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Fan Fiction

Halo:End Of All Wars by bwg52

Halo: End To All Wars Chapter One
Date: 22 April 2005, 10:24 PM

There was blood all over the room. As Pvt.Kings walked down the hall, he saw the commanding captin.
"Captain, let's go, we can't stay here forever."said Kings. The captain was taking the dogtags out of the dead. The covenant had made a suprise attack on the battleship Zeus. They had to make it to the escape pods. The captain started running to the door. He had a M6C handgun in his hand and had four grenades. Kings had a SMG. As the door opened they saw a squad. They were pinned down. All of a sudden Kings saw something bolt across the room. The plasma grenade had landed on the marines face. The marine ran to them. The grunts shot him down with the turret. Then he exploded. "C'mon Kings, fire at them!"yelled a marine. Kings looked at him. Cpl.Bolte, he was an old friend. He was holding a battle rifle. The captain fired his pistol. It killed a grunt. I fired at the turret. The grunt faced it to me. Pchoo! I jumped out of the way. Bolte threw a grenade over the piece of machine they were behind. He saw the turret fly off the platform, and he heard an elite scream.
"C'mon let's go team!"yelled the Captain. We ran into the elevator. It went up. And up. And up. Finally it stopped. And opened. They ran out behing cover. The Captain was hit in the arm. He started to fire at the jackal, but it hid behind it's shield. Then I fired at it. It's shield took some hits, then it burst and I sprayed fire onto the jackal. It collapsed to the ground.
"Arrrrrggg!"yelled an elite.
"He has his sword out, he's pissed!"yelled a marine. That marine hoisted his shotgun and turned the corner. The elite sliced his hand off before he could fire. Then the elite picked him up and threw him. That marine collided with a landed pelican. It looked like every bone in his body was broken. Kings turned the corner, and fired. The elites shields flickered, then went out. The elite ran at Kings. The the Captain turned the corner. Boom! He shot one bullet. It peirced the aliens skull and purple blood fell out. Then they moved forward. If they had a chance to live they would have to make it to the escape pods. They found one marine. He had an old MA5B rifle. He had some bandages on his leg. His dogtag said Pvt. Harverson. He got up and ran with the team.
"My squad got ambushed!"yelled Harverson."Those covenant aliens are gonna pay!" He was pissed off.
"Calm down. We're gonna make it outta here."said Kings. Harverson just nodded. They were running across the bridge. Then they saw 3 jackals pop out. They had their shields up. Harverson started firing bullets. Luckly they were shredder rounds. They shredded up the ground below the jackals. Then the jackals fell 50 meters into the next section of the ship.
"Haha! Thats faster than any elevator iv'e ever seen."commented Harverson.
"Hows that for makin' them pay?"said the Captain.
"I'm still not satisfied."said Harverson. He sounded like a tought marine. That boosted their morale. As they entered the next room they saw an escape pod.
"Look!"exclaimed Bolte. It got the squads attention, but it also got the covenant's attention. The elites turned around and fired. The Harverson started crawling away.
"Where you going, coward?"asked Kings.
"You'll see."he replied. Then he crawled back with a rocket launcher.
"The armory was open."he said. Then he fired the 2 rockets. All the elites fell to the floor, like they all fell asleep at once. But purple blood spattered everywhere. They ran into the pod and it launched... They didn't know where to land. They set it to go to a military stronghold. It was going to land there in about an hour. Then they saw to covenant seraph class fighters fly to them. The pod swooped down as they fired. The plasma torpedos missed. The pod fired one rocket at one. It flew at the weak spot of the fighter, and exploded on impact. The pilots cockpit was overcam with flames. The elite screamed, but nobody can hear you scream in space.
"Nice shot!"yelled Kings.
"Thanks!"replied the Captain. He was a great pilot. They started going faster. The Captain activated the boosters. They'd reach the stronghold in about a half an hour.....

They were landing. The impact would knock them out. As they crashed, Kings closedhis eyes... When they woke up, they found 3 marines dead. They ran to the military base and said they were from the Zeus. The covenant would probably go to this base next. They went to the medical facility to get cleaned up and ready to defend here.

Please give me hints and tips. Thanks.
