
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Halo 2: The New Front by System Failure

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 1)
Date: 21 October 2003, 12:38 AM

Sgt. Kevin Mattwell was drenched with blood as he hid behind the fallen pillar. The six mangled bodies of the other marines in his squad were at his feet. Most of their weapons were melted or badly damaged. Shell casings littered the floor. On the other side of the fallen pillar he could hear two Elites talking in their strange language. He unclipped a frag grenade of his belt. He slowly stood up not to make much noise. He slowly removed the pin from the grenade. He counted to three and tossed the grenade over the pillar. He heard the metallic clang of the grenade bouncing off the stone floor. After the second bounce the grenade exploded. The helmet of one if the elite cracked on the stone floor right next Kevin. Deep purple blood seeped out of it forming a little puddle.
Kevin stood still for a second to try and hear if any more Covenant were coming.
"Good, the Covenant are gone," Kevin said to himself. " Now I need some weapons." He got on his hands and knees looking for and undamaged gun. Kevin found two guns, a half –full battle rifle laying on the ground and an empty shotgun under one of his squad mates. He checked the ammo counter on the rifle. It had four bullets in it. He ejected the clip and pulled new one from his satchel. He had only three more clips. That meant he would have to find more clips as he went along. For the shotgun he had twenty rounds on his ammo belt. He would be fine unless he ran into heavy opposition.
. After some more searching of the bodies, Kevin found four frag grenades, two more clips for the rifle, some rations and a radio. He hooked the radio over his ear. He turned it on and heard static.
"I'll use this when I get outside", Kevin thought.
Kevin slung the shotgun on his back and took out the rifle. He held his gun at the ready and peeked around the corner of the pillar. He stood there, sweeping gun side to side for a minute waiting incase reinforcements came. Slowly he came from behind the pillar still with gun raised. He paused for a minute to look around the cavernous room of the temple. The walls of the temple were covered with blood and pockmarked with bullet holes and plasma scores. Even with all the damage some ancient inscriptions were visible underneath. The arched ceiling, which must've been fifty meters high, had very detailed lights, which cast the whole temple in a blue-white glow. There were craters in the ceiling made by mortar tanks and rain was falling thought them. Large pools of water were on the floor and most of them were discolored from all the bloody bodies in them.
His gaze drifted to the wall on his left. The wall had a huge blast crater in it. The ring of scorched metal around the hole was still smoking. Charred bodies and destroyed weapons littered the area around the hole. Kevin walked up to it and looked outside holding on to the side with one hand. It was raining outside and the dirt around the temple had turned to mud. He could see about half a kilometer away the smooth lines of the purplish Covenant buildings. The temple was on the edge of the city. There was a large road leading from the temple to the city. Kevin looked down at his clothes. In the few seconds of standing there he got drenched.
Kevin looked down over the edge of the hole. About three meters below him he saw a bloody ramp. Right below him the ramp leveled off for a few meters then sloped down again. Water was streaming down the ramp. He lifted back up his gun and scanned the area for enemy troops. Finding none he jumped down splashing in the water.
Just as he landed he could hear the barks of some grunts. They emerged from a doorway built into the ramp. They were carrying a large metallic case, which seemed to be self-propelled. There were six grunts in all and, they were wearing black and silver armor. The rain made little pings as it hit the metal armor and the case. The grunts were going extremely slow because the mud was almost a half a meter deep. The two lead grunts weren't helping with the case. They were both carrying fuel rod canons. The guns were silver with a green fuel cell. The grunts were moving them back and forth looking to see if any enemies were coming. Occasionally stopping to talk to each other.
Kevin pulled out legs for his gun. He went prone and fastened the gun on the edge of the ramp if he didn't water would mess up his aim. Then he pulled a grenade from his belt. Kevin rested the grenade on the gun so it wouldn't roll away. Kevin put his eye on the scope and zoomed in.

