
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Halo: lost and Found by Riley217

Halo: Lost and Found
Date: 30 March 2004, 10:48 PM

Halo: Lost And Found
Intro This story takes place while the Master Chief was still on Halo. Some of the other characters that are mentioned you might remember from the second book, only two of them. The story starts out sometime before the flood are released, Captain Keyes is currently is still with the base. Something or someone has been lost and know body knows what or who, the Master Chief just thinks that he is on a routine mission to a Covenant Battle Cruiser, little does he know what the Chief and his team will find something beneficial to the UNSC

Part I

Sunrise on Alpha Base, Lt. Makay just finished a briefing with Major Silva. She walked along a corridor with a cup of coffee in hand to the room where the Master Chief is located. Lt. Makay knocked on the door and waited, "Come in" replied a voice, as she opened the door to find the Master Chief cleaning his MA5B assault rifle, with his helmet off resting on one leg. "Morning sir" the Chief said.

"Good morning, the Major wants to see you about a mission"
"Understood" replied The Master Chief.

The Master Chief got up, finished reassembling hie MA5B assault rifle, slung it over his shoulder and was just about to replace his helmet when Lt. Makay butted in by saying

" Uh Chief you should leave that off when you talk to the Major, you know how he is, can't stand not being able to read your expressions."

The Chief nodded and placed his helmet under his left arm. The real reason and the Chief hated it was that, Major Silva hated him and his kind, he hated the reflective visor because he couldn't yell to his face, Silva called him and his kind "freaks" and for that he would never forgive the Major for those words. Lt. Makay led the Master Chief to Major Silva's office which had a make shift table made out of a pelican dropship floor board and a chair out of the same pelican dropship. Th Major was seated behind his desk going over records on a personal data pad. Lt. Makay knocked on the door and said "The Master Chief is here to see you sir." "Thank you Lt. Makay that will be all." And with that Makay turned around gave the Chief a slight smile and walked a way sipping her coffee. The Master Chief walked in snapped to attention and saluted the Major, "Master Chief Spartan 117 reporting for duty sir." Major Silva continued to read his data pad for about 45 seconds not looking up, then finally he returned the Chief's salute leaving the Chief to stand at attention, Silva would just love nothing better than to watch the chief squirm under his gaze, but the Chief would never give him the satisfaction. Then finally the Major said "At ease Spartan."

"Sir you wanted to see me."
" Yes, yes I did." replied Silva "I have a mission for you and a team of ODST's a few of the best." The Major added in. ODST known as Orbital Drop Shock Trooper or Helljumpers are some of the craziest marines that the Chief ever met. Silva continued,

"You will take team Sniper Viper to here," The Major pointed to an area on a map on his desk, that looked like a heavily forested area.

" And what do you want my team to do exactly?" asked the Chief returning his gaze back to Silva. "I am getting to that!" snarled Major Silva, he wasn't in a good mood this morning practically a sleepless night for him.
"Located in that area is a Covenant Battle Cruiser called Aqula Fields, now on that ship is some important information that I and Captain Keyes needs, so all you have to do is bord the Cusier via the ships grav lift. Find the ships engine computer room and download info on the engines into this data cube. You think you can handle that? I know my marines can." Snorted Silva handing the cube over.

The Master Chief felt the sting of those last words and did not like what he just heard, "Sir yes sir, but I will need Cortana."

"Good, right she should be done informing Wellsey," Alpha Bases personal AI, "I want you ready and gone at 09:15 hours dismissed." With that the Chief jumped to attention snapped off a crisp salute turned and marched out of the Major's office, replacing his helmet as soon as he was out of site of Silva's office.

End of Part I

Part I ends with the background information about Halo: Lost and Found so what awaits the Master Chief? Find out in Halo: Lost and Found II

Halo: Lost and Found pt:II
Date: 7 April 2004, 8:28 PM

When the Master Chief left Major Silva's office he then walked out to the bases make shift armory that is located on the far side of the base. Team Sniper Viper was already there loading up on supplies they would need. There is eight that makes up team Sniper Viper, Mike Dano, Josh Stephn, Steve Bygone, Joe Ligte, Dan Miller, Sam Kooc, William Rik, and the teams only female Kat. They all turned to greet the Chief when he entered the compound "Morning sir, how's it going sir, real tough battle yesterday huh sir, damn covie bastards hey sir" and various greetings like that the Chief received and he responded by a curt nod to them all. He then went over to a MA5B weapons locker then an M90 shotgun locker, he grabbed a dozen and a half of MA5B clips, with the M90 shotgun about 65 shells for it. Then he strolled over to a smaller locker housing frag grenades and some of the covenant plasma grenades, the Chief knew these would come in very handy so he grabbed a bunch of both. He loaded both weapons and clicked on the safeties then slung them over his shoulders and placed the remaining ammo plus grenades in there respective pouches. The Master Chief turned to the group of Marines now assembled in front of him, he paused to look at each and ever marine, satisfied with what he saw he then said,

"You all know what to expect when we arrive, " everyone nodded,

"I want four of you to guard the grav lift when we secure it, do not let any covenant in or out, four will be with me. We will head through the ship until we get to the ships engine computer room, Cortana will assist us with a possible safe route and open any locked doors we come across." (For the last day John missed having Cortana with him she is a part of him as much as he is a part of her and he had a duty to protect her.)

"Is that clear everyone?"

"Sir yes sir" everyone said then they all saluted the Chief, he returned their salute and added one final thing,

"I want everybody ready and waiting at docking pad 3 in 45 minutes."

With that The Master Chief turned and marched out of the armory up to Alpha Base "command" room. Srg. Lester was seated at a large computer terminal that had been salvaged from the Pillar of Autumn on a last raid of the ship. Lester didn't even notice that the Master Chief come in. The Chief asked,

"Is Cortana finished informing Wellsey sarge? "
Just as Srg. Lester was about to respond Cortana interrupted him,

"Yes Chief I have just finished and yes I have been told of the mission."

Cortana had a little felling that he was going to ask just that. A holo image popped up on a holo pad near the computer screen.

"I take it you are ready to go?" Cortana asked the Chief.

"Yeah I am " he replied. " Ok I am ready " and with that Cortana's image flickered and disappeared, the holo pad gave a little pop and Cortana's chip ejected it's self from the slot. The Master Chief walked over picked up the chip and inserted it into a slot on the side of his helmet, instantly he felt the ice cold sensation like someone poured a cup of ice water on his head then it was over.

"It's good to have you back," The Chief said with a smile.

"It's good to be back," Cortana said "Wellsey was staring to drive me a little crazy but I won't get into details right now."

The Chief just laughed bid good bue to Srg. Lester and went to the pelican drop ship to wait. This early in the morning Alpha base was really busy, marines were cleaning and refueling Pelican drop ships, Scorpion tanks, as well as Three warthogs that have seen more action than a private on their first day. One was covered so badly with gore and plasma burns you couldn't see the color for the warthog and it took five marines to clean off most of the goo as best they could. The Covenant have tried three times to take over Alpha base all of the attempts were unsuccessful the Covenant just never learn. Five shades were captured from the covies and strategically placed round the base to help defend it. The Master Chief took a walk all around Alpha base before heading to the drop ship. Things have not changed much from in the past week since landing on Halo. The Covenant are fighter even harder to try and eradicate the humans, but the humans are pushing them back with all their might.

End of Part II

Halo: Lost and Found pt:3
Date: 21 April 2004, 10:20 PM

I know the first few parts may seem a bit boring but it does
get better along the way.

Part III

[Time 09:15] The Master Chief and team Sniper Viper boarded the Pelican Dropship. "Take us out." "Aye aye sir." replied Foehammer.

The ride was a long ways away so the Chief tried to sit back and relax but to know avail. The Dropship landed in a clearing half a mile away from the Aqula Field. It was still relatively early in the morning so the Chief knew the Covenant near the grav lift would be slow and sluggish before the change in shifts arrived. The Chief took point,

"Radio in when your done and I will come pick you up."

