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Fan Fiction

Halo: Attack of the Banshees by Super Beast

Halo: Attack of the Banshees Part 1
Date: 21 June 2003, 4:57 PM

Halo: Attack of the Banshees Part 1

Somewhere on earth.....

"....... Echo 419 this is assault team Alpha Tango over...."Blasted the radio. "We have visual on the covenant fleet they are heading to Sector Charlie Zero Niner Four requesting permission to tail them over"

"Affirmative, follow the fleet until the recon point then pull back over and out," replied the communications chief director. They were about to destroy the covenant fleet before they penetrated their perimeters. This was also the notorious fleet that had destroyed Sector Whiskey Zulu Lima 3 years ago. It was supposed to be a state-of-the-art base with hi tech equipment and monitoring devices that could pin point exact location of a covenant soldier hundreds of miles away. Too bad it was demolished in an ambush. At the build site, the team of engineers were about to activate the self defense EMP cannon that could disable any covenant vehicle in a 10 mile radius. But they never succeeded.

It turned out that some one had planted a bomb to the generators of the building. As soon as the generator to the EMP cannon activated, the whole place blew like an atomic bomb. Not it was time for revenge, the human fleet Delta Echo Papa Niner Niner One had set up a decoy extraction point for Master Chief and sent a mole to the covenant fleet to deliver the plan. Of course as predicted the fleet killed the "mole" after they got the plan from him and was now proceeding to the extraction point. Master Chief, also known as M.C, was well aware of this and was well prepared to handle this situation. He had back up with him positioned on the hills above and snipers hidden in cloaks in the bushes nearby.

"M.C, the covenant fleet is headed your way from sector Charlie Zero Niner Four. We advise you to get ready; they appear well armed with Ghosts, Wraiths, and Banshees. Be careful.... You're humanities last hope, over and out."

Master Chief grabbed his assault riffle and tightened his grip on the handle. He was ready to do this.

"Ok group lets give M.C as much cover fire as possible. If he gets a bullet in him I will personally deliver all of you to the covenant army," Captain Keys warned his men. He was a very demanding man, yet very protective of his men.
The covenant fleet was a hundred yards away from Master Chief when it stopped. Their banshees flew over him as if scanning the area. They were about a few yards away from the barrage of the human fleet when Capt. Keys gave the order that was heard through out all human radios.


After that command, all the tanks locked on to their banshee targets and fired. BOOM BANG BOOM! After the choking smoke had cleared, the captain saw that the fleets banshee had all been destroyed, all but one. The remaining one was shot by an armor penetrating bullet that went through the banshee and killed the pilot, leaving that banshee to fall back to earth with a few repairable damage.

"BAW WOFF DOA," screamed the elite in charge of the fleet. That must have been an order to attack because the covenant fleet moved towards Master Chief and fired. Capt. Keys didn't even have to give the order to attack when the assault team Alpha Tango, that was tailing the covenant fleet, attacked from behind the covenants. Their warthog's gun turret shredded the ground troops and Ghost team to bits. The ones the missed were taken care of the warthogs massive tires. But it turned out that the covenants ground troops weren't as helpless, they brought their rocket launchers and fired at the assault team blowing a few away and killing its men. But the human fleet had a few surprises of their own; their tanks showered the battle field with their shells until they were all out. Then it was the snipers turn, they locked on their targets and pulled the trigger instantly killing them. In that brief second of the snipers shooting, their cloaks wore off for a second. But that was long enough for the covenants to see them. They charged up their Wraiths Ion Cannon and fired at the snipers. They didn't have a chance; the Ion Cannon vaporized the snipers instantly. Master Chief couldn't handle it any more; he coked up his assault riffle and fired at the covenants in rage. He hopped into one of the warthogs from assault team Alpha Tango and charged at the covenants foot troops. SPLAT SPLAT SMASH! The covenant soldiers smacked like bugs on a wind shield on the warthog.

Then Master Chief went after the commander of the fleet. The commander elite was in a drop ship when he saw Master Chief approaching him. He ordered the pilot of the drop ship to fire at Master Chief, and so he did, only to miss. Master Chief pulled up along side of the drop ship, grabbed hold of the closing door and climbed his way inside. He was in a long hallway that was leading to a strange room. Cautiously, he made his way into the room to find that it was the bridge and that the covenant fleets commander was there. But he did not know that Master Chief was on board the ship.

