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Fan Fiction

Heroes Of War by Regret 177

Heroes Of War: Introduction
Date: 17 December 2004, 7:45 PM

It is 0600 hours on a glorious Reach day. It March 2nd, year 2548. I had served aboard the Shriek for 2 years now. As a rookie private to a trained corporal, Riley Hughes is my name, and this is the start of new era for me. The Shriek has always felt like home to me, but last month, the Champion, a heavy battleship was ambushed by Covenant forces! With most of its crew dead and it's captain slaughtered a large number of troops, including me, and crewmen were transferred to this goliath-sized ship.

A group of Pelicans flew from near by ships and stations en route to the Champion. Pelican Veta 415 was the last piece of home I would set foot on in a long time. But orders are orders. The Pelican was filled with guys I would see in the corridors occasionally, but the little skinhead sittin next to me was from my division. Peter Jordan, an idiotic private, cowardly, stupid and reckless, its a mystery how he gets to serve on one the greatest ships the UNSC has to offer but 'ONI' has its reasons for assigning him, me and everyone else in these Pelicans to the Champion.

"Hey Riley, thank god were being transferred to the Champion, because man I had my military drivers license takin from me, by sergeant Kirby and I would kill myself he was being assigned to the Champion! And I mean I'm an ok driver right?" Peter whispered to me.

"You reversed off a cliff into a Covenant encampment, and when you were ordered to retreat, you drove straight towards the enemies grav lift, transporting yourself Sergeant Kirby and ME! Onto an enemy assault carrier! And it was a miracle we got off that ship not only with ourselves in one piece but the warthog as well! And only because you drove us out the hanger bay doors, while the DAMN SHIP WAS IN MIDAIR! PERSONALLY I BELEIVE AFTER BEING CHASED BY 500 DIFFERENT COVENANT, THAT IT WAS A SPLENDID IDEA FOR YOU TO LOSE YOUR LICENSE, understand good" I yelled

The snivelling private started boasting and telling the private's who had just come out the academy horrific stories, on how Hunters will tear you limb from limb, how Jackals will laugh at your feeble attempts as plasma burns source will your body to dust and how Elites will toss aside your burnt corpse as if it was taking out the garbage! The nearby sergeant laughed at Private Peter's attempts to scare the recruits.

"Boy that aint nothin compared to what I seen! I've been captured by Covenant, I was taken onboard a battleship! My entire platoon were tortured to death, they were brought back to their cell's without eyes, without ears and without limbs! And ye know what, I bet you've pissed yourself, and to add to that, I made it up! Ahhh Ahhhh!" The sergeant laughed, as well as the recruits and myself.

"Hanger bay doors are opening, watch yourselves this ship took some heavy damage, and I doubt they've fixed the docking emplacements, so this might be get bumpy!" Said one of the pilots.

"This is Pelican Veta 415 to the Champion, requesting permission to dock. We are en route from the Shriek, over." The second pilot asked.

I could hear a strange garbled voice, to me it sounded like a woman's voice.

"This is...... Miranda...Key....lieutenant co...mander onboard the Champ..n! Wait, technicians have fixed our communications link. If you didn't make out what I was saying, this is Miranda Keyes, lieutenant commander aboard the Champion. The ship until captain Roberts shows up and the rest of the replacement command staff, the Champion is under my command. Oh ye access granted. " The lieutenant commander said with a high but sad voice.

The Champion's hanger bay doors opened, reviling a massacre! Wreckages of Pelicans where laid on the ground, technicians worked pain stakingly mending a broken giant! The Pelican hovered for a while above the hanger whilst soldiers cleared up an LZ. Wounded and dead alike were lying on the hanger bay's floor while medical staff assisted them!

"Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened here! There's wounded and dead all over the place! Vehicle and ship debris are scattered all over the place!" I whispered to Peter.

"Well there's probably a hospital ship here take the wounded, but there's so many, and to think how many are in the sickbay altogether!" Peter replied hopefully.

Standing on the docking balcony was the daughter of legendary, captain Jacob Keyes. The lieutenant commander stood there formally with her hands behind her back. The troops rushed out of the Pelican to see if they could help in anyway. I jumped off the loading and then I immediately jumped to attention and saluted to the lieutenant commander.

"Corporal Riley Hughes, at your service mam. Err are you waiting for someone?" I said firmly but yet curiously.

"Yes, I'm waiting for captain Roberts, is he on this Pelican? Because according to commander Yi, commanding officer aboard the Shriek he should be on this drop ship." Lieutenant Keyes replied.

Walking out off the Pelicans was an old man wearing a pilot's helmet. The old man jumped off the Pelican and removed his helmet, revelling a wrinkled moustached face.

"I am captain, and Lieutenant commander Keyes you have done an amazing job converting the hanger into a hospital, impeccable work, I going to enjoy working with you. And corporal Hughes is it?" The old captain said.

"Yes sir" I replied.

"Sergeant Kirby I think it was, gave me a memo of the troops who served under him who have been assigned to this ship, and I was surprised a corporal had achieved so many awards and deeds! Apparently you stayed behind to let a young private get on a lifeboat while covenant boarded the Shriek!" The captain said excitedly.

"Survived 3 days while the ship the ship was derelict, a large number off left behinds and myself fought off the boarders!" I replied boastingly.

"Well believe me corporal, you have future onboard this ship!"

(Sorry if this story had no action, but if I get some good comments, I'll get right away on an action packed sequel!)
