
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Halo Elimination by Brett Klassen

Halo Elimination Chapter One: Slim Chances
Date: 22 November 2004, 11:40 PM

Slim Chances
Mission clock
12:00 PM Monday, January 5th, 2550

Corporal "Slink" or Corporal Jones sweated from the strange heat on the surface of Reach. He couldn't figure out why he wasn't dead or worse. He had seen hundreds of marines fall in the last hour but he was still alive. He walked down a dusty road that seemed to go on for endless hours. The platoon that was traveling with him was all dead, taken down by two Hunters and a squad of Grunts. The little freaks had peppered his platoon with little needles that exploded a few seconds after impact. The Hunters had simply carbonized half of them with huge cannons mounted on their arms.

The Corporal checked his supplies. Two clips for the pistol, two clips for the assault rifle and a canteen of water with a few candy bars. He took a sip of water and munched on a candy bar still walking. Suddenly he stopped and squinted. There were marines hiding in the bushes about two clicks ahead.

"Hey!" he hollered. It was useless. They couldn't hear him. He started jogging ahead at a steady pace calling the whole way there.

Lieutenant Tyler looked at the shape that was running towards him and his squad. " Lock and load men" he called to the marines behind him. They were ODSTs a.k.a the infamous Helljumpers. He disliked them but that's what he had to deal with. He sighed. He wished that he were at home or on a cruiser smoking his pipe or having a nice bottle of wine or champagne. The shape was getting closer. He loaded his MA5B assault rifle and crouched. As the dark figure came closer he noticed a badge on his armor. "At ease" he shouted to the ODSTs. He ran out to greet the Corporal.

"That is not good, " exclaimed the Lieutenant. He and the Corporal had been talking. The Alpha base, The Bravo base and the Charlie base were completely destroyed." We should take the alternate route around the three bases to the city center where the Echo base is" said Jones thoughtfully. "We might be able to find the Spartans and have them help us reclaim some stolen ground." They laid out a map and scanned it slowly trying to find the places where there was no Covenant. He traced with his finger a small pathway through a canyon between the Alpha base and the Bravo base. "Hmmmm."

"It's a slim chance but maybe there is a possibility that we can squeeze through the canyon and go to the Echo base which is on the other side."

"Maybe it's not the best way but I think we have only that choice." Replied the Lieutenant slowly. " I think it may be...."

"Time will tell Lieutenant. Time will tell."

The Warthog flew as it leaped off the hill with two Ghosts in close pursuit. The Marine in front named Ensign Joe heard the rhythmic shots behind him as the gunner shot at Grunts, Elites, Hunters, Ghosts, Wraiths and many other Covenant scum. The engines roared and he spun the wheel so that that the Warthog spun into two Hunters crushing them and taking down an assortment of Jackals, Elites and Grunts. He quickly gained control and drove the Warthog towards the road nearby.

"I think we lost them," exclaimed a Marine. Ensign Joe sighed in relief with the rest of the marines. The Alpha base was finished. He wondered what had happened to the other men who had been sent with him to recover the base. They had been winning the battle to reclaim the Alpha base when suddenly a freaking huge bug thing had shown up and completely destroyed all the marines with a huge bolt of plasma that originated from it's eye. Then a bunch of little flying bugs had shown up and blasted the platoon with plasma. They were almost impossible to hit! Then to finish them off about twenty Hunters shredded the survivors into bits. He had grabbed this Warthog and drove away just before all of the men were dead.

"HOW MANY LOSSES?" screamed Commander Miranda Keyes.

"Two thousand fifty-three, Captain." Was the feeble response from the Marine.

"And how did this happen?" Was the frustrated response from the Commander.

"The sources say that a giant bug-like mechanical creature killed them with a huge bolt of plasma." Replied the Marine unsteadily.

"Deploy the whole fleet and crush the remaining enemies on the Alpha base perimeters." Said the Commander.

"Yes Commander." Replied the Marine shakily as he saluted and staggered out of the office unsteadily.

The commander muttered to herself a while after the marine left. The Covenant would not destroy Reach while the race of Humans lived!

"AHHHHH" the marine screamed as the plasma bolt struck his chest making his whole chest exploded. The remaining Marines fled through the forest when two huge hulking figures stepped in front of them stopping them in their paths. "HUNTERS!" Yelled Under- Lieutenant David as he stopped dead in his tracks. One of them lifted up his hand and said " At ease Marines." David sighed as he recognized the two soldiers in front of them. They were two Spartan super-soldiers, which all the marines were in awe of. The other Spartan looked around completely alert and ready to fight. David looked towards the Spartan and began explaining everything that was happening.

