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Fan Fiction

Halo: Final Fight by Brandon Fowler

Halo: Covenant Phantom [Chapter seven]
Date: 16 March 2008, 8:14 pm

0647 hours, November 21 2554 (Military Calendar) / Epsilon Eridani System, Planet Onyx, Location: Unknown

John ran through the oddly shaped doors, as the Brutes trailed behind. He asked Cortana to scan for a way out. "I'll see what I can do" she replied. There was a long pause as the Chief came to a dead end in the hallway. "Chief, I- Cortana was interrupted by R'tas Vudanmme'. His voice appeared on the COM channel. " Spartan, the flood have reached Earth." Vudanmme said as he rapidly began to speak again " Remember High Charity?"
The Chief paused and thought about the memories of that reched covenant vessel. And then replied " Yes what about it?" " Apparently Gravemind survived the explosion of High Charity and he also survived the detonaton of halo". Static appeared on the COM channel… Vudanmme was cut off.

Cortana began to speak again. " Chief I found a way out" John ignored her he was still thinking of Gravemind, and the flood, how could the flood of made it to Earth. "Chief!" an irritated voice of Cortana came up " What about the brutes".

One of the brute Captain's came into the large room. "There it is!" he screamed to the rest of the squad "The Demon, get him!" said another brute, as the Chief took cover behind a pole. "Now what?" asked the chief in a awkwardly calm voice " Try your gr-"
Cortana's voice was cut off by the sound of the Brute Chieften destroying the pole the Chief was crouched behind. John ducked and the ran to the other side of the room to another pole "I got a way out" said Cortana eagerly " I'll give the directions but now just get past the brutes"

The chief had no time to think he threw a grenade a the group of brutes surrounding the door. The grenade killed four brutes and left 3 armor less. The chief ran past all three out to the hall "Go left" said Cortana " Now right". "Where are the brutes" asked the chief . "We lost them…for now" "Take another right" said Cortana " And another" The Chief hit another dead end. " Now where?" asked the chief this time a little more irritable " That's impossible" replied Cortana anrily. The chief shot the wall with a few rounds with his MA5B and then noticed there was a door with a control panel planted on it. He brushed off the dust and typed in the code Cortana gave him 557663900. The door hissed open and the chief ran outside into the cold snowy ground.

The Chief was relieved it seemed so long since the last time he got some fresh air, but this only lasted for a few seconds "Spartan?...Spartan? Do you read me?" "I read you Ship Master" replied the Chief. "I thought I lost you Spartan" "Where are you?" Vudanmme asked "Are you still on Onyx?" " Yes" replied John "Cortana where exactly are we" asked John "Well I don't know for sure" Cortana said "I'll send my ship looking for you stay where you are" "Roger" replied the Chief.


"How far are we from Onyx?" asked Vudanmme "About 2000 miles" replied an Elite. "Damn!" Vudanmme said while smashing his fist on the arm rest of his chair. "We'll never make there in time" Vudanmme click a button on his chair. A COM channel appeared. "Spartan, Cortana, we're about to jump into slip space. It should take about eleven hours to get to you" "I am sorry, I will see if I can get there faster" Vudanmme said "I understand" Cortana replied. The Chief clicked off the COM channel and waited.


The Chief got up from the ground "How much longer until the shipmaster can get here?" "Its been about 3 hours" replied Cortana "You should probably check this place out…and remember those brutes are still out there" John acknowledged. He walked around the large triangular monument in front of him. He asked Cortana for the exact time left until the Shipmaster picks them up. He then set up the time on the HUD: 7 hours 36 minutes. The Chief looked up in the sky. He saw something… It was R'tas Vudanmme.

"Spartan is that you?" asked Vudanmme "Shipmaster behind you!" braked the chief. A covenant ship was flying behind them and shot The Shadow of Intent down.
"Shipmaster?" screamed Cortana on the COM channel "Shipmaster?" The Chief ran to examine the ship. He crawled inside and saw the body of a few Elites but there was no sign of the Shipmaster.
