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Fan Fiction

In The Eyes Of a Militia by Boy.I.Like.Halo

Every Thing Starts Small
Date: 26 July 2005, 3:43 am

This is a story in the war you never heard before. A story in the eyes of no soldier, human or alien background. This is the story of the militia. An Army created from civilians who know how to kill as well as any other soldier. This is their untold story. William was always fascinated with firearms even at a small age. He had his first BB gun at age 3. He learned to shoot a real lead spitting weapon at age 5. At age 14 he had every gun metal could form into. A good thing his dad was a honest to god marine. That is where he learned every thing he knows. He died on a mission that had to do something with the rebels. His mom was a millionaire but he hardly ever spoke to here. When his dad died he was given somewhere around four hundred thousand dollars by his mother, not to show she cared but to show she was sorry if the negligence she showed William. So with that money he opened a gun shop At age 21 on the east side of Old Mombasa. Although he was American and could not speak entirely to his customers, he made pretty good sales which became his living. It was good he owned a gun shop when the covenant started the invasion. The UNSC told every one to evacuate but William stuck around a little after the announcements. Locking up shop and in the back of his mind, he kinda wanted to see one of these aliens he heard so much about. He was the furthest from scared a man could be when it came to the Covenant.

After an hour of house cleaning he walked to the back avoiding shelf after shelf of firearms into the antique section of the store. He opened the maintenance door to the back of the shop to smoke. He stepped out and had to sheild his eyes to the sunlight. William stood staring out upon the olden structures around him. At the moment he was about to light the cigaret he heard a small squeak. Then a high pitched barking sound. It came roughly around a dumpster about twenty meters away. More interested now William put the smoke back in his pocket and the lighter in alongside it. "Hmm" he said leaning a little to the side to catch a glimpse of what made the unusual sounds. A high pitched chatter was roaring from the dumpster. Then he saw it.

A five foot being stepped out from behind the waste bin. Purple in skin with a red triangular shape on its back. Some strange curved piece of metal in hand green of color. "Grunt" William was able to spit out. He turned around and sped back into the shop. He grabbed the nearest weapon in hand. In the antique section that weapon was the five hundred year old M16. Quite old but not this one, this one was in mint condition and so was it ammo. He cocked the loading pin to see a round safely locked in place. He let go of the pin to hear a satisfying 'click' in the receiver. Then slowly crouched next to the open door and took aim on the grunts head.

The Elite Gunsa Ferlamee looked up at the sky to see two allied phantoms whiz by. As he looked back over he saw a grunt under his command do a back flip then followed a loud 'Crack'. At the same time he was both curious and confused. He stepped over to see the grunts head smashed in with light purple blood oozing out on the ground. Another grunt came by his side only to suffer to same fate. The elite looked up to see where the fire was emitting from as he crouched behind the dumpster. "Ah I see you" he said in alien tongue. He emerged from cover and fired upon the human while running across the open street to try and flank his enemy. He could feel his shields dissipating faster than he realized. Then as if by the speed of light he felt a surging pain in his arm. He knew he was shot but he could not stop running or he would die with his shields completely wasted away. And that was exactly what happened. The former elite fell in a heap with his face blown out by the guns bullets.

"That wasn't so hard" said William panting nervously. "Maybe I could make this a living" he said joking with himself. He suddenly jumped with fright. He turned quickly M16 to bear to find out he was about to kill hi own phone. "Phew" he said wiping the sweat from his forehead. He stepped inside his store and lowed his M16 on to the table. It was still worth a lot of money. So he had to be carful with it. He picked up the phone to hear the voice of his best friend.
"Michael, I need you to meet me my store ASAP" he said still panting "Wait listen, those aliens are all over this place. We need to get out of this city ASAP" he said with much fear in his voice.

"Listen Michael we need to..." he was cut off by two Jackals entering the door behind him which he carelessly left open. On Michael's side he heard a series of gunshots then heard Williams voice again. "Get over here now and bring your guns !". That was all he heard. William hung up on him.
