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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: The other Half by Noel

HALO 2: The other Half
Date: 8 February 2006, 8:44 pm

Hello Guys, this is my very first Halo FanFic. I have read all the three official Books, Fall of Reach, The Flood and First strike. And i also own Halo and Halo 2 games. I am not a Legendary player, just a "Normal" setting guy! Since this is my frist attempt, please don't be harsh. Any review is accepted and appreciated (I don't know about the negative reviews though, hehe) Any way bear with me.
He, Major Larry, lost his control on the Warthog. He tried to bring the Hog away from the Huge Scarab's leg. He narrowly missed it; next time he has to be careful, if there is a next time. He turned his wheel right and left in order to gain the control. However, he had very little success. The huge Scarab, a Covenant moving tank, is almost in destructible. Even the rockets, .50 Cal cannot make a slight dent on its body. It had four huge legs, for walking. It crushes its path, rather than walks through it. It has a very powerful main Gun on its nose. The gun is safely protected under four plates. When it was time to unleash hell, the protective plates opens and a huge Green light shoots out. Anything that stands in that path becomes an instant Turkey roast. Even though the Spartan-104 shouted to pull back, Larry had no or little control on his own Hog. When he sped past the Scarab, the last thing he saw was huge Green light.

Chapter one: Orders to follow

Fred and Linda were roaming the corridors of cairo station, with a battle rifle in their hands. They were asked to stay in the station when Master Chief and SGT. Johnson went to the station's bridge and met Admiral Hood. The other remaining Spartan (Will), one of the survivors of the Unyeilding Eierphant was wounded during their journey back. So He was send to Sydney, Australia for medical attention. So only Chief, Fred and Linda were the remaining Spartans back on their foot and ready for action.
"Sir, Admiral Hood has asked u…both of u to report to the Deck A, sir. Captain is waiting" stammered the Marine. This is a common reaction the Spartans get. So Fred and Linda moved towards the Deck A, suddenly their COMM channel opened and it was Cortana,
"Another whisper, Sir, near Io. We have probes en route" her voice was cool but there was a tension behind it.
Then the COMM went off, after few seconds the COMM opened, and it was Cortana again, Fred Frowned, 'Was he suppose to get this report or is this some kind of interference?'
"Slipspace ruptures, directly off our battle cluster (Then there was a static) Fifteen Covenant capital ships, holding position just outside the Killzone" (Again there was nothing but static)
Then another Voice broke in, it was a tired but determined voice,
"This is Fleet Admiral Harper. We are engaging the enemy,"

Fred and Linda could see a group of UNSC ships travel towards the fifteen Covenant battle cruisers. Linda shook her head a little. She and Fred knew it was a dangerous and a necessary risk, that Admiral Harper has to take. After few minutes of static, both the Spartans saw the UNSC ships pull back and settle just in front of the kill zone. Both the Spartans didn't realize that they have stopped moving in their track and watched the blue marble being invaded by their deadly enemy, Covenant. After few seconds Cortana voice broke in, "Gladly" and went off.
"We better be moving Spartan, there is no time for sight seeing," said Fred. So both the Spartans moved to the lower Deck A.
"Sir, reporting as ordered," both the Spartans gave a crisp salute to the Captain Thomas Mcknee. He was a short and a strong man. He spun around and saw the Spartans. He didn't give out any sign of surprise or awe at his first sight of a Spartan, even though they are told to be the Invincible ones.
"At ease, I just now got my orders, Commander Keyes is boarding the In Amber Clad and preparing to leave the station in 5 minutes. I need u both in that ship on the double, move out soldiers," and he moved towards the computer panel and pressed some switches and opened a link, a voice broke in thorugh Captain Thomas' panel, it was panicking,
"Sir, additional contacts! Boarding crafts, and lots of 'em" cried out a marine
"They are going to try to take our MAC guns offline, give their capital ship a straight shot at earth. Master Chief, defend this station," said Admiral hood
"Yes sir!" replied a strong voice back.
Even though Fred and Linda were hundred yards from that computer panel, they heard his voice clearly. And they knew whom it belongs to, their one and only surviving team leader, Spartan 117, John.

