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Fan Fiction

Halo: Sgt.Johnson's war by Sgt.Johnson

Halo:Sgt.Johnson's War Chapter 1:Earth
Date: 29 January 2004, 3:34 AM


The pelican drop ships flew through the smoke and flames that streaked across the sky. Master Chief, John Spartan -117 sat toward the rear of the ship looking out over the city he was in disbelief that the covenant found earth under his face mask he grit his teeth. The city was burning if they didn't stop the aliens billions would die; the aliens had landed on every continent with one goal the destruction of the human race. Next to John sat a marine in his early 30s his name was Sgt. A.J. Johnson a hardened combat veteran, Johnson sat looking at the marines he was to command most of them weren't older than 17 just kids and the fate of the human race was in their hands he then stood up the tall tough black man looked over his troops once more and said "listen up people those bugs found earth, but we won't give them the chance to take earth" he paused as the ship hit an air pocket causing it to shift "what we will give them is a belly full of lead and a pool of their own blood to drown in! Am I right marines!?"

"SIR YES SIR!" the marines replied they were all ready to take the fight to the enemy
"You bet I am!" Johnson replied
" Here we go!' the pilot said, "LZ looks hot get ready to come out fightin'!"

The Marines jumped out of the pelican ran toward the aliens that were out along the street firing at them the alien blood spraying out of them, the grunts fired plasma pistols and needelers at the marines one marine fell blood coming from his arm, even though he was hurt bad he grit his teeth unholstered a pistol and fired at the grunt that hit him. The alien was hit dead in the face it fell twitched and died. The smoke cleared and bloody bodies came into view John kicked one of the aliens an Elite (a nine foot tall creature it looked a little like a human but it was uglier) in the head to make sure it was dead.

A marine private Juan "Johnny" Mendoza jumped into a warthog the UNSC's primary fighting vehicle "I could use a gunner sir" he said in his slight Spanish accent
Master chief jumped onto the back of the warthog and Sergeant Johnson got into the passenger seat and the 'hog started up and began to move

"Mendoza!" Johnson said, "I need you to go the 7th avenue it's about a 2 miles away I need to see something"

"Roger Sarge" Mendoza replied and they headed there, when they got there A.J. saw a horrible sight his house burning blown to the ground he looked at this and couldn't believe it, but he then heard a faint voice say "A.J." Johnson looked down and in the ruble was his wife

"Oh my god" he said he knelt down and tried to move a large rock but he couldn't, Master Chief Jumped off and helped him. A.J.'s wife had blood all over her Johnson saw this and knew she wouldn't make it she said to him "A.J....I......lov....love...you..."
She died there Johnson stood up clenching his assault rifle with white knuckles

"She'll be okay Sarge" Mendoza said but he knew it wasn't the truth, at this moment A.J. Looked up and saw an Elite looking at him it laughed at A.J.. This made him made and he fired bullets tore thought the air into the elite's arm splattering purple gore on the wall behind the elite, the elite then ran away "YOU BETTER RUN!" A.J. screamed as he still fired "ok he said as he turned to Mendoza and The Master Chief "let's get back to the others"

"You Okay Sarge?" Master Chief said

"Yeah I'm okay" he said, "let's just get outta here" and they all got back into the warthog and drove off toward the landing zone were the other Marines were. At that moment Sergeant A.J.Johnson vowed revenge on the covenant.

Meanwhile on the other side of the city Lieutenant Melissa McKay stood in the back of her drop ship as it descended she was platoon leader of the ODST troopers or Orbital Drop Shock Troops next to the Spartans they were the nest in the UNSC and she knew her soldiers were ready, they had fought the covenant and won before and they were ready to do it again. "Okay lets go guys" she said as they piled out and moved cautiously down the street a young Corporal named Adrian Shepard was a squad leader for the ODSTs
Moved up to an area that used to be a highway over pass he looked down and saw four huge aliens standing around an old building he looked at them out couldn't make them out "hey el-tee!" Shepard said and McKay ran up to him.

"What is it corporal?" McKay said
"Look at this" Shepard said "hey Eddie!" He said, "Get up here with your sniper rifle!"
Then another Marine with a sniper rifle ran up to him and he looked through the scope
"Man" McKay said as she got on her radio "This is fire team Zulu were gonna need backup about a mile away from the city center

"Roger that fire team Zulu we're on our way" the voice of Master Chief's AI Cortana Said. a few minutes later a convoy of warthogs and tanks arrived "Lieutenant McKay?"
Master Chief said, "You dial 911?"