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 2)
Date: 22 October 2003, 5:28 PM

He went back to his gun. He put his eye to the scope. He hit the heat vision button to see though the rain. He moved his finger over and hit the zoom. The two lead grunts filled the scope. They were closer together and talking now, instead of looking for hostiles. Kevin, with his eye still in the scope, took the grenade in his hand. He pulled out the pin and slowly stood up. He tossed the grenade just behind the last two grunts. He hopped back to his gun, which was still zoomed. He brought the crosshairs on the first grunt. He pulled the trigger. A loud bang echoed from the gun. The grunt was hit in the neck. He moved the crosshairs over the second grunt. The grunt was charging up his gun, pointing it right at Kevin. He squeezed the trigger sending four bullets at the grunt. The grunt was hit in the methane tank, causing it to blow up. He took his eye of the scope and looked up the rest of the grunts were charging up their plasma pistols. All of them were aimed right at him. Just as the guns were full charged the grenade went off.
There was a huge flash of light and all the grunts disappeared in it. When the smoke cleared the grunts were dead. They were all buried in the mud, and only their armor was visible. The guns they all carried were fused on to them. The case however was still intact. It had a few scorch marks but was still hovering.
Kevin un-hooked his rifle from the ramp and folded up the legs. He ejected the clip and watched it fall into the mud below. He reached into the satchel and pulled out a new clip. He put the clip in and pushed forward the release lever. With the battle rifle in one hand Kevin stood back up. He looked around for any approaching Covenant. Then he slung his weapon, took a deep breath and jumped into the mud.
Kevin was waist deep in the mud. "I hope I don't sink in this," he thought.
Kevin waded over to the doorway. Every few steps he had to watch out for holes so he wouldn't sink. When he got to the doorway he set his hands and hoisted himself up. He sat on the ground for a second
"Man," he thought. "That was close."
Behind him there was a long passage.
"I wonder if any more covenant are coming" Kevin thought.
Just as he said that Kevin heard loud footfalls. He looked towards the sound. Kevin saw a large green bolt growing in the darkness
"Oh shit!" screamed Kevin.
The gun fired and the energy bolt raced towards him. Kevin jumped straight into the mud. He made large splash as he hit the mud. When he stopped sinking he was meter under the surface in the middle of a mini crater. A second later the white-hot bolt flew over him. The heat from the plasma dried up the mud in its path. Finally it got too close to the ground and exploded, showering Kevin with dried mud.
"What was that?" Kevin asked himself as he climbed out of the hole. He behind him he could hear breathing. Slowly Kevin turned around and saw a hunter behind him. This hunter wasn't a normal one. It was a meter taller then normal. It had metallic black armor and, huge, razor sharp spines on its back. An oversized fuel rod cannon took up its whole arm. Its shield had a plasma current running down one side. It was walking on the trail of caked mud made by the first shot. If it didn't the 1 ˝ ton aliens would sink
"It's probably a sword," thought Kevin as he was slowly baking a way from the huge hunter. "And that's not good." Kevin walked right back into the wet mud. He fell backwards and landed on his butt.
The hunter aimed its gun down towards Kevin. Kevin watched the bolt of plasma grow larger and larger. Even five meters away Kevin could feel the heat radiating from it. It grew extremely bright. The rain anywhere near the bolt turned to steam. The hunter was walking back slowly so the blast wouldn't hit it.
Just as the hunter was going to fire, Kevin heard a faint whistling sound. He turned just in time to see a rocket fly past, right in front of his face.
The rocket caught the hunter off guard. It got hit in the middle of the chest. The force of the blast lifted Kevin up and sent a few meters back. He landed in a crouched position on top of the mud. The smoke from the explosion was thick.
"I hope he's dead," Kevin thought standing back up.
Kevin pulled out his shotgun. There was mud all over it. He rinsed it off in a puddle. Kevin wiped it on his pants and shook it off. Then he took five shells and loaded them into the gun. Kevin took a few steps then pumped the shotgun.
Finally the smoke cleared. The hunter was still standing and alive. It had a large scorched hole in its armor. Kevin could see the orange skin underneath. The hunter turned towards Kevin. It lifted up its shield. The pulsing plasma beam on it turned solid. The beam turned to a transparent blue.