Corporal Jones looked towards the tent's door and blinked as sunlight streamed through the open flap and he blinked as he saw the Lieutenant
Standing in the doorway. "Wake up Corporal, we have a long day ahead."
Exclaimed Tyler.

"Be right with you Lieutenant." Replied the Corporal.

Jones leaped up and quickly dressed himself and grabbed a quick breakfast and headed out to meet Lieutenant Tyler. The Lieutenant greeted him and they talked about their plans to escape to the Echo base. Just then a marine ran up to them, panting the whole way there. "About two hundred covies ahead sirs." He had to take deep breaths in between talking. "They are..."
He cut off as a plasma bolt flew into him completely destroying his gut and knocking him off his feet. " The Grunts ran down the slopes yelling and throwing plasma grenades everywhere. The Corporal loaded his pistol and hurled a frag grenade at the grunts swarming down the slope. The grenade exploded killing a dozen of them, but they still kept coming.

Lieutenant Tyler dived out of the way just as a plasma bolt hit the spot where he had been standing a few seconds ago. He loaded his assault rifle, picked up a plasma grenade and hurled it on an Elite. The Elite screamed as it exploded in a fiery ball. His assault gun's muzzle flashed three times and three times Grunts fell. He rolled to the side into some brush. He breathed for three seconds and rolled into shooting into the mass of Covenant.

About three hours later the battle was finally over. The humans had triumphed but to a heavy cost. Half of the squad was dead and about one-quarter of the squad had injuries. The remaining marines searched for remaining Covenant and humans.

Unbeknownst to the marines three gold armored Elites looked down at the marine's encampment. They murmured in their strange language and laughed. They turned to leave when three snipers in the distance boomed and the Elites were shot in the head blowing out their brains, and showering their blood on the rocks below.

Halo Elimination Chapter Two: Sealed Doom
Date: 23 December 2004, 6:18 PM

Chapter Two: Sealed Doom
Mission clock 3:37 PM
January 7th, 2550

Under- Lieutenant David finished his story and waited for the Spartans reply.

"Good story Under- Lieutenant, but now we have to take action. Our team leader Spartan 117 had to evacuate to the Pillar of Autumn. According to our sources the Pillar left the system with heavy damage. So we are going to have to fortify our defenses. We are going to make an encampment here. Then we will rally some of the survivors to help us. Do you read me Under- Lieutenant?"

"Yes sir" replied David as he saluted.

"Let's get to work then," said the Spartan in a flat tone.

"Nice shots Marines." Said the Corporal as he had just seen them shoot three gold elites. He walked over to one of their corpses and found an energy sword. He flipped it off and put it in his pocket. He also policed some plasma rifles. He was policing their plasma rifles when he noticed something strange. There was a strange-shaped rifle that had a scope. He whistled between his teeth. He thought that the Covenant did not have a Sniper Rifle. This is bad news. He thought to himself. A marine asking if they should go ahead interrupted his thoughts. He told him yes. As the Marine left he grabbed the weapon and put it under his coat. A sniper rifle...Why would the Covenant need a Sniper Rifle.... also how did they get the idea... He thought over it the whole time he walked to the base.

Kanan Yereise the veteran Elite paced back and forth. How did the humans escape? No bother. We are sending hundreds of our brethren to destroy the base the infidels called Blood Gulch. They will pay soon. They all will pay.

The two Spartans who were guarding encampment 2345432768954 a.k.a Blood Gulch and were inside the base when they spotted hundreds of Scepters flying down and thousands of Banshees circling around the canyon. "OH NO" exclaimed the first Spartan. The second Spartan turned on his COM link and said, "Help! Mayday there is thousands of Covenants attacking Blood Gulch! HELP!" The Elites stormed in after he finished and he grabbed a shotgun and shot the first Elite in the head and turned around smacked the second Elite with the butt of his gun. He whirled around opening fire on the Elites, Grunts and Jackals that swarmed around him. His gun clicked and he hurled the empty weapon at the oncoming swarm of Covies. He took out his pistol and fired rounds and rounds at them. The pistol suddenly was empty and he picked up a plasma pistol in each hand and yelled as he shot several plasma bullets into the storm of Covenant.

"There are thousands of them at Blood..." The rest of the transmission faded in static. The marines grabbed weapons and started running towards Blood Gulch...

