
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Halo: The Mini Series by Omega Chief

Halo The Mini Series
Date: 6 June 2005, 12:20 AM

Halo The Mini Series

(NOTE:This story isn't finished, it may never be, and it isn't perfect, but all of your suggestions and comments would be appreciated, PS: I know that the paragraphs aren't indented, and for some reason I couldn't fix it)

(Section 2)

Today we will be sent to investigate a crashed pelican site. It crashed yesterday evening and we were going to see if there is anything left. We were flying above the planet sentron 4 where the Covenant seemed to have set up a base of command so we knew they were waiting for us. We headed to the armory to get equipment and prepare for touchdown. We only needed three members for the search and rescue so it was me, Chris, and Cody. Jared, James, and Devin stayed back on ship duty. We equipped ourselves with HE pistols, MA5B assault rifles, sniper rifles, combat knives and frag grenades.

We headed from the armory to the pelican and prepared to jettison from the Pillar Of Autumn. Our pilot Sara under call name "Foe Hammer" arrived and we got on board. The launch bay doors opened and we took flight. We accelerated toward the planet and passed through the atmosphere. We came to a grassy field and set down. The Spartans jumped out and headed towards the forest, as we left we told Foe Hammer "if we aren't at the LZ we're not coming back." She laughed, it had always been an old joke even if it was silly, it stuck. We reached the edge of the forest, drew our pistols and moved forward silently and quickly.

Our nav. markers targeted the pelican 250 meters ahead in another clearing. We pulled out sniper rifles and took cover in some thick bushes near the edge of the clearing and scouted the area. We sighted a few elites near the downed pelican and a cluster of grunts wandering aimlessly. Their were also a few jackals scouting. We targeted the elites and primed frag grenades, pitched them over the brush and got back down.
The frags went off and their were no longer elites standing there. The frantic grunts obviously confused by the bloody confetti that remained of the elites ran all over the place screaming and shooting. Then the jackals began to search the woods an look for us, so while the jackals were gone we stood up and showed the grunts what an assault rifle could do. Blue blood carpeted the grass and grunt bodies were flopped every where.

We stepped into the clearing and jogged to the pelican, the pilot was dead and all of the passengers lay lifeless in their harnesses. Obviously they had all died in the crash, we left the drop ship and headed into the forest to find the jackals that had gone to find us. The woods were thick so I drew my pistol but the others preferred to stick with their MA5B rifles. I heard a noise to my left and turned to see a jackal clawing at a bush. I ran towards it and when it heard me it wheeled around and fired once. The plasma struck me in the shoulder and dropped my shields to 3/4 charge, the energy sizzled on the shield like a sparkler tip for a second and faded.
My foot connected with the jackals shield and sent the jackal spinning to the ground. I shoved the barrel of my pistol into the jackals forehead and squeezed the trigger. Its head splattered across the ground like a bug on a windshield and purple goo oozed down my shields.

As Chris watched what happened to my jackal a plasma bolt struck him in the back, he turned around and fired at the jackal behind him. The jackal yelped and dove for cover leaving a blood trail and what looked like part of an arm. But as soon as the jackal got behind a pile of dead logs they exploded thanks to Cody. After dispatching with those two jackals everyone was on edge expecting another attack. We quickly searched the surrounding woods for more jackals but found none. Then we remembered that the first jackal had been searching near a bush for something so we decided to find out what it was.

We went back to where I found the first jackal and took a closer look. We found that a hole had been dug underneath the thick brush and the jackal had apparently been trying to get to it. I grabbed the bushes at their base and wrenched them from the ground uncovering the hole. I turned on my suits flashlight and stared into the hole. An assault rifle came through the opening and fired at me.
A few rounds bounced off of my shields and I took a step back, we all aimed at the entrance and waited. I watched as a marine came out of the hole and stared at us with disbelief. We lowered our weapons and followed up by asking "what the hell are you doing in there?" He finished crawling out of the hole and snapped a sharp salute. "Sorry for the friendly fire sir, my name is Ryan Miachel second lieutenant of fire team Bravo." We crash landed in our pelican on way to fire base 2 located on this planet. The lieutenant turned toward the hole, "team" he yelled "were all clear." Two more marines emerged and took positions behind Ryan.

"So you all survived the crash and came here right?" asked Chris. "Yes" replied the lieutenant "after the crash we headed into these woods to take shelter from the Covenant, we found this thick shrubbery and decided to dig a small bunker to slow them down." "well no matter what the case your all coming with us" said Henry,"so stick tight."

The Spartans, followed by Ryan and his men moved to the LZ and called in Foe Hammer. We all got on board and sealed the bay doors as the engines engaged and the pelican rose from the field. The Pelican pushed to full power to escape the atmosphere and pulled towards the Pillar Of Autumn. The engines powered down and the docking bays opened awaiting our arrival. We docked and stepped off of the pelican, and the feeling of artificial gravity came over us. Ryan and his men headed to the sleeping quarters to rest for awhile and we headed to the bridge to report in.