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 3)
Date: 23 October 2003, 4:10 PM

Kevin pulled out his shotgun. There was mud all over it. He rinsed it off in a puddle. Kevin wiped it on his pants and shook it off. Then he took five shells and loaded them into the gun. Kevin took a few steps then pumped the shotgun.
      Finally the smoke cleared. The hunter was still standing and alive. It had a large scorched hole in its armor. Kevin could see the orange skin underneath. The hunter turned towards Kevin. It lifted up its shield. The pulsing plasma beam on it turned solid. The beam turned to a transparent blue.
      The hunter and Kevin were standing there, no sound but the rain hitting the ground. They were about ten meters apart. Kevin raised his gun pointed it at the hunter.
       "This is it," he said to himself. "If I mess up I die, if do this right I'll live."
      Kevin ran straight at the hunter. He was sloshing in the deep mud. The hunter turned the sword side of the shield outside away from its body. Even though he would probably be cut in half, Kevin kept going. When he was four meters away from the hunter he heard another rocket being fired.
       "Hey" Kevin thought. "The rocket was fired from close by, maybe it is some help."
      But hunter saw the rocket to. The hunter turned to face the rocket. Just as it was about to hit him the hunter swung its shield sword side first. The rocket hit it head on. The sword spilt the rocket right down the middle sending the half spinning out of control. About a second after splitting the halves blew up raining down fragments. A few hit the hunter but it just shrugged off the feeling.
      In the commotion the hunter forgot about Kevin who was right behind it.
       "I got to kill this thing now" Kevin thought.
      Kevin shot the hunter twice in the back. The hunter turned around. Its was gun pointing at Kevin. Kevin pumped two more shots into its side. The hunter raised its shield high over its head to crush Kevin. Just as the hunter lifted the shield all the way up, Kevin lunged at it. He shoved the muzzle of the shotgun in the hole made by the first rocket. Kevin started blasting off shots like crazy. After the third shot the hunter died. It fell backwards into the mud splashing in a pool of water on the way down.
       "Finally he's dead," Kevin thought. "I wonder where the guy, who shot those rockets is?"
      Kevin felt a tap on his shoulder. He spun around with his shotgun leveled at chest height. Instead of and alien he saw Pvt. Tim Sampson.
       "Are a right man?" said Tim.
       "Yeah" answered Kevin.
       "What the hell was that thing?" asked Tim.
       "What do you mean?" replied Kevin.
       "That wasn't no regular hunter," said Tim. "That was like some special ops kinda thing." "But if that's right why would special ops guy be doing out here?"
       "A little earlier, I picked off some special ops grunts, moving a case of something a little while ago," replied Kevin. "It probably is mostly suck by now, but that might be why they were here for".
       "That sounds right," said Tim. "Load your gun Kevin"
       "Why?" asked Kevin.
       "Just do it," said Tim while ejecting a clip from his sub machine gun. "I have an idea."
      Kevin put four more shells in his shotgun. He pumped it and then slung it over his shoulder. The he took his other gun the battle rifle and ejected the clip. He slammed a new one in and closed back his satchel.
      Tim had already loaded his gun and was waiting for Kevin.
       "Kevin," Tim said. "Where was the case last?"
      Kevin pointed to spot near some dead grunt bodies. Tim walked up to the spot and wiped off the top of the case there was a keypad lock on top. Even if they could understand what the symbols meant it was raining so hard now it was almost impossible to see them. Tim stood back up. He took a few steps back and raised his gun.
       "Kevin," Tim said. "See that keypad?"
       "Yeah," said Kevin.
       "On three shoot it, okay?" said Tim.
       " Ok" replied Kevin.
      Tim and Kevin both opened fire on the lock. The bullets tore into the surrounding metal. After a few seconds of sustained fire the lock cracked. Tim walked over to the case. He bent down grabbed the handle. He pulled open the door and stared at what was in side.

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 4)
Date: 1 April 2004, 1:37 AM

Tim and Kevin both opened fire on the lock. The bullets tore into the surrounding metal. After a few seconds of sustained fire the lock cracked. Tim walked over to the case. He bent down grabbed the handle. He pulled open the door and stared at what was inside.

