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Fan Fiction

Halo Epic Poem by devilsNight

Epic Poem I
Date: 28 April 2003, 9:43 PM

The Master Chief awakens in a foggy haze
after a deep slumber of many years and days
as he coughs and tries to clear his mind
immediately he comes to find
the Covenant are now attacking...
the ship's defenses, severely lacking.
"Abandon ship," orders Keyes, the Captain
"Find the escape pods, don't get trapped in!"
Now with a pistol, unloaded, Master Chief runs,
dodging grenades and fire from Covenant guns.
Pick up a clip, load, and aim for the head
not ten seconds later, 5 Grunts lie dead.
leaving a trail of blue blood in his wake
The MC now has a variety of weapons to take.
Readying a plasma pistol, he makes for the door
And immediately drops an Elite to the floor.
Another overcharged bolt, then it is released,
One pistol shot to the head, another Elite is deceased.
Making his way through the bodies with fleetfooted care
he steps on an Elite's head, "Oops, I didn't see you there!"
An explosion rocks the ship and a Marine stumbles and falls
MC drags the Marine in the pod as blasts demolish the walls
"Get this pod out of here!" the Master Chief roars
the pilot blasts off as the Chief locks the doors
They plot a course for the Ring, the only place safe to land
The Master Chief grips Keyes' pistol tightly in his hand
As the Pod blazes toward Halo, the PoA barrels overhead
"Good old Keyes," MC thought, "Going down on his terms instead."
And the last thing he did before they crashed on the Ring
Was look at his MJOLNIR armor and say
"Damn, I think I just crapped in this thing."
