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Fan Fiction

Halo - The Respawned by md

Halo The Respawned - Book One
Date: 22 November 2003, 5:58 PM

Other books by MD coming soon about halo - Halo the dead - Hál" á"ta - The bombed
Personal message : Halo has sold more copies than playstation 2's and halo 2 is said to sell 2 million copies in it's first week of release! XBOX RULEZ and Playstation sux! Gamecube sux also! Please leave comments and read the hidden features thankyou very very very very very very very much ( i wrote this to get 750 words bye )

Chapter one: Nothing here! Thats for sure!

This story is only for true fan's of halo and xbox users! Ofcourse xbox is the best, may I now leave you now - you can read :

"As you see sir, there's nothing else here", marine 824 mentioned.
"I've got a bad idea about this place chief!" Crotana cried.
"Be quiet both of you!" Master chief answered. "I think this place could be the ruins of an ancient covenant city."
"Well Sir, I don't want to mean - should we call for backup", the marine angered.
"No-o-o we are okay, as you said there is nothing here!" Chief told him.
"Okay Sir, I'll just follow you always", the marine replied.
Around each corner of this ruined unknown city there was a bright purple light that had no reading for it, it was neutral. Chief knew that there was something about, but did not want to alarm the marine. Crotana as always new what master chief was thinking and she was really frustrated when she heard his ideas.
The marine and the chief walked on through the banned city looking under each rusted can to looking down large great holes. No doubt, the place was empty but considering it wouldn't be wise to call for back up they just walked on.
""daé", a creature appeared.
"Oh shit!" The marine crabbed on to his machine gun. "Look AT THE SIZE..."
"I think we should go now!" Crotana said.
""daé", a creature continued. ""daé, "daé!"
"What the..." the marine whispered to fin air. "...Look another!"

More monsters appeared from each direction holding swords, which shinned on your eye like the eclipse. The marine got down on his knees and started praying while master chief looked around wondering what to do. Nothing just a plasma grenade in one hand and a machine-gun in the other. Then it stroked on him. The rocket pack on his back. It could be away of escaping! He reached over to the marine's hand and squeezed his hand. And injected the thrust. They where off into the air, not knowing how much fuel they would have to escape the fire of the covenant guards.
With great courage the marine said, "Let me go man, you and Crotana are more important right now, them gun shots might kill you so I'll just jump and I'll distract the beams from you."
"Crotana?" Master chief said.
"Yes, if he want's to", Crotana answered.
Master chief let go off him and watched him fall two hundred feet onto a pole. His death was painful, but it surely helped the master chief escape. Crotana was the most important of both of them as she was holding 4 chips that allowed entranced into the city. Who knows maybe that is a normal city for them and for us it was a dump.
Later on that evening they where back at the mother ship 'The pillar Of Autumn II.' Master chief had ordered complete war! He told them we can kill these monsters and if we do we will win this war! Covenants are our sworn enemies and this don't let them kill us first.
Dropships began to fill up in numbers. Hundreds of soldiers, marines, military and us forces got onboard these ships and other one's also.
"As you see sir, there's nothing else here."
"As you see sir, there's nothing else here."
"As you see sir, there's nothing else here."
The word's where stuck in master chief's mind for the next hour. Them word's which could have saved his life and chief did not listen. It could have made 2 troops come back and not 1.
"No time to waste chief, you know he did what was right", said Crotana quietly.
"Yeah-h I know", master chief replied.
He got up of his chair that he was sitting on and ran into a random dropship and got in a passenger set. Practically everyone was shaking, as it was his or her first time on an alien planet ('T"pául').

To be continued...
Chapter two: The arrival.