The two Spartans fought firing all sorts of bullets into the Covenant but it seemed as if they were coming forever. The first Spartan could feel the energy draining from him he was just about to collapse when hundreds of bullets rained down from the hills and hundreds of warthogs flew down the hills with their chain-guns rattling as they fired hundreds of bullets a second. The muzzles of guns flashed and hundreds of explosions tore the Covenant into pieces. Soon there was no left.

The Spartan's energy was gone. He crumpled in a heap as he blacked out. He woke up with medics around him, so he gestured them away. He walked over to the General and said, "We were lucky to live. Thank you sir."

"Save that for later. What I'm wondering is why the Covenant did not fight that hard. Usually they attack until they destroy the target. This time they didn't attack until Blood Gulch was destroyed." replied the General thoughtfully.

Just then there was a scream as hundreds of beams shot from the cliffs. The beams were as powerful as a sniper rifle. The marines shot back with hundreds of Pistols, Assault Rifles and Snipers. Hundreds of captured Banshees flew down shooting back with green plasma bombs that created huge explosions. Hundreds of grenades flew towards the Elite Snipers. Then Behind them hundreds of Ghosts, Wraiths and Banshees zoomed towards the army and hundreds of Jackals, Hunters, and Grunts followed them. Hundreds of huge plasma bolts flew towards the marines and hundreds of needles. The Marines were being destroyed. The Spartan grabbed a Grenade threw it on a Ghost and shot the driver making him spin out and crash into other Ghosts. The Ghost exploded causing the others to exploded which created a mass explosion that tore apart Ghosts, Wraiths, Jackals, Hunters, Grunts and Elites. The Spartan threw a frag grenade under a Wraith blowing it to pieces. The Spartan moved like lightning throwing grenades and shooting precise shots that blew the heads off Covenant. There was still too many Covenant for him to take. He dived behind a rock as he reloaded and threw himself into the wide open and shot Covenant as he rolled dodging bullets. The Marines were opening fire on the Covenant but it seemed like a endless tidal wave of Covenant were sweeping down on them. He ran up to the top of the cliff and got and idea. He pulled out a key and fitted in keyhole to the secret compartment that held explosives. He pulled out a HAVOK nuke. It was a small nuke because he didn't want to blow up all of Blood Gulch. He grabbed the detonator and threw the bomb into the swarm of Covenant. He pressed the button to activate it and the explosion tore the ground and ripped though the Covenant like scissors through paper. The Covenant flew into orbit and smashed against the cliffs. All that remained of the Covenant were bits of armor, weapons and twisted burning vehicles.

Kanan Yereise watched as a mass explosion destroyed the entire fleet. How...HOW! He thought. He slammed his fist against the metal table. They had been winning when that armored human had destroyed the fleet. He still could not believe it. They could glass the planet...but the Prophets had instructed the Fleet leaders to capture the planet so that they could make it a primary base in this section of the Galaxy. So that was not an option. So what was? The Humans had become tougher and become more resistant as they destroyed their planets. But the covenant would find their home soon. They called it Earth.

The fleet under Commander Miranda Keyes marched towards the rubble of the Alpha Base. There were more than three thousand of them. They loaded their guns and started running towards the oncoming horde of Covenant. The muzzles of three thousand guns flashed in complete order, knocking down all sorts of Covenant. A Warthog lost control and flew into the swarm of Covenant. It flipped several times crushing Covenant beneath it. The Covenant started to fight back with hundreds of plasma weapons, which glowed with an eerie, transparent green color. The bolts stuck down several marines. The marines kept shooting unaware of their dead comrades. The muzzles of the Warthog's guns flashed hundreds of times. Just then a huge bug emerged from behind a cliff. It's gun opened and shot a plasma bolt the size of a Scorpion. The bolt flew down hitting the center of the marines, incinerating half of them. Just then a pelican flew down over the bug and a Spartan jumped out onto the bug's back. He took out an energy sword and punched a hole in its head. But it still kept going. The Spartan swung down on to its leg and grabbed a piece of metal and jammed in its leg hinges. It let out a cry as it fell down. He leaped out and grabbed a plasma pistol and sprayed the Covenant with plasma bolts.

The battle of the alpha base was over. The humans had won but to a heavy cost. Five hundred marines were dead. There were men digging graves all over. Tents were being set up as well as automated defense systems to keep them safe. They were planted in the ground and they would pop out and shoot if they were activated. Soon after all the bodies were buried. They were safe. Or were they?
