
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Human-Preditor wars by Corporal Kick ass

Human-Predtor wars
Date: 7 February 2005, 11:33 PM

Onboard UNSC vessel Firebrand
Planet Xel'enak January 2, 2565
(Military calendar)

       The Master Chief awoke to sirens blaring in the distance. His head hurt and he began coughing as he puked up the vitamins and nutrient substance. He sat up and looked around two technicians walked towards him. One looked as though he was in his mid thirties the other looked young almost fresh from boot. The thirty-year-old had a scruffy beard and grease all over his trousers. The young man had long greasy hair and strong forearms and chest.
       "It'll be over in a minute," said the young technician.
       "What will," asked the Chief. He didn't get an answer as they both walked away. He grabbed his gear and headed to the bridge.
Along the way he saw Marines prepping their gear and loading their guns. Master Chief walked through a dozen doors and three elevators before arriving on the bridge.
       "What's happening," he asked.
The commander turned towards him. Debra Wilson smiled and then her face turned cold.
       "We've found a Covenant vessel on this planet," she said pointing to a huge gas giant.
       "There's nothing on Xel'enak except mineral deposits," she said.
Master Chief leaned forward and read the scanners.
>No life signs detected>
>Power source deactivated>
>Atmospheric pressure active>
>Engines disabled>

       "She's a mess," said Wilson. "I don't know what could have done it, but no UNSC vessel could have caused this," she said.
       "No offense ma'am, but get down to business," said the Chief.
       "Alright Chief, I need someone to go down there and check it out, that means you and a team of Marines," she said.
The Chief nodded and walked off the deck. He headed down to deck
E-5 and grabbed some gear from the local armory before meeting with the hand picked Marines.
       "Listen up, I have one rule and that is if you stray from your group your on your own, we're not coming back for you, understand," said the Chief. The Marines nodded and climbed aboard a Pelican.
       "We'll be dropping you off in the starboard side launch bay," said a pilot.
       The Pelican launched from the ship's bay and headed through the gas giant's atmosphere. The Pelican began to shake and shudder as the winds pressed down on its hull. The Pelican went into a deep dive and then pulled up just above the ground. They flew strait towards the Covenant vessel. The Pelican entered the dimly lit bay and Covenant bodies lay everywhere along with destroyed fighters and dropships. The pilots maneuvered the Pelican into the bay and sat in down. The back doors opened and Master Chief and the Marines filed out.
       "When you need us just give a holler," said a pilot and the Pelican left the bay. Master Chief and the Marines checked the bay for survivors and found none. Master Chief ordered them to split into two groups.
       "Ok, look Alpha you have the engines and Beta your with me we're going to the control room. Let's move," he said.
They left the room and none noticed the disturbance in the rafters or the thin red laser marking the Chiefs back. Alpha team walked down a series of Covenant hallways.
       "This is it," said a Marine. "The engine rooms on the other side."
       One of the Marines opened the door and this laser appeared on his chest.
       "What the hell," he said before a blue streak cut through him.
       The Marines opened fire at the area where the light came from. A human shape cloaked in invisibility fell from the rafters. The Marines kept shooting at where the light came from. A Marine screamed in pain as two long curved blades ripped through his stomach. Two Marines turned around and fired until two more blue lights shot through them. They both fell to the floor. Then out of nowhere five humanist aliens with long black strands of hair and weird masks appeared the fired swivel guns from their shoulders. That was all the marines saw.
       The Chief turned as though a shiver ran up his back and looked down the hallway. A shadow moved around the corner and the ship seemed distorted. Having seen Covenant light bending technology before he dropped low and ordered the Marines to do the same. He removed his knife from its case and threw it exactly as the disturbance occurred again. The knife shore through the thing's skull. The chief expected to see an Elite hit the ground but instead saw a weird alien wearing a mask and had long strands of black hair with yellowish skin fall to the floor. The creature clearly looked humanoid in appearance. The knife stood out of its chest. The Master Chief pulled it out and slid it back in its sheath.
       "What the hell was that," said a Marine.
       "I don't know, but lets get moving," said the Chief leaving the creature on the floor dead as green glowing blood oozed out of the wound. They followed the hallway until they hit a door with Covenant symbols all over it.
       "It should be in here," said the Chief as they opened the door. The Marines entered and so did the Chief. Once they got in they sealed the door behind them. Two Marines sealed the door but didn't notice the weird shape slide between them.
"We'll the records data is shot," said a Marine. The Chief turned around and looked around the bay.
       "Everyone get some rest we're going to do a full search in two hours," said the Chief. No one heard Andes as he gurgled from a wound through his neck from a silent killer.
       The chief woke up from sleep and waited as the others began to rise. The Marines sat up groggily and then realized where they were. One Marine yelled in alarm when he found his partner lying next to him dead. He leaned over and touched him, blood oozed out of his neck. Two gash marks were clearly visible.
"I think one of those things got him," said the Marine.
      The Master Chief walked over and inspected him. A long gash ran across his chest and looked like a jagged blade killed him. A laser pinpointed the Chiefs head. He turned and fired his MA5B at the laser five rounds hit the creature and destroyed its cloak. The Predator ran at the Chief whipped out its blades and stabbed at him. The Chief ducked low and cam in with an uppercut knocking the creature over. The creature regained its footing and launched itself at the Chief. He sidestepped and swung his knife across its neck severing its veins. The creature girgled something laughed a bit then typed some keys on its gauntlet. Characters appeared then slowly disappear.
"No you don't ," said the Chief as he slammed his knife through the controls destroying them. He brought his foot down on its face crushing it.
"Nice job," remarked a Marine.
"Keep watch that's not the last time we'll see one," said the chief lying down.