(Section 3)

"Captain Keys sir, Master Chief reporting in for duties." "At ease chief, I see you have returned from your mission as usual." "We discovered second lieutenant Ryan Miachel of Bravo team near the crash site along with two of his men," replied the Chief. "Yes" said Keys "we reported that to their main fire Base an hour ago, we spoke to Ryan on the matter and he decided to remain on the POA as a reinforcement team to aid you in you missions if needed." "Quite an offer considering our line of duty I would say." "I agree" answered Captain Keys "he has seven marines on the way to bring his team total to ten," "they should arrive in about 18 hours."

I left the bridge and went into the Spartans room quarters. "Cody, the Lieutenant did say that Bravo had a fire base on Sentron 4 -correct?". "Yes, he did- that would work for a good insertion point wouldn't it." "And we have Intel confirming the presence of a Covenant control base in the area to." "I think that is our next mission now, let's gear up and get ready to take out that Covenant base Spartans."

"Lets go team, were all in on this one, get your gear" yelled Henry. This time we took frag grenades, shotguns, sniper rifles, combat knives, and some of us took the new and improved battle rifles. All six Spartans got into the pelican and sealed the hatch and held on. The bay doors depressurized with a pop and sucked the drop ship from the landing plate. The engines roared to life and blue fire spewed from the thruster ports as the ship turned its self right side up, not that it really mattered without gravity.

The pelican dropped towards the planet smoothly considering the speed. Fire base Bravo was located at the base of a mountain between two ridges in the forest. "This is Foe hammer reporting in requesting landing privileges, inbound from the Pillar Of Autumn,""please respond"..... "Copy that Foe Hammer we are ready and waiting"---"you do have them with you right?" " Yes I do we have come to take care of your little Covenant problem"-"Thank God,- "You're cleared for landing."

The Spartans stepped out of the Pelican onto the landing pad quickly and smoothly and stood in their MJOLNIR armor waiting for orders. The marines on patrol duty looked at the eight foot+ Spartans and just stood there in awe. The dark green and black armor was intimidating to say the least and the glistening orange reflective face plates didn't help either.

(Section 4)

The Spartans walked away from the landing plate and headed into the mountains towards the Covenant base. They scaled the sheer rock wall to reach the summit of the mountain and gazed at the valley below. The Spartans need to get into the command center quietly and plant a HAVOC tactical nuke. James had used them on many other missions as our demolitions expert and this mission was certainly no exception. In the distance we could see a faint blue glow from the base and a few drop ships preparing to land.

As a team in one single motion the Spartans leapt from the ridge and landed gracefully ten meters below on the grassy forest just beneath the summit. Shawn was in the lead as one of the faster Spartans of the bunch as they sprinted a fast "ninety second" mile. The covenant base was still about five and a half miles ahead but it wouldn't take long at that speed. As they neared the Covenant base they slowed to a stop and checked for patrolling Covenant. Ironically their weren't any around. We moved from the bushes to the rear of the base and snaked along the wall until we found a maintenance door. It was locked with only a few encryption codes. Cortana (AI) easily interfaced with/ and disabled the locks.

They moved into the interior of the building and split into two groups of three. Henry, Jared and James made up one group (blue) and Chris, Cody, and Devin made the other(green). One team would move to the fusion reactor of the base and the other would attempt to keep the escape route clear and confiscate any Covenant technology and information they could. Blue team moved through the passageways to the first circular room that connected the base like a giant wheel with spokes running through it. Henry moved to the maintenance exit and leaned against the almost organic smooth texture of the door. Instead of pressing the release button and fully opening the door Henry clenched the seal of the door and peeled it back an inch like an orange peel.

Through the slit he saw a manned shade (turret) on the opposite side of the room and four elites near the center that appeared to be talking to each other. Through the gap Henry fired three bursts from the battle rifle at the elite in the shade. The first two bursts destabilized the elites shield and the third penetrated its chest. The elites body slumped over the shades panel and mashed the firing controls. As for the troops in the center of the room, they had barely realized what was going on when "friendly" fire from the disabled shade nailed them in the side. The farthest elite was directly in the path of fire and crumpled half melted to the floor. The three remaining elites ran for cover from the shade and pulled their plasma rifles from their harnesses. The shade, still crazily firing about the room overheated and exploded like a cluster of plasma grenades.