"Roger that Foehammer Cortana out."
"Foehammer out."

The team faced no opposition following a path to the grav lift.

"Kat scout up ahead and see what is waiting for us at the entrance."

Her name Kat and for a good reason, she moved up the nearest tree silently like a cat, she would have made a excellent Spartan thought the Chief. The Master Chief motioned for the rest of the team to take cover and keep their heads down. Kat fed video image back to the Chief's HUD and what he saw did not surprise him. Three shades guarded, only one was occupied, as well as four blue Elites, six Jackals, two Hunters and Three Grunts all of which were asleep at their post. Good thought the Chief this should be over quickly, dopey beasts.

"Team here are the orders, Kat you stay in that tree and take out the gunners, Will your our heavy gunner deal with the Hunters find a good position."

Will moved off to the right a few trees down and positioned himself behind what looked like was a large oak, the Chief continued

"Dano, Stephn, Bygone, and Miller you four are with me, Ligte and Kooc you two will circle around to the other side to make sure none get away, everyone is that understood?"

Everyone held a thumps up. The Master Chief slowly counted down from ten, on one Rik fired a volley of rockets at one hunter who was blown apart on contact, it's brother roared and charged straight towards Rik. The next incoming missile headed for the large creature who easily dodged it but not the next, the Hunter fell were he stood. The shades were manned with two already firing towards the Chief's position, The Chief and his team sprang forward concentrating their fire on the Elites and remaining Jackals. There was four loud cracks as Kat cleaned up the gunners. With that done, The Chief motioned for his team to move towards the grav lift. Static crackled around the Chief's armor as he was absorbed into blackness, then reappeared a few moments later inside the ship.

"Cortana which door should we go through? " asked the Chief, he paused waiting for her to respond, he waited about half a minute before saying " Cortana I said which do....."

"Oh sorry Master Chief go through front right " Said Cortana

"What was that about Cortana?" The Chief asked sounding concerned, Cortana never hesitated in answering him before.

"I'll tell you in a bit we should get moving."

The Chief wanted answers now but knew better than to ask right now. Rik, Ligte, and Kat were ordered to stay at the grav lift to guard it while the rest of the team moved through corridors and shuttle bays, fighting many Covenant a long the way, finally pausing at a cross roads to reload and decide which way to go. The Master Chief opened a private comm,

"Cortana why did you hesitate to answer me before?"

"I picked up some kind of signal when we boarded the ship and from where we are it has been getting stronger, I think we are nearing it."

"Do you have any idea what it is?" puzzled the Chief.

"I think......no it can't be Chief I thinks it's another UNSC AI."

The Chief stood frozen did he just hear right?

"Are you sure I mean how can it be?"

"I am not 100% sure," Cortana said, " But it could be possible maybe it was captured from an UNSC ship, what a place it's in if it is another AI shouldn't be located in the Cruisers computer room?"

"How far way is the signal from our position."

"The signal is just down the corridor to your left, the very last room to the left side. Be warned I detect Covenant presence behind the door."
It figures the Chief thought. This corridor was unusually longer than any other hallway the team walked through, and the walls of the ship were not a shiny purple as the rest of the ship in fact they were blackened, scorched, and gouged. One panel the Master Chief walked up to had what appeared to be large claw marks scratched deeply into the metal. It could have been a Hunter who made the marks maybe? or it could have been something else, but what kind of creature did the Covenant take aboard their ship? the Chief didn't want to meet the other thing if it's worse than an enraged Hunter. But the marks looked to be quite a few years old on closer inspection and apparently someone has tried to repair the damage but with little success. There was a faint green glow coming from the very edges. The Chief found this intriguing but he did not have the time to examine it any longer he was on a very important mission.


Halo: Captured pt:1
Date: 21 April 2004, 10:22 PM

Halo: Captured

I woke up to a voice murmuring somewhere off in the distance, but I didn't know where. I couldn't place my finger on that voice, some how I knew it sounded familiar but why? And where was I, I am too afraid to move, to speak, to even open my eye's. Let's see my name.......Riley Spartan 007, well at least I remembered that much. My head, my legs, and arms all ached heck practically my whole entire body ached. I was not sure if I had broken something in....in the.........in the crash now I remember, it all came flooding back. I jolted my self back to reality, pain flooded my body but I pushed it out of my mind as best as I could. I sat on the floor of the Longsword fighter slightly dazed.

" Wallace," I screamed " Are you all right?"

" That's the same thing I've been trying to ask you, but yes I am fine." Replied Wallace in a calm voice Riley's personal AI.

" How are you feeling? Since we crashed you have been out for a quarter of an hour."

If it wasn't for my armor things would have been a whole lot worse.

" We should gather what we can from the fighter and get out of here." I told Wallace.

" I bet you anything our presence has not gone unnoticed by the Covenant, did you send that message to the Pillar of Autumn before we were hit Wallace?" I inquired.

" No Lt. There was too much radio interference that I could not punch through." He said " I am sorry."

" No need for apologies it was not your fault." I put my hand up to silence Wallace's protest.

" We will just have to find them the hard way then, just before we were hit I saw two life boats crash as well not far from here. So let's check there first."

I reached over and ejected Wallace from the fighter's computer terminal, placed his chip onto the slot on my helmet and felt the all to familiar prickly icy cold fill my head then stop. I always hated that feeling. First I made sure my M6D pistol was still strapped to my right leg, checked that it was undamaged satisfied that it was not I then grabbed some ammunition for it. I walked over to a small weapons locker, found that the door was jammed but that was fine. I punched a hole through it and removed the door easily. Check my armor was still functioning properly. I snatched a bunch of protein bars then picked up an MA5B assault rifle that had come lose from it's holding straps. I grabbed some ammo for the AR and left the Longsword. Next I attempted to camouflage my ship as best as I could. Walking on my left leg pained me a bit, but I knew it was nothing serious.

" So Wallace which way do we go?" I asked

" Head this way."

A orange NAV marker appeared on my HUD pointing far off over a ridge, I thought maybe the ridge is over looking the crash site. I started off at a brisk pace towards the ridge. Just before I got there I slowed to walking and carefully inched my way to the edge of the ridge on my stomach. I then instinctively grabbed my M6D pistol and set the scope at 2x zoom, well there in a deep crater was a UNSC life boat still smoking, no sign of human life. Walking round the pod were three Elites, wow only three Elites this almost seems to easy I thought. But hey an opportunity that presents it's self to kill Covenant I'll take it.

I focused first on the closest Elite and pulled the trigger, I nearly emptied a full clip in the beast before the last bullet penetrated his armor draping his body over a rock. The other two hid behind the life boat giving me time to reload. Just as I did a bright blue plasma grenade was streaking my way, I tucked and rolled out of the way when it landed then exploded right where I just was laying. The explosion sent up a cloud of dirt and clods of earth into the air, I rolled to a crouch, I took aim on the blue bastard that threw the grenade and fired five shots knocked his shields down, he growled and side stepped to my left causing my next bullet to strike him in the arm sending a chunk of flesh flying, the Elite howled and grabbed his arm, just as I was about to fire again something hard and heavy struck me in the back sending me to tumble down the ridge. All I could hear blaring in my ears was the alarm for my suits shield, meaning they were draining fast. Finally I bounced off a small boulder cracking it as I hit solid ground.

" Quick Lieutenant get up!" yelled Wallace. My shields began the recharge cycle, I lost the AR. What hit me I wondered as I slowly got to my feet, I still managed to hang on to my pistol. Soon my question was answered as ten Elites uncamoflaged themselves all aiming plasma rifles at me. Oh great I thought just great, privately I opened a com to Wallace and told him not to say a word to them no matter what happens or they might take him. If they did not know I had one then no problem. But one problem was how the heck was I gonna get out of this sticky situation? I put my hands in the air and said,

" Ok I give up, I surrender."

