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Fan Fiction

Halo:The Star God by Cristian Arnautu

Halo:The Rise of the Star God Parts 1-9
Date: 25 March 2003, 9:45 PM

"HALO: The Star God"
by Cristian Arnautu

Part 1- Escape

I've been having the same dream over and over again, every night. I was in the middle of a great celebration, but most puzzling was that both the Humans and the Covenant were in the celebration and they weren' t fighting. They were just having a good time.

I am MASTER SARGEANT Alan M. Cutting. I am a soldier of the UNSC Marine Corp. I have been stationed on the ship the Pillar of Autumn. I have just been awakened by the loud noise of the ship' s alarm. The Captain had just issued the Cole Protocol- everyone had to evacuate the ship. I jumped in my Standard Titanium Armour and grabbed my assault rifle and 10 maggazines and raced for the nearest lifepod. The moment I stepped out of my quarters it was chaos. FIRE, EXPLOSIONS, PLASMA FIRE. Apparently the Covenant had attached their ships and started to invade the Pillar of Autumn.

I looked around and saw 2 grunts picking on a crew member. They were arguing over who should kill him. I raised my rifle and pumped them full of lead. I aproached the crew member.

Alan:"Hey, you alright?"

Crew Member:"Yeah, sure. We need to get the hell out of here!!"

Alan:"There is a lifepod just around the corner. Lets GOOO!"

We both got in just in time and the pod launched. I had no idea where we were going to land but as looked back I saw the Pillar of Autumn taking heavy fire from Covenant cruise ships. All of a sudden the pod started to shake. We were entering the athmosphere of something, I had no idea....

Part 2- Stuck and Rescued

A minute later we crashed violently. I was severly shaken up by the crash but I regained my bearing. The pilot of the pod yelled.

Pilot:"Is every one alright?"

Crew Member:"We have an uncouncious man here!!"

Alan:"Pilot! Where the hell are we?"

Pilot:"We are on a some kind of ring world. They said it's atmosphere was stable and could support life. I was told to land and wait for pick up."

Alan:"Well I think we should get moving and find some cover. We are a sitting duck out here!"

Alan:"I' ve picked up a structure on my scanner and there is no movement we'll go there."

Crew Member:"What about the uncouncious guy!"

Alan:"I got him..."

I picked up the uncouncious marine and led the others to the structure.
The building was weird it was like a cannon that shot an energy beam into the sky. I saw an opening.

Alan: "This way, hurry!"

I gently placed the marine on the floor. After a while he became councious.

Marine:"Huh, What, Where!?"

Alan:"Easy, there marine you sufferd a pretty nasty head injury."

My communications unit was beeping. I responded.

Alan:"This is MASTER SARGEANT Alan M. Cutting. I have an injured marine and survivors and require immediate pick up, over."

Com:" Roger that Sargeant, we are on our way over..."

Alan:"Roger That..."

Next thing I know I see a Covenant dropship right over the lifepod. They were searching for survivors. I told the crew to stay here and watch out. I then reloaded my assault rifle and ready a grenade.
I cautiously made my way toward the ship as it decended to drop it's troops. As soon as the door opened I threw the grenade and made 4 grunts fly like SuperMan. Then a RED ELITE appeared out of nowhere.
I heard these guys were bitches considering the strength and shield they had, but that didn' t matter 60 bullets ago. Two jackals with shields started to run towards me. These guys are weak pathetic ugly looking bastards, but they're really good with their pistols. I hit the first one with the butt of the titanium coating of the assault rifle killing him instantly. Then I dropped my assault rifle and grabbed the other Jackal by the neck and twisted it like one of those twizller candies.

Part 3- Unusual Briefing

My hands were covered with Jackal blood. I looked up at the horizon and saw the ring world' s sun set and a human Pelican dropship approacing. It was a beautiful sight. I gathered the crew members and got on board. One of the crew members saw what I did.

Crew Member:"Nice, they didn' t have a chance. You were awesome."

I frowned and gave an angry quiet mumble. I felt like a monster when I looked at my hands. I felt no better than the Covenant. We docked at our Command Ship where we were treated for our injuries and I was secretly briefed on a mission by Cortana. Normally an A.I. was not authorized to brief someone secretly, it was suspicious.

Cortana:"Do you have any idea of why I brought you here?"

Alan:"No, clue."

Cortana:"While me and the Master Chief were on Halo I picked up a distress signal that was not Covenant. It came from a large structure somewhere in the snowy region of the ring."

