
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Inside Halo by ShotgunGoBOOM

Inside Halo Chapter 1
Date: 10 July 2004, 9:59 PM

This is the story of my friends and me one lazy afternoon. We were at my house. I'm using their campaign names for privacy and protection or whatever.

"So, you guys wanna play Halo?" Woodman (My friend) asked. "Hmmmm I don't know. What do you think ShotgunGoBOOM!?" CMC asked. (My other friend) "Why not? It's a lazy afternoon just like the narrator is saying. Let's go." I replied. We headed into my room and turned on my Xbox. As I grabbed my 2 spare controllers, the lamo pink one my sister forced me to buy fell out of my hand and landed on my big toe. "Oh *horn sound*!" I yelled. Woodman and CMC gasped. "ShotgunGoBOOM!! That wasn't very nice!" they said. "What? My dad just honked his car horn." I replied and pointed out the window. They both laughed and we started multiplayer. "Okay CMC, let's team up. Woodman always beats us because you're such a bad pl- I mean he's so good at Halo" I said to CMC and laughed, covering it up with a couple of coughs." Okay, sure SGB!."CMC said. We started playing. Chris somehow got the first kill by beating Woodman to death when he had a rocket launcher out, so he wouldn't fire because he would kill himself. Then Woodman fired a shotgun blast that blew me to bits when he snuck up on me, using the crouch move so he wouldn't be on my radar. I would've took him down with me with a plasma 'nade, but Stupid aka CMC accidentally hit me with a sniper bullet before I could throw the grenade. "You idiot! What did you do that for?" I screamed at CMC. Woodman was on the floor, laughing. "Wait! We can get him now!" CMC said and quickly fired a shot at a figure standing still. The screen on CMC's screen said: You betrayed ShotgunGoBOOM!. I slugged CMC and then threw him out the window. Before he hit the window however, Woodman whacked his controller so hard from laughing it issued the secret teleport players into Halo command. Me, Woodman, and CMC (who was still holding the controller) were sent into Halo.

I was flying. All around me was blue light. And the occasional flash that was like a camera's flash. Suddenly it all disappeared and my feet hit solid ground. As I looked around, I saw two weird figures in green armor, like a SPARTAN's armor not far off. "Who are you!?" I yelled at the figures. "And where are my friends?" "I'd like to ask you the same thing!" One of the figures said. "But, I'll tell you who I am. I'm CMC. Or at least, that's my name." CMC said. "No way, CMC!? You're here too?" I gasped. "Hey, do I know you?" CMC asked. "You idiot! It's me! ShotgunGoBOOM!!Can't you see me?" I asked. "No, I couldn't, because you're in green armor." He said. I looked at my hands, and sure enough, I had SPARTAN gauntlets on. "Whoa, this is kinda weird. You think we were knocked out and somehow my dad put that Nightmare SPARTAN armor on us?" I asked, gasping for breath since it was such a long sentence. "No, that's to specific. And how do you explain this!" CMC replied and pointed down. "Oh my God." I said. We were on the main menu of Halo. You know the part where it says Campaign, Multiplayer, Settings, and Demos. "Weird. Hey, where's Woodman?" CMC asked. "I think that's him." I said and pointed at the other figure, which had fallen asleep by now. We went over and woke him up, then filled him in. "How do you think we got in here anyway?" I asked. CMC gave the answer. "I think it's because when you threw me out the window, Woodman hit the controller so hard from laughing, he did a secret command." "Cool." Woodman and me said. "Well, what now?" Woodman asked. "We'll have to play Halo."
I said. "But ShotgunGoBOOM!, we can't have 3 player co-op, it hasn't been made." CMC protested. "We're inside the game. I think we can change that." I told him. We hacked the game and we were ready to start. "Hey, how do we select all the stuff?" CMC asked. "Watch, I fixed the game for this. MULTIPLAYER!" I yelled and it went to the Multiplayer screen. "Oh." CMC said. We did all the stuff to start and the game loaded. When it loaded, however it wasn't the regular levels. "What the heck? Where's the POA level?" I asked. CMC and Woodman shrugged. "I guess we'll have to play a new kind of Halo.

"Well, lets take stock of our starting weapons. CMC, Woodman, what do you have? I have a Plasma Rifle and a pistol." I told CMC and Woodman. "I have a pistol and AR. Standard starting stuff." CMC said. "And I have a plasma pistol and a shotgun." Woodman said. "Whoa no way! I'm ShotgunGoBOOM!! I get the shotgun. You have double pistols. CMC, trade woodman pistols. I'll take the shotgun. Woodman, have my pistol. Okay, lets start." I said. As we slowly started over a hill that blocked our view, I spotted a dead marine with a SR. "CMC, you can take that Sniper Rifle. You're a pretty good shot most of the time." Woodman said. "Okay." CMC replied and took it. We scaled the hill and looked down. All three of us gasped. "This is insane." CMC whispered. Down at the hill, 10 covenant cruisers were being repaired. "How the hell are we going to do this? And who yelled difficulty Legendary?!" I said. Woodman suddenly became interested in checking his pistols. "We'll need to get into a cruiser. I have a plan...." I said and began to say my plan.

*5 minutes later*

Woodman slowly peeked out of his bushes cover. Spotting a forgotten cart, with it's Grunt owner nearby fighting with another over who was better, Woodman slowly started to move toward it. He got to the cart and jumped in. He hid under the clothes inside. Thinking fast, he reached into one of the pockets and took out 4 plasma 'nades. "Okay, he's in the cart." CMC said on the hill into his radio, while surveying the site with his Sniper scope. "Okay, begin phase 2." I said into my mike. I heard 4 loud shots jump from his sniper's gun. I saw a Grunt, Elite, and Jackal fall. The 4th shot was the best one. It hits a cart of plasma grenades dead center. Pandemonium began as the cart exploded, taking out 10 elites, 7 Grunts, and a dozen Jackals that were nearby. (It was over 80 grenades in the cart) CMC saw a mob of Covies coming toward him and started to dash to Woodman's cart. He tossed a Frag grenade he had also gotten from the dead marine and was rewarded with screams from the mob after him. Woodman, who was still hiding in the cart, heard the commotion and jumped out of the cart (which had been forgotten by now) and started to run toward a cruiser. I, by that time, had reached a grav lift and was heading toward the Control center. I skidded around a corner and almost ran into a gold elite with a plasma sword. I could almost feel the bullet-time come on. "Wait! We can't fight like this!" I said. The elite nodded. He turned to a control panel and hit a button. A door opened and we moved into a large storage chamber that was empty. "Wort Wort Wort." The elite said. It translated to: We just need one more thing. It whacked a button and the Matrix theme song started. We both nodded and jumped at each other.

To be continued....