" I am glad you see it our way human filth!" replied the blue Elite I wounded. (Wallace translated)

" We are ordered to capture a human alive oh look what dropped in, Grand Field Master Luetumly wants information from you, from your kind and you will come with us without a struggle." Said the Elite plainly.

" Ok I won't fight you." I replied just as calmly. (right now I didn't stand a chance)

" Good secure the prisoner," barked the Elite to another one on his right, " But first," growled the Elite as he walked up to me. He quickly raised his weapon then smashed it down hard and fast on my left shoulder knocking me to the ground. As I lay coughing tasting iron, he stepped on my hand holding my pistol sending pain shooting up my arm, then with his blue paw he forced it from my hand. He picked it up examined it, then strapped it to his damaged arm. He looked at me and started to laugh as I struggled to stand, my suit must have taken more damage in the crash than I thought, because that hit should not have knocked me to the ground at all. The shield recharged rather slowly than normal. The blue Elite started calling me something nasty but Wallace didn't want to translate, that was alright I told him I already know. Curse the bastard he stole my weapon and almost knocked me out. Mark my words I told my self I will finish the job, I will get him. My wrists were shackled and I was prodded forcefully to a waiting Covenant dropship. I was now headed to the Covenant Battle Cursier Aqula Fields. I hope I can get out of this alive!!!


halo: Lost and Found pt.4
Date: 24 April 2004, 8:50 PM

Part IV

The Master Chief and team Sniper Viper carefully crept up to a large sliding door a few feet away, the Chief held his hand up signaling his team to stop. The Chief walked very slowly up to the door until it opened quietly, he peered in. On each sides of the room were lined with holding cells, as well as six Jackals and as far as he could tell one Elite.
"Cortana are you sure the signal was coming from here?" the Chief whispered.

"Yes Chief I am sure."

"It could be a trick you know we could walk into an ambush."

"No the signature was unique and trust me there is only those seven you see there, my sensors are not picking up any more......right now." Cortana added.

"We will see about that." The Chief whispered more to himself than to Cortana. He moved back to the team.

"Miller and Kooc," The Chief ordered " Stay at the door and provide cover fire watch for reinforcements, the rest of you are with me, on my mark." He waited for the opportune moment to strike........."NOW!!"

The team stormed into the room, Master Chief went straight for a black Elite who ducked behind a pillar and two Jackals moved in. The Chief rolled to his left and aimed for under the Jackals shield, he was rewarded with a howl the vulture like creature let out as it collapsed to the floor in a puddle. The second scored two hits on the Chief's shoulder causing the shields to drain, but the Chief was ready, he easily dodged the next plasma bolts then lashed out with the butt of his assault rifle. Smashing it down hard on the Jackals head splashing his armor in the creatures goo. Now he was free to move towards the Elite. Who tried to melee the Chief as he came around the pillar. The Chief met the Elite's plasma rifle with his own assault rifle causing the two weapons to bounce backward. The force caused them to fly from both opponents hands. John brought his left fist up and connected it with the Elite's jaw. The Elite roared as he staggered sideways a few steps from the blow then regained his balance. "Human trash!" The Elite yelled defiantly in slightly slurred basic. The Elite then started running towards the Chief, he then lowered his right shoulder preparing to smash it into the Chief. John saw this and braced himself for the impact which came exceedingly quickly. The Elite slammed into the Master Chief with so much energy that it knocked him down and sent him sliding across the metal floor. John came to a stop at the base of a control panel. That is one strong Elite he thought a normal one would not have sent him flying. He reached for his shotgun which was not there, the Chief saw it lying on the other side of the room. The armor's shields started to recharge as the Chief got to his feet, the Elite was now standing by his M90 shotgun with one large foot resting on it.

"You want this you have to go through me first!" he chuckled.

"Fine have it your way we will do it the hard way then." John replied shaking his head.

They both charged at each other, the Chief went down low and kicked out with his right foot, which the Elite jumped over then followed up by bringing down his black elbow, but caught nothing but air as the Master Chief summer saluted backwards landing perfectly on his feet. "Careful Chief." Cortana whispered in his ear. "Don't worry aren't I always!" He replied. "Do I have to answer that?" The Elite charged again this time dodging the human's gauntlet fist that was headed straight for his head. The black warrior grabbed the human's wrists and tried to crush and twist the green armor, but this time John was faster he brought his helmeted head forward crashing it into the unexpected black Elite's forehead, causing the Elite to lose his grip on John's wrists. John quickly kicked as hard as he could into the Elite's stomach forcing him to the ground where he lay groaning and clutching his side. The Elite grabbed the Master Chief's foot and dragged him down to his level, the two struggled on the ground each trading blows back and forth.

Mike Dano just started reloading his assault rifle when an Elite holding a plasma sword stepped out in front of him. The golden Elite swung his sword high towards Dano, which Dano met with his assault rifle. The plasma sword easily sliced through the marine's weapon cutting it in two, Dano cursed. The sword was swung so closely to Dano the tip grazed his armor slicing a three meter long gash. Dano screamed and fell backwards in pain holding his chest. The gold Elite laughed at the humans misfortune. Miller turned saw Dano on the ground, he leveled his assault rifle at the Elite and yelled " Your dead buddy!" The Elite leaped high into the air towards Miller, gold barely felt the marine's bullets, he landed right in front of Miller, Kooc was horribly surprised by the Elite's aerial feats that he was stunned. All Dan Miller saw was a bright blue flash then darkness, he never felt hitting the floor. Kooc ducked under the Elite and rolled to hide behind a pillar to reload.

"Chief a little HELP here!" Kooc yelled.

The Chief slammed his elbow into the Elites winded body then broke free and ran over to his shotgun picked it up and blasted the black Elite right in the chest. "Sorry but I got to go." The Chief said then stepped over the dead body of the black Elite as all eye's turned to the gold Elite standing in the doorway laughing at his last kill.

"Duck and cover everyone!"

Master Chief barked as he primed and threw a plasma grenade at the gold Elite, which stuck to it's leg, the Elites laugh turned to a scream as he ran around in circles, then was silenced as the plasma grenade exploded splashing the walls with purple goo and chunks of flesh.

"That was for Miller!" spat Kooc then turned away sickened by the sight of the Elite.

The Chief and the rest of the team walked over to Dano who was propped up against a wall. Blood streamed out of the gash covering Dano's hands and front.

"Are you all right?" John asked.

"Yeah.....yeah, but that sure scared the shit right out of me sir." Dano replied. "I never want to experience that again in my life!"

"Get some bio-foam on that wound solider, Kooc help bandage him up." Kooc nodded and did what he was ordered to do. The Chief grabbed Miller's tags and marked him as KIA.

"Hey sir come take a look at this." Stephn said sounding astonished.

The Chief jogged over to where Stephn was standing.

"Is that another Spartan sir?" Stephn asked.

Sure enough sitting in the back of the cell was another green armored solider. The Chief's heart almost skipped a beat.

"Cortana was this where the signal was coming from?"

"......yes Chief I do believe so."

The Chief could not believe what he was seeing, was this real or was it some Covenant trap. No his mind told him but how?

"Stephn hit the controls now!" the Chief ordered.

Stephn quickly did what he was told to and hit the controls, as soon as the force field went down, John stepped into the cell he knelt down beside the Spartan he connected a link to the armor. Who ever it was they were semiconscious he checked their stats, everything seemed to be normal breathing and heart rate were normal. The rest of the team stood at the cell door staring spell bound.

"Is everything alright sir?" Kooc asked.

John hesitated a moment then said.

"Yes lets get out of here and finish our mission I don't want to stay here any more than I have to."

The Master Chief "piggy backed" the unknown Spartan, he had many questions to ask this person. John was unsure he could not get much information when he linked to the armor it's like it had some kind of "firewall" blocking him out. There is something very odd about the Spartan, The Master Chief knew every Spartan he trained with but this one is different, the armor was a lot more banged up than his own and it is a shade darker. John thought he should automatically know the person in this armor he didn't.