The inside of the case was lined with foam like material. Seven metallic purple guns lay in slots cut into the foam. They were shaped like elongated plasma rifles. The falling rain slowly started to fill up the case.
      "Cool guns," said Tim as he reached over and picked up a gun. He pulled and held the trigger. A ball of purple light formed at the end of the gun. The light stretched and pulled into a large needle. The needle went flying as Tim released the trigger. As the needle flew it, fanned out and split into two needles. They spread out a few meters. Just as they hit a tree Tim was targeting they came together. The needles pierced thought the tree and stopped. There was a faint flash and the tree was gone, vaporized by the white hot plasma.
      "We need some sh!t like this!" laughed Tim.
      "Yo, it got a scope," said Kevin as he ran his hands over the gun. The scope was a perfectly flat panel that rose several inches from the top of the gun.
      "Try looking through it," said Kevin wiping rain of the screen.
      Tim lowered his head to the gun. Motion sensors came to life. Any moving target up to 500 meters down range could be selected and put in focus.
      "This must be a sniper rifle," said Tim as he raised his head from the scope.
      "Lets take a gun each and bury the rest," said Kevin
      "Good idea," answered Tim. They both piled mud on top of the case. Slowly but steadily it stuck back down. Tim pulled a nav marker from his belt and placed it on the case.
      "We gotta check that out," said Kevin as he pointed at the doorway.
      " Lets do it!" said Tim as he dropped his empty rocket launcher. They climbed over the muddy craters, heading for the doorway. Tim climbed up onto the ledge protruding from the opening. He grabbed Kevin's mud caked hand and pulled him up.
     Tim took one last look outside. The dark rain clouds above and the mud filled field below. The calm sound of the rain made him feel at peace. Even through this was war the Covenant home world was peaceful. He took a deep breath and walked down the ramp into the darkness ahead, with Kevin right behind him.
     They came into what looked like a security clearance room. The floor was flooded because of a clogged drain. The guardroom however, was filled with water.
      "The top must've been the bottom of a crater," said Kevin.
     To the left were some benches and chairs.
      "Lets recharge for a bit," said Tim pulling out some energy bars.
      "A'ight, how long five hours?" asked Kevin
      "Yeah, five hours," answered Tim.
      Kevin pulled out a MRE one stared chowing down. Tim pulled out his canteen and took a long draw. Then he put his knapsack on an end of the bench. He looked over and watched Kevin finish his meal and get ready to sleep.
      "See you in a bit," said Kevin as he got ready to sleep.
      "Wait!" screamed Tim.
      "What?" asked Kevin.
      "If we sleep any covie bastard can come here and kill us," reasoned Tim.
      "Don't worry I go this covered," replied Kevin. He pulled out three grenades and wire from Tim's pack.
      "I'll be back," said Kevin as he ran up the ramp. About ten minutes later Kevin came back. Tim' s expression asked the question.
      "I set up some trip wires, one just outside the door way one a bit inside and the last in the middle of the ramp. They are all at different heights to make them hard to detect. And last, I set a transmitter sent to the infantry freq to warn any freindlies.
      "Good job," said Tim. " I cleaned out the drain."
      "What was in it?" asked Kevin.
      "This" answered Tim. He pulled a rotted grunt head and tossed it to Kevin.
      " Damn!" screamed Kevin and threw the head down. "Well see you in a few." He laid down on the bench and stretched out. His hand fell into the open mouth of the grunt head. He tried to get his hand out but it was stuck. Kevin wiped off his hand on his pants and laid back down.
      "Damn, that sh!t is nasty!" Kevin to no one in particular
      Tim quietly laughed to himself. He closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep. His right hand was behind his head and his left was on the grip of his SMG. Kevin laid his new Covenant rifle next to him and set his watch timer for five hours. He settled down and went to sleep.

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 5)
Date: 2 April 2004, 7:19 PM

