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Fan Fiction

Halo eX: beasts of the flood. Chapter 1 by Nicholas Yu

Halo eX: beasts of the flood-CHAPTER 1
Date: 7 May 2006, 3:35 am

HALO eX: beasts of the flood

Uncharted area: suspected halo 2
Year 2983
9 54 Earth time

"Hell, chief! There's too many of em'!" yelled lt. Junior Johnson. I ducked and slotted another clip in to the battle rifle. I fired at the closest infection form. "keep on firing helljumpers! Don't stop till we reach the weapons locker for shotguns!" I yelled. SPARTAN ODST chief Shadow slotted a fresh clip and combusted a combat form. Finally, they stopped coming. " Well, that was easy." Said Johnson, wiping a bead of sweat from his eye. And that was when a bloodcurdling roar that shook the corridors came. The ODSTs turned pale. I silently walked to the weapons locker and to find the door on the floor. I peeped inside, and quickly withdrew my head. It was a flood form, a very large and new one too. Head on its chest, one claw arm and tentacles on the other, not to mention 2 metres tall. I made a signal for big, disgusting monster to be killed. The ODSTs faces turned even whiter. I spoke over the COM channel: "we go silenced in case there are more of these freaks," it was stupid mentioning that: everyone had already used silencers. " Then, we go in there all guns blazing. Those cowards better do as I say. Cause that's a direct order." As a few ODSTs backed off involuntarily. I switched to shredder rounds. I entered the room and was about to pull the trigger when there was something funny. VERY FUNNY. The creature had disappeared!
I sat down and thought, still having my battle rifle at the ready. 'Where could it have gone? Unless...' I thought when I noticed the ventilation pipes. By instinct, I fired rounds into the pipe, and a roar came. I saw a shadow moving out of the pipe, very quickly. I stuffed a few grenades on a sticky. I ran out of the room and the earplugs sealed with my thought. An explosion quickly ensued. I peeped in there and saw it thrashing about madly, and came to a stop. It exploded and the creature was gone, leaving a crater in the floor.
I signaled for the ODSTs to follow me. Pointing my gun at the crater, I saw a cocoon, moving. 'Moving?' I thought. ' How can it move, unless… Oh gods above.' And I fired at it till it suddenly let a screech and exploded. " That was definitely an egg of some sort. Just like a phoenix that rises from the ashes. Only that it's a disgusting creature. Good, grab a shotgun each everybody. Extra ammo as well. And I'm gonna open the SPARTANS room. Hmm.. Well, it's so dented that I just need to punch through it." I said. An ODST stopped me. " Get out of my way. Before bones start to break." I threatened. I was surprised that he didn't budge. " No offence chief, but what if your friends are infected? They would be a big threat to us all, even you." He said. That thought stopped me in my tracks. What if Lancer, Max, Timothy and the others were infected? The ODSTs and me and Shadow alone wouldn't be a match for them all. We would all be decapitated before we knew it. And the door was smashed open as I thought of the risks. I saw a figure, no figures. I raised my battle rifle. And Timothy walked out of the clouds of dust saying, " whoa, watch where you point that gun saber, it could go off. I flicked on the safety and asked what they knew. Max told us they heard the screams and then the doors were stuck. So they kept crashing into the titanium-A in hope to break it. I filled them in with the rest of the details.
" I've reached the control center COM. They say that the Genesis 23-e is going to crash into the second halo. Everything that happened 11 years ago is happening all over again. Contact all ships, and covenant ships, we need backup, our planned strike is crumbling into dust. Get me on a line to Arbiter ASAP. He's a professional on slashes."
" Well, well, well. I lost to you again." Said Arbiter. John sighed. He looked at his face. 10 years had passed. The covenant had finally made a truce. He had been too tired of the covenant wars. He remembered killing the grunts and facing all sorts, even hunters. The younger SPARTANS were diligent, yet jealous easily. He pressed his face on the viewing window. He took out a coin. It was the very one Doctor Hasley gave him. He remembered tossing it and shouting eagle before sighting it. He clenched in his fist tightly. His recollections were cut short by a distress signal from Genesis 23-E. "looks like the younger generations have a problem." He said. Arbiter read it. He looked up in alarm. " They are crashing like the pillar of autumn did 11 years ago." I sat up in alarm. I asked my self-AI to open a COM channel. Cortana had finally 'died' with the operational time of her seven years. He missed the remarks and help. His new AI was lousy. The channel opened to the USNC cross covenant ship, the Negative sword. " MC admiral john! What do you want now? We are busy trying to communicate with this idiotic grunt with the name Keikai. What a stupid name." I replied, ignoring his remark. " Get the ODSTs and marines to prepare for strike. And get us some special operators and two pairs of blade hunters. We are going in." blade hinters were hunters with energy shields and instead of their special fuel rod cannons, they were replaced with an energy blade. Despite being slow, they made up for their skill of slashing.

End of chapter.