Halo: Lost and Found pt:5
Date: 30 April 2004, 9:16 PM

Part V

The team left the brig and headed down a smaller corridor and through two more side passages, finally ending up in front of a double set of silver doors.
"Load me into the controls, I'll hack in and open the doors." Cortana said. The Chief complied and put the chip into the control panel. " Got it."
There was a quiet hiss as the doors slowly slid apart revealing a large room filled with Covenant vehicles. The Chief slipped Cortana back into his helmet.
"Across this room is another door that will lead us to the ships to the ships engine computer room." Cortana said.

In the room along with the vehicles was a wide a ray of Elites and Grunts all busy cleaning, repairing or just standing around. An Elite repairing a ghost near by caught a glimpse of green armor, he let out a call and charged straight for the doorway, great there goes surprising them. The Chief did not want to lose this Spartan there was no way, he charged for the on coming Elite as a fire fight broke out. The charging Elite took more than half a clip before he fell, his own shields were almost drained completely. The Chief only had one arm to fire with and couldn't reload. The shotgun he passed to Dano to use, so he dropped the assault rifle he would come back for it later, and scooped up a plasma rifle. The fire fight went on for another minute before all was quite. Many of the Covenant vehicles were damaged or badly scorched from many grenade explosions a good thing for the humans. The Chief was a few feet from a maintenance access door when a female voice growled,

"Put me down now!"

The Chief was startled by aggression he heard,

"But you are injured." He protested.

"Not enough to stand now please put me down." Came the voice a little softer this time.

The Chief thought better than to argue right now so he carefully lowered his body to the floor, the other Spartan backed off and stood up straight, she was two feet shorter than John. She looked up at him and said,

"Thanks for getting me out of there I didn't know how much more I could stand those cells are just not comfortable and well the food isn't any better, I can tell you that from experience."

John was more than a little surprised that the new Spartan was female, but still happier none the less.

"Look," she added quickly "Lets get out of here but first there is something I have to retrieve and it is behind that door." She said pointing to the door they were standing in front of. The Chief butted in,

"We need something in there as well so let's work together."

"Fine but that blue bastard is mine!"

"What do you mean? But first what is your name?" The Chief asked.

"You will see but stay out of my way, oh and if anybody gets in my way they will regret that."
With that the female Spartan bent down and picked up a plasma pistol and plasma grenade.

"The names Lieutenant Riley and that's all you need to know right now." Riley replied. Lt. Riley left heading straight for lone blue Elite, one with a bandaged right arm, the rest of the team stood shocked for a few second then moved out to secure their objective, weaving in and out of pillars that lined the room.

"Going after your weapon aren't you?" Wallace whispered in Riley's ear. [read Halo: Captured to find a little more about Riley Spartan007]

"You bet and I have a score to settle with that thing!" she replied.

The Master Chief was astound by the second Spartan, he wanted to suggest she should take it easy, but knew a Spartan could handle just about anything. The Chief watched Riley and the blue Elite carefully.

"Hey you blue bastard I should have shot your other arm to match!" Lt. Riley yelled at the Elite, which turned plasma rifle pointed towards the Spartan.

"So you've come for this!" said the Elite maliciously moving his right arm out in front of himself.

Shifting to get a better look the Chief could see a silver and black UNSC issued pistol strapped to the Elites arm just above a bandage, "This is what it is about?" he wondered out loud not taking his eye's off either of the two. "I guess so." Cortana said.

"Give it back right now Covenant scum!" Riley spat.

The Elite replied venom dripping from his words, "Over-my-dead-BODY!!" Riley sent a green plasma bolt streaking for the Elite as a blue bolt came streaking for Riley, both dodged for cover. "Nice try." Riley taunted, she sent three bolts all striking the wall behind the blue Elite sending down little bits of melting metal. The Elite knew this human was smart and fast, but he would win he told himself over and over again I have killed many of their kind before how hard could this weakened human be. Lt. Riley had to finish this fast her patience were spread very thin. The Elite stood up took a few steps forward while firing plasma where the human was hiding........nothing happened? The Elite stood there then slowly started walking forward when he felt a tap on his left shoulder, then felt a point of a weapon being pushed into the back of his shiny dark blue armor he could hear the buzz of a plasma pistol. "Wha...what...how did you...?!" the Elite stammered. "You'll never know." A female voice whispered next to his head. Riley smiled to herself as she squeezed off the overcharged plasma pistol, it completely killed the Elites shields and melted his shin underneath. The Elite howled in pain, anger, and surprise just as he was about to turn around a gauntlet fist slammed into the side of his head causing his helmet to cave in from the force, purple ooze ran down his head and body as the Elite fell to the floor wheezing for air.

"That is for what you did to me." Riley said coolly as she bent down and yanked her weapon off.

The Elite tried to reach for his plasma rifle, but cried out in pain as a heavy boot smashed down on his hand. "Oh no you don't." Riley said. "Finish me off human trash." Spat the Elite. "I will gladly." And with that Lt. Riley hit the Elite with as much strength as she could muster square in the chest killing him instantly and sending his body slamming into a pillar eight feet away. Riley fell to her knees slightly panting, she laughed feeling a little better. "That was for stealing my weapon!" The Chief and Kooc appeared on either side of her, they each grabbed a hold of Riley by the arms and helped her stand.

"Are you all right? That was quite a beating you gave that covie!" Kooc said.

"Yeah I'm fine just used a little too much energy I didn't have." Lt. Riley replied.

"Can I take a look at your firearm?" The Chief asked pointing to Riley's pistol. She handed it to him handle first, the Chief took it and slowly turned it over in the palm of his hand. There was nothing out of the ordinary except most of the handle and back part was black and on the bottom engraved in gold was the letters SPARTAN 007. " Spartan 007?" muttered the Chief aloud. Riley quickly snatched her weapon back and slipped it gingerly back into it's specially designed holster on her right leg.

"All done." Stephn called out, "I already downloaded the information the Major wants."

"We should get moving I already called for evac, ETA in ten minutes rendezvous pick up point." Cortana said.
"Team let's go move it our job is done for now." The Chief ordered.

The fight at the grav lift was crazy there was 12 Grunts all looking for a kill, three of them were even suicidal. The Chief's shotgun Dano held worked wonders against the lesser species, and by the time it was over Kat had plasma burns on most of her upper leg from one trigger happy Grunt, and Stephn a large gash on his forehead and cheek from shrapnel caused by a plasma grenade exploding a little too close. The other Spartan bailed him out from the worst of the blast. The humans had cleaned up the Covenant exceptionally well, with no other opposition on the way back to the clearing which was lucky if you can call that lucky by anyway possible.


Halo: Lost and found pt;6
Date: 14 May 2004, 9:36 PM

Part VI

"Four minutes until ETA Chief." The team along with a new Spartan arrived at the pick up point. The Chief checked the conditions of who was injured to make sure they were not getting worse from all the walking. Then walked over to where Lt. Riley was sitting, "So," The Chief began unsure of what to ask first, he decided.

"How did you arrive on Halo? I never knew you were coming for as far as I knew."

"First of all I'll only talk to you on a private comm channel, I don't want to deal with any eavesdroppers." Riley said looking from the Chief to team Sniper Viper then back. The Chief nodded his head in silent agreement. "Why so secretive?" John asked.

"Only a select few know about me, my........my past is.........is painful which I care not to explain to you. My ship that I was in is a modified Longsword fighter that was shot down, and I crash landed on Halo. I tried to hide the Longsword but the Covenant probably found it after I was captured. Then you found me, Wallace sent out a signal when he heard that there were intruders aboard the Cruiser. Yes I have an AI as well, he's been with me through everything." Riley stated.

"I never saw you on REACH? I mean you had to be there right unless there was another Spartan training facility on a different planet that I didn't know about."

"No there was just the one facility, I was there I trained on REACH, but like I said before it is a part of my past." Lt. Riley said.