      "Damn, that sh!t is nasty!" Kevin to no one in particular
      Tim quietly laughed to himself. He closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep. His right hand was behind his head and his left was on the grip of his SMG. Kevin laid his new Covenant rifle next to him and set his watch timer for five hours. He settled down and went to sleep.
      Loud banging woke Tim up. Light was no longer shining down the ramp, but the rainhad gotten heavier. He looked at down at his watch
      "Dag, I only got 3 hours or sleep," thought Tim.
      He shifted his gaze to Kevin, who had also been waken by the banging. Kevin had his battle rifle ready, pointing at the door. Tim pulled back the dirty release lever on his SMG. He watched the empty clip land in a puddle under his bench. Leaning over to get a fresh clip, more banging was heard.
      "What the hell is that?" asked Kevin.
      Tim shook his head and jammed a new clip into the receiver. He shouldered the weapon and aimed at the security door. Tim slowly got up and examined the door. It had lagre dents in it if something was trying to get through. The control panel was fried with the door on locked.
      "What you thinks back there," said Tim pointing at the door.
      "No clue, but we have to find out," replied Kevin as he pack up his sack. Tim walked over to his own sack and dittoed Kevin. He slung his SMG and got his Covie sniper rifle ready. Kevin packed his battle rifle in his sack. He slung his covie rifle and tightened the strap he took from his shotgun.
      "Get ready to breach," said Tim.
      Kevin splashed in the water near the door. He pressed back against the wall. Then he started to reload. Slowly trying to get ready for the battle to come. Tim took a knee and aimed the rifle at the door. He started to breathe slowly. The only sounds were Kevin reloading shell by shell, the patter of the rain outside, and the persistent banging on the other side of the door.
      "Ready?" asked Tim, Kevin nodded.
      Just as Tim was about to say take it slow, one of trip mines went off. Tim reeled around. The beating on the door got more intense. The second grenade went of throwing chunks of stone down the ramp. Deep purple blood flowed down the ramp coloring all the water.
      "Shoot the Damn door!" screamed Kevin.
      Tim turned and blew open the door. Two dozen special ops Covenant lay dead at the doorway, their blood mixing with the blood from the ramp. Behind them was a long hallway and a single door at the end. The sounds of the covenant behind them got louder. Kevin hurled himself head long into the hallway just as the final mine went off.
      "Move, move, move!" yelled Tim picking up Kevin. Dozens of Sec Ops thundered down the ramp behind them. Their guns glowing warm with energy. Tim and Kevin rushed down the hallway. They ran into the door and bounced off.
      " Crap man, were screwed!" yelled Tim as he tried to open the door.
      "Damn," whispered Kevin as he looked down the hall. Hundreds of orbs of plasma filled the hallway. The heat melted the tiles on the ceiling and floor. It was an unshakeable wall of blue, green and purple death that was closing fast. Kevin could feel the heat on his skin. He shouldered his rifle and got ready to fire.
      "Come on!" screamed Tim as he opened the door. He grabbed Kevin by the arm and jumped through the door. But the plasma was still coming.
      "Were done for," said Kevin, kneeling on the ground.
      "What the hell?" said Tim, standing up and looking back at the doorway.
      "Why aren't we dead yet?" asked Kevin as he was standing up. The plasma was still moving towards them, but at a much, much slower clip. The plasma slowly dissipated leaving trails of colored light in the pitch-black room. When it was gone the covenant at the end of the hall still could be seen.
      "This sh!t is too damn freaky," said Kevin, as he pointed his gun at the doorway. "Those covies are frozen or somthin."
      "Nah, Kevin," said Tim shaking his head. "Either they're slowed down or we're sped up 'cause they sill moving."
      "Ahhhh," yelled Kevin looking at the floor. He pointed his light and said. "Look at this."
      "This room is messed up," said Tim looking at the floor. But there was a problem. There was no floor. It was just empty space. It was if they were floating.
      "Let's get going," said Tim.
      "How?" asked Kevin. "If we go through the door the covies might speed up."
      "We'll just walk away from the door," answered Tim.
      "What about the floor?"
      "What about it?"
      "What if we stop floating?"
      "Don't worry," said Tim as he clicked on his flashlight, and hooked it to his gun. They walked forward with Kevin's light ahead of them and Tim's looking around. The room was silent and cavernous. Even the footfalls of the two Marines couldn't be heard. After two hours of walking the room seemed more and more like a cave. Suddenly the walls started to glow blue.