"Yeah thanks for coming guys look at this," she said as she handed Sgt.Johnson a pair of binoculars"
"Whoa" Johnson said "the covies seem to have an interest in that building"
"Yeah Master Chief said, "I'll call the rest of the Spartans and we'll find out what they want in there"
"Okay Chief" McKay said we're ready.

Halo:Sgt.Johnson's War Chapter 2:revenge
Date: 31 January 2004, 4:28 AM

"This is dropship bravo 302 clear the LZ were coming in" a voice on the radio said
"Roger that" McKay replied as the ship landed. Once the dropship was on the ground the Spartans came out 10 of them out of the 40 remaining
"Hey Chief!" Will one of the other Spartans said " good to see you again"
"What's the situation?" Kelly another Spartan chimed in
"Well we have a big problem on our hands, well make that four big problems take a look up here" Sergeant Johnson said as he lead the Spartans to the end of the bridge "look down there" he said and the Spartans looked down at the four huge aliens that were standing.
"Whoa.... look at that" Will said what are those things?"
I don't know but let's go introduce our selves" Mendoza said
"Yeah im for that" another Marine said
"Okay let's roll" McKay said as everyone took their positions
"Okay guys and gals here we go, on the count of three" Master Chief said as he raised his assault rifle "one, two, THREE!" hundreds of bullets streaked through the air and cut into the huge beasts whose green blood spattered on the ground and walls around them but they didn't fall. One of the creatures fired it's fuel rod gun at the marines, one marine was blown to pieces as he took a direct hit a troop next to him got his right arm blown off, but these were the toughest troopers in the UNSC so he just grabbed a pistol with his left hand and continued firing. Finally one of the aliens now know as brutes fell to the ground but he was replaced by an army of grunts and elites who fired almost every weapon the covenant had at the soldiers. The brutal firefight lasted another 20 minutes, when it was finally over 12 out of the 50 marines there were KIA and four were WIA. Despite this they moved on toward the building, Shepard placed a breeching charge on the door and yelled

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" and the door blew in the marines grouped around the door and ran in the building used to be a basketball court but now it was being used as a covenant base 3 black armored Elites stood at the door leading to the court, this is when John got suspiosus he thought why would the covenant have so much security on this building? They were about to find out.

"Cortana" Chief said "get me a reading on what's on the other side if this door
"Okay Chief" Cortana replied, "all im reading is something huge and it's not native to Earth"
"Okay thanks" Master Chief replied, "lets go find out what it is"
The second door was blown open and the troopers rushed in clearing the sides of the room. It was a huge open room were the arena of the court had been two green armored elites something none of them had ever seen before stood on either side of a huge alien sitting on a huge thrown
"Hostiles!" Eddie yelled and bursts of gunfire erupted cutting the elites down

"Don't shoot the huge thing!" Cortana yelled over the radio
"What is that Cortana?" Shepard said as he still aimed at it
"It's a prophet one of the covenant's religious leaders"
"ho-lee crap" Will added, "If we can capture this thing we could find out were their homeworld is and take the fight to them"
"Yeah" Chief said "and that's just what we're gonna do, quick tie that thing up and we'll drag it outta here"
"With pleasure" a marine named Pvt. Fitzgerald said and he and a few others tied it up
"This is fire team Zulu we are requesting extraction," McKay said over her radio
"Roger That this is pelican Echo 419 inbound"
"Hey thanks Foehammer!" a marine said
"No problem" the pilot said "ETA is 5 mikes be ready."

Five minutes later the Marines were tying their catch of the day from the bottom of Foehammer's Pelican
"Okay we're all on board" McKay said
"Punch it!!" master chief said to the pilot
"Aye aye sir" Foehammer responded "we'll be at the base in 20 mikes hold on back there" and the radio switched off they felt same but they weren't out of the woods yet.

Suddenly several covenant fighters called banshees came out if the sky

"We've got company!" Mendoza said

"I know but I can't shake them!" Foehammer yelled. The banshees got into a v formation and locked on they were about to fire when the lead banshee exploded a squadron of hammerhead fighters swooped out of the sky firing misslels and rockets and the alien craft

"This is Wildcard one Listener Nathan West of the 58th fighter squadron we thought you coul use a hand seeing as how your carrying that heavy load" one of the fighter pilots said as he waved at Foehammer using his fighter's wings

'Thanks for the save wildcards" foehammer said "when we land im gonna buy you all a round of beers"

"Alright!" another pilot said "I'm up for that let's get back to the base" and all the aircraft headed for the makeshift airbase that used to be this city's airport