"What do you think their talken about?" whispered Rik to Ligte. "Who knows but I would li..." Ligte was cut off as Riley and the Master Chief both shot Rik and Ligte glared looks. Although the two marines could not see the glare because of the Spartan's visor, they could still feel it and Rik's face burned. "So..sorry sir." Rik stammered turning his gaze to his assault rifle in his hands. Ligte quickly looked away and said nothing.

The Master Chief shook his head from side to side then asked, "What did the Covenant do when they captured you I mean couldn't you get out of there?"

"Interrogation what do you think!" snapped Riley "Oh and the usual tell me where earth is, where is your commander and captain blah blah blah, don't ask it's not pleasant mostly for the Covenant that is." Riley knew that the Chief was about to ask how the Covenant interrogate a prisoner if they ever take prisoners. Covenant don't normally do things like that, it's not their style.

"Well one thing is they sure use relatively strong drugs to either subdue a prisoner without resorting to violence, or to make one a little more talkative. Two days there would drive anyone up a wall. Getting out of there was not easy, I had been so drugged that I could not barely move let alone fight back, so you see my problem! I was practically defenseless, but at least they couldn't get my armor off. It has a fail safe preventing someone, or other species more likely from trying to tamper with it. Only one vulnerable spot was found that's how they injected me with their garbage. I am still feeling the after effects." Just as the Chief was about to ask another question a crackle of static came over the Chief's comm and broke his thoughts.

"Foehammer inbound clear the pick up zone." The Pilot spoke. When the Pelican drop ship touched down John barked to everyone to hop aboard, then hopped on after everyone else. The Master Chief chose a seat next to Lt. Riley. He had so many more questions to ask, but knew that he shouldn't push too far she does need her rest after what she's been through.

"I know you want to ask more about me, and it's only natural it's not like a Spartan drops out of the sky everyday!" Riley chuckled more to herself than to the Chief, but before the Chief could say anything else to begin with. Riley held out her hand and said,

"I really don't feel comfortable talking about certain things, but pass me your AI.....please I want to talk to her and don't worry I'll give her back when I'm done."

The Master Chief's jaw almost dropped but he caught himself in time. "Is it alright with you Cortana?" "Most certainly it is Chief, I'll be fine." Cortana replied. With a little reluctance the Chief pulled out Cortana's chip and handed it over to Lt. Riley, she took the chip and said. "Oh yeah no eavesdropping this is a private conversation." With that Riley spoke to Wallace, "Better make some room we are about to have some company!" and popped the second AI into the side for her helmet. A weird cold tingly sensation flooded Riley's brain, she never had two AI's in her helmet before, then the feeling quickly subsided.

"So I take it your name is Cortana?" asked Spartan007.

"Yes that is right please tell me what happened." Replied Cortana calmly.

"I will but please do me a favor and don't repeat any of what I am going to tell you to your companion I don't trust easy and.... and please he just won't understand." Riley said quietly.

"You have my word I promise I won't breathe a word to him, but you know you can trust the Master Chief he is a Spartan just like you."

"Maybe.....but not now.....anyway I'll start at the beginning." So that's exactly where Riley started, she explained parts of herself and her past to Cortana who listened intently to every word spoken. The training she went through, why she received Wallace, some painful part's of her past all the way up to before arriving on Halo and then being captured by Covenant special ops Elites.

The Chief could understand Riley only a little bit. She seems bitter, but he guessed that came from being held prisoner for three days. Well at least Lt. Riley still retained her sense of humor and her personality was challenging. She is still a Spartan just like himself hard to the core.

Lt. Riley handed the Chief Cortana back and he slipped the chip back as Riley said to him not looking his way, "Thanks Chief that was helpful." Then rested her hands behind her helmeted head and nodded off. The Chief waited a bit then opened a private comm to Cortana. "The both of you sure talked awhile."

"Well she told me a lot of things about herself.....it's amazing really!" Cortana replied with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Uh huh can I ask what she told you? Even just a little?"

"Sorry Chief but I made a promise that I wouldn't say anything."

"But I feel like I'm being left out in the dark!" The Chief stated. "Come on Cortana I just would like to know a little more. I will not mention what you tell me to anyone."

"You know she wouldn't be happy at all. Nosey one aren't you." The Chief a gave a small nod.

"She said you won't understand but I think in time Lt. Riley will tell you more about herself when she feels ready. One thing I will tell you is, she was the only lone survivor of the SPARTAN I project." The Chief sat there dumbstruck, did his ears hear right. "Spartan I." John mumbled. "Then transferred to the Spartan II project." Cortana said without thinking. Then that explains a little John thought.

"I can't really imagine what she went through....even worse than what I ran through." The Chief said as he turned to look at Riley with awe.

"No Chief you can't imagine." Cortana said, "But like I was saying before she will tell you herself try not to worry too much." The Chief sat back trying to comprehend the thing he just heard. He would have to be patient and patients is a one thing a Spartan has plenty of.

Halo: Captured pt:2,3
Date: 14 May 2004, 9:39 PM

Part II

The Covenant drop ship was a, well it looked like a large purple bread box to put it. Try ten times the size though. The drop ship hovered off the ground about two feet. An Elite came up behind me put his large two toed foot on my back then shoved. I stumbled into the back of the ship and fell face down, cursing as my forehead slammed into the inside of my helmet.

As the rest of the Elite's hopped aboard, I tried to stand but felt pressure being exerted downward. I turned my head to the right and saw three Elite's all holding me down, warbling something in their own language. Next then with some direction from a fourth, they started pushing me to the back of the drop ship. "Hey, hey watch the armor you'll scratch it!" I said. Not like it matters. "Shut up human!" The blue Elite growled. I was propped upright, then chained with my arms still behind my back to an extremely thick black bar. The rest of the camo Elites took seats as the blue bastard uttered one word to the pilot, then went and sat down on my left hand side.

He snarled as one of the light blue camo Elites tended to his injured arm, the ship took off slowly. I glared at him for a full minute before turning my gaze to stare at my boots. I wished I had my pistol right now, I would shoot them Covenant 'freaks' all in the head, take over the ship and find some friendly's. But there is an apparent small, tincy, tiny problem. One I have absolutely no weapons, lost assault rifle, blue buddy has pistol. Every grenade I had which was not many, three to be exact, has been confiscated. Two there are eleven Elites all carrying plasma rifles. True one is injured, but still highly dangerous. Three I am bound to part of the ship and I doubt I can break free. I already tried to no avail. The cuffs are way too strong.

So I thought to myself I will wait bide my time and hopefully with Wallace's help I can find another way to escape. "Wallace," I whispered ever so quietly "I'm glad I'm not alone." "Don't worry I'll never leave you." He replied in the same quiet tone.

Part III

The drop ship touched down 27 minutes later in a small open field. I was shoved roughly out of the ship, almost landing in the arm's of an Elite who looked at me in disgust. They flanked me and we started marching towards a Covenant Battle Cruiser gravity lift 50 meters straight a head. The whole Cruiser is surrounded by a lush thick green forest. Two Elites grabbed both of my arms as human and Elite walked on to the grav lift platform. Almost instantly static crackled around the outside of my armor. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Everything started to melt and dissolve into darkness, felt the sensation of being lifted upward, then as quickly as it happened it was over.

I reappeared on the inside of the Cruiser. A group of Jackals and Grunts patrolled this area. One Grunt in orange tinted armor spotted me being led across the room and broke out into a panic, the rest froze. "Crazy human-must-run-away-to-save-self yikes!" The Grunt tripped over his own feet got up and hid panting behind a pillar. Two Jackals near by laughed at the panicked Grunt gave each other a Jackal 'high five', then carried on with their business. I laughed silently inside at the sight of the scaredy cat Grunt.