Alan:"Yeah, so what do you want me to do?"

Cortana:"I want you to check it out."

Alan:"Me? Why me?"

Cortana:"Because you are the second strongest next to Master Chief.."

Alan:"Who is this Master Chief anyway?"

Cortana:"You don' t know!?"

Alan:"Ofcourse not!"

Cortana:"Have you ever heard of the SPARTAN 2 Project?"

Alan:"Kind of, but I thought it was just a legend."

Cortana:"It' s true. Master Chief is one of the last surviving Spartan 2 soldiers."

Alan:"How come I haven' t been informed of this!"

Cortana:"Everyone was!"

Alan:"Then I must have missed it. Oh Crap, forget it. So you want me to go there and check it out. "

Cortana:"Yes, but you'll be going alone. We don' t want to raise suspicion, think of this as doing me a favor."

Alan:"So who' s gonna drop me off."

Cortana:"Foe Hammer, is on stand by."

Alan:"Alright, alright just let get something to eat. I haven' t ate since the escape from the Pillar Of Autumn."

Part 4-Alien Cryo Chamber

As soon as I finished eating I raced to the docking bay and jumped into the Pelican. It was a long 7 hour flight until we got there. It was snowing heavily. As soon as the Pelican touched down jumped out and made my way through the snow to the structure. Cortana got some intelligence about the structure and sent me a map through my com-link.
When I got into the structure, it was warm as if it was temperature regulated, I didn' t give it much thought at the time. As I made my way through a coridor of square pillars I heard 2 grunts coming my way. I hid myself behind a pillar and lisened.

Grunt 1:"Ah jeez, this things are killing my back!"

Grunt 2:"No kidding, they should' ve made a compact version of these things."

Grunt 1:"Yeah... Hey did you see that oval thinghie in the middle of that round room."

Grunt 2:"Yeah, I heard on of our leaders say it was some kind of kryo-stasys thing-a-magig, I don' t know.. Why you asking me?"

Grunt 1:"I thought you knew, oh well I' m tiered from carring this thing on my back, I'm going to sleep."

Grunt 2:"I' m with you."

After they went to sleep I quietly slit their throughts with my boot knife and hid the bodies behind the pillars. I made my way up a ramp that led into a round room the grunts were talking about. There was an oval cryo chamber in the middle guarded by two Blue Eliets. I drew them both in the corridor and threw a frag grenade. I took cover. The shrapnel from the grenade tore through their shields like butter and the explosion threw the Elites like rag dolls. I went into the room to investigate the cryo chamber. As I got closer I realized there was someone in there. I wiped the condensed water off the glass and to my amazement, there was a girl in the cryo camber then all of a sudden a holo pannel started to go weird and bezerk. The cryo chamber started to warm up and a few seconds later It opened. The girl looked like some type of cyborg but the electronic costume she was wearing wasn' t fused with her skin. She had white hair and her skin was of a normal human, as a matters a fact she looked like one. But when she oppened her eyes I froze. Here eyes were what set her apart from humans, the eyes were red as if a demon possesed her.

Part 5-The Girl with The Demon's Eyes

She climbed down from the chamber and aproached me. She looked straight into my eyes and asked one question:

Girl:"Who are you?"

Alan:"I am Master Sargeant Alan M. Cutting from the human UNSC Marine Corp."

Girl:"You saved me.."

Alan:"Wha, What!?"

Girl:"You saved me from the blue demons."

Alan:"You mean the Eliets. You were awake the whole time!?"

Girl:"No, I could sense them telepathicly."


Girl:"You've done a noble deed I am in debt to you."

Alan:"If you don' t mind me asking... Who are you?"

Girl:"My name is Valhalla. I am the last surviving Fore-Runner. My ancestors built this place to study and experiment in the name of science."

Alan:"Very interesting, but we must be going. This is not a safe place."

Valhala:"Were are you planning on taking me?"

Alan:"To our Command Ship, were you can tell us your story and see if we can help you in some way."

Valhala:"Very, well."

Alan:"We need to find some sort of transportation a ship of somekind. Do you know a ship nearby."

Valhala:"I've picked up a Covenant transporter about 3 km south of here in your human terms."

Alan:"Alright lets go."

We went outside, the storm died out, and there in front of me was a present from Foe Hammer, a Warthog.

Part 6-Unpredictable Friendship

I jumped in imediatly but Valhala was puzzled at what that thing was.

Alan:"What' s wrong?"

Valhala:"What is that thing?"