"Well who is this ugly thing?" he asked out loud aiming his riffle at the elite.

"WAA BA WA!" the elite said in shock. Obviously he was shocked to find Master Chief behind him.

"I don't comprehend your gay language but I can tell u something that you will understand, Hippie Kai Yea motha fucker!" and after that mature verse, the emptied his entire clip into the elites head. The elite didn't know what was going on at first but then slowly his senses kicked in and couldn't even scream because of the pain. Then Master Chief pulled the pin on his grenades and threw them around the bridge. Before they exploded, he smashed the window and jumped out. When he hit the ground, his shields were taken out but he was ok. He stood up to see the covenant drop ship crashing to the ground with a trail of smoke following it.

"You did it Master Chief, we defeated the entire fleet." came a voice over the radio that was sure to be Capt. Keys.

"Tell me captain, did we get the banshee?" asked Master Chief.

"Yes sir we did, one of them was hit by an armor piercing bullet that killed the pilot, but the banshee is repairable." Capt. Keys replied.

"Good, then let's get to work duplicating it."

Their plan was to duplicate the banshee to a massive amount in a factory in sector Tango Whiskey Mike Eight Two to attack the main covenant army, or so they thought. Then 2 years later, the first thousand were produced. The incident occurred when one of them were being tested.


Halo:Attack of the Banshees Part 2
Date: 26 June 2003, 4:29 PM


(In the prototype test facility on Earth...)
"H.Q this is Mike Niner Niner Zero I'm having some trouble with this aircraft. It seems I'm no longer in control over." And that's where the trouble began.
"The controls have malfunctioned and I have lost all controls. The aircraft seems to be flying on its own. It won't let me eject. I'm trapped, requesting help over." That was pilot Gonzales over the radio in distress.
"Roger Mike Niner Niner Zero, we are looking into the situation now. Keep talking to us son." Replied H.Q

(Meanwhile in H.Q...)
"Get the engineers working on this problem tell them to examine the recovered Banshee and scan it thoroughly for any foreign objects. If there's a nail out of place follow the protocol and destroy every one of them!" ordered Capt. Keys to the engineers. He was furious that the prototype model was not working properly. His plan was about to go corrupt because he didn't give the order to scan it before cloning it. And now if anything went wrong, he would not only lose his job but would be held responsible for the death of thousands. He had to fix things before they got out of hand.
"Sir, the Banshee is coming straight at us." It was the navigation director; he had the Banshee on radar headed straight for them.
"Sir if we don't evacuate now the Banshee will crash into us and destroy this base."
"Don't we have any missiles in this base or something?" Insisted Capt. Keys.
"No sir this base was specifically built for TOP SECRET projects and if we had weaponry in hear we could be detected in a heart beat. Remember, the government doesn't know the existence of this base."
"OK, give the order to evacuate immediately!" You could see the fear in the captain's eyes as he gave the order. He had already lost one base that he was going to be in command of; he didn't want to lose one that he was in command of.
He and his men ran as fast as they could through the narrow hallways. The key to not getting detected in a TOP SECRET base was to make it as small as possible and have a radar jamming device to not get detected.

"Everybody out of the lab the base is going to blow!" The captain yelled to all the scientists and engineers in the lab. They all hurried out the door towards the exit.
"How much time do we have commander?" asked Capt. Keys.
"Approximately 15 seconds sir." He replied abruptly.
They were 2 15 feet long hallways away from the exit. It was like a stampede of men in that hallway. It was their only was to safety.

"10 seconds," said the commander in panic.
"9, 8, 7, 6, 5," he was counting down the time till they all die of live. Only 5 seconds were left till the Banshee crashed into the building killing them if they weren't out by then. They were now only the corner away from the exit.

"4, were not gonna make it sir!" he yelled to Capt. Keys.
There were two seconds left until they all died. They were a few feet away from the door but Capt. Keys was the last person in the stampede. Three seconds left and the first few hundred workers were out of the building. Two seconds left and three fourths were out and a safe distance away. But Capt. Keys was still inside.

