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Fan Fiction

Halo: The Ark by Fatboytt

Halo: The Ark
Date: 16 April 2005, 9:51 AM

Note: This will be a very long series.
It was 15 Human years after the events of Halo 2. The then Arbiter has replaced the previous Spec-Ops Commander when he had died fighting the Covenant (which was comprised of the Prophets, Drones, and the Jackals) fleet 14 years ago. Master Chief, John 117 was then placed in a Cyro tank to be preserved. The UNSC and the Elites, Hunters, and Grunts had partnered to take out the Covenant fleet 15 years ago, and their mission at that time was to safeguard The Ark and the location of the five remaining rings from the Covenant. That was, until it happened.

Chapter 1
       "Chief? You alright? I'm sorry about the quick thaw, but I'm afraid there's a problem."
       Master Chief blinked a few times. Where was he? Then, he remembered. After he saw the Covenant run off into slipspace, he was placed in a cyro tank "in case of emergency", as Sarge put it. A Captain was staring at him. Master Chief saluted as he stared at the insignia on the Captain's dress uniform. Captain Fatboytt. After they went through the diagnostics, John went for a briefing.
       It turned out that a Covenant dropship, albeit a crashed one, had been found near Installation 08. UNSC sent a scout ship, the Auron to investigate, but there were no transmissions from it when it reached the ring. Now John would be sent, along with the Specs-Ops commander. John would take charge of the Marines, while the Spec-Ops Commander would take charge of the rest.

       Some scientists helped John wear his new SLC10 armour, which was envied even by the Elites. SLC10 meant Sentinel Level Class 10. His previous armour was just Class 3.
       He then boarded the destroyer Inquistis, with the Captain he saw just now commanding it.
       The slipspace jump was rather smooth. On the way there, John had a talk with the Spec-Ops Commander, whose name, as he found out 15 years ago, was Orna 'Fulsamee.
       "Nice armour, 117. You'll need it." Orna 'Fulsamee told the Master Chief. He nodded in a silent reply.
       The Master Chief took a long look at the holographic display along the wall of the meeting room. The topography of the LZ for the Pelican to land was complicated. There was a lot of cover available. However, the Chief doubted that his Marines could survive long in those hostile conditions.

       "Come. It is time to go." Turning around, the Chief picked up a Battle Rifle, with a Fuel Rod Gun as a secondary weapon. He was going in heavy. He then boarded the Pelican code-named "Foehammer 429", a sort of tribute to the pilot who had helped him a lot during the Halo incident.
       John checked the atmosphere. Most of the Halos' atmosphere was breathable, but you couldn't be too careful. All gas levels were normal. "...scanning for Flood DNA signatures..."After his previous encounter with the Flood, John didn't feel like walking into one anytime soon. His new armour was incredibly advanced. There was still a need for recon missions though, his training made that fact clear, "Machines break. Eyes don't".
       John soon saw where the LZ was with his eyes. It didn't look that bad, though there were many trees around it, which the enemy could use. There were also traces of radioactive plasma which his suit had detected. Signs of The Covenant?

       BOOM. The Pelican rocked violently.
       "Status report!" yelled John.
       "Shields down to forty-percent Sir! One more hit and we might not make it!"
       "All abandon ship!"
       As John and the Spec-Ops commander readied to jump, John shouldered the Fuel Rod Gun while 'Fulsamee drew his Energy Sword. All jumped off the Pelican as it exploded from a Charged Particle shot from John's 11 o' clock position. John flipped in mid-air towards whatever that shot that and at the same time, programmed his suit to release the parachute at 900 metres from the ground.

       It was a bigger, more powerful version of the Phantom. One with a Charged Particle cannon instead of plasma turrets. John aimed carefully at the cannon and fired a whole clip of fuel rods at it. It was already charging when the fuel rods hit it. All this sent the Phantom into overload. As it blew up, John's parachute deployed.
       'Fulsamee and his platoon landed first, without the need for parachutes. The anti-gravity suits they had was enough. Almost instantly, 2 Grunts were killed. The clearing they had landed in made them clear targets for jackal snipers. He switched on his Active Camo and ran to the trees where he would get cover. John, as he was still parachuting, turned on his Active Camo too. He then cut off his parachute, being only 50 metres to ground. No need to make himself a more obvious target with the parachute.

       The snipers were easy to spot. 'Fulsamee sliced the tree that the Jackals were on with his Energy Sword. It crashed to the ground and two positively terrified Jackals came out of it. Just looking at the white-armoured Elite standing over them, wielding a Energy Sword, was enough to knock them out.
       "They were fools to remain with the Prophets whose wishes are to kill us all..." 'Fulsamee left the unconscious bodies to the Grunts.

       'Fulsamee slid his back against the wall as he edged along the side of the cliff, attempting to move slowly along the wall to avoid being seen by snipers. His Energy Sword hanging on his gravity belt, 'Fulsamee peered around the corner, and almost instantly drew his head back in. A gang of Brutes, 15-strong, waited around the corner. 'Fulsamee couldn't handle that many with just an Energy Sword or indeed with any weapons he was carrying at that time. He would have to wait for 117 to arrive before he took on those Brutes.
       'Fulsamee felt a sudden tap on his back. He spun around, expecting an enemy. It was just 117. With a whole score of Marines.

       The first few Brutes never saw their assailants as their crumpled bodies dropped to the ground. The remaining Brutes roared in anger and charged as a group at John and 'Fulsamee. There was a look of surprise on their face when the ground under them exploded suddenly. A Brute, with his dying breath, saw John's weapon. A SPNKr. One scavenged from the downed Pelican.
       John felt uneasy. They had landed not far by the Library where the Index and other things were. Also, his inbuilt AI, who knew Cortana, had picked up a few key words on the Covenant battlenet. Words that worried him. He motioned to 'Fulsamee to destroy all bodies. He nodded and went off. MC drew his secondary close-quarters combat weapon, the Titanium Grade A Synthetic Diamond-Covered sword, a.k.a. the WHCKr among marines, which grip was made specially for a Spartan. It could deflect plasma shots, thanks to its reflective diamond coating. Meanwhile...

       Lracktanus sniffed the air. Not much. He growled. He had been promoted to a Minor Chieftain after single-handedly slaughtering the traitors who had survived the crash landing of their dropship, which he had heard them called a "Bumblebee", which came from a ship called the "Auron" apparently. Not that he cared. The other Brutes had to submit to him now...
       Lracktanus was young and ambitious, and set off towards a explosion he heard in the forest. He would not allow other Brutes to get there first. As he sneaked along a rock wall, Lracktanus suddenly felt a dull pain in his chest. He looked down to find a glistening sword through his chest.

       The Chief pulled out his sword from the Brute's chest, and it fell to ground with a sickening thump. It was a clean backstab. He sent a transmission to Fulsamee.
       "Leader of Brute Ground forces eliminated. What's your status? Over."
       "I've found something that might be of interest. I need reinforcements. What the-" Static was all that was left of the radio transmission.
       Master Chief abandoned the body beside him and ran towards Fulsamee's location.
       Master Chief walked near the co-ordinates. A giant struture loomed in front of him.
       The Library.

       "Oh...," Master Chief muttered. Why did Fulsamee have to come to such an accursed place?
       His suit was going mad, from all the Flood lifesigns present in the struture. He held his sword at the strike position, and went towards the entrance.
       Fearing the worst, he opened the security lock. The entrace slid open to reveal...Blackness. Blackness resembling the inky darkness of space.
       MC turned on his flashlight. He walked in. Suddenly, there was a jolt on the back of his neck and as darkness fell round his eyes, MC thought, "It can't be... Gra-"