James kicked the door sharply in the center and it popped from the frame and slid across the floor. Blue team rushed into the room and each member took an elite. Jared fired at the nearest elite and blew chunks of bone and flesh across the supply crates it had been hiding behind. Henry ran towards the next elite and fired three times. Its shields flickered off and it roared with anger followed by the whine of a plasma rifle as it melted blobs of metal on the wall behind Henry. He shoved the butt of his rifle into the elites chest and dark purple blood arched through the air as the elite doubled over. The rifle then connected with the elites face and it fell over backwards with a moan and lay still.

James pitched a grenade at the farthest elite and everyone dove for cover. The elite ran from the grenade but didn't escape the shrapnel, its shields flickered off and it fell over screaming into a twisted mound. Blue team moved to the center of the room and looked around. Their were doors all around the circular walls and all led to another chamber. James moved to the door that led towards the center of the complex and waited to enter. The Spartans moved up against the door frame and stepped off to the side.

On the count of three Jared opened the door and quickly stepped off to the side. Blue team crouched down off to the side of the door and waited. Three jackals came through the door at the same time and looked about the room for whatever opened the door. James stood up behind the jackal nearest him and sheathed a combat knife in its skull. The jackal fell over with a thud and the other two jackals squelched and faced the door. The Spartans fired at the jackals with their battle rifles and the jackals fired back with their plasma pistols. Blue teams shields crackled and glowed as the jackals hit them but that didn't stop the armor piercing bullets from shredding the jackals.

The Spartans put away their battle rifles and James pulled his combat knife out of the jackals head. They stepped over the jackals dead bodies and pulled out their shotguns. After all it was obvious that it would only be close range combat from here on . Eight gauge shells were loaded into the shotguns receivers and blue team stepped into the next hallway. In the hallway their wasn't anything , Their had been jackals and now they were dead. By now the Covenant probably knew that they were there so a "greeting party" was expected to be in the next room.

James walked up to the large purple blast door at the end of the hallway that led to the fusion reactors. He placed a breeching charge, stepped back and hit the detonator. The charge blew four perfectly round holes in the door, fracturing the locking mechanism. The doors slid apart and instead of stopping at the wall they continued buckling the metal of the wall until the frame broke with a satisfying snap. Behind the door their was a massive room, filled with purple supply crates. Far off in the center their were four large green glowing fusion reactors that filled the room with an eerie light, much like that of a fuel rod cannon just before it fires. The size of the room was quite astonishing, considering that banshees were in flight patterns patrolling the area. One banshee sighted them and curved in a large swooping arc before coming around to fly straight towards them. The three Spartans crouched and the banshee fired its dual mounted plasma cannons towards them, the air crackled and static sparks leapt from the ground.
Blue team rolled to the side and brought their shotguns about. At the bottom of the banshees dive it pulled straight up and rose towards the ceiling. Six eight gauge shot shells emptied their contents in that direction, two per Spartan and the banshee exploded into a fiery clump of rubble. It fell straight down and skidded against the odd concrete like substance sending plumes of sparks across the floor. The Spartans rose from the ground and dashed towards the center of the room, after all if they took their time reinforcements might arrive.

(Section 5)

Chris stepped from the hallway into the large round room that blue team had been in minutes before. The dead elites and busted shade laid on the floor and blue streaks of clotted blood stained the walls and floor. "Obviously they had no trouble getting through this" said Cody. "Well their isn't anything left to say the least" replied Chris. " were supposed to confiscate some Covenant technology so lets find an armory or storage compartment and get the hell out of here" said Shawn. "I agree lets go" replied Chris.

Green team moved through the smaller passage ways encountering only a few grunts. Battle rifles quickly got them out of the way and the Spartans pressed on. After a few long empty corridors they found a covenant armory and prepared to enter. The door wasn't locked so they stepped inside and looked around. Immediately they heard the whine of a plasma weapon and dove for the door. Green teams shields had all been leveled and a few were sporting burns across their MJOLNIR armor and erratic vital signals. Chris had burns on his upper arms, Cody had received a few burns and blisters across his chest and Shawn had a small temporary limp from a shot to the leg.

Automatic sensors in the MJOLNIR armor injected stimulants into the Spartans and hydrostatic gel filled their burns. All of their pain was gone but their performance was still hindered, especially Shawn due to the leg injury. After all just because you cant feel pain doesn't mean that you cant die. They didn't know what had hit them in the room but whatever it was it reacted very quickly and it hadn't followed them outside. Chris stepped into the doorway and looked around the room, mounted just above the door frame was a small, powerful stationary plasma turret.

It looked like one of the small turrets mounted underneath a covenant drop ship except this turret wasn't controlled manually, it was automatic. Chris reached up and pried the turret from the wall without entering its line of fire. He put it into a kevlar bag and slung it over his shoulder. Inside the room there were purple shelves that held plasma grenades, plasma pistols, plasma rifles, needlers, plasma swords, fuel rod cannons and other things. Shawn scraped the shelves clean and loaded weapons and supplies into the sack. The whole goal was that if the Spartans could get Covenant technology back to ONI (a science facility) humans might be able to utilize it for new weapons, ships etc.