BOOM! The building had exploded with Capt. Keys and a few hundred of his men still inside.

"Sir Capt. Keys is dead, again!" screamed one of the commandoes.
"Don't worry if one of his cells is still alive, we could clone it and he will be back, like what we did when he was infected by the flood." replied another.

All the survivors got into the Warthogs and drove off to the base in sector Lima Mike Whiskey. They had just left when one of the commandoes spotted something.

"Hey look at that, it looks like a swarm of birds," he looked through his binoculars and saw a swarm of Banshees coming towards them.

"It's the Banshees; they weren't destroyed in the explosion! They're following us, come on man floor it!" he said to the driver in panic. You could see the terror in his eyes as he said it too. Every one looked back to see the banshees coming and that they had started to fire at them.

"Who the hell is piloting them?"

"They have artificial intelligence, the covenant troops must have upgraded them to fly in combat without the use of additional troops. They were specifically designed to attack humans, so now they a attacking us," replied one of the scientists.

"Oh great, we'll have to fight them without M.C!" yelled one of the other commandoes.

(The Flintstones theme song melody)
Meet the Spartan,
He is a lonely hi-tech man hating covies.
From the, world of Halo,
He is a script right out of some sifi-movie.
Let's fight,
With the Spartan, to kill the alien covies.
When you're with the Spartan
We'll have a big bang boom,
We'll have a big bang boom,
We'll have a big bang boom time.
Some day,
Maybe he will, kill the
Food nipple sucking covies
When you're with the Spartan
We'll have a big bang boom,
We'll have a big bang boom,
We'll have a big bang boom time.
The commandoes were afraid, they had never fought a battle with just Banshees, and not just a few but more than a thousand of them attacking at once. They loaded up their guns and got ready for battle. One of the commandoes from each of the Warthogs got into the gunner seat and loaded it up for additional firepower. They were ready now, they were ready to fight and die. They were all in fear of the astounding number of the Banshees. They were coming in fast and WOOSH WOOSH, the first few flew past them with great speed they were getting ready for a dive bomb on the humans. They pulled up after getting ahead of the Warthogs and kept going up.

"Alright men, get ready, when they come back down again fire away! We might all die but I want you to remember, you guys are the few, the proud, and the brave. You guys are the only marines that can save the Earth along with M.C, so fight well."

They all rapped their fingers around their guns and aimed at the Banshees that were starting to come down.

"Wait for it, wait for it, and wait for it, FIRE!"

All the marines pulled the triggers on their guns and the bullets sprayed out like water from sprinklers, only faster and more lethal. They shot up at the Banshees like see gulls do at food. They tore through the Banshees armor damaging its systems and disabling it. But that was only the first out of thousands. The others came in faster and changed courses, as if they had learned the mistake of the first Banshee that got shot down. They banked a hard left and started to shoot at the last Warthog in the formation. The gunner of the Warthog unleashed the fury of the anti-air grappling gun which tore through the Banshees armor like a pencil through tissue paper. The Banshee crashed to the ground with a big boom nearly flipping over the Warthog. The gunner fell out of the Hog to the ground. One of the Banshees saw him and ran straight into him. The others continued the attack on the other Warthogs. But the marines had a surprise of their own, Plasma Grenades! They threw them at the Banshees and watched them blow. But the Banshees quickly learned from the others mistakes. If they got stuck with a plasma grenade, they would get as close to a warthog as possible so that when the grenade explodes, the marines would die also. They were getting smarter but the minute.

"Sir I'm calling for back up," said one of the marines

"This distress goes out to all marine bases in sector Lima Mike Whiskey, this is marine Kenny McCormick, we are sustaining heavy fire from the covenant Banshees, requesting back over. If anyone can hear me we are sustaining heavy fire requesting backup over! Why don't you answer?!?!?"

At that moment, a charged cannon from one of the banshees hit the communication Warthog, killing everyone, including the communication specialist Kenny.

"Oh my god, you killed Kenny! You bastards!" one of Kenny friends said as he fired at the Banshees. The Warthog squad was doomed. If someone didn't help them in time, they would all die.