The Elites led me down three long corridors, we took three right turns then two left turns. Finally stopping in front of a single sliding door. A small plaque was above the door, inscribed on it in Covenant language I assumed that's what it is, was possibly the name of the Grand Field Master Elite I was about to meet. The blue Elite touched a series of lettered keys on a panel next to the door then waited. I couldn't see exactly which keys were pressed on account of a light blue back blocked most of my view. This kind of Covenant did tower over me by a couple of feet. A few seconds later the door hissed opened to reveal a dimly lit room, the size of a regular office back home. The room glowed an eerie light blue. A computer console and Covenant chair stood to the right side of the room.

I was pushed onto a four inch thick by seven foot long square of metal. The blue Elite then pushed three symbolized buttons on the wall next to where I am standing. Energy flickered as a force field went up around me, a cage was made. "Grand Field Master Luetumly will be here to interrogate you as soon as he's not busy." My blue 'buddy' told me as he and his friends left. "Great!" I said to myself as the door hissed shut and all was quite except for the sound of my own breathing and the ever so quite whorl of a small air duct fan. I slammed my left shoulder into the energy wall then cursed. "Don't worry Lieutenant I'll find us a way out sooner or later." Wallace said. "I pick sooner rather than later!" I replied glumly.
I am frustrated and I rarely get frustrated, well sometimes. My hands are still bound behind my back, so I decided to take a little anger out on the walls of my cage. What am I some kind of animal I thought as I kicked outwards over and over until Wallace yelled in my ear to stop. He told me it would not help the situation and he was getting tired of watching me. I was wasting my energy anyway. Instead I pasted back and forth thinking of all the horrible things I could do to my blue buddy once I got free. Wallace started quoting some of my favorite poems in order to try and calm me down. It worked, I settled in one corner of the cage legs stretched out. I tried some breathing exercises which I was tot long ago to slow things down and calm my body.

Halo: Lost and Found pt:7
Date: 11 June 2004, 9:37 PM


Major Silva was partially displeased with the results of team Sniper Viper's mission. A second Spartan found another 'liability' Silva thought darkly as Lt. Riley Spartan 007 left his office, but none the less a solider capable of causing the Covenant some real damage.
Lt. Riley made a b-line straight for the shower's, which felt good after being in her MJOLNIR armor for a total week. A hot meal was waiting for her after the shower, Riley was appreciative to the marine who brought it to her, while Wallace meet the rest of Alpha base and shared select information with Wellsey. The information was just what Alpha base needed. A hot three minute shower, food, and some sleep was just what Riley was longing for. She woke up four and a half hours later feeling much better. The room she is in, now Lt. Riley got a better look at it because as soon as she came in Riley crashed on the nearest cott. This room is small with two standard cotts crammed in three feet a part, in the far corner was a foot locker no doubt belonging to the Master Chief. Riley wasn't too happy about sharing a room with him she would have preferred a room to herself, but there was no choice.
Lt. Riley got up stretched her stiff limbs, sighed, and looked down at her left arm. There covering most of the upper arm was a tattoo of a golden dragon wrapped around a fierce white tiger. In large letters the word SPARTAN 007, but faintly behind the 'N' still clearly visible enough was the roman numeral one. Looking at it almost brought tear's to Riley's eye's, it reminded her of so much, she had to put her mind on something else. Riley turned and walked toward her armor sitting at the end of the cott. The MJOLNIR armor was so much a part of her she did not know what she would do if it was destroyed. It still had a dark green shine with many black scorch marks especially on the legs and boots. This armor has been through hell and back. Riley smiled slightly and pushed a short strand of red brown hair out of her eye's. She needed was a small replacement part for the shield system, the piece was damaged in the crash on Halo. To Lt. Riley's surprise as she lifted up one of the gauntlets, there was just the piece she needed. Well switching the part was easy, checking every inch was easy, now the tricky part is putting everything back on. But Riley did it before and she could done it again. It took over fifteen minutes but every piece was back on and fitted properly.
Just as she put her helmet on then sealed the suit someone knocked at the door, "Come in" Riley said stifling a yawn. The Master Chief entered the room, Riley stood there arms crossed watching him carefully.
"Did you get enough sleep?" He asked.

"Yes and thanks for the part I really appreciated it." Riley replied. She figured he was the one who gave it to her considering they were the only two Spartans at Alpha base.

"Your welcome, I checked the stats of you're your armor and found the shields were not functioning as they should. Anyway I uh I came to find out if you want a personal tour of the base?" The Chief said. Looking at Riley with a hint of curiosity.

"Sure why not it's home for now right? Ok led on Chief."

The Master Chief took led out of the room and walked with Riley all around Alpha Base. Through many barracks, storage areas, the main command room, radio room, medical bay which is located in a cave under Alpha base, to the make shift armory and vehicle station. then a few area's that Lt. Riley already has seen, finally ending up at one of the ridges over looking a long grassy field.

"This spot here I sometimes come to think." The Chief said. "It has a nice view doesn't it? But I don't get to come here often though always busy with one thing or another."

Lt. Riley looked out across the ridge then said, "Yeah it sure is nice you can see quite a ways. Thanks for the tour it was helpful, well I'm going to get Wallace talk to you later." And with that Riley sprinted down the slop towards the command room, leaving the Chief standing there surprised. "Hey wait up!" He called after her then changed his mind.

"Cortana I don't understand her one bit!" The Chief chuckled.

"Oh I am sure you will." Cortana laughed. "Shall we head back then?"

"Right we need to prepare for the next batch of arrens curtsey of Major Silva and inform Lt. Riley of all the up coming fun!"

The Master Chief and his small team which consisted of himself and Spartan 007 received the rest of the day 'off' so to speak. With not much to do, The Chief and Lt. Riley talked a bit more as they prepared for the next day. Riley checked over her pistol and cleaned it twice. Wallace had some fun with Wellsey. All and all the day was pretty good. Mission one was to find a Covenant vehicle repair station which was hidden in a wide deep cave. The mission went off without a hitch, Spartan 007 was a big help. The Chief was very glad he had another Spartan to count on, no casualties to report.
Mission two locate and destroy a 'Big Horn' Covenant weapon. This mission was a little more difficult than the first, there were many close calls as the huge weapon was heavily guarded. Many marines came back injured, the doc was quite busy. Five marines where killed, a tough loss for Alpha base.
Mission three was by far the most boring mission the Spartan/Marine team was sent to do. The job was to escort a set of Scorpion tanks to retrieve some Covenant weapons, grenades, and anything else from an abandoned Forerunner building. Three and a half days three successful missions. With another half days rest, a good meal and hot shower, the Spartan team was ready for mission four.
Find an ancient Forerunner structure, what was so special about this building was located deep within some where the team did not know but it was their job to find a extremely old Forerunner artifact hopefully before the Covenant do. The Structure is in a snowy valley surrounded by rocks and old ruins.

The Pelican drop ship loaded with the Master Chief and Lt. Riley arrived a quarter of a mile away from the structure. Foehammer's voice crackled over the comm. "Radio in when you find the artifact and I'll come pick you up team." "Roger that Foehammer Cortana out."

"We should head this way." Cortana said. An orange Nav marker appeared in both Spartan's HUD.

"Hey I was just about to suggest that!" Squeaked Wallace.

" I guess you will have to be faster than me!" Cortana replied coolly.
"Now now you to don't start an argument." Replied Riley. "You will get your chance to help Wallace." "I hope I do." Lt. Riley smiled then said, "Well shall we get going then?"

"Aren't I supposed to say that?" The Chief asked.

"Oh don't you start with me to!"

The Master Chief and Lt. Riley moved as silently as they could down the valley. Snow still crunched loudly under foot. At the end, the valley opened up into a much larger area surrounded by high rock walls. In the middle stood a large ancient structure that is where the Spartans are supposed to enter. Surrounding the building were statues, stone blocks, archways, and many snow covered jagged broken stone chunks. With many places to hide behind. Riley activated the 2x scope on her pistol and scanned the area. Patrolling around the building were three red Elites, six Jackals, and six Grunts. All the Grunts were doing a funny little dance thing apparently to keep warm. A cold wind picked up. Well this should be fun Riley thought. "So Chief what's the plan?"