HALO 2: The other Half
Date: 11 February 2006, 7:48 pm

Important Note!
I own none of these main characters such as Master Chief (John-117), Fred, Will, Linda, Miranda Keyes, Admiral Hood, Sgt. Johnson and Admiral Harper...others are my own creations. I don't own Halo 2, Bungie and Microsoft (Hehe, as if...) and the story is completely out of my own imagination. I swear on my Honor, that I didn't copy or steal someone's work. Well, now I guess I have cleared all the Legal statements...lets go to story, I hope u all like it! ENJOY

Chapter 2: Priorities lost

Fred, Linda and few other marines loaded the pelican, and a female voice came through the cockpit, "It looks like the Commander has not reached her Ship, not yet. So we are gonna be the first ones to dock marines…..and Spartans, hold on to your pants….Here we go,"

The pelican took off from Deck A's dock. This was pelican 054a; she was followed by three more pelicans, full of ODST marines, Pelican 055a, 056a and 057a. The four pelicans flew in mist of a heavy battle. The female pilot of Pelican 054a spoke through the COMM channel, "This is 054a to Longswords, over"
There was a static and another voice broke in, "This is Longsword 1eR, how may I help u,"
"We are escorting some of our soldiers to In Amber Clad, we would love to have an escort party for ourselves, over," replied 054a
"I would love to sweety, but the battle is demanding every good soldier to fight, u see I am a good solider," replied a cool male voice, pilot of Longsword 1eR.
"Roger that, I think we can walk on our own legs, over" replied 054a
"Glad to know," 1eR signed off.
"This is Pelican 054a, to the other Pelicans, come in over"
Three acknowledgement signal flashed on the pelican 054a's desktop, "It looks like we are on our own, stick to my tail and stay close, 054a out"

The four UNSC pelicans roared towards the In Amber clad, which was docked behind the Cairo station, near Malta and Athens. Therefore the pelicans have to take a long route in order to reach their objective, so they have to go around Athens and pass through Malta.

Fred and Linda's COMM channel opened and Cortana voice came in, "Malta, what is your status?"
The reply came in almost at once, the voice was both had excitement and disbelief, "I don't believe it! They are retreating we won!" replied Malta's Defense Coordinator.
Fred and Linda looked out of the Pelican's window, it was true. Number of Covenant boarding ships and their fighters retreated away from the Malta.

"That's right your suckers, fear the Pelican 054a," yelled the female pilot at the retreating covenant ships, she turned around into the passenger compartment and said, "It looks like our path is clear, I am gonna go behind Malta's……" before she could finish her sentence, a huge explosion shook the pelican, and threw it off course, "Damn it we are losing altitude," yelled the pilot. Fred looked out of the window to locate the explosion. It was Malta, it blew into a huge plum of fire, and the MAC gun broke loose. "EMBRACE YOURSELF!" yelled the pilot. There was smoke from the cockpit.

Pelican 054a was going towards earth; unfortunately Pelican 055a and 056a didn't make it. Pelican 057a was spinning so fast, it knocked two seraph fighters off the battle and it blew into pieces. After few seconds of extreme altitude lose, pelican 054a came back to the proper course, "What in the world was that?" asked the pilot
"It was Malta, she blew into pieces!" cried back one of the Marines. Before she could reply, there was another explosion, this time it didn't affect the Pelican. This time it was Athens, it blew into pieces as if it was made out of paper. "Damn those aliens," cried the pilot.
COMM channel opened once again, this time Fred and Linda listened to it carefully,

"Cortana assessment!" it was Admiral Hood's voice, sounded as if he is at the edge of his temper.
"That explosion came from inside the Athens. Same as Malta. The covenant must have brought something with them. (Pause) A bomb," replied Cortana.

Fred looked at Linda, she shrugged.
"Then they sure as hell brought one here. Chief...find it" barked Admiral.

Both the Spartans didn't hear the chief's reply, but they know that, chief is in that station and the Bomb is also in there and as a team players, they can't do anything now to help their Team leader.