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 5: Good Version)
Date: 4 April 2004, 12:41 AM

(indent) "Damn, that sh!t is nasty!" Kevin to no one in particular
(indent) Tim laughed quietly to himself. He closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep. His right hand was under his head and his left was on the grip of his SMG. Kevin laid his new Covenant rifle next to him and set his watch timer for five hours. He settled down and went to sleep.
(indent) Unbearable pain in his chest jerked Kevin out of his sleep. He tried to breathe but no air would come in. Harsh, bright light came in through his closed eyelids. Kevin smelled burning flesh. Then he realized what was going on. He opened his eyes and looked at his chest. A Gold Elite had stabbed Kevin with its energy blade and was slowly cutting him in half. Kevin tried to scream but only air and spit came out. The elite gave a quiet laugh; it seemed to enjoy killing a human like this. Kevin 's vision slowly stared to fade. He knocked an empty clip to the floor with his head. He heard it clank on the stone floor and then he passed out.
(indent) A bright flash of light jolted Tim out of his nap. He stared in to the eyes of an Elite. Its plasma sword cast a warm blue glow over him. Tim looked across the security room to Kevin's side. He saw an Elite near Kevin swing its blade down cutting Kevin, and his whole bench in half. Tim looked back the elite near him.
(indent)The Elite had black armor with white light shining in the articulation points. It was looking over at Kevin, with its mandibles shaped into a smile. It let the sword hang low while it was watching the slow dissection of Kevin.
(indent) Tim's gaze kept switching from the plasma sword to the Elites throat. It was as if his body knew what to do but his mind didn't. Finally the thought clicked in. Tim quietly pulled his SMG from underneath him. He pointed the gun at the Elite and slowly clicked the safety off. Tim got into low crouch behind Elite. He leaned over to see what the Elite was looking at. The other Elite appeared to be burning up the remains of Kevin piece by piece. The other Elite seemed to enjoy this, and paid no attention to Tim. The sound of the rain coming down and the sizzling of Kevin's body made it easy for Tim to sneak up on the Elite.
(indent) "These are some crazy a$$ Elites," thought Tim. "I hope Kevin's death buys me some time."
(indent) Tim pointed his gun at the base of the elites head. His free hand went towards the sword. Inch by inch his hand got closer. Just at he touched the handle of the plasma sword, the Gold Elite looked up. In one fluid motion Tim grabbed the neck of the Elite he was next to, and shoved his SMG into its mouth. The gold Elite lifted its sword, and got ready to charge.
(indent) "Back up Goldie!" yelled Tim as he shoved the gun farther into the Elite's mouth.
(indent) The other Elite seemed to understand as it turned off its sword. Tim edged him self- closer over to the security door. The Elite had to lean back for Tim to be able to touch the ground. As they sloshed in the water towards the door, the gold Elite pulled out a plasma rifle.
(indent) "Crap," thought Tim.
(indent) "Drop it," said Tim as he motioned the command with his choking hand.
(indent) The gold Elite followed the order dropping the plasma rifle.
(indent) Tim slide against the wall to the door controls. He released the neck of the Elite. Using the same hand he hit the rusty switch for the door. The door slowly opened behind him, screeching on its metal frame. Tim backed up just enough so that only he could clear the doorway. He heard the Elites laughing as he pushed the black Elite forward. Tim pulled on the door to help it shut, one hand still holding the SMG. As soon as it closed, Tim shot the control panel. Now he sealed the sword yielding Elites outside and him inside. He could still hear the Elites laughing through the sealed door,
(indent) "What the hell did I get myself into," thought Tim as he was turned around.
(indent) In front of him was a long dark hall way with a grav-lift at the end. Tim walked down the hall, sweeping his gun from side to side. As he walked the lights came to life. Huge murals covered the walls. They were made of stones and metals he had never seen before. They depicted large huge space and ground battles in the greatest detail Tim had ever seen. They looked more like High-Definition photos than, what appeared to be, hand made murals. Tim was so wrapped up in the murals that, he tripped over the ledge to the grav-lift. As he got up he looked back at the door.
(indent) "Why aren't they trying to get me?" thought Tim. He shrugged of the thought and stood up.
(indent) The lift was dirt caked and muddy. It had a thick glass bottom and metal sides. Blood was splashed all over it and bits of bone covered the ground. The lift had only one arrow lit. Down.
(indent) "I guess I'm going down," Tim said to himself. He hit the lift button and descended into the darkness below.