Alan:"It's called a Warthog. We humans use it to get from place to place quickly. Hop in."

She got in. As we were driving across the valley I spotted a cave.

Alan:"Valhala, do you know were that cave leads to?"

Valhala:"Yes, it leads to our objective. Wait hold on. I'm picking up a fight, wait it stoped."

Alan:"I think we should check it out. Besides, we have to go that way anyway."

We slowly cruised through the cave and saw some utterly unusual dead bodies. They looked as if they were mutated.

Valhala:"No, this can' t be!."


Valhala:"That creature is called a Flood. Our ancestors created them to study and find cures for desieases because the Flood is immune to any biological agent. This is bad. Someone must have let them out. They're horrible creatures. When they kill you they take over and mutate your body."

Alan:(*GULP*)"That is horrible."

All of a sudden we heard a large moan of pain coming from behind a rock. I grabbed an assault rifle and went to investigate on foot. I went behind the rock and saw a wounded Gold Elite. He looked at me and right before he could raise his alien rifle I kicked it out of his hand.


Alan:"You look really bad."


Alan:"Listen.(I lowered my assault rifle.) I don' t want to kill you."


Alan:"No, No, No. Listen I want to help you. I don' t understand why you people are doing this. Trying to eradicate the human race, Why?"

Elite:"YOU, YOU CALLED ME...."

Alan:"Yeah, we are all the same you know."


Alan:"If I didn' t trust you, you'd be dead by now."

I grabbed him and I gently placed him in the back of the truck.

Alan:"Hey, hey stand still. I have to make the bleeding stop."


Valhala looked at me strangtely. She was puzzeled again. Why would I help someone who was hell bent on my destruction. I looked straight into her eyes and said.

Alan:"He is a living, breathing being isn't he!?"

I turned and looked at the Elite.

Alan:"What's your name?"

Elite:"My name is Shangar. I am an Elite commander. And who are you two?"

Alan:"My name is Alan and she is Valhala, the last Fore-Runner."

Shangar:"A Fore-Runner!? They were the ones who built this holy place?"


Shangar:"Puzzling, she looks human except for her eyes."

Alan:"Yeah, I know it scares me. But the thing that scares me the most is that she can read our minds."

Shangar:"No way."

Alan:"Becareful of what you think."

I picked up a fully charged alien rifle and gave it to Shangar.

Alan:"Here, take it."

Shangar:"But, I thought I was your prisoner!?"

Alan:"Your not. Think of this as trust."

Shangar:"I understand..."

We drove down deeper in to the cave.

Alan:"Shangar. Do you know a Covenant ship nearby."

Shangar:"Yeah, it' s on the other side of the cave."

A few minutes later we exited the cave in to a canyon. In the middle was a big fight between the Flood and a squad of Covenant forces. I stepped on the gas pedal and ran over 15 Flood Mutations and saved a few Elites in the process. It was weird. A while ago I was killing them and now I am saveing them. After the battle, I stopped. One of the Jackals charged its pistol and pointed at me. When a Blue Elite stoped him.

Part 7- Honor Among Species

Blue Elite:"Don't shoot! Shangar is in the back."

Jackal:"But the HUMAN!"

Blue Elite:"There must be an explanation, the human didn't attack us and Shangar is armed."

The Blue Elite approched the back of the Warthog.

Blue Elite:"Commander, what' s going on? Your, your hurt!"

Shangar:"I' ll be fine, thanks to the human."

Blue Elite:"What?"

Shangar:"Yes, the human saved me and I know we can trust him. We all are in the same sitiuasion."

Blue Elite:"Yes, sir. I' ll notify the others of the sitiuation."

Alan:"Hey, while you' re at it ask for a strecher. He still needs more medical attention."

Blue Elite:"Sure thing."

The Blue Elite went and told the others. A few seconds later two other Elites came with a strecher and carried Shangar to a ship. The Blue Elite approched me.

Blue Elite:"You, humans. Shangar wants you two to go with him to one of our capital ships."

Alan:"Very well. But the girl is not human she is Fore-Runner."

The Elite froze and I gave him my assault rifle to show that I am not hostile. Me and Valhala jumped into the Covenant ship and arrived at the capital ship Legion.

Me and Valhala were greeted by a priest guarded by two Hunters. He aproched me and said.

Priest:"So, you' re the human who saved Shangar. This is quite unexpected of your race. Shangar said I could trust you with my life."

Alan:"I am quite honored to be in the presence of such an important figure of the Covenant."

