
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Halo Marines by Sher Gill

Halo Marines
Date: 4 March 2008, 8:02 pm

Ghosts and Choppers drove down the long street of Cleveland. The vechiles were stained with red blood, and the Brutes driving them also wanted fresh blood.
Suddenly, out of a ruined building, a squad of UNSC Marines jumped out, and shot their MA5C Assualt Rifles and Battle Rifles.
The Brutes yelled in pain as the bullets hit their skin, and purple blood spurred. The bullets killed their drivers, and the vechiles spun out of control, and crashed into each other, making huge plasma explosions erupt, sending debris everywhere. The Marines reloaded their weapons almost like a taunt to the dead Brutes.
"Hell yeah, sir!" yelled Private Adkins. "We showed those motherfuckers!"
"Hey!" yelled Sergeant Jenkins. "Don't get cocky, Adkins! We just caught them off guard. Next time we might not be so lucky!"
"Yes sir!" yelled Adkins.
Jenkins turned away from the burning Covenant vechiles and looked at his platoon. His own little army of five soldiers.
"Listen up!" yelled Jenkins. "We all need to work together here! Just like I told Jenkins, we were lucky! If we get cocky, we will be killed by those Covenant bastards! Understood?
Private Linz raised his hand high.
"What is it, Linz?" asked Jenkins.
"Well, sir,... I mean, I was just wondering..."
Out of nowhere, a beam rifle shot hit Linz in the head, killing him instantly, and sending bone and blood flying.
"Get to cover!" screamed Jenkins.
Jenkins and Baley got behind a overturned truck while Mann, Adkins, and Gill got behind an overturned Warthog.
Jenkins took out his Sniper Rifle and looked out the right side of the overturned truck. He turned away as soon as a shot almost hit him.
"Sir!" yelled Private Gill. "The Jackal Sniper is on the building on my right! Third floor!"
Jenkins gave a thumbs up to Gill, and then poked his head out of the left side of and thrusted back, as the Jackal shot his Beam Rifle twice. His Beam Rifle was overheated.
Jenkins took the chance, and left cover, aimed for the Jackal's head, and fired.
The Jackal fell off the third floor, and and fell down three stories onto hard cement. Obviously dead.
Baley looked out the left side of the truck. He then returned to cover and gave the thumbs up for all clear.
The soldiers got out of cover, and Jenkins switched back to his Assualt Rifle.
"Alright," said Jenkins. "We need to get out of here ASAP. Covenant reinforcements will most likely be here any minute. Scout the area for ammo and lets get the hell out of here."
As the Marines scattered for ammo, Jenkins looked down at Linz's body. Linz was in a pool of his own blood. Jenkins got on his knees, and closed Linz's eyes.
Jenkins rose from his knees, and as soon as he did, his Marines were in front of him.
"Let's get the hell out of here," said Jenkins.

* * *
2 Hours Later...

The Group of Marines walked on Historical Broadway Street toward Times Square.
"Sir, may I just say something?" said Private Baley.
"What is it?" said Jenkins, still walking.
"I think something is wrong, I mean, we haven't killed any Covenant soldiers in about a hour."
"I agree," said Jenkins. "Just keep your eyes open. I think sooner or later, we might get into something very big."
As soon as Jenkins stopped talking, he felt a huge vibration in the ground.
"Did you feel that?" said Private Mann.
"Scarab!" yelled Gill.
"To that building over there!" yelled Jenkins.
The Marines ran for their lives into the building, and closed the door oce they were all inside.
"Thank god," said Baley. "I thought we were finished."
They could steal feel the vibrations of the passing Scarab, until it finally went away, and Jenkins opened the door.
The Marines got back together and continued to walk down the door until they got to Times Square.
The Marines took cover after what they saw.
Civilians were being gathered in Times Sqaure and being killed by the bunch, with any weapons, such as Spikers, Maulers, and more.
The Scarab was in the middle of the street, unloading weapons and equipment.
"What the fuck?" said Mann.
Then, out of the sky, a plasma shot hit the ground near where the Marines were taking cover. They looked up to see a Phantom shooting at their position. The Marines fired back, attracting the Covenant soldiers in the square to look at their position.
"Sir!" yelled Baley over the fire of his Assualt Rifle. "I think we're screwed!"

To Be Continued...