"We will sneak up as close as we can without alerting any of the Covenant, throw an grenade each to get their attention then open fire. We have the cover of night to protect us." The Chief explained.

Lt. Riley gave a thumbs up then both started to advance. The Spartans got as close as they dared, primed a fragmentation grenade each and let them fly. The Chief's landed with a soft thud near three Jackals and two Grunts. Before they even reacted the grenade exploded sending up chunks of flesh, rocks, and snow. Riley's bounced off the second step, rolled back a ways, Two Elite's jumped and rolled out of the way. But one Jackal and one Grunt were not as fast when the grenade exploded killing the two lesser Covenant. "Show off!" Riley muttered under her breath. The Chief smiled to himself, he heard the comment but did not let her know he did. The two Spartans unslung an MA5B assault rifle in one quick fluid motion and opened fire at the confused remaining Grunts and Jackals.

Sorry that I have not posted for those who read my stuff, have'nt had the time to post more. But here it is part 7. Enjoy

Halio:Lost and Found pt:8
Date: 5 July 2004, 10:21 PM


The Elite's hid behind pillars standing in front and beside the main structure, which made it difficult to hit them. Lt. Riley cut down two screaming Grunts, then paused to reload behind a large stone. The Master Chief took out the lone Grunt and one Jackal before hiding behind a pillar himself to reload. As three more Jackals emerged from behind the structure.
"Damn bastards!!" Riley screamed. "I'm getting closer!" Riley ran to the right hand side to hide behind a large crumbling pillar. She opened fire on an Elite who stepped out from it's hiding place, growling a Covenant battle cry while firing his plasma rifle. Three hot blue bolts splashed Riley's armor draining the shields. Lt. Riley didn't want to let the shield's drain any more so she ducked behind the pillar again quickly shouldering the assault rifle, then switched to her pistol. As she edged around the pillar, the red Elite started to laugh in a deep voice. Riley saw in his hand a small purple box. "What the heck?" Riley whispered. The Elite pushed a dark purple button.

The next few seconds were a blur as searing pain racked Riley's left arm, and she felt the sensation of being pulled backward off her feet. Rocks and shrapnel flew through the air. The armor's alarms blared and pieces of Wallace's and The Master Chief's voice seemed to come in and out. Then things came to a sudden stop. Riley tried to fight to stay conscious, she blacked out for a few seconds then came to. Lt. Riley tried to move but felt pain and dizziness then blacked out again.

The Chief was shocked at what he saw, he felt a strong surge of hate filled anger. Turned and put a full clip into the laugh happy Elite. The Chief ran over to where Riley was laying on the ground ten feet away from where she once stood. He checked her vitals they were not critical. John spotted a small cave opening back another six feet as he ran. He wasted no time he grabbed Riley under the arms and dragged her all the way to the cave opening.
Once in John moved far into a sandy spot where a shaft of moon light shined down. He set Riley against a large boulder, then quickly sprinted to the opening to make sure they were not followed. Relieved that nothing was there, John sprinted back to Riley who had regained consciousness thankfully. Blood and jell from the inside of the armor oozed down Riley's left arm coating the ground underneath. Lt. Riley looked down at her arm and saw a large piece of black metal sticking out from a large 28cm gash. "Oh SHIT!" She cough.
"Try not to move too much or you will make it worse." The Chief ordered.
Riley groaned and whispered, "Take my helmet off.....and take Wallace out." "Don't worry about me lieutenant ." Wallace replied.
The Chief did as he was asked, first removing Wallace's chip placing it in his own helmet. Then he took off Riley's helmet.

"I am going to have to remove both arm sections of the armor so I can remove the metal." The Chief said. Riley nodded, John grabbed a can of bio-foam from a belt clip. Lt. Riley's arm and the back of her hand was covered with blood and jell as well. "This might hurt a bit." The Chief said reaching for the metal chunk.
"Nothing I can't handle do it!" The Spartan replied.
The Master Chief quickly pulled the piece out and in the same motion filled the wound with bio-foam to stop the bleeding, he then grabbed a self-sealing bandage and covered the whole area. Riley fought back a scream and tears as the metal was removed sending white hot pain along her arm.
"There all done." The Chief said while putting away the bio-foam. "Thanks." Lt. Riley said wiping hair from her eye's with her good arm, she turned and for the first time smiled at John, who in turn gave her a thumbs up. Then looked back at her bandaged arm, Riley followed his gaze. The Chief didn't really see it before, but he looked more carefully this time he saw the tattoo, the Spartan I tattoo. Before he could say a word Riley asked. "What happened? It felt like I was hit by a speeding truck."

"Well what I saw it looked like some kind of new Covenant explosive was hidden in the ground near where you were standing. The explosion sent you and shrapnel flying a good ten feet backwards. But it looks like most of your armor took the brunt of the force. I'm....I'm glad that you are alive." The Chief finished.

Lt. Riley's legs and chest were blackened from the blast. "Oh is that all!" She snarled. She chose to ignore the last comment though.

"I killed that Elite who triggered the bomb, we should be safe in here for now."

Riley tried to flex her arm, it still stung and it was stiff, she couldn't use it. "This sucks, we have to find a different way in I'd say." She said.

"The back door might work if we can find one that is. Can I ask about the tattoo on your arm?" Asked the Chief.

Lt. Riley was slightly startled but she knew he would have eventually seen the tattoo. She would have rather have him not ask at all. "What oh. I got it a few years after I entered the SPARTAN II project, as a reminder, a reminder of what I should have been."

"Do you have to go and upset her like that you really don't know. If I had legs I would give you a good boot!" Wallace said fiercely his voice rising as he spoke.

"Wallace calm down will you it is all right. I can't hide what happened forever. You know sometimes you worry about me too much." Riley said sighing deeply.

"Well I can't help it if I do." Wallace replied in a more calmer tone.

"I see, I'm sorry that it must have been really hard on you and maybe sometime I will understand. If you want to tell me." The Chief said with sympathy

"Yes, yes it was, we will see about that." Riley replied sadly. "Will you help me with my armor." Riley didn't need his sympathy.

"Sure Lieutenant."

The Master Chief replaced the upper and lower arm sections of the MJOLNIR armor then the gauntlet. They were cold and sticky, it would have to be cleaned later. The seal around the elbow was breached by the metal piece. Riley slapped another adhesive bandage to act as a sealer it would have to do for now.
The Chief looked around the cave then back at Riley. Before he never really got a good look at her face. Back at the base they almost always slept in their armor, never really taking it off. There was always the threat of danger, the Spartan's felt more comfortable, safe in armor. Looking at her, John felt strangely attracted to the other Spartan. He hadn't felt this way towards anyone before, her eye's they are brown no make that a steel blue brown. Eye's full of sprit and strength. He saw beauty.

"What, what do you want to ask me now? You've been staring at me for a while. The silence is kinda awkward you know." Riley stated.

The Chief caught himself turned away. If only Riley could see his face now Cortana thought, she would probably laugh. John handed Lt. Riley Wallace's chip back, got up and put his attention to inspecting the rest of the cave more thoroughly. "It's It's....Sorry." He mumbled. The Master Chief found a passageway just large enough for him to fit through. "I'm going to check where this leads, I'll be quick." The Chief said squeezing through the split.
Riley replaced her helmet and slipped Wallace's chip back in, then reactivated the suits system. Everything was in working order, minus the hole in the arm seal, and a little less jell.

"What was that about Chief?" Cortana asked. As they walked down the dark passage way. John flicked on his flashlight then said quickly, "Nothing."

"You say it was nothing, but you felt a sense of lo....."

"Don't even say that, I'm telling you I do not, it is nothing!" John cut Cortana off.

"Oh come on I could tell you felt something, I'm not dumb you know even if it was just a little. It's nothing to be afraid of." Cortana told him.

"No I did not so just drop it will you. You are not making things easy for me. John said shortly.

"Ok, ok deny it all you want." She replied coolly.