Priest:"That' s very kind of you."

Alan:"I have only one question."

Priest:"What is it?"

Alan:"Why are you so hell bent on eradicating mankind?"

Priest:"Hmm, we the Covenant are on a mission to unite all races of this galaxy to live in peace with eachother. We want to eradicate war. But to do this we must force others to join or give them a chance to join peacefully."

Alan:"Maybe, you guys didn' t give us a chance or you didn' t specify when we first encountered you 30 years ago."

Priest:"That may be. I believe that humans still have a chance. We just need to present it at the right time."

Part 8- Covenant Religion

Alan:"I' ve heard you Covenant are really religious."

Priest:"Yes, are you interested?"

ALan:"In a way, I am. You see humans are of different religions I sometimes study and try to understand them. Think of it as a hobbie. So do you have a bible of somekind."

Priest:"Unfortunatly no, but we have three stone tablets that describe our pourpose and religion. Do you wish to study them?"

Alan:"Yeah, sure."

Alan:"Valhala, you wanna come?"


We entered a huge room with all kinds of decorations and weird signs.

Valhala:"Alan, I recognize those marks on the decorations."

The next thing I know in the middle was three walls, but when I got closer I realized they were the tablets the Priest was talking about. Valhala wasted no time. She began to study the tablets carefully. Moments later Shangar walked in. He was in good shape after his treatment. The next thing I know Valhala said something shocking.

Valhala:"These are the tablets my father wrote."

The Priest and Shangar were stunned...

Shangar:"That' s not possible! Then your father must be...."

Valhala:"Danok is my father. The creator of all life in the universe and your god."

Priest:"Hmm, this is very shocking and hard to believe."

I personally didn' t trust that Priest and I soon found out why.

Priest:"Shangar, come with me for a moment."

Shangar:"Yes, sir."

They both walked out.

Alan:"This is very shocking. You the daughter of a God. I should be honored by your presence."

Valhala:"That was very noble of you."

Just as we were bonding the Priest gathered a few Elites. He was plotting against us. As a matter of fact he was plotting right after I stepped foot on the Capital ship. He busted through the door. I mean I have never seen such an attitude in anykind of priest of any religion.

Part 9- Rise Of the Star God

He barked some orders in Covie language and 2 Elites grabbed me and Valhala.

Priest:"So, human thought you could just come in here, Eh!?"

Alan:"Why are you doing this! We mean you no harm!"

Priest:"Our mission may be to unite all races but we certanly hate humans. Face it we just hate you."

Valhala:"My father is getting very angry for your actions."

Priest:"And you, you can' t fool me. Shangar! Kill her."


Shangar, paused for a moment. He looked at me and said:


The Priest shocked, yelled:"Weakling!!" and grabbed the alien rifle and shot Valhala in the stomach. She was seriously hurt. I was in pure rage and I overpowered the Elite that was holding me in place. I ran towards her and picked her up gently by her head.


Valhala:"Alan.....here....a...gift from my father....He...hopes.....you...will....lead...his.....people...the..way..he entended it...to be."

Her hand began to glow. She raised it and touched my forehead. I could feel an immense surge of energy flow through my body from my forehead. The next thing I know she was dead.

Priest:"Now, it's your turn human."

I was filled with rage and shouted:"No, Damok told me you are next!!!"
I began to change. I grew twice as big, my hair was turned white, I suddenly knew everything in the universe and my pupils dissapeard and I developed a star mark on my forehead. Shangar was amazed and bowed before me. Soon after everyone in the room bowed except for the Priest.

Priest:"What are you morons doing!? KILL HIM!"

Shangar:"We can' t. He is The Star God!"

The Priest shot a few plasma bolts towards me, but they bounced off as if they were mere flies. I gave a blank stare at the Priest and I could feel he was scared and with a mere thought I made his head blow up.
I aproached Shangar and told him to rise.

Alan:"Shangar, raise your head with pride for you have prooven yourself to Danok. You are the new Head Commander of the entire Covenant armed force, I trust you with my life."

Shangar:"This is truly an honor."

Alan:"Do me one favor though..."

Shangar:"What' s that.."

Alan:"Let us morn the loss of Danok's daughter. Take her body and bring it to the Morning Chamber."

Shangar:"Yes, sir."

Alan:"Shangar, I'm your friend you don' t have to be tensed up while I'm around."

Shangar:"Alright, but I am terribly sorry for your loss."

Alan:"Yes, Shangar we all are. We all are."

To be continued......
