captain.
"Anytime captain. Im Jeff this is my squad, Ben, Nick, and Chris." Jeff introduced his squad "I see you've had the unfortune of meeting Ryan." he joked.
"Yea heh heh. Hey Ryan how was the Shitter, when the covenant hit us did it scare you shitless?" the marines laughed and Ryan looked clearly annoyed.
"Yea yea real funny dickhead." was all he could say.
"I only joke cause I love you" Chris came at Ryan with outstreached hands "give me a hug pookie."
"AHHH GET AWAY!" Ryan screamed.
"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" yelled the captain, "If they hear us and kill you all i wont cry."
"Sorry Captain, we just kinda like to fool around.

"Lets get moving Marines, we have to find where they boarded, it will most likely have a small base of operations there." With that the marines went in search of the covenants base of operations. They encountered minimal resistance, with the exception of a group of Jackals and a red elite.
"Eat lead mother fucker!" The marines opened fire on the elite, killing him. Jeff took aim with his rocket launcher.
The Jackals screamed, knowing what would happen next, and were incinerated.

One Jackal survived, his name was Nawix. Nawix knew if the marines thought he was dead he could make it to his feild master and alert them that the humans were searching for their boarding party tech grunts, who had found The Jaffa's layout making it simple for them to locate elevators. But the humans had sealed all the elevators except for one. He could either hunt down the humans himself, a poor choice one of them had a high explosive weapon, or he could goto the feild master and have him send out spec ops elites to kill the renegades.

The Jaffa lurched just as it had when the covenant first boarded, it threw the marines to the floor
"STAY THE FUCK OFF MY SHIP!" Jackson yelled at no one in particular.
The voice of Major Torelli came over The Jaffa's speakers, "Captain they boarded deck 15. Any marine resistance there will be defeated, its the sick bay. you must get there and provide assitance, we will seal of that deck after all the wounded are gone."
"Ok marines new plan we find the base of operations later, now we have to get to Deck 15. Jackson lead the marines back to the elevator where he had killed a blue elite and met Ryan. They all fit in the elevator and trained their weapons on the doors, incase the covenant had a suprise by the exit. The doors opened and what the marines saw could not be explained...

Nawix stood up and ran as fast as he could to Chack, the feild master. "Excellency!"
"what is it, jackal?" replied the Black elite.
"the humans they are searching for the tech grunts but are currently going to the sick bays of this ship to intercept our forces there."
"That is good some of my best friends and greatest warriors were assigned to attach to that deck." Chack seemed to think it was a good thing that the humans were going to the sick bays or 'deck 15' as they called it.
"Excellency these humans are deadly and one carries a high explosive 'rocket launcher', which is capable of killing forces very quickly and effectively." Nawix hoped Chack would understand these humans need to be taken out at all costs. "I believe one of the humans in that group is the captain of this vessel."
"you dont say now that is a human worth killing, GRUNTS! divert all avalible spec ops elites to the sick bays, leave none alive." a cold shudder ran throught Nawix for reasons he couldnt explain.
"Thank you for listening Excellency, umm where are the healing grunts?" Nawix indicated his injuries sustained from the human projectiles.
"That way." Chack pointed to the makeshift medlab set up in their boarding craft.
"Thank you, Excellency." he walked to the medlab and the grunts gave him painkillers to begin the procedure of human projectile removal.

Jaffa Part 3
Date: 17 October 2003, 2:36 AM

Authors Note: wow ok I was gone a few days (sorry saw that halo tourny for next month in Chicago on the 13th and had to get a team together) so now I'm getting this rolling again.
We'll start with the marines.

Jackson watched in pure rage as elites calmly walked up and down the rows of the sick bay beds killing wounded marines without flinching. One word, expressed by Ryan said it all, "Fuckers."
Jackson seemed to agree but said nothing. Just as seemingly calm as the elites he walked to the doors, got out his keycard, swiped it and opened the door. One elite noticed him walk in and started jabbering and pointing; the others noticed aswell now. Jackson walked right up to the jabbering elite, traded his rifle for a nearby seringe and jabbed it into the elites stomach. The elite looked down then at Jackson tried to speak but fell to the floor. As it fell Jackson saw another elite fall, not red but black, he saw a headless human corpse. He saw.....

Nawix woke after his short surgery, and asked a grunt where his equipment was. It replied, "Shields over there you gun was taken there's a crate full of dead soldiers weapons though." Nawix nodded and said thanked the grunt. He got his shield but didnt turn it on; instead he took two plasma pistols from the crate. He went to the elevator that the humans took to get to 'Deck 15' but was stopped by the elites guarding it.
"What's your clearance?" one asked curtly.
"I'm here to carry out a assassination, unless you'd like to stop me and get Chack involved?"
The elites exchanged glances and gulped, they knew chacks assassins were not to be fooled around with, what they didn't know was Nawix wasn't an assassin.

"THAT FUCKING PRICK SHOT THE CAPTAIN!" Chris yelled as Jackson fell to the floor. "They are SO dead." No one argued, the marines swept into the room, opening fire and the way to calm elites were suddenly not so calm, yelling and trying to aim at the running, shooting marines. The elites never fired a single plasma bolt. Their death symbolized human defiance of the covenant. Ryan ran to Jackson.
"Sir! Everything will be ok just hold in there and we'll find a medic somewhere, MEDIC!!"
"Don't try to save me just get" he stopped talking and coughed up blood, "get to the bridge get Torelli" more blood spilled forth from Jackson's mouth, "self destruct, kill em all." his body went limp holding his blood stained key card in his hand. Ryan took it, then took Jackson's dogtags.
"Let's get to the bridge." An indescribable power seemed to come from Ryan, it was clear he was incharge.

They went to the elevator, it opened before they got there, its sole passenger was a Jackal holding his hands up.
"You don't shoot at me and I wont shoot at you" Nawix said to the marines who had raised their rifles but were slowly lowering them, seeing the jackal wanted to talk not fight. "If your current intention is to self destruct your ship, you must not."
"Whys that? And how do we know your just aren't tricking us, then when are backs are turned" Ryan to symbolize what would happen when the marines turned their backs to Nawix, shot his rifle off to the side. Nawix in turn did something the marines never expected he put his plasma pistols on the ground and kicked the over to the marines.
"There, now follow Nawix." Although there was much reluctance in the marines they moved to follow Nawix into the elevator again.
"Why?" The sole word came from Chris.
"Why, what human?" Nawix asked him.
"Why abandon you religion and help us?" hearing this the marines turned their full attention to Nawix; they all seemed to want to know.
"It is not a religion, it is a mindless massacre of a innocent race." Nawix didn't want the marines to know he turned on the covenant just because his field master had sounded to bloodthirsty, it seemed like an absurd reason to him now but he has chosen his path. Where it would lead him would be decided by the very enemy he had fought for the last four years of his military service.

Jackson snapped open his eyes, he was not in the sick bay of The Jaffa, there were covenant standing over him. He tried to get up but he was restrained. the covenant inserted a needle in his arm and his muscles relaxed, it wasn't his choice, the needle was apparently full of a muscle relaxant. "Where the FUCK am I?" He asked the grunt standing by his head.