"CORTANA!" the Chief almost yelled, "I said knock it off already...please."

"The Chief sure acted strange back there." Riley questioned.

"Yeah I wonder to." Wallace said thoughtfully.

"Ah shit I lost my assault rifle. Well at least I still have my pistol." Lt. Riley complained checking her pistol over very carefully. Nothing was wrong with it so far. "The assault rifle must have been lost in the blast." Riley was just starting to stand when the Master Chief came back, he looked in Riley's direction and said,

"This passageway leads straight 20 meters then branches off to three other tunnels. Two of them are dead ends, but the third leads to an elevator shaft. The car is gone leaving only a cable that extends down roughly 50 meters. We should try and find where it leads, Cortana thinks it might be our 'back door'."
"Sounds good lead the way Master Chief." Replied Lt. Riley.


Authors Note
Part 8 now don't start laughing to hard at the middle. I don't care if some of you think that the Master Chief can't like any body, so you will just have to get use to that. But don't worry there is not a lot of mushy gushy crap in here. I wouldn't write a lot of stuff like that. Please don't let this discourage you from reading my story

Halo: Lost and found Part 9
Date: 11 September 2004, 5:10 PM

Part IX

The passage way led the two Spartan's down a long dark tunnel. Neither spoke one word to each other. The Master Chief's flashlight drained a quarter of it's battery power, before reaching the elevator shaft.
"I will go first, then you follow my lead." The Master Chief ordered. "Right." Riley replied.
The Master Chief clicked off his flashlight, Riley lit hers. John leaped forward, grabbed a hold of the cable, then wrapped one leg around. John slowly and methodically started lowering himself down. The Master Chief descended 18m when he felt the cable sway slightly. Lt. Riley grabbed onto the cable with her good arm, and was just about to wrap a leg around. When she lost her grip, then started falling rapidly gaining speed. "OH CRAP, look out below!!!!" Lt. Riley yelled. The Master Chief looked up just as the dark figure of Lt. Riley came colliding into him. The Master Chief lost his hold on the elevator cable and began to plummet like a rock.

John managed to catch Riley's hand, then with his free hand, he tried regrabbing the cable, but it was hard to see. He had to slow their descent and fast. The Master Chief tried again and again, he couldn't possibly hang on. John gave up on that idea and decided on something that might hurt. Quickly the Master Chief flung Lt. Riley above him hugging her in a bear hug like manor, then leveled out as best as he could, so that he would hopefully land backside down. John then cranked up the hydrostatic jell pressure surrounding his body (it felt a little uncomfortable), to cushion the rough landing better. They past the 50m mark, it seemed like they would fall forever. 75m, 89m, the Chief smashed the ground hard with a loud thump, head slamming painfully into the back of his helmet, while Spartan 007 collided into him then forcefully bounced off his armor, rolling to a stop five feet away. John's assault rifle clattered to the floor a moment later.

Both Spartan's shields glittered in the darkness, alarms blared just before the Master Chief's shields slowly began to recharge. Lt. Riley's recharge 15 seconds later. The Chief carefully got to his feet feeling a little dizzy and asked, "Are you alright Lieutenant?" Riley rolled over and sat up,
"Everything's just peachy! Yeah I'm fine. Are you trying to get your self killed?" Lt.Riley half yelled.
"No, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. It worked didn't?"
Lt. Riley glared at him before standing. "Fool I would have been fine on my own."
"No your armor lost too much hydrostatic jell, so it would have hurt you more."
Just as Riley was about to respond Wallace interrupted her, "Chief you said that the elevator shaft was 50m, well you were wrong it was more like 102m to be precise."
"Well I guess I was wrong." He said.

"Shouldn't we get going Chief?" Cortana asked.

The Master Chief clicked on his flashlight and scanned the shaft. Directly ahead he saw a small sharply angled tunnel. "Hey Chief come take a look at this." Riley said. John walked over to where Riley stood, she indicated to a section of rock wall. John shinned his flashlight and saw a set of marks gouged into the wall. It glowed a faint eerie green.
"They almost look like.......almost like claw marks." Lt. Riley remarked.
"They don't seem very old." Wallace said suddenly.

"I've seen something like this before a board the Covenant cruiser Aqula Fields, along a half burned out section of the brig." The Master Chief replied.

"Well I wonder what made these kind of marks, it can't be something pleasant that's for sure." Lt. Riley added. "We shouldn't linger any longer.

The Spartan's followed the passageway deep underground. John held up his hand motioning them to stop. Chief and Lieutenant came to cross roads, with 2 other paths to choose from. One going right and one going left. "Oh what choices hey Chief sir?" Riley said sarcastically. Ignoring the remark, John was just about to choose a path when the sound of squeaks and jabbering steadily headed their way. The Chief motioned for Lt. Riley to hide back the way they came. He checked which way the sound was coming from just before retreating himself. From the left hand tunnel out emerged three black special ops Grunts, it appeared 2 were arguing over something with the third trying hopelessly to calm down the other 2.

The Master Chief and Lt. Riley clicked the safeties off their weapons then were about to take a step forward, when suddenly they all heard scratching grinding noises. Everyone stop dead in their tracks, the Grunts began looking around in every direction at once, the argument now forgotten. The scratching started then stopped. A few small rocks fell from the ceiling, the larger of the three special ops Grunts walked over to where the rocks fell. John crouched lower in the black shadows, tightening his grip on his assault rifle. Scratching started once again then stopped.
The Grunt stared up at the ceiling, a few more rocks fell. The little black armored alien hopped out of the way. When all of a sudden something blasted through the ceiling landing right on his head, the Grunt screamed and panicked as what ever it was bit down. The other 2 Grunts fired their plasma pistols, totally missing. They fired again, one bolt hit their failing comrade in his leg, and the second bolt hit the thing in it's side. Which gave the Grunt a final bite then leapt off clinging to a rock unfazed by being hit by hot plasma, while snapping it's jaws and growling at the 2 remaining Grunts.
The first little alien was clearly dead, lying in a pool of his own ooze. "Die you slimy creature!" squeaked one standing Grunt, who let off a blast at the creature with his over charged plasma pistol. The 'creature' on the wall leaped just as it was about to be hit. Grunt 2 opened fire, with each shoot missing.

This new little bastard could sure move fast thought the Chief. The 'creature' zipped around each wall easily dodging all plasma bolts. It then landed on Grunt 2. "Get it off it's biting me yaaaaaa..." He yelled. "Help help get it off!!!" "Hold still, stop moving!" panted the third. No. 3 fired but instead of hitting the 'creature', it hit his buddy square in his black armored back, leaving a charred smoking hole. The 'creature' once again leapt out of the way tearing a huge chunk of Grunt along with it. "Oops didn't mean to do that." Said Grunt number three.
The 'creature' spat out the piece of meat back at the lone Covenant, then lunged for his throat. The Grunt fell with a loud crunch as his neck was broken even before he hit the ground.

Time to act, the Master Chief and Lt. Riley charged forward aiming for the strange 'creature' tearing at the Grunt's body. This time it wasn't quite fast enough to dodge 2 Spartan's assault. It screamed then landed in a heap three feet away from them.
"What is that thing?" Riley said.

The Chief bent down to examine the thing more closely. It was about house cat sized, dark green black scales red belly, lizard like at least most of it's head and body looked like a lizard. Except the rest appeared half machine, with large sharp teeth. The back legs and tail are entirely mechanical, and on it's back was a jet pack like device. "This must be how it hops around so quickly." John said. Pointing to it.

"Hey Wallace have you ever seen anything like this before?" Lt. Riley asked. "Nope Lieutenant I have never." "How about you Cortana?"
"Negative I have not." Cortana replied. "Great something new!"
"We should get moving, how about we follow were the Grunts came from?" Stated the Chief. Riley nodded gladly leaving the grotesque site behind them. END OF PART NINE

AN: sorry that it is taking me so very long to post this. I was having troubles posting. Very frustrating.