After loading up all of the supplies they could take, green team headed back into the hallway towards
the LZ where they entered. The Spartans ran through the hallway and came back to the first large round circular room. In the center of the room their was a cluster of jackals and a few grunts. They were searching the room for whatever killed the elites and had been unsuccessful until now. Cody primed a frag and pitched it into the group. It exploded and killed all of the grunts but a few jackals remained. And they were jackal majors to, the ones with the glowing orange shields, unlike the lower ranked "blue shielded" jackals.

Their shields came about and they fired upon the Spartans with plasma pistols. Green team scattered and circled the room. The jackals were caught in the cross fire and their was nothing they could do, chunks of flesh scattered the floor and the jackals were dead. Green team commandeered the jackals plasma pistols and the circular energy shields on their arms. They were added to the tech bag and the Spartans moved onward. They reached the LZ and held position waiting for Blue team to return. After all they had to keep "the back door" open, just in case.

(Section 6)

Blue team dashed across the open space towards the fusion reactors in the center of the complex. Startled by the explosion of the banshee covenant forces began to cluster in groups around the fusion reactors, obviously preparing for a fight. The Spartans reached for their battle rifles and engaged the enemy, still too far away to be hit by their medium range plasma weapons. The elites attempted to hit the Spartans with their plasma rifles but it was useless, plasma weapons simply didn't shoot that far.

The elites ran towards Blue team in an attempt to get within range but they were already being fired upon. Armor piercing rounds pinged off of the elites shields and tore through their bodies killing all of them before they came close. Dead bodies stained the smooth purple floors with slick purple blood and chunks of bone. Blue team raced past the carnage and towards the fusion reactors. The grunts and elites ran behind the generators for cover, although not as courageous as their elite leaders, they may of had more common sense when it came to dealing with Spartans.

Blue team hurled frags across the room and watched as screaming covenant troops ran from their cover and others were filled with shrapnel like pin cushions. Henry ran to the right side of the reactor formation while Scott took the left and James took the center. After reaching their sides they opened suppression fire moving towards the center, flanking all of the covenant. They looked around and all that remained was a mess. Henry and Scott took up cover positions and James knelt down in the middle of the floor between the reactors and set the HAVOC nuke and prepared to arm it. Normally it could be remote detonated but their was no way the signal could reach all the way into the base through feet of armor. And with no way to get an antenna to the roof it had to be set on a timer.

Just as James was about to arm the warhead a deep eerie rumbling noise was heard from the bay doors opposite where we entered. Two large Wraith tanks entered the room hovering a foot from the ground, the anti grav generators shaking the deck plates they rumbled across. The tanks stopped moving and a large curved metal plate on top of each tank slowly aimed upward, and began to glow a faint blue. A loud thunderous popping noise was heard as both tanks fired. The air boiled and what looked like a large dense heatwave rose in front of the tanks. The blue white blobs fired from the tanks arced through the air appearing graceful and deadly at the same time. They impacted near the Spartans forming two red hot plates of glass on the floor that crunched and buckled instantly as they cooled

The Wraiths agin fired and the Spartans visors automatically blackened for a second as the plasma guide rods on the tanks glowed like an arc welder. The tanks were a large threat but it would be even worse if the wraiths nailed the fusion reactors with a plasma discharge, so blue team scattered across the deck plating to make themselves harder targets, and to get away from the reactors. The Spartans returned fire but the rounds pinged and bounced from the tanks armor causing no obvious damage.

As a last ditch effort James threw door breaching explosives across the ground towards the tanks, and after arming the warhead sprinted towards the exit. The tanks pursued Blue team across the room, at least until they reached the charges. The anti grav generators on the bottom of the tanks agitated the blast powder in the charges as the tanks passed over them, blowing the tanks apart with a satisfying boom, followed by a secondary plasma explosion from the tanks small plasma reactors. Blue team streaked across the room, their speed matched by nothing except the plasma thrown their way. Covenant troops clustered by the shells remaining of the Wraiths wondering what had happened, making a clean escape easy.

Blue team rejoined Green team and took the back door out. They sprinted through the thick underbrush, snapping vines and brush like so many strands of rotten string. the Spartans reached the ridge that separated them from Fire Base Bravo. A beeper went off as the timer hit zero. A boom echoed through the valley and the horizon glowed bright white as the HAVOC went off. They jumped off the other side of the ridge and froze. Their EMP sensors overloaded and their shields went dead. After five seconds their power systems booted up and their armor became weightless again. By the time their visors flickered on the horizon had changed, not much remained. The ten meter thick ridge was reduced to little more then a pile of sediment and stone, and where the alien base had been was nothing but a scattered assortment of purple junk.

-Omega Chief
